How would you feel about black men dating outside the race?

I could care less who they date. I date who I want to date and so can they. I guess what I don't understand is why some women are so interested in what color woman a black man dates, it's really not that serious. :perplexed
As I have always said black men do not belong to black women and black women do not belong to black women. We should have faith and believe that we will get good quality men. We should wish them the best in their relationships and the best for our relationships!
Doesn't bother me since my GF, DBs, DUs, and DCs have historically dated/married outside of their race. My family is multi-racial and not focused on race. I don't feel as if I have the right to protest or look sideways at the dating choices of black men. That just seems too controlling IMHO. I don't like folks scrutinizing my choices and vice versa.
I don't give a crap just don't talk nonsense about BW. My brother married a WW. I guess it's his preference but when he started talking down BW, I had to call him on it and if I hear him ever again, I'm going to get nasty.
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I don't care about other BM, but if I ever have a son, I will tell him from the beginning that he should only bring home a BW. I will work too hard to raise a respectable and succesful BM and I want another BW, like myself, to reap the benefits of my hardwork.

Thanks! This is me as well! I think if black parents would teach their sons how to treat "their women" we wouldn't have a lot of these problems.
Thanks! This is me as well! I think if black parents would teach their sons how to treat "their women" we wouldn't have a lot of these problems.

My mom told my brother "if she can't use my comb, don't bring her home!":lachen: I think she was only half kidding, LOL.

He's never shown any interest in WW anyway. I was worried that he was color struck for awhile but I've been proven wrong.
My mom told my brother "if she can't use my comb, don't bring her home!":lachen: I think she was only half kidding, LOL.

He's never shown any interest in WW anyway. I was worried that he was color struck for awhile but I've been proven wrong.

*adds another one back to the team* lol
I enjoy interracial dating discussions. The more threads the marrier. I don't think Black women liking or disliking Black men dating women of other races is a good or bad thing. It just is and it's completely understandable. Doesn't make one a racist or a hater, depending on how they handle it and how deep it goes.

However, I have never really had issues with it. I was not raised to be race consious so I took an interest in other races very early in life. So why begrudge Black men the same interests.

Besides, Black men aren't exactly looking for our permission to date out. Even if many of them are a little self-consious about it. LOL
This topic has been beaten to death, but my response will never waver.

I have two adults sons and one has a white girlfriend. I love her; she loves him; he loves her. They have a mutual respect for one another and consider themselves each other's bestfriend. They fit, they work, they're happy.

That is all I care about. Whomever my sons bring home, my only requirement is that their relationship is built on love, mutual respect, trust, selflessness - the same tenets I have in my own relationship with their father/my husband of 21+ years.

I don't care what color they are. I have many interracial relationships in my family. My youngest goddaughter and niece is black and Japanese as my brother's wife is Japanese. To reject an interracial relationship would be to reject my family, my blood. NOT. HAPPENING.

Love has no color in my eyes.
I could really care less who black men date. With exception of my father and other men in my family, I don't really like black men as a whole. I pray I marry a good, non-black man.
I'm not the judge of all black men. What they do is none of my concern. I think if you fall in love with someone, what their color is should not be an issue. Their financial situation, OTOH...

I've been in IRR, so it would be hypocritical for me to say they can't date someone because of their color. Instead, I'll be happy that they have someone. Or, indifferent, since their strangers... As for my family that married IRR, nothing but love for them.
I don't care about the skin color of my future DIL. I only pray and hope that my son is able to recognize a good woman of breeding who will honor and respect him and his family. My family is multiracial and we refuse to be defined by ethnicity so I will carry this on with him. It would also be silly of me to care when I am in an IRR also.

The only thing I say is that if the woman acts like any of these women on Bridezillas, he needs to walk away before tying the knot. Stupid women don't know if the man tolerates you being nasty to his family he'll tolerate people being nasty to you.
i dont care who any grown black man chooses to date...and if i had a son, my expectations of his girlfriend/wife would be the same regardless of race. as long as they make each other happy and love and respect one another, and the right motives are behind the relationship then i wouldnt care.
I don't feel anything about it. Why would I want someone who doesn't want me?
Also, I don't limit myself within any race, so I don't feel that my choices are low.
I could really care less who black men date. With exception of my father and other men in my family, I don't really like black men as a whole. I pray I marry a good, non-black man.

That's make you no better than the black men who do this. It's unfair and insulting when they do it to us and it's just as unfair and insulting when we do it to them.
At first I use to be up in arms about it...Now...can't say I'm 100% for it...but I'm not truly against it. Why, cause I will gladly date outside my race, why say oh black men shouldn't date outside of black women, but know good n well ima get at Billy Bob or Lee Cho later on?? Can't be the pot calling the Tea Kettle Black..

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I haven't read the responses.

Most of the black men that I've encountered who've dated outside the race, I wouldn't actually date them personally. I'm legit with this. I appreciate my black men, especially the older and polite ones. Nothing like a 70 year old black man with a cane holding the door for a young woman telling you to "keep your head up, sis" :yep:

Nonetheless, I do feel some kind of way about it. It reminds me of the articles upon articles that put black women down as mating options. I know it comes down to the individual, but at the same time there is a lot more black men dating outside the race than black women so I just attribute that weird feeling that I get with the overall phenomena.
I don't care who black men date. I'm married now so they can do what they do. As far as my kids, race is a non issue because they will be marrying people DH and I personally select from a battery of tests. We may even do a reality show. Remember that Bachelor type show where his momma chose the chicks?:lol:
That's make you no better than the black men who do this. It's unfair and insulting when they do it to us and it's just as unfair and insulting when we do it to them.

Well, it's my opinion. If anyone loves black men or white/yellow/brown/red men then that's fine me. I love the men in my family and they happen to be black. That's all. Don't care for the rest.
I think you've been drinking the "black single girl" kool-aide for too long. Black men are not dating/marrying non-black women in droves. Over 90% married black men are married to black women. And where are you getting that 70% of black professional women are single? I know that 45% of black women haven't been married, but I believe this is only accounting for women within a certain age range. If you want your black prince then go get what you want. Statistics can't dictate life.

To answer the question, I could care less who black men date. I could care less who my future children bring home.

Exactly that 70% statistic has been floating around for too long and it's incorrect. The correct number is still under 50%. Instead of one choosing to buy into the statistic and allow it to come into play into their own life spend an equal amount of time if not more finding a solution to not be a part of the statistic. I am playing to win in the game and get what I ultimately want and deserve which is a quality partner to build a live with. For me race is irregardless.

I don't give a flying fig who black men date. They need to do them and I need to do me and what's in my best interest.
I haven't read the responses.

Most of the black men that I've encountered who've dated outside the race, I wouldn't actually date them personally. I'm legit with this. I appreciate my black men, especially the older and polite ones. Nothing like a 70 year old black man with a cane holding the door for a young woman telling you to "keep your head up, sis" :yep:

I can't say the same for where I live, here most black men you see in public are dating white women. I feel like they are picking the best that works for them given demographics here.. I would definitely date a black man that had dated outside of his race would all depend on where his head is at as far as relationships, it's a case by case thing.