It's the 5th day of the year how many dates have you had?

I finally bought that spray. I like the smell so far, its really fresh. Kinda strong I think I od'ed a little. Lets set if it has any effect on my dating life.
Hey ladies. So, I've been keeping a journal specifically for the purposes of tracking my dating. If a guy pops up on my radar, I write about him. I did this because of one of the few dating books I've been reading. Maybe it was the Patti Stanger one. Anyway, I wrote out my top 25 characteristics/qualities I'm looking for in a husband. I took that list and narrowed it down to the 10 must haves. and then from there, i write about my experiences with the guys i go out with.

So far, I've only written about 4 guys since the end of December. For me(someone who rarely dates), this is pretty good! Hoping it helps me narrow my focus.
Ladies, She is right!!! I'm an Epic smiler as well... Its totally just my natural personality... But that ish WERRKSS... Since I was little I totally just walk around smiling and never thought anything of it till folks started hollering about why you always smiling all the time?

And all I could say is uhh... Why aren't you? A diva is alive, living and loving it all... Not because my life is perfect and everything is gravy but because I genuinely feel blessed to be alive and I walk around expecting my life to be great... I fully expect stuff to go my way and when it doesn't... I just am aware that there is something better waiting on me... So I need to keep smiling in advance of my blessings.

Try it sometimes on a random... This always works fantastically in a Shi**y situation Like a when you get a nasty cashier or a nasty customer service agent and need a change to your flight ... No matter what happens smile, laugh, be high energy like my girl PretteePlease said and just be kind...

You will be amazed at how many situations go from s**t to su**r with a little bit of smiling. But it can't be fake... You genuinely have to look within yourself and find whatever joy from within yourself and radiate it everywhere you go...

PS. My husband was my mailman... So technically he did just come to my house, ring my doorbell, and ask me to marry him... Well maybe he asked me out on a date first but you get the drift... :look:LOL Oh and the ONLY, ONLIEST reason I went out on a date with him ( my white boy mailman??? Girl bye:ohwell:) was because I had decided I was going to go out (to a public place of course) with anyone who asked me out... Serial killers, rapists, and idiots aside... I went out with short dudes, fine dudes, funny looking dudes, rich dudes, poor dudes, old dudes, young dudes, anyone who was interested in me... I took the time to put a little interest in them. It was fun, made for some great experiences and stories in my life and on top of all that I randomly got me a white paynus!! The ultimate UE woman's accessory! That so exclusive they don't even sell it at Cache... <<<< That is a JOKE... I am an epic jokester and love to laugh... I AM JUST JOKING... My husband could have been orange and I still would have married him... That's my booski!
found my husband... I'm so glad I opened up and dated all kinds of dudes cause if you would have told me the dude for me would be my mailman I would have
I'm too scared to date. Dated a guy for ten months...n it led nowhere. He decided we were moving too fast. After I complained about his ex-fiance escorting to his friend's funeral. I offered to go and he declined me. I'm afraid my ******* magnet will work again:/ *closed for the winter*
Oh and the ONLY, ONLIEST reason I went out on a date with him ( my white boy mailman??? Girl bye:ohwell:) was because I had decided I was going to go out (to a public place of course) with anyone who asked me out... Serial killers, rapists, and idiots aside... I went out with short dudes, fine dudes, funny looking dudes, rich dudes, poor dudes, old dudes, young dudes, anyone who was interested in me... I took the time to put a little interest in them.

sistatv First, your post made me choke from laughing :lachen:

I've been told that I need to start saying YES to every man that asks me for my number. Now, I've been a NO girl for so long that I just say it without even thinking. My goal is to start saying yes, especially since spring is just around the corner!
How are things going? Spritzing away? Smizing? Showing all them pretty TEEF?

Last week I was busted and disgusted or was that the wk bes fore but either way I had 2 dates on friday and two dates on saturday and a date on sunday.

First guy I met at a bar we had drinks well I had a redbull to give me energy for my next date I was tired but I hate to cancel on folk. We had good conversation but not feeling a spark.

Second date was date 3 with mr out of town. He works here on a contract and goes home wkly or biwkly. He is cool but so much a Carlton. I'm surprised he even dates black women. His kids are all by white womenz. He's cool to date but I see no future in him but he will stay on the team because he has no problem forking over cash if I mention I have a need. I will be mentioning my needs often :look:

1st date Sat was with Mr Out of Town Carlton. We had breakfast for four hours. He is a miserable soul. He has baby momma drama galore. I was a listening ear but he drained me.

Date number two on Sat was with Ghanian Jamaica. Lawd this man is black as tires YASSSSS YASSSSS. I love them black. His voice makes me melt. It is deep and he is so soft spoken and his accents. They change depending on who he is talking too. His American, African, and Jamaican accents are all music to my ears. He has a lil disco ball belly but I'll overlook that. I think he has captain qualities :superman: But I opened my damn mouth and I think he is being conservative with me on purpose.

So this is how we met: I'm walking out of the nail shop after getting a pedicure. I see the blackest man getting out of the blackest Porsche Cayanne. I toss my hair and continue to walk past him as he enters the barber shop next door. Then one of the barbers who was sitting outside having a smoke gets off the wall and approaches me. I tell him you are interrupting my gold digger mode. He goes into hater mode and says that's not his car he sells cars. I say even better I'm in the market and I need one. I give the barber my number to give to Ghanian Jamaican. We speak on the phone and set up a time for me to look at cars. Then he asks me out to a nice lil African spot that following week.....We have a great time and as I am walking out of the club who do I see walking in with a sidepiece but MARRIED NOGE!!! He starts blowing up my text the next day I'm like dude seriously.

Either way I have been on 3 dates with Ghanian Jamaican and he has asked me to accompany him to Jamaica. Oh did I mention he is a licensed pilot in his spare time. Speaking of which Barber text me a pic of his junk :barf: GJ asked me about it I said yes and showed him my response which was I'm not sure who you date that thinks that is cute but consider yourself blocked. He was pissed I still had the pic but I had to forward it to my girls :look: It was just short of amazing :lachen:

Barber the hater said that he knows dude is a captian :superman: in the middle of the barber shop and asks if GJ and I have been out. He says yes and GJ's barber says well he really is a captain he flies in his spare time. Hater the barber replies I don't give a **** about GJ I want to fluck her so I seen her a pic of my peen. GJ shook his head paid for his cut and left. He is so calm and soft spoken. I like that about him. Something tells me his is not the one to get upset. I could see him with flared nostrils holding a machete!

The latest and greatest is the Gifter. I met him in the galleria mall. I was being flip at the mouth and told him to take me shopping. We were right by the LV store and walked in. He said pick one. Still thinking he was joking I picked a bag. Then we headed to the register. I'm wondering how far he is going to take this charade.

We had lunch and great conversation. Oh did I mention I walked out with a $3k bag :look: I had it in my siggy but took it down because I don't need a $3k bag I need $3k. So I'm taking it back. He said he would feel awkward handing me that amount of cash and I advised Amex Visa and Mastercard all make Gift cards that he can feel free to load :look: either way here she is Audacieuss MM
Lol I have way too much stuff going on. I don't even post everything here b/c I feel like ppl are already starting to give me the side eye. I'm not gonna even give a synopsis cuz the ish is busy and messy as hell. I started a dating blog cuz I needed some way of keeping everything straight. :lol:

But yeah, it's going well. I'm having fun. :grin:
luv all of it....girl you lucky i am happily married because...we would be comparing storiessssss...luv the way you date..tis all..bringing back my memoriessss... ha ha:grin:

and ditto on the visa/ need for a lv bag...but i like they way you proceeded..luv!

How are things going? Spritzing away? Smizing? Showing all them pretty TEEF?

Last week I was busted and disgusted or was that the wk bes fore but either way I had 2 dates on friday and two dates on saturday and a date on sunday.

First guy I met at a bar we had drinks well I had a redbull to give me energy for my next date I was tired but I hate to cancel on folk. We had good conversation but not feeling a spark.

Second date was date 3 with mr out of town. He works here on a contract and goes home wkly or biwkly. He is cool but so much a Carlton. I'm surprised he even dates black women. His kids are all by white womenz. He's cool to date but I see no future in him but he will stay on the team because he has no problem forking over cash if I mention I have a need. I will be mentioning my needs often :look:

1st date Sat was with Mr Out of Town Carlton. We had breakfast for four hours. He is a miserable soul. He has baby momma drama galore. I was a listening ear but he drained me.

Date number two on Sat was with Ghanian Jamaica. Lawd this man is black as tires YASSSSS YASSSSS. I love them black. His voice makes me melt. It is deep and he is so soft spoken and his accents. They change depending on who he is talking too. His American, African, and Jamaican accents are all music to my ears. He has a lil disco ball belly but I'll overlook that. I think he has captain qualities :superman: But I opened my damn mouth and I think he is being conservative with me on purpose.

So this is how we met: I'm walking out of the nail shop after getting a pedicure. I see the blackest man getting out of the blackest Porsche Cayanne. I toss my hair and continue to walk past him as he enters the barber shop next door. Then one of the barbers who was sitting outside having a smoke gets off the wall and approaches me. I tell him you are interrupting my gold digger mode. He goes into hater mode and says that's not his car he sells cars. I say even better I'm in the market and I need one. I give the barber my number to give to Ghanian Jamaican. We speak on the phone and set up a time for me to look at cars. Then he asks me out to a nice lil African spot that following week.....We have a great time and as I am walking out of the club who do I see walking in with a sidepiece but MARRIED NOGE!!! He starts blowing up my text the next day I'm like dude seriously.

Either way I have been on 3 dates with Ghanian Jamaican and he has asked me to accompany him to Jamaica. Oh did I mention he is a licensed pilot in his spare time. Speaking of which Barber text me a pic of his junk :barf: GJ asked me about it I said yes and showed him my response which was I'm not sure who you date that thinks that is cute but consider yourself blocked. He was pissed I still had the pic but I had to forward it to my girls :look: It was just short of amazing :lachen:

Barber the hater said that he knows dude is a captian :superman: in the middle of the barber shop and asks if GJ and I have been out. He says yes and GJ's barber says well he really is a captain he flies in his spare time. Hater the barber replies I don't give a **** about GJ I want to fluck her so I seen her a pic of my peen. GJ shook his head paid for his cut and left. He is so calm and soft spoken. I like that about him. Something tells me his is not the one to get upset. I could see him with flared nostrils holding a machete!

The latest and greatest is the Gifter. I met him in the galleria mall. I was being flip at the mouth and told him to take me shopping. We were right by the LV store and walked in. He said pick one. Still thinking he was joking I picked a bag. Then we headed to the register. I'm wondering how far he is going to take this charade.

We had lunch and great conversation. Oh did I mention I walked out with a $3k bag :look: I had it in my siggy but took it down because I don't need a $3k bag I need $3k. So I'm taking it back. He said he would feel awkward handing me that amount of cash and I advised Amex Visa and Mastercard all make Gift cards that he can feel free to load :look: either way here she is Audacieuss MM
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Lol PretteePlease I'll PM you when I actually have some content, I literally just started the blog. I'm hanging out with a potential tonight, and I have a date for tomorrow so I'll probably update it soon.

And I luv the bag and the shooooez :-)
Dreamer48 said:
sistatv First, your post made me choke from laughing :lachen:

I've been told that I need to start saying YES to every man that asks me for my number. Now, I've been a NO girl for so long that I just say it without even thinking. My goal is to start saying yes, especially since spring is just around the corner!

Ugh this has been me forever. I'm trying to say now. One time a guy chatted me up asked me for my number and my big mouth automatically said I had a bf (my go to move to shut it down). But then I thought about how he actually seemed like a decent human being and my friend yelled at me for saying no. so then I backtracked and sent him a faceboook message that I ummm made that bf thing up and I hope he didn't think I was insanely crazy. SMH.
I have had zero dates :-/

Guys don't even approach me anymore, which is so bizarre because I look better (really stepped my game up on appearance), lost weight, worked on being more friendly, etc. But I just don't get approached...unless it's by someone hideous or a KANG (and they talk to everyone). Oh well, I'll just continue to focus on work.
One. And I wish I hadn't. Feels like I'm using people.

I can tell immediately if I'll like you and I really can't be wooed. Anyway we went to dinner and he gave me a tour of the city (I travel there frequently). He wanted to go dancing but I called it a night.

He's African and was very nice and generous. I knew he was smitten and the compliments/hints/admissions just made me wince as the date progressed b/c I knew the outcome.

Oh well. But I already knew I didn't like dating.
i haven't had many dates and all of my friends are boo'ed up with someone so tonight at work (i work the 3rd shift) a "kang" (ive recently found out what those are) approached me and i obliged simply out of boredom. i dont have much of anything outside of school and work....this should be interesting
No dates but it's ok. It just makes me anticipate the future. I will be ready mentally and emotionally when the time come.
its my spring break and i am off of work for the next three days. the potential "kang" contacted me earlier after church wanting to hit up a bar and i said why not. getting dressed now
PretteePlease i will try the spritz thing because my curiosity is bugging me =)
lol yeah i held off on the spritz but my date with the kang was actually fun. outside of him trying to get me drunk by buying shots smh. the bar we went to ended up turning into a club scene and he told me he had planned on staying there all night. i watched the game then excused myself and went home. i just got a text from him asking me when could he see me again. he is definitely a "kang" and will remain in the friend zone. i will keep him on the "team" and call him up if i ever just want to get out and drink i guess lol.
Nothing wrong with using him for dating practice or just to get out of the house. Next time make him take you to some place where you can eat and drink like a tapas bar :giggle: