How would you feel about black men dating outside the race?


New Member
I'm just curious about how my fellow ladies on LHCF feel about black men dating outside the race. Also, what would you do if your son brought home a non black woman?

**Oh someone said that this topic has already been discussed. I just looked in the search area but didn't see it. My bad.
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I'm indifferent to who black men date.

I wouldn't be surprised if my son did bring home a non black woman (some day far in the future, he's still a little boy).
We haven't had a thread like this in awhile. No need to bumb an old thread.:yep:

I don't mind my son marrying a non-black woman or my daughter marrying a non-black man. My husband does but he's racist.

The only issue I have is when you marry outside your race, have children and raise your mixed child to believe they are superior to other blacks. That's the only issue I have. And it's only recently become an issue because I've had to break it down to several family members.
It doesn't bother me. I say be with who you like/love regardless of race.

ETA: It wouldn't bother me if my son brought home a non-black woman, his happiness is all that matters.
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It doesn't bother me if it's not done on purpose. If you happen to fall in love with a non-black woman, that is fine. The only time I tell men about themselves is when they start with "I only date white women" or "Black women are (insert tired excuse), that's why I only date white women". That's like saying I like apples because I don't like oranges.

It's funny, when I see IR couples in public, black men will stare at me expecting me to give them dagger looks. It's very uncomfortable. I usually see them coming and walk the other way. Man, ain't nobody checking for you.

With us living in such multi-cultural times, my sons may end up marrying non-black. My preference is a sista, but I wouldn't give them grief over another. Now, if she's a chickendhead...we'll have some problems.
I don't mind when someone dates outside their race. It is when they start talking bad about their race that gets me. Like black men who say they won't date black women because we're all gold-diggers and stuff like that. If you won't date outside your race, fine. The added insults and generalizations is what gets to me.
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I so agree Tamed Tresses.....if u wish to date outside the race that's fine with me but don't talk down about black women in the process.
I so agree Tamed Tresses.....if u wish to date outside the race that's fine with me but don't talk down about black women in the process.

Yeah, it gets to me. I won't lie and say I'm equally bothered hearing a white man say it about his race. :look: They will still get the *side-eye*, but I'm more concerned about my own.
Yes this topic has been talked about to death but you will probably find hose threads in off topic.

I don't care if black men or anyone in general dates outside thei race. The only hinge that bugs me is when some feel the need to down their own to justify it. If you prefer women that are not your own their is nothing wrong but don't make blanket derogatory statements about them.

I wouldn't care if a male family member or son dated exclusively outside their race but don't get ignorant with your justifications.
Indifference. To be honest I didn't really notice/pay attention to it until I started posting here and reading different blogs. lol
Yes this topic has been talked about to death but you will probably find hose threads in off topic.

I don't care if black men or anyone in general dates outside thei race. The only hinge that bugs me is when some feel the need to down their own to justify it. If you prefer women that are not your own their is nothing wrong but don't make blanket derogatory statements about them.

I wouldn't care if a male family member or son dated exclusively outside their race but don't get ignorant with your justifications.

Yep, I'll just piggy-back off this because I was going to say the same.

I just have an issue when BM state why they're with a non-BW due to a BW. Just say you like her because of whatever reason/qualities, instead of why BW are________________ (fill in the blank).

ETA: I wouldn't mind if my son brought home a non-BW. The only reason I would is if he stated the above, then my problem would most certainly be with him.
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It only bothers me when interracial dating is done to put down their own race. I'm cool with an 'I love everybody' attitude. Not cool with ________ women are better than black women because ______________________.
I'd say go for it, variety is the spice of life:lick:
But I agree with the others it shouldn't be a deliberate venture to lighten the colour of your off spring or because you feel another race is superiour and you want to be a part of that.:nono:
lol, i see that some of the people who replied that they aren't bothered by it havn't answered the second part of the question which was, would u mind if your son brought home a non black woman. But I could be wrong, maybe all of you wouldn't mind.
It only bothers me when interracial dating is done to put down their own race. I'm cool with an 'I love everybody' attitude. Not cool with ________ women are better than black women because ______________________.

Exactly. I'm good with personal preferences, but not with racism.
lol, i see that some of the people who replied that they aren't bothered by it havn't answered the second part of the question which was, would u mind if your son brought home a non black woman. But I could be wrong, maybe all of you wouldn't mind.


I think I ignored it because I don't have any children. However, my mother always jokingly tells me that I'll marry a white man (because I "talk white"...just jokes btw). Pretending that is would be wrong of me to deem a woman of another race unfit for my son. :lol:

Seriously, I'm colorblind. As long as she would treat my son right I don't care.
It doesn't bother me if it's not done on purpose. If you happen to fall in love with a non-black woman, that is fine. The only time I tell men about themselves is when they start with "I only date white women" or "Black women are (insert tired excuse), that's why I only date white women". That's like saying I like apples because I don't like oranges.

It's funny, when I see IR couples in public, black men will stare at me expecting me to give them dagger looks. It's very uncomfortable. I usually see them coming and walk the other way. Man, ain't nobody checking for you.

With us living in such multi-cultural times, my sons may end up marrying non-black. My preference is a sista, but I wouldn't give them grief over another. Now, if she's a chickendhead...we'll have some problems.

You do realize that this reaction is desired, expected, and then savored, don't you?
lol, i see that some of the people who replied that they aren't bothered by it havn't answered the second part of the question which was, would u mind if your son brought home a non black woman. But I could be wrong, maybe all of you wouldn't mind.
Oops. Meant to answer that part. Although I have no children, I wouldn't mind if my future son or daughter brought home a non-black s/o. The only thing that would bother me is if they had a negative perception of black women or men. It's the mentality behind the choice or decision that's important to me, not the race of the woman or man.

Edit: I should also add that it'd be quite hypocritical of me to object seeing as how I don't really have a preference, myself.
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I don't have children, but have enough interracial couples in my family to believe I would be ok with my child bring home a non black person.
Hi, I agree with the other ladies. I could care less about who people choose to date, marry, etc., just don't put black women down in the process. If I had a son I would prefer he bring home a black woman but I would open my arms to anyone he brought home if he loved her and she was a good person. I have daughters though and I feel the same way. Would prefer they date black but my kids happiness is my priority. If a green man made them happy I would be okay with that.
I feel pretty much the same way as the other posters about IR relationships. It doesn't bother me as long as BM aren't justifying their reasons for being in an IR relationship by blaming or bashing BW.

I only have daughters (2) and to be honest, I'd prefer that they married BM; however, I wouldn't stress if they chose a non BM -- as long as he treats my girls right, we won't have a problem.

If and once I have a son, the same will apply to him. I'd prefer a BW, but if he chooses a good non BW, that's fine too.
Hi, I agree with the other ladies. I could care less about who people choose to date, marry, etc., just don't put black women down in the process. If I had a son I would prefer he bring home a black woman but I would open my arms to anyone he brought home if he loved her and she was a good person. I have daughters though and I feel the same way. Would prefer they date black but my kids happiness is my priority. If a green man made them happy I would be okay with that.

Sorry, I can't get with that. I draw the line at extraterrestrials.:lachen: