I'm The Oldest Child Raised By A Mother Who Is The Oldest Sibling

This is exactly my attitude.

He's aries, the youngest in his immediate family and the youngest among his cousins. What did I get myself into :/ lol

We've been together 1.5 years
You've got time invested in him, otherwise I'd say dump him.

I'm a Virgo and oldest girl (2nd oldest). I couldn't tolerate that kind of man.
I will start using the advice here. SO is a complainer as well. Over dumb stuff. And it irritates me because its never anything serious. He actually sounds just like your SO. Great in every other arena. But soooo whiny. I just want to kick him in his chest sometimes
I will start using the advice here. SO is a complainer as well. Over dumb stuff. And it irritates me because its never anything serious. He actually sounds just like your SO. Great in every other arena. But soooo whiny. I just want to kick him in his chest sometimes

Yes to everything lol!
I will start using the advice here. SO is a complainer as well. Over dumb stuff. And it irritates me because its never anything serious. He actually sounds just like your SO. Great in every other arena. But soooo whiny. I just want to kick him in his chest sometimes

Ok. Perfect example, underway as we speak. SO has had a toothache for AT LEAST a year. Its not always painful. It comes and goes. But when its bothering him, he's almost reduced to tears. He cant do anything but lay down and wait for the pain to pass. He needs to have the tooth pulled, but some people have told him that having teeth pulled is basically the end of the world. So he wont do it. Despite me telling him that ive had all of my wisdom teeth pulled in one go and had a negligible amount of uncomfortability, plus i got to eat tons of ice cream.

Him- but its gonna hurt!
Me- it already hurts! Why not let it hurt intentionally one time, and be done with it?
Him- ill have to take off work!
Me-youve never taken a day off. You have TONS of leave. And theres no guarantee that you'll have to take off
Him- its gonna be expensive!
Me- you have insurance. And money. And a credit card if need be...

He would much rather complain about it for 6 months out of the year than to solve the issue. He sent a text just now saying he was in pain. Instead of getting angry and fussing at him for continually dealing with this pain, i simply asked "what are you going to do?" He moaned a bit. But finally said he will make an appointment with the dentist. Thank gawd!

Also if it matters, we're both the oldest of same sex siblings. But his upbringing is very different from mine
I'm trying y'all I'm trying to be a better woman lol[/QUOTE]

Yah, that's nice.

But is he trying to be a better man?