"I'm Not Stealing Your Men"

In my experience white women are all kumbaya about IR dating so long as A) they got a man and/or B) white dudes they consider desireable are not checking non-white women.

And let's not forget the flack some prominent white men have gotten for expressing their interest in women of color. Ben Affleck straight up said he thought the reason folks were so weird about him and JLo was racism. Gerard Butler, who used to regularly talk about his love for black women, ain't saying nothing anymore because his white female fan base was having a fit.

When the numbers of prominent white men marrying non white women reaches anywhere close to the numbers of prominent black men outmarrying AND marriage rates within the white community are similar to those within ours, then I will care what she has to say.
Yup:yep::yep: Pretty much:yep:
White/Non Black Women don't Steal men

SCANDALOUS WOMEN...steal men......

Some fail to understand that thievery comes in all colors...including ours.
In my experience white women are all kumbaya about IR dating so long as A) they got a man and/or B) white dudes they consider desireable are not checking non-white women.

And let's not forget the flack some prominent white men have gotten for expressing their interest in women of color. Ben Affleck straight up said he thought the reason folks were so weird about him and JLo was racism. Gerard Butler, who used to regularly talk about his love for black women, ain't saying nothing anymore because his white female fan base was having a fit.

When the numbers of prominent white men marrying non white women reaches anywhere close to the numbers of prominent black men outmarrying AND marriage rates within the white community are similar to those within ours, then I will care what she has to say.

oh no she Di' NT!!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

(dusts self off.....) now this thread can be closed:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
And let's not forget the flack some prominent white men have gotten for expressing their interest in women of color.

Tell the truth and shame the devil! This whole post was on point. Even Justin Bieber caught fire for being out with a black girl (who later turned out to be his publicist.) I know he catches flack for being seen with any girl but I think it stung a little more that she was black.
I'm okay with Becky getting whomever. I just want black women to have the same options white women have. A white woman can be big, small, smart, dumb, gorgeous, ugly, rich, poor, and any other combination you can imagine, and her odds of marrying are STILL better than black women, because she can get a man of any race to marry her. We are just as beautiful, and we have wants and needs just like any other woman. I want an even playing field.

I also don't want a black woman with a PH.D. to HAVE to marry the janitor just to say she has a black man. I want her options to be as varied as there are men. She's worked hard, and as long as she's sane and loving, she should be able to walk in any room and have her choice of suitors.

I agree with you here, but this is just what we have to accept as black people. We have always had to work harder than everyone else. We have to be smarter, less threatening, and more 'moral' just to get close to the same amount of respect as the rest of the world. So yes, black women have to be thinner, prettier, and smarter to have the same options as terribly average 'other' women. It's not fair that we have to go the extra mile to overcome our less than desirable past. However, going the extra mile is never a bad thing. I think this is why so many black women are busting their butts and trying to come up in society. Nothing comes easy to us.

Those less-than-desirable white women who can snag a man of any race aren't always in good relationships. They have their own set of issues. You'll just never see a CNN special on it.
awwwww he's so cute.... (can't deny the trend.....yet the cougar in me is very happy Romeo's girlfriend is already wealthy, lmao)

ya'll see big poopa lurking in the background, lol
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Now, it is telling that these black male athletes and entertainers aren't marrying black waitresses, video chicks and nannies. To me, that's the more accurate comparison and it speaks to what BroadstreetBully said about these particular black men going out of their way to pursue non-black women.

But I don't put black men who became wealthy through sports and entertainment in an "elite" category. They just have money -- and most are broke within a few years anyway.

Money does not equal class.[/QUOTE]

The bolded bears repeating.
I will add though that IR marriage rates are higher among 30-somethings as opposed to 20-somethings. I definitely think there's an age component to IR dating options for BW... I got NO play from non-black men in undergrad, a little in grad school and a LOT after that (when I was over 25). The non-black men who were serious were usually in their early 30s.

To be honest with you non-Black men are on a schedule. And by their 30's they want to get serious and have a stable relationship and/or marriage. They may play the field in their 20's but best believe there are a lot of married 30 something non-Black men out there. And if they are still single in their 40's they want and seek marriage.
To be honest with you non-Black men are on a schedule. And by their 30's they want to get serious and have a stable relationship and/or marriage. They may play the field in their 20's but best believe there are a lot of married 30 something non-Black men out there. And if they are still single in their 40's they want and seek marriage.

In my experience, many of the white males at my university are married or about to get married to their white girlfriends.
In my experience, many of the white males at my university are married or about to get married to their white girlfriends.

Yep, I've noticed the same thing. I think it goes along with what Bunny has said many times, in most communities the men are expected to get married. I noticed that when graduation time came, many of the men were gearing up to get married. It's like, I got my degree, got my job, now time to get a wife.
White people are so simple. I wish it was illegal for them to speak on things that black people say.