It's 1/2/15 How many dates have you had?

SO and I are on a break, so I've decided to date :look:

I've been on three dates in three weeks, so once a week and I'm going on a date #4 tonight. I got real drunk last night and horny so I called SO. I'm mad that I called him before he called me :ohwell: He said he's coming over after he leaves work tonight...would I be grimy if I let someone take me out and fill my belly up to only let SO come over later tonight?
SO and I are on a break, so I've decided to date :look:

I've been on three dates in three weeks, so once a week and I'm going on a date #4 tonight. I got real drunk last night and horny so I called SO. I'm mad that I called him before he called me :ohwell: He said he's coming over after he leaves work tonight...would I be grimy if I let someone take me out and fill my belly up to only let SO come over later tonight?

I think that's using your resources to create the best outcome. Not grimy at all.
Been on several dates with Danish guy. He's always asking to cook for me. I can get used to this. But I really need to be honest with myself. Should I really be dating a 50yr old?

I want a husband and kids. He's divorced and has 2 - one grown and a 10yr old that lives in DC.
SO and I are on a break, so I've decided to date :look: I've been on three dates in three weeks, so once a week and I'm going on a date #4 tonight. I got real drunk last night and horny so I called SO. I'm mad that I called him before he called me :ohwell: He said he's coming over after he leaves work tonight...would I be grimy if I let someone take me out and fill my belly up to only let SO come over later tonight?
i used to do that all the time when i had a regular fb.
I went on a second date with one guy on Sunday. He's very sweet and attentive, very much a gentleman but he's way into me. He asked me to be his girlfriend and wants us to spend vday together. I'm not physically attracted to him but he makes me laugh and it's nice being appreciated. He's an engineer 32 and no children. He's from Nigeria but moved to the UK when he was 12. He's been in America for 6 years and in my area for 2. He tried to kiss me last night and I shut that down, I think I hurt his feelings but he'll be fine.

This other dude I'm talking to is aa and cute but he's a little on the thick side. He's not fat by any means, just big and solid. He used to play pro football now he's an assistant coach at a university. He has 2 kids by 2 different women, which is a major turn off for me but I think I like him. We talk everyday and he texts me good morning/night every day and always ask how I'm going. We have shared interest and he's easy to talk to. He just txt me to ask what my plans are for Saturday but I haven't responded.

SO came over last night after my date with the African dude. We talked then watched Netflix. I don't know what to do with him. I'm at the point where I'm tired of breaking up and getting back together.

I told him I don't love him anymore but he said he doesn't believe me. He came over to get laid but I wasn't having it. I told him I just wanted him to hold me and he did. He tried a few times but when I stopped him he was cool. He came over at like 9ish left at like 6 this morning. It felt so good to just lay in his arms and not do anything. I really miss intimacy with him and I'm not talking about coloring. Just being in the company of the person you love, listening to their heart beat and their breathing patterns is so beautiful.
I totally missed the Grammy awards. He apologized again for some things that happened but I haven't forgiven him yet

I have a happy hour date today with this guy that works at the same agency as my dude and I'm kind of nervous and that because his background is similar to SO and it's more than likely they are acquainted....we'd never recover if he found out I went out with an acquaintance...I'm deciding if I should go

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Last min date with some 43yo music exec guy. I was totally going to flake but somehow got more energy tonight.
Went on my first date of the year on Saturday. Trying not to get my hopes up but it was a really good date.

I cancelled the other date from last week. He seemed like a creep and I did not want to start this year off with any more horrible dates!
Yall. The same guy who invited me to his house is still working on me. He still wants to go to the movies tomorrow. I am not attracted to him but he makes me laugh and he really tries to impress me. Idk what to do. We work together so I'm afraid to accept or reject him out of fear that the balance at work will thrown off. I want to keep doing what I'm doing which is be neutral and oblivious, deflecting advances, but this is exhausting. Help please. AND HE'S FRIENDS WITH MY EX. Help!
Welp, I had my first date of the year. I must say it was very innocent. I felt very comfortable. He payed for the food (nothing extravagant, local pizza joint) and we had a nice conversation. But there is NO sexual attraction, whatsoever.
Just came home from another date. This makes number 5. This dude was okay but not what I'm looking for. He's shorter than I expected and was late. I've already decided I won't see him again.
3 and 3 potentials this week. :grin:

I haven't dated this much in a long time but ironically enough I'm all the sudden not feeling it. I wonder if I'm trying to self-sabotage. :perplexed
Went on my first date of the year on Saturday. Trying not to get my hopes up but it was a really good date. I cancelled the other date from last week. He seemed like a creep and I did not want to start this year off with any more horrible dates!

Went on another date with the same guy on valentines was really nice :)
Update: The guy I went our with the other day asked me how I felt about him and I said "you're chill":look:. I think that stalled things so hopefully things will go back to normal.:yep:
I have a date tomorrow with a guy who probably has a better chance of getting in a relationship with me than the last guy but this one is so extra like omg he will take a conversation and turn it into an argument. Not like a raise hell argument but he likes to debate everything. He's adorable though. Sexual attraction? I wouldn't call it that but /i enjoy his presence most times.
I put up a new dating ad WILDFIRE WILDFIRE I TELL YA! Problem is I'm trying to lose weight. How am I supposed to date and not get fat. I want to be able to sit and talk

I need date suggestions I thought:

go to regular restaurants but save all of my calories for the date
vegan restaurants
smoothie shops
juice spots
coffee houses other than Starbucks there is one that serves wine as well :woot:

Tonight I'm going to Seasons 52 they specialize in low cal. I have to look up some Indian veg places. I imagine they are full of flavor and hopefully low cal.
So tell me why this dude let our mutual friend come along on what was supposed to be "our" date? Like wut. He asked me if I would be okay if she cam along and this is the friend who I'm not trying to talk to. I can't believe I still went. She annoyed the piss out of me all night. Well I still enjoyed being with him. Scale of 1-10, sexual attraction is about a 5.
I put up a new dating ad WILDFIRE WILDFIRE I TELL YA! Problem is I'm trying to lose weight. How am I supposed to date and not get fat. I want to be able to sit and talk I need date suggestions I thought: go to regular restaurants but save all of my calories for the date vegan restaurants smoothie shops juice spots coffee houses other than Starbucks there is one that serves wine as well :woot: Tonight I'm going to Seasons 52 they specialize in low cal. I have to look up some Indian veg places. I imagine they are full of flavor and hopefully low cal.

Some Indian food can be very high in calories. I like the ideas as well because summers coming and I'm trying to maintain. What about drinking a lot of water pre date? You could order a low calorie soup.

What did you do to make your ad wildfire? What sites have you gotten the most attention from?
I put up a new dating ad WILDFIRE WILDFIRE I TELL YA! Problem is I'm trying to lose weight. How am I supposed to date and not get fat. I want to be able to sit and talk

I need date suggestions I thought:

go to regular restaurants but save all of my calories for the date
vegan restaurants
smoothie shops
juice spots
coffee houses other than Starbucks there is one that serves wine as well :woot:

Tonight I'm going to Seasons 52 they specialize in low cal. I have to look up some Indian veg places. I imagine they are full of flavor and hopefully low cal.

Maybe do activity dates? I like those better than dinner dates and they burn calories :lol:
Some Indian food can be very high in calories. I like the ideas as well because summers coming and I'm trying to maintain. What about drinking a lot of water pre date? You could order a low calorie soup.

What did you do to make your ad wildfire? What sites have you gotten the most attention from?

Yeah that Indian naan bread is a killer. I was very specific in this ad as to what I wanted to do. I listed about 10 activities that I wanted to partake in. Not sure why it was so effective but ask and you shall receive. I will probably have dates for at least the next two weeks.

I mentioned that I run and this morning guy from last night met me at Whole Foods at 8:30 am and we drove to the park. I normally run the park but he took me to a trail I didn't know existed. I'm glad he was normal because we were running in the forest next to water up hills down hills over tree roots jumping and ish. I was so glad to get to the bridge that had chairs. Then he said yeah we are half way there. The F?

We walked back on the street. I wasn't going into the forest again. Not to mention there were bike riders in front coming towards us and behind us passing us. I'm not ready for the multiuse trail but I couldn't go out like a punk. I had the nerve to have on a shirt, a jacket and my latex corset. I wanted to peel that thing off but I didn't want to have to carry it.

We went for breakfast after and he asked what I'm doing tonight. Sir you are not going to take all my time. I have 30 other messages to respond to. Although I would like to give him more of my time.
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Girl that was not a date. I wish a man would bring a +1 on a "date"
Yeah. I wanted to be mad but I was like "you knew this was not a date, you just wanted it to be one" in my head so i just watched the movie and ate my girlscout cookies.

Idk. I'm out of prospects.
it is cold and wet. I don't want to leave the warmth of my house. Do I want food or warmth more??? Lamb, scallops and gouda cheese are calling my name. Food wins this time but I won't be wearing anything sexy. It's too cold for that ish.

I'm spoiled. It's in the 40s When I lived in Minnesota we were acting like 40s in the winter was spring weather. Thank G-d it will be in the 70s for no Kardashian thread month.
it is cold and wet. I don't want to leave the warmth of my house. Do I want food or warmth more??? Lamb, scallops and gouda cheese are calling my name. Food wins this time but I won't be wearing anything sexy. It's too cold for that ish.

I'm spoiled. It's in the 40s When I lived in Minnesota we were acting like 40s in the winter was spring weather. Thank G-d it will be in the 70s for no Kardashian thread month.

I had this same exact argument with myself. In the end I went down to mcdonalds, braving the snow and ice.
March is no Kardashian thread month? Who orchestrated this?
How are you ladies getting dates? Being approached in IRL? Or Online? Where do you get the highest percentages of man asking you out? I haven't been on a date since May 2011. I was asked out a couple of times when I was heavy into Since then total dry spell.
How are you ladies getting dates? Being approached in IRL? Or Online? Where do you get the highest percentages of man asking you out? I haven't been on a date since May 2011. I was asked out a couple of times when I was heavy into Since then total dry spell.

I've met about 60% of the men I've dated online, the other 40% in person. I meet more men IRL during the summer months because I'm constantly out.
I'd say most of the folks I meet are online but I do meet folk in person mostly at restaurants at happy hour. I like to sit where there is an empty seat on each side of me at the bar. If I don't feel like being bothered I will sit at a table or booth. I'm nosey and I like to meet people so 98% of the time when I eat alone I eat at a steakhouse at the bar.

I had a man stalk me outside of the Tmobile store on Saturday. He was strange and fresh off the boat Pakistani. Bless his heart.

Winter sucks I'm trying to decide if I want shrimp & grits at the UE seafood place in the mall or if I will just eat veggies in the warmth of my house. Veggies are winning right now
Once I decide people are undesirable I delete their number. I deleted someone last year then last week I decided he wasn't so bad. I still couldn't find the number but out of the blue he called me Friday. He is supposed to take me to the rodeo.......we shall see. I like him but he is a workaholic and he doesn't pay me enough attention. He sd he will do better we shall see.
I went on my 1st date today. It was all good until I found out he was :look: 65:look:. I thought he was 50. He wants to go out again but he's 2 years younger than my mom. IDK how I feel about this.