I Went Out Last Night And You Couldn't Pay Me To Get A Divorce

I sure do

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever I flip the script and keep dh on his toes. I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap

Uh my gf scored a hubby that way shoot:rolleyes:

it's basically like being a groupie at the games. Be a professional groupie!

You know, Gold Digger: LIke a Hooker just smarter!:lachen:

MissScarlett I can't be quoting you each and every time, you are just giving the bizness!:lachen: Damn more women should learn from you.

googling some professional organizations:sekret:
My BF is upset because she feels that she will die single and childless. But if she keeps going to the club to find a man, I think she will:lachen:.

People still go to clubs to find potential mates??! Are you serious!?! I thought everyone knew the club was just a meat market. Please! LOL!
This is why us older single/widowed/divorced women probably aren't thinking of finding our next mate in da club. If I do go clubbing again, it will simply be to dance and have fun, just like it was back in my single dating days.

I can't seem to find attractive men anywhere except the gym, and that's a ho-house!

I know someone who tried to get me to join the gym in hopes of meeting "someone". She failed to tell me she had screwed most of the hot men in there.


Watching an episode of Judge Joe Brown, he even told a cradle robbing woman that was worth a sh** to "do with out". Meaning, don't waste your time getting with just anything just because the men in her age bracket worth even sh** and those that are are happily MARRIED!
Originally Posted by MissScarlett
If he WANTS to cut a fool and take it there....I will be right behind him. I will take my boys and stick him for everything he has and everything he will dream of having. Remember...it will be Bank of MissScarlett:yep: I'm like it aint even worth it dude, I'll have your boys calling someone else daddy....so don't trip:rolleyes:

That's a great smily!! Exactly what I was thinking lol!
I can't seem to find attractive men anywhere except the gym, and that's a ho-house!

I know someone who tried to get me to join the gym in hopes of meeting "someone". She failed to tell me she had screwed most of the hot men in there.


Watching an episode of Judge Joe Brown, he even told a cradle robbing woman that was worth a sh** to "do with out". Meaning, don't waste your time getting with just anything just because the men in her age bracket worth even sh** and those that are are happily MARRIED!

Yea..ain't nothin going on at the gym but HUDs and profilers.
That's a good question.

Do y'all think there is a difference in meeting men in clubs than somewhere else? The same jerk you met last night in the club, might be in church the next day. From your experience's, do you see a real difference?

ITA! The only thing with the club experience is that they are looking just to hook up for the night or just to boost their egos.
The funny thing is, I was just responding to the thread. I didn't feel the need for this response. But all is well. :)

I tell you what. My crystal ball says this is just another storybook fable. :rolleyes:

LOL AT YOUR POST-clarification we went to dinner no one was over--no where and my bad i thought i was repsonding to ineedhair--i didnt know i beckoned your 2 cents

as well as WE treated them well and we will treat our next MALE dinner dates and etc the same way--PLEASE---- WE DO THIS THE WAY WE DO IT--WE RUN OUR SHOW--LMAO---aint nobody going goo-goo over dudes but i will say this- i dont think that just becasue they did that= they could be crazy and etc etc--TRUE BUTTHEY WERENT NEITHER WERE WE



but the good news is we will be dining with them tom night and some dif dudes on sat--can you forsee what will happen then--will their baby mama pop out of the bushes or girlsfriends roll up out front--lmaoooooo
look into your crytsal ball and lemme know--lmao
MissScarlett I can't be quoting you each and every time, you are just giving the bizness!:lachen: Damn more women should learn from you.

googling some professional organizations:sekret:

I'm being silly but my thought proces is, we're married for life...so act like you know you have alot to lose here, if you risk it, its your fault. I'm not gonna make nice at the ball park with your new boo, you just won't see us ever again:look:

Yeah uhh google...and uh share your results, we have some single sistahs here that need a new venue:lachen:
I can't seem to find attractive men anywhere except the gym, and that's a ho-house!

I know someone who tried to get me to join the gym in hopes of meeting "someone". She failed to tell me she had screwed most of the hot men in there.


Watching an episode of Judge Joe Brown, he even told a cradle robbing woman that was worth a sh** to "do with out". Meaning, don't waste your time getting with just anything just because the men in her age bracket worth even sh** and those that are are happily MARRIED!

What about networking or social events?
I'm being silly but my thought proces is, we're married for life...so act like you know you have alot to lose here, if you risk it, its your fault. I'm not gonna make nice at the ball park with your new boo, you just won't see us ever again:look:

Yeah uhh google...and uh share your results, we have some single sistahs here that need a new venue:lachen:

Gangsta part deaux! Ice cold baby!!
thanks for the $4.98 of my $5 membership..

--u just responding to the thread but quoting my post and directly referring to my situation--lame *** chick ----kisses..post-stalker
----not enought to be stalked in real life but to be stalked online--clutches pearls
from one grinder to another grind away boo-boo:yawn::grin:

The funny thing is, I was just responding to the thread. I didn't feel the need for this response. But all is well. :)

I tell you what. My crystal ball says this is just another storybook fable. :rolleyes:
thanks for the $4.98 of my $5 membership..

kisses..post-stalker----not enought to be stalked in real life but to be stalked online--clutches pearls
from one grinder to another grind away boo-boo:yawn::grin:

:lachen:I seriously must have missed something, ya'll know when I go to sleep...I miss stuff :look:
Married women like to dance too.:perplexed
I'm not talking about dancing... I'm talking about that environment she was in. There are better places to hang out with your girls besides having desperate men grinding up on you.

@ MissScarlett, I know you don't die when you get married... :perplexed I wasn't saying she shouldn't have fun as a married women. But her original post didn't sound like fun if she had all these married men trying to talk to her and stuff.
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My friend ask me to go out with her and I did. It was our once a month meet up. I am married, not dead and I do like to have fun with my girls:perplexed
Oh okay. Like I mentioned in my post above, I was not implying that you should be "dead" when you're married or that you shouldn't have fun as a married woman. I was just thinking that the environment you were in was sad and crazy for any woman, single or married.
That's a good question.

Do y'all think there is a difference in meeting men in clubs than somewhere else? The same jerk you met last night in the club, might be in church the next day. From your experience's, do you see a real difference?

That's a large resounding NO from me. :look:

They're everywhere. The grocery store. The gas station. At church. And get togethers at a friend's house. The gym. Waiting in line at the bank. You name it. :ohwell:

And some of the most trifling men I've met have been on college campuses. Young, Black, educated and trifling.
thanks for the $4.98 of my $5 membership..

--u just responding to the thread but quoting my post and directly referring to my situation--lame *** chick ----kisses..post-stalker----not enought to be stalked in real life but to be stalked online--clutches pearls
from one grinder to another grind away boo-boo:yawn::grin:

:lol: please believe no one is worried about your lying, storybook, fairy tale telling arse. I came in here to get valuable information from these married women (none of which I got from you). I surely wasn't thinking about your lame a$$ but I happened across your post. And you sound stupid because you had to come in and respond to my post to see it-->but I'm stalking you? :rofl: Many many more interesting ppl on the net... you know, the ones who offer real advice and not stories from their delusional world.
:lol: please believe no one is worried about your lying, storybook, fairy tale telling arse. I came in here to get valuable information from these married women (none of which I got from you). I surely wasn't thinking about your lame a$$ but I happened across your post. And you sound stupid because you had to come in and respond to my post to see it-->but I'm stalking you? :rofl: Many many more interesting ppl on the net... you know, the ones who offer real advice and not stories from their delusional world.
The block is hot up in here.

MissScarlett you laying down some truth serum up in here.
I'm not talking about dancing... I'm talking about that environment she was in. There are better places to hang out with your girls besides having desperate men grinding up on you.

@ MissScarlett, I know you don't die when you get married... :perplexed I wasn't saying she shouldn't have fun as a married women. But her original post didn't sound like fun if she had all these married men trying to talk to her and stuff.

Oh I know Pooh, I think INH was just trying to say how different things are now with the dating game and probably how the club scene has totally detoriorated. Now guys there are BET rapper wanna be's:lachen:
That's cool and all. But you don't think they have a different group of women over the next evening. Sure they treated your girls well, but they probably treated the next group just as well. All while their girlfriends were out of town. :lol:

I feel what your point was, but do not think that just because they are educated, hetero, sane, employed and without baby mama drama that they aren't on no BULL SIHT.

OK, please say it again! Amen, I've met so many of THESE dudes it's ridiculous. :nono:
For real can we get back on subject. This is a great thread and I don't want it to get the clink clank. Q

Right, now...how's it going finding a house cleaner:look:

Um let's see.....when are you sending my baby to me, she needs to come and save me from these boys:grin: