It is 2013 How many dates have you had?

+1 Club zero. I'm ok here, but I'm not opposed to club hopping a little.
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my date yesterday canceled :bdance: I should be sad but i have a feeling he is a lil coo coo we went out last wed but it was supposed to be sat then sat he canceled and yesterday his dad died :look: not sure if I believe him i think he might be the type to try and get next to you by being a sad puppy dog. po thang don't know I put dogs down

tonight i'm going to dinner and a movie with Coffee and bignets i'm going to tell him i need him to invest in me :look:

tomorrow i'm going out with adventure guy some tasting room wine bar situation

last sat i went to see identity theft with the italian meetball

All ladies in club ZERO there is a meeting in the ladies room. I feel like we need to set up a chat on saturday afternoon or something does that work for ya'll or shall we just keep it here in this thread?

Ladies in Club Zero I had a dinner/movie date last night. Mind you I'm not interested or attracted to this person but he is nice and very smart and I like to hear him talk. So after my date I called a friend and she sd she was hungry and wanted to go to PF Changs.

I arrived before her ON PURPOSE. Men would rather not approach a group. I sat in an empty seat in the middle of the bar and put my purse in a seat to save it. There was a group of 2 men to my left and 1single guy to my right. I purposely sat closer to the man that was alone. My friend arrived and noticed that the single guy kept eyeing me. So we laughed about it and then I looked over and when he looked up I looked away. Now mind you I'm sure he was stalling trying to get up the nerve to talk he got his tab about 5min after I arrived. Then ordered water :giggle: then a glass of wine. Then started playing on his phone. I figured he didn't have the nerve so I randomly tuned to him and said

"Sir why are you eating alone and playing on your phone instead of enjoying a meal with a friend" poor thing was so happy he told me that he is an accountant in town working for a client for the next 3months and that his coworkers are old and no fun so my friend and I put him up on the single spots and he asked for "our" info to keep in touch. Not sure if he will call and really I don't care. I just like to makes perfect and if I end up going on a date then great. He seemed very interested in the rodeo. I suggested that if his client was major in Houston they probably had free passes and that he should ask about them and if he needs someone to join him to feel free to call me. If he calls he calls and if he doesn't he doesn't.

Either way I have a date tonight and one for tomorrow. In fact I'm trying to recall if I double booked for this evening.

Everyone in CLUB Zero that doesn't have little kids and can get out I have an assignment for you. EAT DINNER AT THE BAR. NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT SIT AT A TABLE A MAN IS LESS LIKELY TO GO UP TO YOUR TABLE BUT IF YOU ARE AT THE BAR.........Imho just try it and report

and yes I did just yell at you.
2 so far this year and 1 friend who likes me but Im not feeling him like that.

1st one was in early feb...old flame but i decided we no longer fit since we are on different paths.

2nd one Ive know since i was 17 (im 28) and we lost touch for 7 yrs and recently reconnected 3 wks far its been good :yep:
I will happily stay in club zero if that means not being stuck at club boring, club obnoxious, club player, and club unattractive. :lol:
Sat afternoon is fine with me.
It will probably the the evening here as I'm in London but that's fine with me.
Quite a few. 2013 has been fairing better than 2012 did. I dont know whats the difference but ive been attracting men like some good others horrible buts it has all been a great learning experience for me. Ive decided to let one man go last night because i just dont have time for him. I am still accepting offers. Currently i am dating two men regularly. I still talk and flirt when im out. Ive become more selective in who i give my number out to as well.
Not mentally ready to enter the dating scene :(

But I look forward to your experiences so maybe I will learn something. I absolutely CANNOT bring myself to talk to a guy first. I am super shy and would probably die if I was rejected! LOL

Sign me up for the chat, or anything else for this 2013 dating group!

ETA- I forgot to report ( in that other thread) that I went to a restaurant- last year 2012- and ate at the bar. Low and behold, the guy sitting next to me stalled with his meal until I was done and then insisted on paying for mine and walking me to my car. He claims he was from out of town working and wanted to take me shopping :rolleyes:...I took his number but never called...But hey, sitting at the bar worked! LOL
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OK I'm sorry there was no meeting in the ladies room lets schedule one for 3pm central next Saturday does that work you ladies.
Ive been out with 8 different guys. More than half I went out on multiple dates with. It might be more but that's all I can remember atm. Ive been asked out by other guys but I haven't said yes yet so I didn't add them to the list.

Eta:its actually 9, I knew him since before the new year so I forgot to add him
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Zip zero. I did get stood up tho... sigh

Took my online profiles down. Dating in my area, online at least, is terrrible.
I went out on a lunch date today it was fun and well worth my time. At the end he did the hug then turn and kiss. All I saw was fish lips heading my way. He caugjt me slippin. I dont kiss on the first date. He mentioned he dates/married other. We don't do that sir.....good day, I said good day! His lil voice didnt match his big black burly frame :lick: but im not letting lil things hold me back anymore.
I want to join the club! I'm newly single, I'm not interested in anything serious right now because my career doesn't permit it along with me trying to start up a business, but I DEFINITELY need practice with talking to men and just flirting in general. I S.U.C.K. at flirting with a capital S. So, any little tips you have would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to learn for when I am ready.
Ok so I've got a kinda sorta date for Thursday. I don't like him like that, but don't mind him as a friend. It's a date for him, but not for me. He's new to the country and I don't want to be mean ... just yet. If I was new to a country and plucked up the courage to ask someone to lunch and they said no, I'd be so sad.

I think he's the sensitive type/ Cancer type too. Ugh:nono:. I didn't talk to him much the other day (we're in the same location about 3 days a week) because I was too busy going about my day, and he looked like he was going to cry:lol:.
Man I just got a new job out of the blue...I need funds to start my company and it is cutting into my dating time :giggle: Everybody wants to call no

I'm not sure when we can do the meeting in the ladies room