I Went Out Last Night And You Couldn't Pay Me To Get A Divorce

you are very right jerks are everywhere--church and etc

now im 25 single in the city--and im like a kid in the candy store--not sure what kind of male shortage is going on but my girls and i can pick a different great guy each night of the week--

its funny-- i am really like has there ever been a man shortage--i mean i live in nyc and yes there r gazillions of idiots and etc--but i just dont meet those dudes or run into them--but i dont interact with a man who i feel is a loser--idk--it boggles my mind when women say there is a man shortage im like where---or the pickings are slim---im like really--where?

of course u may have an idiot approach u or etc but if i am at a club i know what to expect and if im at our monthly ny urban professionals meeting i know what to expect as well--

idk--when we go out we meet the employed, gentleman who are sane and r really trying to settle--down i will say its interesting i feel like now men r really trying to settle down--and im the one like not yet babe---lol..too many to choose

for exmaple we went to MOMA this wknd and met some really nice guys and im like kewl-they were late 20's well educated, heterosexual, brotha's, sane, employed, no baby mama--and really funny kewl guys who we later enjoyed their company over dinner and drinks--overall great day and evening

i guess everyones experience is different--idk

That's a good question.

Do y'all think there is a difference in meeting men in clubs than somewhere else? The same jerk you met last night in the club, might be in church the next day. From your experience's, do you see a real difference?
Dang MissS, you kinda' gangsta today, huh? :lol:
Does he knows this, do you tell him just as a cautionary warning?

I sure do :lol:

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever:rolleyes: I flip the script and keep dh on his toes. I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it:yep:

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap:grin:
I sure do :lol:

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever:rolleyes: I flip the script and keep dh on his toes. I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it:yep:

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap:grin:

I know, I'm like wow just that easy huh. My friends try to keep their dh's on lock, I'm like ya'll, they can cheat at work:rolleyes: Granted the club is just s smorsgabord of free sex:grin:

Dh and I both go out separately with our friends but it doesn't phase me cause I don't tell grown folks what to do. If he WANTS to cut a fool and take it there....I will be right behind him. I will take my boys and stick him for everything he has and everything he will dream of having. Remember...it will be Bank of MissScarlett:yep: I'm like it aint even worth it dude, I'll have your boys calling someone else daddy....so don't trip:rolleyes:
We are -><- on the bolded. Queeny don't play that!!! Q
I sure do :lol:

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever:rolleyes: I flip the script and keep dh on his toes. I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it:yep:

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap:grin:

Classic!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I met my last two BF's at clubs/lounges and they were both really good guys and professionals. With the first one, there was never any drama, but I moved out of state and got tired of the LD relationship. The most recent guy, I married and he's awesome. I def dont think clubs are ideal places to meet people, but I guess I've just been lucky. :yep:

But I agree with the OP....me and DH are at this for life
That's a good question.

Do y'all think there is a difference in meeting men in clubs than somewhere else? The same jerk you met last night in the club, might be in church the next day. From your experience's, do you see a real difference?

In church, all up in the pulpit :look:
I sure do :lol:

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever:rolleyes: I flip the script and keep dh on his toes. I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it:yep:

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap:grin:

this post is funny missscarlett:yep:.
I sure do :lol:

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever:rolleyes: I flip the script and keep dh on his toes. I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it:yep:

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap:grin:

I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q
I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q

Exactly. You have no control of what someone else is doing, all you do have control over is you and making sure you are doing your part.
Exactly. You have no control of what someone else is doing, all you do have control over is you and making sure you are doing your part.

I always say if a man knows you will do anything to keep him, he will do anything to you. Not I said the mouse!!! Q
I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q

EXACTLY!!! :lachen:

I know some of my friends had the nerve to ask me if I was ok with hubby going out with his friends on Friday nights. Shoot, I kick him out on Fridays! We both need time to ourselves and it makes our lives more interesting. Can't be underneath each other like cats all the time.
I know, I'm like wow just that easy huh. My friends try to keep their dh's on lock, I'm like ya'll, they can cheat at work:rolleyes: Granted the club is just s smorsgabord of free sex:grin:

Dh and I both go out separately with our friends but it doesn't phase me cause I don't tell grown folks what to do. If he WANTS to cut a fool and take it there....I will be right behind him. I will take my boys and stick him for everything he has and everything he will dream of having. Remember...it will be Bank of MissScarlett:yep: I'm like it aint even worth it dude, I'll have your boys calling someone else daddy....so don't trip:rolleyes:

Ok. Now you're my idol!! I wish more women would get their thoughts together and think this way. But no. They want to stay together for the "family" while ole boy is out there hitting it and not thinking about you or his family. Leaving many women worse off than if they would just let his cheating behind go and find a good man to help raise those good kids.
I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q
Let the chuuuch say amen! If I felt like I needed to be all up on my man constantly worried about what he is doing like he's a child, we would not be together.

That being said, I'm so glad I met dh when I did because I was so sick of the bs involved in dating.
I know, I'm like wow just that easy huh. My friends try to keep their dh's on lock, I'm like ya'll, they can cheat at work:rolleyes: Granted the club is just s smorsgabord of free sex:grin:

Dh and I both go out separately with our friends but it doesn't phase me cause I don't tell grown folks what to do. If he WANTS to cut a fool and take it there....I will be right behind him. I will take my boys and stick him for everything he has and everything he will dream of having. Remember...it will be Bank of MissScarlett:yep: I'm like it aint even worth it dude, I'll have your boys calling someone else daddy....so don't trip:rolleyes:
This right c'here gets three snaps up in Z formation!
but then again who really is trying to fiind a great man int he club or lounge--...wouldnt the men who are employed and etc etc be at a different venue--


I know I wouldn't go to a club looking for a man.

No way.

No how.

Look at the little Spiderman baker...too cute

I feel you on this so much.

The things I hear my single friends say about guys now, I"m like forget it, if I ever had to be single again, I'd probably stay single. I know not ALL MEN are like that but its hard to weed through the garbage. They'd think I was crazy b/c I would never put up with the BS these guys dish out now a days.

When my friends and I go out, we generally don't hit the club, usually low key adult bars BUT even then I am amazed at how most men there are just looking to HOOK UP. I'm like I'm married, they throw up a hand with a wedding band and say "And...?":nono::nono:
:look: I'd like to add to that, I don't think anyone should realistically go to da club looking to find the one. Clubs are fine, but they are for people who want to dance and have fun and/or horny people looking to get hit off. It's like people going to a Church hoping to find an agnostic. It's possible, but unlikely.

Back to the original topic. It's not much different for younger women, it's just the men look better, but they are a lot of lazy, funky, pot bellied, excuse making, can I hit it and quit it types hiding behind youth. My dad always says you never know someone until they get older. Youth covers all the vices.

Wow, your dad sounds smart...I think this is soooo true
I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q

What are you doing out in an environment like that, especially since you're married? :perplexed

My friend ask me to go out with her and I did. It was our once a month meet up. I am married, not dead and I do like to have fun with my girls:perplexed
I know, I'm like wow just that easy huh. My friends try to keep their dh's on lock, I'm like ya'll, they can cheat at work:rolleyes: Granted the club is just s smorsgabord of free sex:grin:

Dh and I both go out separately with our friends but it doesn't phase me cause I don't tell grown folks what to do. If he WANTS to cut a fool and take it there....I will be right behind him. I will take my boys and stick him for everything he has and everything he will dream of having. Remember...it will be Bank of MissScarlett:yep: I'm like it aint even worth it dude, I'll have your boys calling someone else daddy....so don't trip:rolleyes:

***click, click... that's the sound of MissScarlett's glock 9***

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I couldn't agree with you more!
queeny20;3106441[B said:
][/B]I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q

ITA with this whole post. That's what trust is all about.
I sure do :lol:

I think as a whole women try worry about men too much, how to keep them, how to stop them from cheating, how to stay married. Men know this so they think they can do whatever:rolleyes: I flip the script and keep dh on his toes.I let him know that he will have to be worried about keeping ME, HIS BOYS and HIS LIFE so basically it aint even worth it:yep:

I think before men cheat they should really think about their families, I mean I am not gonna be some chick letting you see your kids on the weekend, I'll get them a new daddy and call it a wrap:grin:

Love it! :yep:Especially the bolded. Unfortunately most times its the woman who feels the need to stay on their toes. It should be a 2 way street.:)
I have seen the bolded happen time and time again. Darn that. Yes I love my husband but I love myself too. I don't have time to worry about him and what he is doing. Shoot with kids, church, work, trying to grow my hair, oil pulling, oil face washing, body for lifing, cooking, cleaning, turbo jamming, trying to use up my hair products and the other million things I do I won't be chasing after Mr. Queeny20. And he knows this too. I know I am a good woman, a great wife and do all I can to make him happy. If he chooses to throw everything away over some tail, then that is on him. Q

HAHA:lachen:So funny but so true! Girl you did not say GROWING MY HAIR:lachen:

Right, I'm like dude, look what you got here....shoot alot of other brothas would want this:yep:
This is why us older single/widowed/divorced women probably aren't thinking of finding our next mate in da club. If I do go clubbing again, it will simply be to dance and have fun, just like it was back in my single dating days.

I mean, even I know not to holla at anyone at the club. Those type guys are usually only there for one thing.

But where else can I go? :look:
HAHA:lachen:So funny but so true! Girl you did not say GROWING MY HAIR:lachen:

Right, I'm like dude, look what you got here....shoot alot of other brothas would want this:yep:

Shoot that is a full time job trying to find which shampoo works, which conditioner gives the most slip, pre poo, co washing, trimming my ends, dcing etc, etc.

But I was going to pm you because I am seriously considering getting some help with the cleaning tasks around the house and wanted some info on how to go about hiring someone. Q