"I'm Not Stealing Your Men"

^^^ Well Becky's and Ying Che's brother has been checking me out.

I haven't read this entire thread....but my thoughts.

I really do believe there is progression when it comes to IR dating/marriage. I can't nick pick and argue over ever little thing regarding IR dating/marriage. It does take temperance and patience -- more importantly it takes both couples being on the same page regarding various cultures. That's all I care about.

My point is not that NONE of them check for us, but there isn't parity (and I am also approached, but I was speaking in general about black women). Every woman, (in this case, black women), should have the same opportunity to marry any man of any race that white women have. We should be able to expect that a white man will date us just as readily as black men date white women. As of right now, they do not. Black men currently marry interracially at almost double the numbers black women do. All things are not equal.
My point is not that NONE of them check for us, but there isn't parity (and I am also approached, but I was speaking in general about black women). Every woman, (in this case, black women), should have the same opportunity to marry any man of any race that white women have. We should be able to expect that a white man will date us just as readily as black men date white women. As of right now, they do not. Black men currently marry interracially at almost double the numbers black women do. All things are not equal.

I don't know if I agree with that. I think the percentage would be higher if black women were more open to it; acted on it more like our black male counterparts do. A lot of black women aren't open to IRR. They want black love so Becky's brother may be checking for them but he gets shut out. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to end up with someone of your own race. We all have preferences; some are just less open than others. I've dated IR and get hollas from men of all diff racial backgrounds. I'm most attracted to/prefer black men but fine is fine. Please believe if a Robin Thicke tried to holla, I'd holla back too! Cuz yo, where I live there is a large (Indian) Guyanese population and shoot some of them men could get it! Lol.

Hey if we have interracial kids, they're still "black" :lachen: #imjustsayin
I don't know if I agree with that. I think the percentage would be higher if black women were more open to it; acted on it more like our black male counterparts do. A lot of black women aren't open to IRR. They want black love so Becky's brother may be checking for them but he gets shut out. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to end up with someone of your own race. We all have preferences; some are just less open than others. I've dated IR and get hollas from men of all diff racial backgrounds. I'm most attracted to/prefer black men but fine is fine. Please believe if a Robin Thicke tried to holla, I'd holla back too! Cuz yo, where I live there is a large (Indian) Guyanese population and shoot some of them men could get it! Lol.

Hey if we have interracial kids, they're still "black" :lachen: #imjustsayin

Yeah, I have to agree with this.

For most black women I know that WANT to date interracially and put themselves in position to meet men of many different races, they usually don't have too many problems getting non-black interest.

The black women who say that they rarely get approached by non-black men usually aren't all that interested in IR dating to begin with and travel in mostly black circles. Which is perfectly fine, but I believe if one is not giving off a vibe that she's open to IR dating, I wouldn't expect non-black men to show that much interest in those women.
My point is not that NONE of them check for us, but there isn't parity (and I am also approached, but I was speaking in general about black women). Every woman, (in this case, black women), should have the same opportunity to marry any man of any race that white women have. We should be able to expect that a white man will date us just as readily as black men date white women. As of right now, they do not. Black men currently marry interracially at almost double the numbers black women do. All things are not equal.

I agree with you. In my experience/interactions with non-black men, I don't think it's black women not just open to dating IR. I think it has more to do with non-black men not open to dating IR with black women. I go to school, work, go to the gym, online date, public transportation etc in mostly white or diverse environments. Non-black aren't really checking for me and I don't see them approaching black women either. I rarely see black women and non-black men together. They usually tend to date within their own race or date IR with other women that are not black. Although I don't get approached, I still see black men checking me out and can't say the same for other races though I'm open to it.
lush,AgrlCan, curlmoo, much2much
yes, yes....the statistics for "sexing..vs.. marrying" are quite different as we all understand. I may have to check out the interracial relationship stats compared to interracial marriages (where the bride is indeed black -vs- a black groom)

i wonder how those numbers compare
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I will add though that IR marriage rates are higher among 30-somethings as opposed to 20-somethings. I definitely think there's an age component to IR dating options for BW... I got NO play from non-black men in undergrad, a little in grad school and a LOT after that (when I was over 25). The non-black men who were serious were usually in their early 30s.
My point is not that NONE of them check for us, but there isn't parity (and I am also approached, but I was speaking in general about black women). Every woman, (in this case, black women), should have the same opportunity to marry any man of any race that white women have. We should be able to expect that a white man will date us just as readily as black men date white women. As of right now, they do not. Black men currently marry interracially at almost double the numbers black women do. All things are not equal.

I don't think it is terribly accurate to compare black men and white men. What makes more sense is to compare white men and white women. Very few white women will readily date a black man. Why wouldn't white men have similar attitudes towards dating/marrying out?

In fact, I would say that the willingness or refusal to date/marry out amongst white and Asian men reflects a "normal" trend. People are driven to preserve their culture. What we see with black men is not normal. There is no real drive to preserve culture. Beauty standards are weighed heavily in favor of Euro-featured black women and 'others'. I wouldn't expect any other group of men to be as willing to date out as black men are. Hence why it seems like more black men chase after 'others' than 'others' chase after us.
My point is not that NONE of them check for us, but there isn't parity (and I am also approached, but I was speaking in general about black women). Every woman, (in this case, black women), should have the same opportunity to marry any man of any race that white women have. We should be able to expect that a white man will date us just as readily as black men date white women. As of right now, they do not. Black men currently marry interracially at almost double the numbers black women do. All things are not equal.
actually it's like 3 times:look:
I don't know if I agree with that. I think the percentage would be higher if black women were more open to it; acted on it more like our black male counterparts do. A lot of black women aren't open to IRR. They want black love so Becky's brother may be checking for them but he gets shut out. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to end up with someone of your own race. We all have preferences; some are just less open than others. I've dated IR and get hollas from men of all diff racial backgrounds. I'm most attracted to/prefer black men but fine is fine. Please believe if a Robin Thicke tried to holla, I'd holla back too! Cuz yo, where I live there is a large (Indian) Guyanese population and shoot some of them men could get it! Lol.

Hey if we have interracial kids, they're still "black" :lachen: #imjustsayin

Yeah, I have to agree with this.

For most black women I know that WANT to date interracially and put themselves in position to meet men of many different races, they usually don't have too many problems getting non-black interest.

The black women who say that they rarely get approached by non-black men usually aren't all that interested in IR dating to begin with and travel in mostly black circles. Which is perfectly fine, but I believe if one is not giving off a vibe that she's open to IR dating, I wouldn't expect non-black men to show that much interest in those women.

I can see truth in both posts. Black women are becoming interested in IR a bit more as the years go by so we see it more often than in years past. The issue that bothers me most is that I believe that a black woman of any status in life (a la Nicole Simpson {waitress}, Elin Woods {nanny}, or Vanessa Bryant {high school student}), should have the same access to a wealthy white man as those women had to wealthy black men. Yes, some educated black women are marrying educated white men in greater numbers, but for those who may just have a high school diploma, who may not be a size 2 or may not be a dimepiece tend not to have the option of marrying a well-to-do white man as often. Just sayin :ohwell:

I don't think it is terribly accurate to compare black men and white men. What makes more sense is to compare white men and white women. Very few white women will readily date a black man. Why wouldn't white men have similar attitudes towards dating/marrying out?

In fact, I would say that the willingness or refusal to date/marry out amongst white and Asian men reflects a "normal" trend. People are driven to preserve their culture. What we see with black men is not normal. There is no real drive to preserve culture. Beauty standards are weighed heavily in favor of Euro-featured black women and 'others'. I wouldn't expect any other group of men to be as willing to date out as black men are. Hence why it seems like more black men chase after 'others' than 'others' chase after us.

Sure they will. If they believe they can live a life of leisure, have "beautiful" kids, and get their Mandingo. :look:

I agree with your posts about black men buying into the Euro beauty standards, and that what they are doing is against the norm. I can understand the frustration that can bring to black women. I've evolved, but am on the fence w/it at times. I'm okay until a white woman decides to tell us how to feel about it :hardslap:

actually it's like 3 times:look:

I stand corrected, LOL
I can see truth in both posts. Black women are becoming interested in IR a bit more as the years go by so we see it more often than in years past. The issue that bothers me most is that I believe that a black woman of any status in life (a la Nicole Simpson {waitress}, Elin Woods {nanny}, or Vanessa Bryant {high school student}), should have the same access to a wealthy white man as those women had to wealthy black men. Yes, some educated black women are marrying educated white men in greater numbers, but for those who may just have a high school diploma, who may not be a size 2 or may not be a dimepiece tend not to have the option of marrying a well-to-do white man as often. Just sayin :ohwell:

I understand what you're saying and agree in general. :)

I want to offer a slightly different perspective though. One I offer often.

O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant are indeed wealthy. They are also athletes. I think that we in the black community make a mistake in putting athletes and entertainers in a category as "desirable" men just because they have money.

Most athletes and entertainers, despite their money, have lower class values. So it actually does not surprise me that these men would marry lower-class white or non-black women... Kobe Bryant only has a high school diploma, Tiger Woods is not a college graduate (although he attended a very good school) and I don't think O.J. is a grad either.

If you notice, the black male athletes and entertainers aren't marrying cream of the crop white women. They are marrying the white women who are at their level. Cream of the crop white women (say, Ivanka Trump, Chelsea Clinton) are marrying cream of the crop white men who have more than just money. Ivanka Trump's husband and Chelsea Clinton's fiance probably would not have married Vanessa Bryant, Nicole Simpson or Elin Woods. Most black athletes and entertainers would not get a second look by an Ivanka or Chelsea or the Bush twins, so they have to pick from the babysitters, waitresses and nannies (and get very young ones too) if they want to be with a non-black chick.

(And yes, I know the Bush twins were lushes, but they have that family name, so that puts them in the high-class category.)

Now, it is telling that these black male athletes and entertainers aren't marrying black waitresses, video chicks and nannies. To me, that's the more accurate comparison and it speaks to what BroadstreetBully said about these particular black men going out of their way to pursue non-black women.

But I don't put black men who became wealthy through sports and entertainment in an "elite" category. They just have money -- and most are broke within a few years anyway.

Money does not equal class.
I understand what you're saying and agree in general. :)

I want to offer a slightly different perspective though. One I offer often.

O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant are indeed wealthy. They are also athletes. I think that we in the black community make a mistake in putting athletes and entertainers in a category as "desirable" men just because they have money.

Most athletes and entertainers, despite their money, have lower class values. So it actually does not surprise me that these men would marry lower-class white or non-black women... Kobe Bryant only has a high school diploma, Tiger Woods is not a college graduate (although he attended a very good school) and I don't think O.J. is a grad either.

If you notice, the black male athletes and entertainers aren't marrying cream of the crop white women. They are marrying the white women who are at their level. Cream of the crop white women (say, Ivanka Trump, Chelsea Clinton) are marrying cream of the crop white men who have more than just money. Ivanka Trump's husband and Chelsea Clinton's fiance probably would not have married Vanessa Bryant, Nicole Simpson or Elin Woods. Most black athletes and entertainers would not get a second look by an Ivanka or Chelsea or the Bush twins, so they have to pick from the babysitters, waitresses and nannies (and get very young ones too) if they want to be with a non-black chick.

(And yes, I know the Bush twins were lushes, but they have that family name, so that puts them in the high-class category.)

Now, it is telling that these black male athletes and entertainers aren't marrying black waitresses, video chicks and nannies. To me, that's the more accurate comparison and it speaks to what BroadstreetBully said about these particular black men going out of their way to pursue non-black women.

But I don't put black men who became wealthy through sports and entertainment in an "elite" category. They just have money -- and most are broke within a few years anyway.

Money does not equal class.

True, but of course, the only reason I mentioned athletes is because they are the most recognizable. But since you mention class, as far as your educated white male making 6 figures or more, they aren't seeking sistahs (generally). More often than not, if he DOES marry black, she WILL be drool worthy gorgeous, educated, and well-traveled. But an educated black man making that kind of money would break his neck to get an plain ole regular Becky who has never left her block. But white women like the women posted in the OP think black women are too stupid to notice. If you want him and he wants you, have at it, but don't think black women don't notice you're marrying the cream of the crop, then telling black women who want a black man they're imagining things :spinning:
True, but of course, the only reason I mentioned athletes is because they are the most recognizable. But since you mention class, as far as your educated white male making 6 figures or more, they aren't seeking sistahs (generally). More often than not, if he DOES marry black, she WILL be drool worthy gorgeous, educated, and well-traveled. But an educated black man making that kind of money would break his neck to get an plain ole regular Becky who has never left her block. But white women like the women posted in the OP think black women are too stupid to notice. If you want him and he wants you, have at it, but don't think black women don't notice you're marrying the cream of the crop, then telling black women who want a black man they're imagining things :spinning:

Again, agree with the majority of what you're saying. The interest of black men in white women is very disproportionate, and I think that's a statement more about black men than about black women's desirability.

I will say though, that the educated black men who date white women usually tend to date educated white women... that's the point that I was trying to make with athletes... they are wealthy, but not educated. The military black men who date out a lot usually aren't all that educated either.

The educated black men with white women usually met their partners in college. Again I do get what you're saying... what made them go to Becky when there were multiple sistahs in their classes that they could have gotten with?

I just think that it's not really a case here of the average Becky getting the cream of the crop black men (which in my definition, does not include athletes and entertainers).

I think it's interesting though that if you think of non-black men who are cream of the crop, it's never athletes and entertainers. But with us, we elevate them to a level that they really don't deserve. Most are quite dumb... and the average non-black doctor/lawyer/professional will end up wealthier in the long run than the millionaire black athlete.
"Her point was made well enough so that someone like me, who does not agree could understand where she is coming from. The truth is I really do understand where she is coming from although I don’t agree with it. I respect her opinion as it’s expected and understandable because it’s not the first time I’ve ever come across someone who feels this way. It just makes me sad.All interracial couples have the most beautiful children and I think this says something. Why can’t we rise above the hate? It’s 2010-our president is the product of an interracial couple, so are we really still struggling to accept interracial dating? It all comes down to a difference of opinion. The way we were raised, experiences we’ve had, etc. It doesn’t make one opinion better than another-it just proves the point ‘to each his own.’"

Enough said.
True, but of course, the only reason I mentioned athletes is because they are the most recognizable. But since you mention class, as far as your educated white male making 6 figures or more, they aren't seeking sistahs (generally). More often than not, if he DOES marry black, she WILL be drool worthy gorgeous, educated, and well-traveled. But an educated black man making that kind of money would break his neck to get an plain ole regular Becky who has never left her block. But white women like the women posted in the OP think black women are too stupid to notice. If you want him and he wants you, have at it, but don't think black women don't notice you're marrying the cream of the crop, then telling black women who want a black man they're imagining things :spinning:

Educated white women making six figures or more aren't seeking out brothas either. Those women are very reluctant to date/marry out, and if they do, that brotha better be a millionaire with a clean record. White people on that level rarely even run in circles with black men/women.

If an educated black man will push an educated sista to the side for a trailer trash white woman, well that's on him. He sees her whiteness as a novelty, and she is allowing herself to be treated that way. What happens when that novelty gets old? See BM/WW divorce rate. In fact, take a look at divorce rates of IR marriages where the female spouse is white.

Educated, drool-worthy gorgeous, and well-traveled black women seem to be the group encouraged the most to marry down or 'give a brotha a chance'. If these women can snag a man of any background who is on a level similar to their own, I see that as a good thing. I couldn't care less that carhop Becky might get a ring from successful black male attorney. I'd be happy not being a novelty and being married to a man on my level who is attracted to me for my looks, mind, and similar goals. Becky can have Latrell Spencer (from White Chicks:lol:).
Of course it does. It comes in blonde hair and blue eyes :look:

I am okay w/the IR thing for the most part, and there is progress, but the numbers don't bear up equally across the board. If my brother can date Becky, why isn't Becky's brother checking for me?

Yup :yep:
Educated white women making six figures or more aren't seeking out brothas either. Those women are very reluctant to date/marry out, and if they do, that brotha better be a millionaire with a clean record. White people on that level rarely even run in circles with black men/women.

...........hmmmmmmm :goodone::goodone::goodone::arrowup::arrowup::arrowup::arrowup::arrowup: THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD

of course it happens!! but the numbers are disproportionate to say THE LEAST!
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I don't understand what the point of the article is.
Was it made to upset people?

she ended with let me know what u think..... so idk
perhaps she simply wanted to respond to Jill Scott.:ohwell:
i would hope it was written to open discussions.... moves people forward
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Educated white women making six figures or more aren't seeking out brothas either. Those women are very reluctant to date/marry out, and if they do, that brotha better be a millionaire with a clean record. White people on that level rarely even run in circles with black men/women.

If an educated black man will push an educated sista to the side for a trailer trash white woman, well that's on him. He sees her whiteness as a novelty, and she is allowing herself to be treated that way. What happens when that novelty gets old? See BM/WW divorce rate. In fact, take a look at divorce rates of IR marriages where the female spouse is white.

Educated, drool-worthy gorgeous, and well-traveled black women seem to be the group encouraged the most to marry down or 'give a brotha a chance'. If these women can snag a man of any background who is on a level similar to their own, I see that as a good thing. I couldn't care less that carhop Becky might get a ring from successful black male attorney. I'd be happy not being a novelty and being married to a man on my level who is attracted to me for my looks, mind, and similar goals. Becky can have Latrell Spencer (from White Chicks:lol:).
yup, bm/ ow have the highest divorce rate:yep:
and why isn't that stat ever on the news? :rolleyes:
that's what i'm saying. There is a certain agenda being pushed here. The joke is black women/other men have the LOWEST divorce rate. Isn't it funny how we never hear that?:nono: I'm OK with IR, if it's for the right reasons. If you genuinely find someone you love and care about and they happen to be Japanese, I'm happy for you. If you're intentionally seeking it out in some insecure, self-hating way :barf:, then sit down somewhere.
My two cents...I agree with Jill Scott. I know that it isn't a popular stance, but I don't like seeing black guys with white or non black women. Even if I don't know them or wouldn't be interested in them even if they were "checking for me", as they say. I don't like it. Yet, I don't mind one iota when black women date men of other races or ethnicities.

I feel like black women are treated by society, like the lowest on the totem pole. So when a black man chooses a non black woman it reinforces that way of thinking to me.

Although, it makes me wonder if black guys feel the same way when black women date non black men. When I dated white, my boyfriend and I came across a few angry black men and white women. The men wanted to know if I didn't think they were good enough for me, eventhough they were strangers. The white women were just rude.

There was also a white girl who was really in to my black husband (before we were engaged) and after throwing herself at him, was totally shocked that he chose me over her. Like it would be a given that he would go for her because she was white.

I guess it's just a touchy subject for everyone...or most.
:nono: I have to disagree with the bolded. White women and women of other races are not constantly bombarded with statistic showing them that the numbers don't add up when it comes to dating men of their race. They are not forced to accept the fact that many of the men in their race are in prison, gay or in interracial relationships; not to mention the lack of education that many Black women would love for their men to have. Nor are they looking at many famous white business men, atheletes and entertainers who have chosen to be with women of other races. Nor do they have to read articles and watch youtubes from men of their race shouting about how terrible they are. They are not singled out by the media as angry, materialist and unfeminine. Nor are they considered bottom of the barrel choices. They are not being told they are the reason for the failure of their communities and families. The pressure is on Black women in ways White women can never understand. And these White/other women, who will someday raise little brown/tan skinned girls, should take a little time to understand that fact.

I understand what you are saying. You are right, they don't have these reasons. I meant more...you can't just say they won't feel the "sting". They may not have the same reasons, but it doesn't mean they don't feel they do have reason to feel that "sting" either. What ever their reasons may be, even if not valid in someone else's opinion, its not fair to say they can never understand what its like to feel hurt seeing it. I'm sorry, I've never been good at adequately expressing my side in a debate setting, so I'm not sure how to word it?

Why is it that Black women are not allowed to want their own? Just like White, Asian, Hispanic and Native American women, Black women want families that look like them. There is nothing wrong with that and to make Black women feel as if we are abnormal for feeling this way is down right insensitive.

I agree with you here too. Even though I, personally, may not agree with being upset over who other people choose to marry, I can very much see how it can be and is upsetting. Who doesn't want to see a family that looks like them? Who doesn't want to see their heritage and culture continued Everyone has the right to feel the way they do, and it certainly isn't abnormal. But, I also remember growing up that I wished to see more families like mine too. I remember when I was young (ha..I'm barely 24, so I'm still young) feeling bad for my parents. I remember my mother crying when no one was around and she thought we were asleep because members of my father's family would ignore her or make comments when all she wanted to do is love my father and be part of his family. I remember my dad confiding in me one night, letting me know that he was upset that when my mother found her father, he wouldn't talk to her for a year after he found out my dad was black, but he wanted to be strong for my mother. Of course, my mother was upset to because he did the same thing members of my father's family did to her. So, while I completely agree with "what's wrong with a black woman wanting her own", and I do realize that people DO choose other races a lot, for the wrong reasons(Seriously, pretty children or..larger..units..give me a break), I DO know that people choose other races a lot because they just love that person, and for that they shouldn't be ridiculed or thought less of. So, I can't help feeling "What's wrong with wanting the one you love?"

Of course, this is a subject that will go on long after I'm gone, and people will always feel the way they feel. They have a right to. It is a subject a lot of people get offended on, and it has two very valid sides. It is interesting to see what other people think, so thanks Curly!
My two cents...I agree with Jill Scott. I know that it isn't a popular stance, but I don't like seeing black guys with white or non black women. Even if I don't know them or wouldn't be interested in them even if they were "checking for me", as they say. I don't like it. Yet, I don't mind one iota when black women date men of other races or ethnicities.

I feel like black women are treated by society, like the lowest on the totem pole. So when a black man chooses a non black woman it reinforces that way of thinking to me.

Although, it makes me wonder if black guys feel the same way when black women date non black men. When I dated white, my boyfriend and I came across a few angry black men and white women. The men wanted to know if I didn't think they were good enough for me, eventhough they were strangers. The white women were just rude.

There was also a white girl who was really in to my black husband (before we were engaged) and after throwing herself at him, was totally shocked that he chose me over her. Like it would be a given that he would go for her because she was white.

I guess it's just a touchy subject for everyone...or most.

I understand the bolded. I think it is unfortunate that black women are the only women who have to be concerned about this:nono:.

However, the more I look around, the more I realize that there is so much more to this issue. We're outperforming black men but our self esteem is being affected by who they are choosing. There is no way that a successful black woman is on the bottom of the totem pole. To whom? It certainly doesn't work that way in a capitalist society. A successful black woman has many options. I actually find it kinda backwards. You'd think that black men would feel these emotions because they see black women moving up and having access to multitudes of successful men with 'privileges' that come with their racial background. You'd think that black men would be the ones to feel rejected. Nope. Doesn't work out that way. I see something very wrong with this picture.
My two cents...I agree with Jill Scott. I know that it isn't a popular stance, but I don't like seeing black guys with white or non black women. Even if I don't know them or wouldn't be interested in them even if they were "checking for me", as they say. I don't like it. Yet, I don't mind one iota when black women date men of other races or ethnicities.

I feel like black women are treated by society, like the lowest on the totem pole. So when a black man chooses a non black woman it reinforces that way of thinking to me. <----kinda how i've felt

Although, it makes me wonder if black guys feel the same way when black women date non black men. When I dated white, my boyfriend and I came across a few angry black men and white women. The men wanted to know if I didn't think they were good enough for me, eventhough they were strangers. The white women were just rude.

There was also a white girl who was really in to my black husband (before we were engaged) and after throwing herself at him, was totally shocked that he chose me over her. Like it would be a given that he would go for her because she was white.

I guess it's just a touchy subject for everyone...or most.

^^^^^^ yes yes sis! but honest discussion moves us forward
forces us to process this information
In my experience white women are all kumbaya about IR dating so long as A) they got a man and/or B) white dudes they consider desireable are not checking non-white women.

And let's not forget the flack some prominent white men have gotten for expressing their interest in women of color. Ben Affleck straight up said he thought the reason folks were so weird about him and JLo was racism. Gerard Butler, who used to regularly talk about his love for black women, ain't saying nothing anymore because his white female fan base was having a fit.

When the numbers of prominent white men marrying non white women reaches anywhere close to the numbers of prominent black men outmarrying AND marriage rates within the white community are similar to those within ours, then I will care what she has to say.
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Educated white women making six figures or more aren't seeking out brothas either. Those women are very reluctant to date/marry out, and if they do, that brotha better be a millionaire with a clean record. White people on that level rarely even run in circles with black men/women.

If an educated black man will push an educated sista to the side for a trailer trash white woman, well that's on him. He sees her whiteness as a novelty, and she is allowing herself to be treated that way. What happens when that novelty gets old? See BM/WW divorce rate. In fact, take a look at divorce rates of IR marriages where the female spouse is white.

Educated, drool-worthy gorgeous, and well-traveled black women seem to be the group encouraged the most to marry down or 'give a brotha a chance'. If these women can snag a man of any background who is on a level similar to their own, I see that as a good thing. I couldn't care less that carhop Becky might get a ring from successful black male attorney. I'd be happy not being a novelty and being married to a man on my level who is attracted to me for my looks, mind, and similar goals. Becky can have Latrell Spencer (from White Chicks:lol:).

I'm okay with Becky getting whomever. I just want black women to have the same options white women have. A white woman can be big, small, smart, dumb, gorgeous, ugly, rich, poor, and any other combination you can imagine, and her odds of marrying are STILL better than black women, because she can get a man of any race to marry her. We are just as beautiful, and we have wants and needs just like any other woman. I want an even playing field.

I also don't want a black woman with a PH.D. to HAVE to marry the janitor just to say she has a black man. I want her options to be as varied as there are men. She's worked hard, and as long as she's sane and loving, she should be able to walk in any room and have her choice of suitors.
I understand the bolded. I think it is unfortunate that black women are the only women who have to be concerned about this:nono:.

However, the more I look around, the more I realize that there is so much more to this issue. We're outperforming black men but our self esteem is being affected by who they are choosing. There is no way that a successful black woman is on the bottom of the totem pole. To whom? It certainly doesn't work that way in a capitalist society. A successful black woman has many options. I actually find it kinda backwards. You'd think that black men would feel these emotions because they see black women moving up and having access to multitudes of successful men with 'privileges' that come with their racial background. You'd think that black men would be the ones to feel rejected. Nope. Doesn't work out that way. I see something very wrong with this picture.

Excellent point. I honestly never thought of it that way before. You're right. Something is definitely wrong.
I understand the bolded. I think it is unfortunate that black women are the only women who have to be concerned about this:nono:.

However, the more I look around, the more I realize that there is so much more to this issue. We're outperforming black men but our self esteem is being affected by who they are choosing. There is no way that a successful black woman is on the bottom of the totem pole. To whom? It certainly doesn't work that way in a capitalist society. A successful black woman has many options. I actually find it kinda backwards. You'd think that black men would feel these emotions because they see black women moving up and having access to multitudes of successful men with 'privileges' that come with their racial background. You'd think that black men would be the ones to feel rejected. Nope. Doesn't work out that way. I see something very wrong with this picture.
They do feel insecure and rejected for not fulfilling their societal role, which is why they turn around and mistreat us. Can't face the "failure" and turn the finger on themselves, so they reject black women and run to Becky to kiss their bruised ego (supposedly). It's emasculating to look at a BW who has race and gender working against her and she still kicks your butt (not that it's a competition:look:). They feel small, so they go where they can feel "big". I cannot tell you how many times, I hear dudes say, they are "intimidated" or feel a girl doesn't "need" them. Once I hear that type of talk, I know they have to go somewhere to make themselves feel "big".

Some are inspired and work hard and still persevere but many fall by the wayside and instead of check themselves they let their insecurities drive their crap. Add layers of racism, institutional racism, patriarchy and we have the SAD state of BM right now. They are black, but they are still male. IMO, that gives them a pinch of a leg up to act a damn fool.
Just throwing out ideas.