Do Successful Women Intimidate Men? I'd like your thoughts on this article

A) This didn't start in adulthood. Women have been taught to nurture and support since childhood while men have been taught to compete and win. You're absolutely right, but how do women really feel about constantly being expected to pick up someone else's slack? IME, upbringing aside, most women would prefer that a man meet them half way and reciprocate that consideration and tolerance. Men need to get their acts together, but women can't fault men for not knowing what they aren't told.

B) Consider the source. This article wasn't written by a man, it was written by a women who starts out with wondering why her uber successful friend can't find a man...and trying to understand why. Also true, but there are plenty of men of do have the feelings of which I spoke in my earlier post (and we don't have to look any further than the blogs and YouTube videos posted on this forum to see this).

That being said, it takes a special man to be able to look at his role as a provider beyond financial terms - "How am I provider if she out provides me financially 2:1?" Right again, but if I (as an individual) can look outside of myself and at the bigger picture (and I'm not saying this is always the easiest thing to do), why can't/shouldn't I expect that in my partner? It seems like women give men points for doing things that they (the woman) expect of themselves. Being flexible isn't always easy, but since it's a quality that can only make each us better partners, isn't is something that we should all strive for?
Good points Syrah! My responses are in blue.
Good points Syrah! My responses are in blue.
I have no idea how to quote your blue responses...:perplexed

I don't waste my time on unproductive people - i.e. men with blogs and youtube videos...and I don't respond to those threads either.

And I don't pick up slack. I did once, well...for seven years. But won't do it again. As a woman, I complement - I don't supplement - and I expect to be complemented. You can complement my education with loyalty and support. You can complement my income with stability and humor. But if you don't come to the table expecting to complement, its not going to work - because I don't complement for free anymore. :nono::nono::nono:

At the same time, I don't expect to be supplemented. I want to contribute even in my own little way, and I expect him to want to do the same.
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I have no idea how to quote your blue responses...:perplexed

I don't waste my time on unproductive people - i.e. men with blogs and youtube videos...and I don't respond to those threads either.

And I don't pick up slack. I did once, well...for seven years. But won't do it again. As a woman, I complement - I don't supplement - and I expect to be complemented. You can complement my education with loyalty and support. You can complement my income with stability and humor. But if you come to the table expecting to complement, its not going to work - because I don't complement for free anymore. :nono::nono::nono:

At the same time, I don't expect to be supplemented. I want to contribute even in my own little way, and I expect him to want to do the same.
I agree with this 100%. :up::up: