are 'White Men' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

so1913 said:
And if it were a group of black fellas, it would have been identified as just that,

I mostly felt embarrased because it was a whole gang of folks. I hate when guys do that!
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Well, I've never dated a WM, but then again, I haven't really SERIOUSLY dated ANY guy yet. After I graduate from college this semester and move to CA to be out on my own I'll definitely be looking though! ;)

I just haven't really had the time to seriously date yet. :( I guess school and work have been crowding up my time, and maybe some guys sense that.

I have noticed that BM are more forward than WM in general, and I don't know if that's just a "cultural" thing, or if it's just more the fact that we are the same race, and it's more of a comfort thing. You know?? Like someone said already, I think that probably quite a FEW WM would perhaps be open to dating or even marrying black women, but are scared that they would be rejected (you know men and their pride...), or are afraid of what their family, friends, or co-workers would say.

And whoever said that WM are more "subtle" with their flirting is SO RIGHT! In fact, I'm so used to the more "forward" flirtations of BM, that I think I have been subtly hit on by quite a few WM and didn't even know it! :lol: They sure are a subtle bunch! (a lot of them anyway) No wonder a lot of WW are so FORWARD! haha!

But either way, I'm completely OPEN to dating guys of ALL races! Wm included! :up: I always have been. I don't discriminate when it comes to nice, good-looking guys! :lol: And I'm not just talking about white male celebrities either. I'd date a WM in "real life" too if he was the right one.

I need to know where some of you all live though because some of the guys here don't say a peep to women! And according to Kaygeebee, CA WM are very "cowardly" so it looks like I won't be in any IR when I move there! LOL* But I'm always open for anything as long as the guy is genuine, nice, treats me well, and is at least half-way decent-looking. :)
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Yeah... a white boy or two got it from me. :) I'd do it again too!

Hey, I love all men. I believe in equal opportunity.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Crystalicequeen123 said:
And according to Kaygeebee, CA WM are very "cowardly" so it looks like I won't be in any IR when I move there! LOL* But I'm always open for anything as long as the guy is genuine, nice, treats me well, and is at least half-way decent-looking. :)

d'oh!me and my big mouth.:lol:

well that's my generalization comparing cali guys to east coast and foreign men. Mind you people travel everywhere, so I've met guys here in the Bay Area from all over the country and planet. definitely a YMMV. don't take me as final answer on that.:grin:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kaybeegee said:
i hear u...:lol:

see i've heard about this inequity from friends so much!

funny enough the one guy that didn't do sushi(well there were a few half-hearted swipes) was the aforementioned negrified white jewish guy. WTHs up w/ that?!:ohwell:
wait, this is crazy, i'm remebering somthin'

one of my friends dated a guy from our HS who was 'black' but just his body. his musical tastes, demeanor etc were so-called 'white' and we talked years later and she said he was an Iron Chef at sushi. it still makes me laugh at the thought of it cause he was sort of a nerd but it figures.

is sushi-eating cultural?
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Never dated a white guy.

My current sweetie--and hopefully and PRAYERFULLY LAST sweetie (i'm gettin the wedding fever :lol: ) is a Latino!!
He is Cuban/Puerto Rican/ and Dominican. And he is really tall, sexy and FIONE!! FIONE!! FIONE!!!!!!!!!!
yawl, did I mention that he is FIONE?!!! :confused: :lol:

I never thought I'd EVER interracially date, and had never been interested in anyone but brothas, and had never dated anyone but brothas.
But this man approached ME over a year ago, and the rest is history!!

He is just WONDERFUL!!!!!! Everything and MORE that I could want in a man! Don't sleep on the Latin brothas yawl....

whooo!! let me take a breather!! :lol:
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

madamdot said:
:D My sweetie is white and he is so gettin' it.

Has nothing to do with preference or anything. When you meet the right man - black, white, asian, whatever and things fall into place, you'll be surprised at how quickly something you thought wasnt you, turns out to be just right for you :grin:

EXACTAMUNDO!!!!!!! :lol:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Where do ya'll meet your White SO's???...Please do tell. I'd like to "experience" dating a WM. Heck I'm in NYC, it should be possible right? I don't live in BK tho.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kaybeegee said:
maybe go where you're somewhat outnumbered(in a safe sense of course)?

i've always been shy abt speaking to men first(but grew up in the 80s where Seventeen magazine &ppl lied and sed you could/should ask men out, i clowned myself a few times:mad: ) and after reading some of the Rules-y books i stopped speaking first completely, thank G-d.

So, next time you're all dressed up and foxy & see one looking at you: little smile, look away, little smile/sidelong glance again, then ignore him go about your biz...

if they're interested and have half a testicle they'll approach/catch up with you. seems crazy but it works.

That happened the other day, saw a FIONE white guy, we were walking in opposite directions. I turned around, he was already turned around watching....I turned back around and kept walking. I could have kicked myself. I need to start smiling more!

Parvathi said:
And you're from Brooklyn right?

Hit up the bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants, lounges in Brooklyn Heights/Park Slope. They are saturated in those areas!!

And of course there is the city....girl, where do you hang out?....because NYC is the place to attract the most finest white men, especially if you're into Wall Street/businessmen type...or even the artsy type...we need to chill sometime!:grin: :grin: :grin:

ETA: I'm also new to this, that is in finding white men in the city....any NYers can lend us some advice up in here??? Where can we go to find the most fresh white meat in Manhattan? :lol:

We should!!! I live in Bedford Stuyvesant, but I hardly hang out there. I work in Manhattan, and I work a few blocks away from Wall St. I hang out at the local bars and such....they flirt..but that's about it. I hate being so shy!!!
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kisz4tj said:
Where do ya'll meet your White SO's???...Please do tell. I'd like to "experience" dating a WM. Heck I'm in NYC, it should be possible right? I don't live in BK tho.

Where do you live?? Seriously, you, imstush, and I should meet up...its NEW YORK CITY...they gotta be out here somewhere!! :grin:

imstush said:
We should!!! I live in Bedford Stuyvesant, but I hardly hang out there. I work in Manhattan, and I work a few blocks away from Wall St. I hang out at the local bars and such....they flirt..but that's about it. I hate being so shy!!!

I just read your experience with the FIONE white boy staring you down and nothing came out of it :(...well girl, just put on those balls next time around and be BOLD...don't miss out on an opportunity like this, even if you just get a free lunch/dinner out of it!:lol:

ETA: I'm in Canarsie...and there ain't much eye candy around here :look:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

imstush said:
That happened the other day, saw a FIONE white guy, we were walking in opposite directions. I turned around, he was already turned around watching....I turned back around and kept walking. I could have kicked myself. I need to start smiling more!

maybe i'm an old-timey meanie but a smile/flirtatious look should be enough. i feel the guy needs the balls, not the gal. just MHO<shrug>

i used to walk around stressed and looking evil until one of my friends told me that his friend thought i was really cute but needed to smile more/always looked mad. he was scared to speak. and this was a black guy.

i was so embarassed:blush: but i still remember that.:D
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I've had a serious relationship with a white and I've casually dated them and other races.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

goldensensation said:
My sweetie is white. I get mine and he gets his. Case closed. :grin:

ditto!!!! :D

But, I can't refer to my man as a "white boy". It is so degrading.

He is such a smart, loving man and father, the term just does not fit.

He is a good man that happens to be white and happens to be in love with a black woman. :D
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

HoneyDew said:
ditto!!!! :D

But, I can't refer to my man as a "white boy". It is so degrading.

He is such a smart, loving man and father, the term just does not fit.

He is a good man that happens to be white and happens to be in love with a black woman. :D

:scratchch: i thought about that, that's why it's in quotes... i was trying to connect it w/ the eyecandy topic tho'... i apologize for being cheesy and offensive.

should i ask admin/mods if it can be changed?:(
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

imstush said:
That happened the other day, saw a FIONE white guy, we were walking in opposite directions. I turned around, he was already turned around watching....I turned back around and kept walking. I could have kicked myself. I need to start smiling more!

That was your chance! I have had a few {not many at all} "stare" at me...but it's not "I'm in interested in you stare"...if anything it's mostly a glance saying they "notice" me if I happen to walk in a store...or it's one of those "comical" glances...maybe they are just silly-not sure. Other than that, it's old white men who think they are flirting by winking their eye at me and smiling almost lustfully...ugh not interested in that! To be honest, I never really see many white guys I would be interested in dating let alone "going there" with unless he is a model and maybe the occasional celebrity...but those are people I will NEVER have a chance with...simply because they are who they are. Now, I will say this: There has been only one guy of the other "persuasion" that I was REALLY interested in...I mean I was crushing so hard for this guy at one point...even had a few dream fantasies. He was in my class. He smiled at me one day...which was only a friendly smile but that was the day I became "in to him"-before that I never noticed he was in the class. We didn't have many conversations after class either-once we did it was related to classwork...and towards the end of the semester we exchanged a few emails..all class-related. The class ended a little earlier than usual {we were done with that particular class, however; school and other classes were still in session}. To make a long story short, the only contact after the class was email...I even gave him a compliment {he has a really great smile} once and he didn't bite. It was like I had to initiate everything...after awhile things turned ugly via emails so that was that :ohwell:. I can honestly say that was the one [white] dude who could have got it...but apparently he wasn't into me like that...I'm sure he was already in a relationship anyway. Oh, he was White {American} and Lebanese. I also think it's my location. I live in a place where you don't see many interracial relationships...there are even scarce Black man/White woman relationships {I don't blame them}...However, there are supposedly quite a few Black men/Native American women relationships. Also, I'm definitely not into white guys who are from the American South. The few white guys that I was interested in {there was another situation with some guys at a gas station several years ago..I was 15 then!} have all been from the northeastern United States.
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kaybeegee said:
:scratchch: i thought about that, that's why it's in quotes... i was trying to connect it w/ the eyecandy topic tho'... i apologize for being cheesy and offensive.

should i ask admin/mods if it can be changed?:(

Don't change it! It is a fun topic! All of the black and white "getting it" topics are getting a lot of attention. :lol:

I just personally did not want to refer to my honey as a boy since I admire him so much. :smirk:

Believe me - I have had my share of white boys that have gotten it! :lol:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Lanelle said:
That was your chance! I have had a few {not many at all} "stare" at me...but it's not "I'm in interested in you stare"...if anything it's mostly a glance saying they "notice" me if I happen to walk in a store...or it's one of those "comical" glances...maybe they are just silly-not sure. Other than that, it's old white men who think they are flirting by winking their eye at me and smiling almost lustfully...ugh not interested in that! To be honest, I never really see many white guys I would be interested in dating let alone "going there" with unless he is a model and maybe the occasional celebrity...but those are people I will NEVER have a chance with...simply because they are who they are. Now, I will say this: There has been only one guy of the other "persuasion" that I was REALLY interested in...I mean I was crushing so hard for this guy at one point...even had a few dream fantasies. He was in my class. He smiled at me one day...which was only a friendly smile but that was the day I became "in to him"-before that I never noticed he was in the class. We didn't have many conversations after class either-once we did it was related to classwork...and towards the end of the semester we exchanged a few emails..all class-related. The class ended a little earlier than usual {we were done with that particular class, however; school and other classes were still in session}. To make a long story short, the only contact after the class was email...I even gave him a compliment {he has a really great smile} once and he didn't bite. It was like I had to initiate everything...after awhile things turned ugly via emails so that was that :ohwell:. I can honestly say that was the one [white] dude who could have got it...but apparently he wasn't into me like that...I'm sure he was already in a relationship anyway. Oh, he was White {American} and Lebanese. I also think it's my location. I live in a place where you don't see many interracial relationships...there are even scarce Black man/White woman relationships {I don't blame them}...However, there are supposedly quite a few Black men/Native American women relationships. Also, I'm definitely not into white guys who are from the American South. The few white guys that I was interested in {there was another situation with some guys at a gas station several years ago..I was 15 then!} have all been from the northeastern United States.

Damn! He could of got him some...if he only knew.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

caligirl said:
I mostly felt embarrased because it was a whole gang of folks. I hate when guys do that!

Me, too. Especially when you know that everyone nearby can see & hear the guys that are being ridiculous.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

felicia said:
those that prefer white guys, why is that?

For me, the physical attraction part is not a preference. I love a sexy handsome man no matter what color he is.

But, all of the white guys I have dated seemed to fit more in my life socially as far as music, culture and interests have been concerned.

White guys are not the only men that I can relate to in that way, nor do I believe that just because a guy is white I can relate to him.

It has just been that way. But, it is not just race for me. I also tend to get along better with men that are older than me. I tend to also get along better with American men. It is not just about color.

But, don't get me wrong, there is something to be said about the physical attraction, too. Just like I love how sexy strong chocolate arms look, I love the color contrast between me and my man.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

caligirl said:
Damn! He could of got him some...if he only knew.

I think the dude knew...he just wasn't interested and as I stated things "turned ugly" after awhile. He did say that he saw another side of me once {of course this was via email...can you really gauge personalities by email? *shrugs*} and that it was "kind of sexy"...
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kisz4tj said:
Where do ya'll meet your White SO's???...Please do tell. I'd like to "experience" dating a WM. Heck I'm in NYC, it should be possible right? I don't live in BK tho.

surely...for me it's been through friends and family, bookstores, BART(bay area rapid transit) station, synagogue, school, music/dance clubs, & internet.

not to get all bossy but i'm sure you want to experience dating a 'good' WM. many of them aren't worth the air they breathe either.:lol: when i was single, i picky/selective across the color spectrum. esp if you do internet ads... please be carefull! ok, end of rant.:D
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kaybeegee said:
d'oh!me and my big mouth.:lol:

well that's my generalization comparing cali guys to east coast and foreign men. Mind you people travel everywhere, so I've met guys here in the Bay Area from all over the country and planet. definitely a YMMV. don't take me as final answer on that.:grin:

Haha...Okay. :) I'll check it out when I move. I'll definitely try to be more "open" to guys of ALL races and "smile" more because even though I'm the sweetest person in the world, I think I'm generally more "serious" around people I don't know very well, and I tend to walk around not smiling. That's not to say that I never smile. I DO smile. In fact, I think I smile more than most people. I'm just not used to smiling while walking down the street. Of course, I don't want to look like some crazy person smiling to themselves either! LOL! :lachen:

BTW...what does YMMV stand for?
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kisz4tj said:
Where do ya'll meet your White SO's???...Please do tell. I'd like to "experience" dating a WM. Heck I'm in NYC, it should be possible right? I don't live in BK tho.

That's what I want to know too! Because I think I must tend to intimidate guys or something. Guys don't usually approach me. They must find me intimidating or something. I guess I'm just shy. :( Whereas my sister is usually very smiley, very flirty, and just genuinely likeable. I need some of her secrets! LOL*
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

felicia said:
those that prefer white guys, why is that?

I'm not sure if I have a full-blown preference as much as a pattern. I have black american male friends/associates/relatives and i feel that they(thinking of the sought-after, handsome, 'really got it together' ones or the nerds that i got crushes on) can be sooooooooo incredibly picky. Like no one is good enough(or white enough) for them. That attitude doesn't work for me. Not that i need someone to kiss my feet 24/7 but I want to feel special & i won't pursue, audition, compete over men.

A family friend's son got married recently. I hadn't seen the family in years. He's intelligent, horribly handsome... Like OMG-actor-fine, tall and very accomplished in his field, black greek etc etc..

His poor wife(also black & very 'Princess-y) was sooo nervous over him that it made me tired. i asked my mother and she noticed it too...i don't know if you've experienced this: when a woman is with a guy that everyone sees as a huge catch, that nervousness thing/being his shadow/checking out other women constantly madness.

eeeeeeeuuuuuwww i never want to be there. if anything i'd rather him be worried abt me being 'taken.'

With most of the white men i've been with, I felt like i could breathe and be myself.
Strangely the skin color issue actually feels more comfortable. I don't feel like i'm on that old 'color complex' treadmill...

like, He's already white so i don't feel like he's trippin about my specific shade/eye color/hair texture(or worse, sweatin some other women if she's got 'better' hair, eyes, whatever)? like they're not trying to gain esteem/status by aligning themselves with a lighter mate.

Also, if i BC, go natural, whatever seems not to matter. Wait i'll take that back my husband actually prefers natural, he wasn't too thrilled with the relaxer.(this was the first relaxer since meeting..i've been natural or braids the whole time we've known each other)

Good thing this is a hair forum because other people might not get all of this hair talk... i want to add that most white men could give a rat's behind about a weave. You could have weave for days, to the floor and out the door- if you look good with it, they're just fine-thank you..... I wore weaves back in the day and never caught hell from white men.

...especially the old ones, some of them are so funny & paranoid about going bald, they consider weaves & transplants themselves(your boyfriend might be getting hooked up in the chair next to you):lol:.
I'm not saying that all black american men are crazy and colorstruck(just that many of the ones I've known personally have been)...I have heard it's different in other US regions(I did get more 'play' in new york from black amer/afro-latin/african guys) and other countries but I've never lived abroad as a single woman. I do know that if, G-d forbid something happened to my husband I'd have a much better chance of remarrying in france. I get more admiring looks & compliments in general & the black men i've met there are soo much nicer so i'm assuming i'd have a more colorful dating pool.

I hope i haven't stepped on too many toes here but i'm trying to be honest.
I've lived most of my life in the SF bay area so that's what I know.<shrug>
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I get hit on by nothing but white guys it seems....I don't get it. I got approached at Starbucks,Peets Coffee, Bookstores, work, in San Francisco, bart... I met hubby in high school and he was one of 3 normal white boys in the entire school! (the 2 others there acted like they were going thru an idenity crisis if you get my meaning) The other was my Greek friend and believe it or not, I actually turned down my Greek friends relationship proposal for my hubby's. The 3rd was/is my hubby's friend and, yes, that one fell for a sista too...;D

The Bay Area definately seems to hold a lot of whites attracted to black women. Oregon too.