My husband may have a son by someone else.

ok I admit it, I cried at your post getmoore :cry: that poor boy. He seems really glad to have finally found a place where he belongs and to know where he came from. As for that banshee of a mother of his, ugh. On that front I really am sorry that you're gonna have to deal with this trifling skeezer but on the plus side the boy is grown so you'll probably have minimal contact. its not like he's 5 yrs old where you and her would have to talk everything out in terms of discipline, money, nutrition, purchases, etc...but I totally got a chuckle out of one of your babies thinking that they had a famous daddy out there somewhere :lol: :lol: Your husband sounds like a wonderful man and you both seem to love each other very much - I'm sure that you all will get through this. I hope it works out for you all and this young man is a wonderful addition to your family.
Girl you can write a book...REALLY!!

There are a lot of women/men/ families in this situation. We too found out my "Father" had an outside child once my Mother passed a way. That was 20 years ago and I have never met her just spoke to her on the phone.

There are many phases to this story and your outcome seems very positive.

The best to you and your family.
LHCF are the best and great supporters.
Getmore...May God continue to bless you and your family.
I don't post a lot but thank you all for sharing, I am extremely touched by your sentiments.
Good luck to you all :)
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Getmoore, this story is going to have a happy ending! There are too many positive things that have happened not to.

1.) A boy finally found is his biologicial father
2.) Your kids now have an older brother
3.) You have your fourth child

There are so many kids who never find their parents and vice versa. I am so glad that you and your dh have such big hearts!
Aww you guys did great. This is a situation that many families find themselves in, but few truly handle correctly. I'm proud of you two and I don't even know you.

Now as for that boy's mother, it seems like she resents your husband for some reason. :nono:
Looks like things will come into place after a while...the situation just takes some getting used to. You all are family now and that's what matters!
okay so I'm at work and not being successful at holding back tears..

We went through something last year where: My fiancee took care of a daughter he thought was his from birth til she was 8years old. She came over to our home one weekend bruised up and he took her to the hospital...DHS gave him temporary custody. Well, the mom ended up admitting she wasn't his and the DNA test confirmed it. So, she took her and moved away and that hurt him more than anything because he said even though the test say she's not his he loved her and would still provide for her. He looked for her and looked so 6yrs later (october 2008) my youngest son was on the computer trying to find her. He went to the yellow pages as I had did for many years looking up the mom's name and guess what? There it was..they called her that day and the mother was glad to hear from him. The 14yr old girl got on the phone and w/o knowing who he was said "it's my daddy, the only daddy I've known". And that was that. He drove to chicago and got her for a week and it was an emotional one. Others said they wouldn't be able to handle a man taking care of a child that wasn't his but, we've always loved her and who knows what God has in store for any of us. Plus, she looks just like him I dont' care what them test say. Oh yeah, her friend was the one working the case..go figure!
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okay so I'm at work and not being successful at holding back tears..

We went through something last year where: My fiancee took care of a daughter he thought was his from birth til she was 8years old. She came over to our home one weekend bruised up and he took her to the hospital...DHS gave him temporary custody. Well, the mom ended up admitting she wasn't his and the DNA test confirmed it. So, she took her and moved away and that hurt him more than anything because he said even though the test say she's not his he loved her and would still provide for her. He looked for her and looked so 6yrs later (october 2008) my youngest son was on the computer trying to find her. He went to the yellow pages as I had did for many years looking up the mom's name and guess what? There it was..they called her that day and the mother was glad to hear from him. The 14yr old girl got on the phone and w/o knowing who he was said "it's my daddy, the only daddy I've known". And that was that. He drove to chicago and got her for a week and it was an emotional one. Others said they wouldn't be able to handle a man taking care of a child that wasn't his but, we've always loved her and who knows what God has in store for any of us. Plus, she looks just like him I dont' care what them test say. Oh yeah, her friend was the one working the case..go figure!

Touching story! Glad everything worked out for you and your family!

It goes to show that the saying "blood is thicker than water" doesn't apply to every situation.