It's the 1st day of 2014 How many dates have you had

So I have a 1st date tomorrow night at a country club.

Do I go Rainbeaux :look: :lachen: like the siggy or do I go Stepford Wife?

I was kind of Rainbeaux Wife hybrid when I met him. Camouflage button up shirt black high waist skirt, nude shoes, high bun, chunky necklace

eta: pic added my butt is big but not that big my leg looks off because I cropped the lady next to me out


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So I have a 1st date tomorrow night at a country club.

Do I go Rainbeaux :look: :lachen: like the siggy or do I go Stepford Wife?

I was kind of Rainbeaux Wife hybrid when I met him. Camouflage button up shirt black high waist skirt, nude shoes, high bun, chunky necklace

Why don't you post your outfits more?


LOL! I forgot I posted in this thread! My dude and I broke up for 7 months before we got back together. I was pitiful during our separation. Two of my girlfriends came to "save me". They staged an intervention and drove to come visit me. One of my girlfriends is a socialite and use to be a bartender in the city I live in. She told me she knew this "nice corny dude with nice teeth" that I would love :lol: my friends swear I love corny dudes.
Anyways, me and dude met up downtown. I was dressed nicely with some heels, skinny jeans, blazer and a statement necklace. I ate before meeting up because he didn't give me any indication of what we were going to be doing. Now, I saw a picture of him and we text prior to meeting up but he looked completely different in person. I asked him what we were going to do today and he said, "I don't know. It's a nice day, I thought we'd walk around or wing it." Um, sir do you see these heels? What do you mean wing it and walk around. So of course I got annoyed. I was annoyed because he 1) didn't ask me what I wanted to do before meeting up
2) didn't take initiative to plan a date/activity or at the very least tell me to dress comfortably.
But I tried to remain positive because this was my first date since my breakup and I really needed to get out. We walked around for probably 15-20 minutes but it felt like forever. I told him I was getting hungry and maybe we should grab something lite. We walked into this one restaurant and he asked how long the wait was and they told him about 30 minutes. He said no thanks and decided to leave. I made a mental note- strike two. He decided we should go to matchbox, we walked in and only the bar was available so he said lets go, another infraction. Finally we went to this Thai place. As we were walking to our seats, he sat down in his chair. I stood there for a second waiting for him to pull out my chair and he didn't. So, by that point I knew I wasn't going to see this dude again. I pulled out my chair and the waiter came over and assisted me. I said, "oh thank you, that was very kind of you, you're such a gentleman". The waiter placed the menus on the table and asked for our drinks, the guy let's call him aaron, answered to bring two waters. The waiter walked away and aaron grabbed the menu. He was searching vigilantly for something but I didn't know what. He called another waiter over as he glanced at his watch. He inquired about happy hour and asked for the hh menu. I'm sitting there completely bewildered. The waiter hands us two hh menus and I'm looking through it. I didn't find anything I liked to eat. He asks me if I knew what I wanted. I told him I needed more time to look through the menu. After a couple of minutes he called the waiter back over and proceeded to give his order. He asked if I knew what I wanted again. I told him no. I don't like anything on the menu. The waiter offer to bring back the regular menu and I nodded and said thank you. So, we're sitting there and no one is saying anything. So now I'm thinking, so I have to ask him questions? Sigh. He tells me he's an investment banker and where he went to undergrad and graduate school. He said he was from North Carolina, then I cut him off and said, "chivalry is dead in the south too?" He looked at me a little confused and asked me what I meant by that and I replied, "tell me about your family. Do you have siblings?" he said he was an old child and talked about his mother. No mention of a father. I completely checked out after that. His phone rung and he answered the phone :nono: He told the caller he was out with his future so he'd call them back later. I excused myself to the restroom and proceeded to blast my girlfriend. I couldn't believe her trifling behind set me up like that. :lol: Once I got back to the table, the waiter was bringing out his food so I ordered something and a drink. He started eating his food and asked me a question. I asked if he was going to offer me any of his food and he said, "I thought you didn't like anything on the menu." I don't know why I didn't exist stage left but I figured I deserved some food. My food arrived not too long after and he ordered a drink. As we're eating, it's completely silent. No words, nothing. The waiter brings his drink and places it on the table. As aaron reaches for the drink, he knocks it over and it spills onto my WHITE blazer. I wanted to die :cry2: He apologized and tried to wipe the alcohol up with napkins. I told him to leave it and I was ready to go. I didn't even finish my drink or get any good bites of my food :lol: He paid and we left. As we're leaving he asks where I live. I told him to just leave because I was waiting for my uber. He said okay and reached in for a hug. I put my hand up to stop him and told him goodnight.


Oh, he did offer to dry clean my blazer :ohwell:

Well that was an experience. I would say in the future be more assertive about your needs. Point out in the beginning that you don't want to walk much as you didn't have your shoes. I'm real good for using the following quote "You're being rude!" Now some may say that saying someone is rude is rude but I feel like sometimes folk don't know and that they need to be chin checked.

I'm just glad you were open to being hooked up.
had a 1st date with law guy last night. we had Mexican he planned for the band to be playing etc but didn't get the details out they were setting up as we left. he was so disappointed. He said for our 2nd date we will have Indian then Japanese etc. Bless his heart he told me I was his girl :look: :lachen:

Make me fine app asked me to the movies tonight I was pleasantly surprised. We have not spoken by phone since our first date. How random.
sj10460 girl I don't know how you went through alladat!. Pure disgust from beginning to end, that chap has NO home training and it's men like them whose mommas will be all up on ya acting like she raised a Prince.
A night at the museum by Pretteeplease

Met a guy online and within hours I was at the holiday party :look: I think this is my record for quickest meet

I met him at the venue as he was in a rush to get to the free booze :cheers:

I was annoyed but when I got there I didn't care I could have crashed it and never hung with him it was that many people. No wristbands just open bar and a buffet :drink:

We danced among dinosaurs and diamonds (different exhibits) I killed 2birds one stone it was my first time to that museum I was all up in it.

Major networking was going on it was for one of the major management firms in the nation's Houston location :look: hey boo I see you over there

All of the black women were looking nice and for the most part had their own shoulder length or longer healthy looking hair :woot: there were a few that need this forum but most had it going on and were dressed to thrill!


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I had a date yesterday

a date for brunch this morning

and yesterday at the supermarket I met a man. I told him to order me a birthday cake. He is bringing it to dinner tonight :lachen:
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PretteePlease I love your dating life.

Really thanks. I feel like I've been moving slow. I'm trying to kick it back up but I feel fat. I'm up to 176lbs as of this morning. At 5'1 that ain't cute. Thank G-d for a pear shape :kiss3:

I didn't get to go out with cake man. He got called in to work Sunday. That confused me, when I asked what he did he said limo driver :look: I know who to call when I need a ride home from the airport. Bless his heart he is trying to reschedule. I'm going to give him until Wed and then I'm good. I'm actually good now but in the interest of being kind I will give him a few days. Really I just want my red velvet cake. It's BIRTHMONTH!
I can't believe you weigh that much. On your pictures you look great, curvy and pretty, not overweight or fat :nono:. I hope cake man pulls through although not sure I can see you with a limo driver. You seem more like the chick who dates the guy who has a limo driver, not who is one. But I guess it's not nice to be snobby like that. He might be a fantastic guy.
I can't believe you weigh that much. On your pictures you look great, curvy and pretty, not overweight or fat :nono:. I hope cake man pulls through although not sure I can see you with a limo driver. You seem more like the chick who dates the guy who has a limo driver, not who is one. But I guess it's not nice to be snobby like that. He might be a fantastic guy.
Yup a BrickHouse.
I can't believe you weigh that much. On your pictures you look great, curvy and pretty, not overweight or fat :nono:. I hope cake man pulls through although not sure I can see you with a limo driver. You seem more like the chick who dates the guy who has a limo driver, not who is one. But I guess it's not nice to be snobby like that. He might be a fantastic guy.

Yes I weigh that much. Luckily I have lots of muscle weight in my legs/butt. When people touch it they say eew it's hard :rofl: yes people try it all the time men and womenz they need to be delivert! One man asked "if its fake is it soft or is it hard" This is a man with a masters I promise a big arse turns men into fools.

He might be a great guy but I was really just being sassy when I TOLD him to buy me a cake. I wasn't interested and then I got really uninterested :look:

Yes I like a man with a driver but I hate limos :barf: I prefer a man with a captain :sekret:
Those are too few and far between.

Yup a BrickHouse.

I get it from my momma :woot: :lachen: :kiss3:
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I should post my b4 bikini pic ya'll would die maybe I will do it to shame myself into weightloss

I need to get a plastic surgeon to sign on for a reality show where I lose weight and get free surgery as the prize. Calls Andy Cohen to pitch the show
I have a lunch date tomorrow. I'm uninterested but It's BIRTHMONTH and he has season tickets to the TEXANS I wanna tailgate and sit on the 50yrd line :look:

Lunch dates are great for when you are uninterested. No what are you doing after because they usually think you are going back to work :giggle: :sekret:

Oh I forgot to tell ya'll about sunday brunch.
I wore the uniform. Uniform = (usually white) tanktop + anything
white tank + skirt= uniform
white tank + jeans=uniform

you get it I had on a Tiffany blue blazer cut high in the back low in the front to show off my butt :giggle: black tank top, light blue boyfriend jeans, nude kitten heels he bought me a BonBon gift set :cloud9: he is sweet but he has early teen kids. Ain't nobody got time for that. I'll edit to show the outfit if I have a pic
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I made a new OkC profile yesterday. Today I have 19 messages. I really want to hide my profile. I'm only seeing 2 that seem like they might be my type. This is too much work.
Went on a couple dates this year which I'm very proud of didn't lead to anything but I'm happy I got my feet wet(26 and never went on dates before,I was a hermit). This year I will go in wiser, stronger and more patient with love.
Well, its the last day of 2014 and let's just say 2015 better behave accordingly. Happy New Year ladies.
First dates? I lost count. Second? A handful. Third one that led to a short term relationship but dude had baggage.

On to bigger and better in 2015.