are 'White Men' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

shoot, wait till Sunny gets in here with her tea :lol: :lol:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

:eek: I guess he wears boxers. I always thought Tom was HOTT!! :love: Now I REALLY have something to think about whenever I see him. Mmmm-hmm!! :lick: :lol:

I remember this episode. Of course, everything went by so fast. :grin: Thank you soooooo much for sharing!! :lol: :lol:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

unfortunately it's just daydreams for me....white boys don't approach me:(
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

lawd have mercy. just look at that bulge. "fanning self" yeah my SO is getting it and he gave me some multiples last night. i think i need to absatin for few months because i need to retain my sanity!
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

My "first" was bi-racial, white & mexican. Does that count? When we were together (about 10 years ago) it was really rare to see a black girl and white guy (well, he looked completely white) together. Now it seems like I see it everywhere.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

imstush said:
unfortunately it's just daydreams for me....white boys don't approach me:(

a lot of them don't approach first. I think they may be intimidated and think we wouldn't like them. Next time smile at a cute one and wave. He'll come right
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

The only ones that approach me are the bold ones use to dating black women. Other white men have been more settle with me. I also think I got more attention from them when I was smaller in size. Are most of you with white men are smaller is size.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Country gal said:
The only ones that approach me are the bold ones use to dating black women. Other white men have been more settle with me. I also think I got more attention from them when I was smaller in size. Are most of you with white men are smaller is size.

good point..hmm. i'm normally(i'm still huge after the baby:p ) about 138ish. I'm 5'4"... in the US that's average to smallish right? but in France it's largeish for my height. I'm off the charts now.:grin:

I agree abt the ones that are used to dating black women. Also i've found that some white men are bolder when you're the only one ..or one of few blacks around. & G-d forbid they see you with a WM, some of them think it's Open Season or something. It's like uhhh, NO.. simply being white is not a golden ticket. i donthinkso pal.
i get more attention from 'ethnic' men and older white men when i'm heavier.

Maybe it's my clothing/style choices but i think i look older when i'm larger too.

also i find the ones in/from California kinda cowardly(i'm not crazy for the men here of any color, they're weird to me now), the East Coast ones more forward and foreigners most assertive in their own slick/roundabout way:lol:. Old foreign men are most confident i think??
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

kaybeegee said:
good point..hmm. i'm normally(i'm still huge after the baby:p ) about 138ish. I'm 5'4"... in the US that's average to smallish right? but in France it's largeish for my height. I'm off the charts now.:grin:

I agree abt the ones that are used to dating black women. Also i've found that some white men are bolder when you're the only one ..or one of few blacks around. & G-d forbid they see you with a WM, some of them think it's Open Season or something. It's like uhhh, NO.. simply being white is not a golden ticket. i donthinkso pal.
i get more attention from 'ethnic' men and older white men when i'm heavier.

Maybe it's my clothing/style choices but i think i look older when i'm larger too.

also i find the ones in/from California kinda cowardly(i'm not crazy for the men here of any color, they're weird to me now), the East Coast ones more forward and foreigners most assertive in their own slick/roundabout way:lol:. Old foreign men are most confident i think??

I get compliments from them. I notice now that I am thirty, I attract the older men. The last white guy I dated was much older than me. He approached me but I was walking by myself. I noticed he followed me into the store I entered. He eventually asked me out.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Country gal said:
The only ones that approach me are the bold ones use to dating black women. Other white men have been more settle with me. I also think I got more attention from them when I was smaller in size. Are most of you with white men are smaller is size.
im sorta small with "huge" boobs and a small butt. 5'4 and 110lbs. :D
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

toosexy1 said:
im sorta small with "huge" boobs and a small butt. 5'4 and 110lbs. :D

:lol: dayum...i haven't seen left of 118 on the scale since my vegan days. :grin:

you'd totally fit in in France, everyone's so petite there.
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

This is an excellent thread, I have learned a lot about sushi:lol::lachen::grin:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

My current bf (who's a hi-yella bm) says I've got a fetish for white men. He feels that I think every white boy I see is cute, which in most cases are true (considering I usually comment while we're watching TV) I've never dated one, but I've had many a crushes.

My current white boy crush is the guy offa Coach Carter....I cant member his name but he's mmm mmm mmm!

***Im mad I couldnt see the link to the "bulge". Who ever posted it mind pming me the link? (Yeah, I'm pressed!!)
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

EishBuhgeish said:
My current bf (who's a hi-yella bm) says I've got a fetish for white men. He feels that I think every white boy I see is cute, which in most cases are true (considering I usually comment while we're watching TV) I've never dated one, but I've had many a crushes.

My current white boy crush is the guy offa Coach Carter....I cant member his name but he's mmm mmm mmm!

***Im mad I couldnt see the link to the "bulge". Who ever posted it mind pming me the link? (Yeah, I'm pressed!!)

thats Channing :lick:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

imstush said:
unfortunately it's just daydreams for me....white boys don't approach me:(

maybe go where you're somewhat outnumbered(in a safe sense of course)?

i've always been shy abt speaking to men first(but grew up in the 80s where Seventeen magazine &ppl lied and sed you could/should ask men out, i clowned myself a few times:mad: ) and after reading some of the Rules-y books i stopped speaking first completely, thank G-d.

So, next time you're all dressed up and foxy & see one looking at you: little smile, look away, little smile/sidelong glance again, then ignore him go about your biz...

if they're interested and have half a testicle they'll approach/catch up with you. seems crazy but it works.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

imstush said:
unfortunately it's just daydreams for me....white boys don't approach me:(

And you're from Brooklyn right?

Hit up the bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants, lounges in Brooklyn Heights/Park Slope. They are saturated in those areas!!

And of course there is the city....girl, where do you hang out?....because NYC is the place to attract the most finest white men, especially if you're into Wall Street/businessmen type...or even the artsy type...we need to chill sometime!:grin: :grin: :grin:

ETA: I'm also new to this, that is in finding white men in the city....any NYers can lend us some advice up in here??? Where can we go to find the most fresh white meat in Manhattan? :lol:
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Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Valerie said:
This is an excellent thread, I have learned a lot about sushi:lol::lachen::grin:

yeah, that's some mind-blowing stuff... too persuasive. when well done, it's like handing him a key/passcode to the goods. :grin:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Country gal said:
The only ones that approach me are the bold ones use to dating black women. Other white men have been more settle with me. I also think I got more attention from them when I was smaller in size. Are most of you with white men are smaller is size.

I'm 5'4 approx. 128-130. That's average for my height I guess. I'm 29, but I look younger.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Country gal said:
The only ones that approach me are the bold ones use to dating black women. Other white men have been more settle with me. I also think I got more attention from them when I was smaller in size. Are most of you with white men are smaller is size.

I'M 5'4 and 114lbs, but i dont think size matters all that much.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

EishBuhgeish said:
My current white boy crush is the guy offa Coach Carter....I cant member his name but he's mmm mmm mmm!

That would be Channing Tatum. :lick: There are a couple of pictures of him in his underwear in the WB thread. I know that thread is huge, but it's only about 20 or so pages in if you wanna check it out!:)
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Country gal said:
The only ones that approach me are the bold ones use to dating black women. Other white men have been more settle with me. I also think I got more attention from them when I was smaller in size. Are most of you with white men are smaller is size.

I'm 5'8" and 140, but in my "thicker" days it seems like I got hit on more. One time I was walking in front of this group of white guys in the airport and they told me to "back that ass up." I guess they get bold when they're in a group.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Parvathi said:
And you're from Brooklyn right?

Hit up the bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants, lounges in Brooklyn Heights/Park Slope. They are saturated in those areas!!

And of course there is the city....girl, where do you hang out?....because NYC is the place to attract the most finest white men, especially if you're into Wall Street/businessmen type...or even the artsy type...we need to chill sometime!:grin: :grin: :grin:

ETA: I'm also new to this, that is in finding white men in the city....any NYers can lend us some advice up in here??? Where can we go to find the most fresh white meat in Manhattan? :lol:

LOL! you make me want to visit NYC.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

Um kay, is Apollo Anton Ohno white and Asian? He's SO on my radar right now :lick:
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

classimami713 said:
Um kay, is Apollo Anton Ohno white and Asian? He's SO on my radar right now :lick:

I was checking him out last night on the Closing Ceremony. He is biracial, but I can't recall what the races are.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

MizAvalon said:
I was checking him out last night on the Closing Ceremony. He is biracial, but I can't recall what the races are.

His dad's Japanese, his mom's white.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

I thought Ohno was Hawaiian, that would make him Japanese and something?

ETA: I posted this before I saw eliz's post.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

caligirl said:
I'm 5'8" and 140, but in my "thicker" days it seems like I got hit on more. One time I was walking in front of this group of white guys in the airport and they told me to "back that ass up." I guess they get bold when they're in a group.

Black, White, Asian or what ever - no respectable man with good character would have said something like that to you. That is not bold, that is disrespectful!

But, I guess the title of the thread does say white "boys".
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

classimami713 said:
Um kay, is Apollo Anton Ohno white and Asian? He's SO on my radar right now :lick:

I think he's pretty short. All the short-track skaters are. That's why the Koreans are so good at it. Well, that and doping, but that's another conversation.
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

HoneyDew said:
Black, White, Asian or what ever - no respectable man with good character would have said something like that to you. That is not bold, that is disrespectful!

But, I guess the title of the thread does say white "boys".

And if it were a group of black fellas, it would have been identified as just that,
Re: are 'White Boys' reeeeeeaally getting it?

rozlips said:
I think he's pretty short. All the short-track skaters are. That's why the Koreans are so good at it. Well, that and doping, but that's another conversation.

Yeah, he's kinda short. He's 5'8".