When you get discouraged, remember: A LOT can change in a short amount of time!

I have a friend that has an account on Facebook. She wanted to start Jan 2010 off right by cleaning out her account by deleting people she didn't know. She was about a delete a friend because she didn't know him. Before deleting, she e-mailed him and asked how they knew each other. He said they didn't know each other but he requested her as a friend because her profile pic was beautiful. They e-mailed which turned into phone calls. He lived in VA, she lived in GA. He asked her out on a date, he flew into GA took out to dinner and flew back to VA. He knew then he wanted to marry her. By that Aug. he had written a letter to her son asking for permission to marry her. During the same month he had to serve in Iraq, which is was called to do last minute. That Nov. my girlfriend wakes me up and called me over to the house with my camcorder 10 in the morning. I get there with FedEx delivery. They deliver her engagment ring and her boyfriend skypes in and proposes. They were married May of 2011.He is so well off she quit her job. She's a real "Housewife of Atlanta".

Go to you Facebook ladies, your hubby could already be in your life and you didn't know it.

Thanks for sharing. oooh that is such a romantic story.
A good friend of mine started dating a guy in January 2011 and he proposed this past Christmas Eve. Things can change so quickly.:grin:
I'll share my story:

I dated the same guy from my freshman year in high school to my senior year in college. And aside from us breaking up a few times, and me going out for a night or two with other guys, he was the only boyfriend I ever had. I thought he was the one and once we graduated college he'd marry me and we'd live happily ever after. Well it never happened. I kept hoping and thinking he just needed more time but long story short it took me years to realize he just wasn't the one.

I went into a serious depression having "wasted" 8 years of my life waiting on him. I just wish I would have opened my eyes sooner to the facts that were there all along.

My depression wasn't just because of mourning the loss of that relationship but with what was going on with life in general.

It took me about a year and half before I even opened my heart to trying to date again. I did the match.com and eharmony thing but in alot of ways those sites just made it worse. I'm a nurse, so in a female dominated field, plus I work with babies, and most doctors just don't date nurses so no prospects there. I felt hopeless and just closed my heart to finding someone {else}.

I didn't feel like I had an identity without my ex so I stupidly went back to him thinking this time he would be different. Big mistake. Wasted another year thinking again he'd change but finally just had to face the facts...he just didn't love me. It was hard to let go even knowing that he just wasn't it....I didn't know anything different and I wanted him to be it.

Moved on for good but then became content with just being alone. I made my life about my family, career and traveling and that was that.

Fast forward a few years and I was in the library researching another trip I was going to take. I hadn't dated since I left my ex and wasn't even looking to date. I was minding my business when my now fiance, struck up a conversation about the travel books I was looking at. I made small talk with him but didn't think anything of it.

A few weeks went by and I ran into him again.... at the library. We talked more and eventually he asked me out. I blew him off 3 times before I finally agreed to go out with him. It was a great first date but things didn't go so smoothly after that. Dating was awkward for me, because a part of me still identified myself as I was with my ex. :perplexed

But my fiance didn't give up on me and I started to relax and be myself around him. But there was another problem in that I traveled for a living for my job so while I loved having him around I still hadn't opened my heart to anything other than a friendship which made it easy for me to leave the city once it was time to move on from my job. He however, never let the distance or the wall I put up destroy our relationship. I almost ruined it. Almost.

To make a long story short I eventually realized that if I kept pushing this man away that I was going to lose him for good and would have had no one to blame but myself. I had to wake up to the fact that my ex was long gone and I was worthy and capable of being loved and loving someone else. The past was indeed the past.

We dated for a year and 4 months before he asked me to marry him. i posted our engagement story in the Wedding section.

So in my case, the person that was supposed to be in my life came and I almost didn't let him in. In my case it was so true that he showed up when and where i least expected it.

So never give up hope, I had, but I guess hope didn't give up on me. I'm the happiest I've ever been in a long, long time.

this story really touched me, thanks for sharing it. It let me know that i can get through what im going through and there is somebody better out there for me
I'm looking for a big change in my career in 2014. If I could get that part to fall into place I'll be good.
For the last few days, in my world, I've been feeling like there's something very powerful about 2014.

gabulldawg I listened to an interview with a musician/herbalist named doctah b Sirius last night and he broke it down scientifically why 2014 is the year of manifestation. As long as you stay on purpose, eat foods in line with your goal, and keep negative energy out your space you should be good!

I wish y'all coulda heard it cause it was so powerful.
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gabulldawg I listened to an interview with a musician/herbalist named doctah b Sirius last night and he broke it down scientifically why 2014 is the year of manifestation. As long as you stay on purpose, eat foods in line with your goal, and keep negative energy out your space you should be good!

I wish y'all coulda heard it cause it was so powerful.

This is definitely my plan! Not doing too bad so far. I'm seriously expecting a change this year. I need it. Thank you for sharing Layluh
For the last few days, in my world, I've been feeling like there's something very powerful about 2014.

gabulldawg I listened to an interview with a musician/herbalist named doctah b Sirius last night and he broke it down scientifically why 2014 is the year of manifestation. As long as you stay on purpose, eat foods in line with your goal, and keep negative energy out your space you should be good!

I wish y'all coulda heard it cause it was so powerful.

I've been feeling like that too and several people have said the same. My pastor also said that 2014 is the year of manifestation. Did you listen to the interview online? Layluh
For the last few days, in my world, I've been feeling like there's something very powerful about 2014.

gabulldawg I listened to an interview with a musician/herbalist named doctah b Sirius last night and he broke it down scientifically why 2014 is the year of manifestation. As long as you stay on purpose, eat foods in line with your goal, and keep negative energy out your space you should be good!

I wish y'all coulda heard it cause it was so powerful.

Thanks for this. :)
Oh yeah forgot to add: he said to refine your life's mission statement. Every business has one and you should too.

Who are you (outside of what the media says)? What do you do? What are you good at?

If you're a dishwasher? Be the best dag on dishwasher there is because the village will need that. You need to be able to wash dishes well so that we don't have leftover toxins on our cookware and etc.

Another thing he said...we're gonna have to start studying alchemy (like the ancient egyptians & babylonians did) again - which is science and spirituality (quantum physics) mixed together. With all of the toxins in the water, food and air and all of the ways "they" are trying to control us- we really don't have a choice NOT to study it.
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I am claiming my spot to come back during this year 2014 to share my story.

This is a really encouraging thread. God made my single girl life take a 180 last year, so I know he can do the same with my love life.
I have a testimony to share. I was in a 7 year relationship with someone I was waiting on - waiting on him to propose, waiting on him to fully commit, waiting on him to stop cheating (I know, I know). I finally broke it off and it was really hard, but I stuck by my word and did not go back. I met a few new girlfriends (who were also single) and we started doing fun things, traveling, going out, etc. I was finally enjoying single life - something I missed in my 20s b/c I was always in a long-term relationship. I was dating a couple of different guys and learning more about what I wanted - this single life went on for about 6 months and then I randomly met a nice guy at a sports bar when I was there watching a game with one of my single girlfriends. We hit it off, and even though he lived in another city, we decided to stay in touch. We met in June 2009 - fast forward to July 2009 and we were discussing that we want to marry each other, we fell in love quickly. Fast forward to October 2009, when I go visit him in his city, he takes me engagement ring shopping. Fast forward to November 2009 - he brings me to his relatives' house down South to meet his ENTIRE family on Thanksgiving. Fast forward to May 2010, he proposes to me in front of my parents on the day I graduated with my MBA. He had the ring for months, but wanted to propose with my family there on a day that I would never forget. The only reason we aren't married yet is b/c I moved to his city last summer and needed time to get adjusted and time for us to plan the wedding. We are getting married in June of this year - exactly two years after we met. I know my story isn't as fast paced as some of the ones Glib mentioned, but it still was quick (especially considering my last relationship). It is so true that when men know what they want, they move on it. I did not have to pressure, prod, persuade or even ask about getting married or having a committed relationship - it all came from him. He pursued me, he made plans for our future and he came through on all of them. He is the first man I have fully trusted and I love him with everything within me. It took me 33 years to find him, but thank God I did. I always say that when you meet the one God has for you, God can/will accelerate time so things can happen quickly, but still happen in the right way. Please don't give up hope ladies - I never did and I think that positive attitude came across when I met guys, which made me more attractive/approachable. Have fun, enjoy life and stay open. Trust me, he will find you!!

Beautiful testimony
Just wanted to repost it

I just asked my fiance what my demeanor seemed like when he met me and what attracted him to me. He said:

- you seemed very upbeat, positive (he said this was the #1 most attractive thing about me)
- you came across as free spirited and almost adventurous like you were open to new/fun things
- you seemed like you were very well rounded, and have been exposed to a lot of different things
- you seemed professional, which was attractive

Hope that helps!

@ NAT and ya'll.

I have to admit it's a struggle to remain upbeat and positive.
What do you ladies do to be so upbeat and positive?
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I agree aCurlyMoo for me, there are times when I literally have to make the effort to be "upbeat and positive", LOL. It doesn't happen as often anymore, but it still revisits me from time to time.
I'm so glad I found this thread. I ended things with a guy I was with for about a year, in December. He was a great guy on the outside but there were trust issues. And while I wanted to believe so badly that he was The One, I could tell he didn't feel the same. I posted a thread about our break up here somewhere but anyway...It was tough. Even though I've had a few months to get past the break up, for some reason things are getting worse, not better.

I needed to read this thread to know there is hope. I have a full life and am making changes in other areas of my life. All in all things are starting to look good for me. But relationship wise? *sigh* Trying to stay positive.