You should be so ashamed of yourself...her hair is so nappy!


I have learned that its useless to talk to some folks of the older generation about natural hair. My mother & aunt make some of the most ignorant comments. I respectfully respond & keep the conversation short. .

I agree :yep:

They have been so brainwashed and set in their ways that they are seriously not aware of how they come off.

Very few have been able to change their mindset of natural hair....very few. So while it may be annoying to hear these remarks from seniors, it's best to keep responses short and to the point.
you have a beautiful that your bro in the last pic? he looks just like who i presume to be your son in the pic above it...and you're daughter's hair is gorgeous...i'mma have to steal that 2 twists going into 1 comment on grandma smh...
Beautiful hair on a beautiful young girl! Your daughter is blessed to have you. I think that is great that you are going natural to be her hair role model. You cannot make your family change but you can certainly be a positive influence for the future.
Thank God your daughter didn't hear that! It reminds me of the time my great grandmother called me "fat" in front of my mom and my mom lit her a$$ up!! Respect to your elders be damned she said, nobody was going to talk to her children that way! Your daughter has beautiful, thick and gorgeous hair and the rest of everybody else can get to steppin' with the bull$hit.
Umm YOUR daughter is absoultely BEAUTIFUL and her hair is slamming Well if you family has those old fashioned attititudes she probably has more hair than all of them Combined
Beautiful children and beautiful hair! I am sorry that your grandmother said that. Awful.
She did a great job on her hair!! Looks very cute! I am sure she picked her cute outfit too! Looking good and confident on picture day! The other hair pic look great too, to include yours very cute :-)
i'm sorry to say but sometimes u just have to ignore what grandmas/elderly ppl grandma who is very educated and 'usually' well spoken is always talkn bout good hair this, bad hair that, nappy hair so and so....I think it's generational or something...they grew up in an era where straight=good and nappy=bad.....THANK GOD that perception is changing..slowly but surely.
You have a beautiful family OP. I don't know what to say 'bout Granny. She's older, set in her ways and...pray for her. As far as other family members, it wont come from just them, negative comments will come from everywhere. Stay the course, just keep instilling pride in your kids. When negative comments come their way, and they will. it will roll right off their backs.

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Nice thick healthy hair I don't see unkempt her hair looks good in these pics.
Now IMO you need to check grandma quick because she will repeat that mess in front of and to your daughter and torpedo her self esteem. You should have a sit down and explain to GM that you didn't appreciate the comment and here's the reasons why you don't speak in that derogatory way about her hair. You may want to through in a quick history lesson while you're at it so she knows where you're coming from.
Plus you siad that you're going natural that's something she should know too. HTH

See... this is what I'm concerned about. I'd be careful about having your daughter within earshot of her.
Once again thank you all so much. You have really calmed my nerves and even gave me some giggles with your comments. It's because of ya'll that I am able to learn how to take care of my little ones' hair and transition mine. Thank you!!
Ignorance is bliss child, you know many of our elder relatives still have a slave mentality. (No offense to your grandma) but she's as bad as mine who told her dark-skinned sons not to bring home any dark-skinned women. :mad: Now mind you she was pretty dark her damn self but it's just an ignorance that some can't let go of.

Your pics are beautiful so smile and keep it movin'.
Your daughters are beautiful and have gorgeous hair. Your son is handsome and looks so much like you.

Not to be alarmist or anything, but be wary of leaving the girls with family members for weekends or holidays; it sounds like they would get your daughters' hair relaxed when you're not around.
She and her hair is gorgeous. I'm glad your baby wasn't there to hear that crap. Just ignore comments like that.
beautiful family and daughter.
haters will hate, so continue to rise above.
you have support where it counts.
Your DD hair is beautiful. What confuses me is not much time has gone by since the days of afros. Yet so many that lived through this have such negative things to say regarding natural kinky hair. It doesn't make sense. My mom used to have a beautiful big afro back in the day yet when I mention she should go natural she looks at me like i'm crazy. It makes no sense to me.
I'm sorry I believe in respecting the elderly but Grammy can kick rocks. Baby girls hair looks very pretty and the style she did makes her look mature :yep: and it's VERY healthy.

Good job ma!
She's very beautiful, as are all of your children. I'm glad to hear mothers giving their children positive affirmations about who they are so they will know they are beautiful from the beginning. It will help their self esteem so much so that when they run into people who are small minded about hair, or anything else regarding who they are, that it won't phase them.
The bad hair/good hair crap irks my nerves. Aint a thing wrong with your DD's hair. It's thick and luscious. You're doing a great job.
Your DD hair is beautiful. What confuses me is not much time has gone by since the days of afros. Yet so many that lived through this have such negative things to say regarding natural kinky hair. It doesn't make sense. My mom used to have a beautiful big afro back in the day yet when I mention she should go natural she looks at me like i'm crazy. It makes no sense to me.
Your right, what is that about???!

Anyway, OP your daughters hair is very pretty, thick and healthy looking and nicely styled. It's not messy or frizzy or flying away. I can't imagine why her grandma would say that :nono:.
You and your daughter KNOW that her hair is gorgeous. That's all that matters (All your babies are so adorable!!!)

Next time Grandma says something like this again ... maybe you could say something like "I don't think there's anything wrong with her wearing her hair just the way God made it." (well...if she believes in God, that is)... I remember a thread where someone said something like this to a grandmother who made a similar comment about the OP's natural hair ... I think it made the grandmother really think about what she'd said and actually came back to apologize ...

But I wouldn't be too mad. I'm sure she loves you and her grandbabies very much and really doesn't mean any harm. She just doesn't know any better.
I swear OP- I had tears in my eyes reading this post. Thank goodness your daughter was not around when her GM made that ignorant comment.

I agree with Lucia - I would be very leary having her, or anyone else with such backwards mindsets, around my DDs unless I was around. Our little black girls' self-esteem is so fragile anyway (based on the images the world gives them) - it's our jobs as mommas to protect them as much as possible.

You seem like you're doing a great job :) KUTGW
OMG! First off your children and their hair are BEAUTIFUL! Secondly, you have to firmly, but lovingly let your family know that using derrogatory terms to describe natural hair, does not and will not fly in your household (or presence) period. I had to let my mother know as well. I told her, "In my house, we speak life instead of negativity. If you cannot say anything positive about my hair or theirs, please don't say anything at all." I said it in love, but she knew I was not playing!

I have a low threshold when it comes to my can say what you want about me, but I will HURT you if you mess with my babies.
our baby is gooooooooooooooorgeous, people are so ignorant and they don't want to educate themself!!!!!! sad!