"men Dont Love Women Like You"

A Spartan is the prize, therefore, the man becomes the one in the hot seat, trying to figure out how to make you laugh, make you listen, keep your attention, and earn another date. Why should he get access to your Friday night? Why should he get the pleasure of spending hours talking to you over dinner? What makes this man worthy of you putting on your heels and leaving the house?


You better say that ****!
I haven't been on the forum in a minute. I read BGAE and I have read ho tactics.(That 7.99 turned into $500) However, can I chime in and say that I disagree with the author on one thing? I don't think that a guy not wanting to settle down with you is just because your basic or your typical. I think it has to do with timing. A guy may want to marry a woman based on his maturity level and where he is in his life. He may even realize how good a girl was when it's to late. There are men that have left their wives for other women and have regretted it. Would you say that their ex-wives were basic and thats why they got left? I could give you so many examples. I'm a fan of BGAE, but remember the author is still young and has a lot more living to do. Read with discretion. Self-improvement is good but its not healthy to internalize every thing you read.
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Selflessness and servitude are hustles.............

Selfishness is your savior. Put yourself first!
Be kind, be there to help, be there to listen. Do all the things that a good friend does. But never sacrifice your own well-being for their approval or benefit.

Remember this is your story. If you feel as if your relationship between you and another person is not balanced or isn't benefiting your experience of life, let that ***** go! Don't feel bad, don't feel guilty. They are just a ******* supporting character like Aunt Viv on the Fresh Prince. Another one will pop up after you fire that one, to take that role in your life.

The universe will bring in people to advance your story and also remove those that no longer grow you.

I just read a very sweet and sense-making version of exactly this in "The Mastery of Love."
I haven't been on the forum in a minute. I read BGAE and I have read ho tactics.(That 7.99 turned into $500) However, can I chime in and say that I disagree with the author on one thing? I don't think that a guy not wanting to settle down with you is just because your basic or your typical. I think it has to do with timing. A guy may want to marry a woman based on his maturity level and where he is in his life. He may even realize how good a girl was when it's to late. There are men that have left their wives for other women and have regretted it. Would you say that their ex-wives were basic and thats why they got left? I could give you so many examples. I'm a fan of BGAE, but remember the author is still young and has a lot more living to do. Read with discretion. self-improvement is good but its not healthy to internalize every thing you read

There's a myriad of reasons why men don't settle down. These are HIS reasons.
We're all adults......and wouldn't walk into a wall because someone said that this would get us a man.

Have you read the book?
This was my exact thought reading that first section. Society has done a number on women and alot of us aren't equipped to deal with the nuances of life and relationships! I can say for me I was taught to think of others first, be kind to others, turn the other cheek and have others' best interest at heart. To not do so was to be called selfish. That stops with me now! I cannot sit by and not equip my daughter properly. I would have failed her miserably.
Time for me to Spartan up as it will not matter what I say to her if I'm not living it. Children do what we do and not what we say.

:yep: I was raised exactly the same way, and since men aren't, often I am not winning. Ready to change that. Like, completely. Not in anger, but in purpose and focus and self-care. And strength!

I'm already re-reading Mastery of Love very slowly right now. Should I get this audible? And . . . Yes, ladies. Read with discernment. Plan to chew the meat and spit out the bones. Know that EVERY human source creates work that you must treat that way! Nothing is gospel. Discussion with wise or thoughtful folks usually helps me maintain healthy skepticism while mulling things over toward the end of growing from it.
What in the entire ****. I was like I don't need anything else to read or listen to. But m'am, Ms. @ChasingBliss, this right here is the ****. I downloaded the audible version cuz I already have too much to read.

I'm was so surprised to read this. I didn't even know you could cuss.:lachen:

In my head, you're like Claire Huxtable so you'd just give the eyebrow when you're displeased.
Hey y'all I am reading an excellent book. Before I name the title, please, please, please do not be put off by it. It's an excellent read (if you can tolerate the language. The message is PRICELESS. It's called "Men Dont Love Women Like You" by G.L. Lambert. He's guy from the BGAE site. I am married and reading it just because.... This book is excellent for any women who is going through it in regards to dating and not finding the right guy. He speaks to you to empower yourself and recognize GAME. Please look it up.
I have the audio version...but it's in kindle and paperback too. Those who are familiar with this guy and his blog site know exactly what to expect. But again I implore others to take a look.

eta: I made this a new thread in case some didnt see it in the other one.

I can't based on the simple fact that he's black presumably speaking to black women (as that's what his site catered to) but couldn't bother to have at least an ethnic looking woman on the cover. Nope. Cant.
OK I read through the thread :look:
I'll get it if anything I can get a refund
I will write dude and ask why all his books have ww on the front

Ugh I really need to find women my age willing to level up vs meeting ain't ish negros in the club. Maybe I should start a meetup lol

Personally I feel my 'lack of man' issues stem from lack of confidence. My self esteem is great but my confidence is affected by my perfectionism. Like I know I'm great but I have a hard time believing that other people think I'm great because I'm not 'x' enough.
@nlamr2013..Spartan Up!

I'm almost half way through the book and my self-confidence at this moment is on 100%!!

The author is ON POINT!!

Forget about what the cover looks like.
Some authors don't pick them per se.

Start reading to change your life!
I got it and am starting chapter 6 today :look: I'm still going to be sending an email about this cover like

But I am enjoying it. It actually lines up with 2 other books I'm reading/rereading. Which tickles me since all 3 writers come from I assume different perspectives. They're at the root saying the same thing.
His site gives me no hope for dating. It's like every dude you meet is trash. Like I give up, I hate games and bs associated with them.

All, is he pessimistic in some sense? One of the Amazon reviewers felt torn down, then built up, then torn down . . . but never provided positive solutions.

Was that reviewer off in her assessment?
All, is he pessimistic in some sense? One of the Amazon reviewers felt torn down, then built up, then torn down . . . but never provided positive solutions.

Was that reviewer off in her assessment?
I wouldn't say pessimistic, he truly teaches you the game as well as encourages women to be the best they can be and love themselves as well as stop settling for men that are not sh!t. But at the same time it's him pretty much telling you all men are trash and there are a few diamonds, but good luck finding those.
His site gives me no hope for dating. It's like every dude you meet is trash. Like I give up, I hate games and bs associated with them.

I gave in an purchased the audible version of this book. I was listening to one chapter with my sister and it just sounded so depressing, as if there's no hope and that you have to play this spartan game FOR LIFE... that sounds tiring.

But I take everything with a grain of salt, not everyone is the same, this includes men and how your experiences with them will be. I do believe the place holder concept, but I have seen the place holder get a ring and to some women that is enough.
I haven't finished reading yet but I understand how it can seem depressing. Reality is a big, hard, nasty pill to swallow. It can make you very uncomfortable. But at one point he says robbers shouldn't rob, but they do, so we lock our doors. We don't get depressed about locking the doors to our houses or cars. Some of us feel good about having a security system on our car and house. We don't whine about it or talk about it endlessly, we just accept reality and are grateful to have safeguards. But our precious hearts and bodies we want to leave open to hurt and abuse? Want to trust that everything will work out fine, God will send the right guy, the Lord will keep us safe. But we don't leave the front door to our house open and trust God to protect us while we sleep. Our lives, hearts, and bodies are far more valuable than a car, a house, or it's furnishings, and yet many of us don't protect them like we should. It is irresponsible, unkind, and naive for me to not protect me.
I gave in an purchased the audible version of this book. I was listening to one chapter with my sister and it just sounded so depressing, as if there's no hope and that you have to play this spartan game FOR LIFE... that sounds tiring.

But I take everything with a grain of salt, not everyone is the same, this includes men and how your experiences with them will be. I do believe the place holder concept, but I have seen the place holder get a ring and to some women that is enough.

I think he's saying, in his opinion, that even married women can be 'placehoders'. No?

I laughed throughout the entire 1st chapter lol. Still liking it!