Dating someone younger than you

At my age (42), I wouldn't seriously date a guy in his 20s. He could be my boy-toy. 10 years younger would be my limit. I ain't trying to be the next Terri McMillan.
I'm 23 and never dated anybody younger than me or the same age as me. They always seemed to be immature or not ready to commit. They have alot to learn and go through in the 20s before they are ready to settle down. My husband is 14 yreas older than me and we have lots of fun together.
My friend is 25 and her boyfriend is 21. And age is a problem for them. He is in grad school and his parents worry that she wants to get married soon and they don't want her distracting him since he isn't prepared for that yet. And he also has a bestfriend who can't respect their relationship because he is not in one so he feels the need to be around the guy all the time. Sshe says she feels like he is dating both of them(funny).
ahh boyfriend is younger than i am
there are a few issues ... with him and me! lol
I'm not perfect nor is he ...
in the begining it was fun and silly ... but ,it started getting deep and scary ... love hit us like a ton of bricks ....
we work on our realtionship now .. and for the most part it is great ... he is the love of my life ..
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I like someone older, but do can tell his character and know if you're down or not, if hes a little silly sometimes, arent we all?...just dont become no sugar mama. If hes legit, do it bublin lol