He Doesn't Believe in Celebrating Valentines Day

I am glad my husband knows my love language. But he "spoke" the language before he knew that mine was tokens of affection. And he is fluent in the language :yep:

OP for all you know, he could be setting you up for some big grand Valentines Day celebration. But one thing I have learned, is when a man shows you ho he is...believe him. I wouldn't worry about it, and wait to see what happens.
january noir said:
Another thought I had...
Men expect sex and whatnot from women they're seeing, why do women have to seek approval or apologize for wanting gifts? :look: :lol:

Well! Make it plain!!!

Sent from the corner pay phone
Im sorry call me what u want but i dont celebrate Vday. U r suppose to show me love all year not just that day. My fiance was upset that i told him this but he knew from jump. i did happen to celebrate with him because he does celebrate but hey whatever.
Vday is not that serious it really isnt. After dating someone for 2 months what the hell are you expecting to get. What have you brought to the table

Fast forward i read the last 2 pages get rid of this dude. U have no right to search through his things. All this for a gift how old are u...girl buy urself something and as a matter of fact what were u planning on getting him for Vday
Im sorry call me what u want but i dont celebrate Vday. U r suppose to show me love all year not just that day. My fiance was upset that i told him this but he knew from jump. i did happen to celebrate with him because he does celebrate but hey whatever.
Vday is not that serious it really isnt. After dating someone for 2 months what the hell are you expecting to get. What have you brought to the table

Fast forward i read the last 2 pages get rid of this dude. U have no right to search through his things. All this for a gift how old are u...girl buy urself something and as a matter of fact what were u planning on getting him for Vday

My boyfriend of 4mos. told me this morning that he doesn't celebrate vday, I immediately thought of this thread. I said, "well, baby I do so you have 10 days to get in the spirit"
funny thing is I called him because I won tickets to see Chante Moore on the 15th, if I don't get a proper vday I would rather go with a random on the street then to take him. Prior to winning the tickets, I plan to bake him a carrot cake because I know it's his favorite (even though I hate carrot cake)
anyway I think valentine's Day is for the woman, so there's no need for us to impress them in I just like gift giving. Now I have to admit my boo makes me feel special daily but who doesn't love Valentines Day? it's man made holiday like every other holiday in the United States
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your fault for being exclusive after 2 months. did he get you a Christmas present or does he not believe in that either
Me and my husband don't do valentines day because its just not an important day to us. However, thats something we talked about from the jump. I don't do coy, I just outright like to ask so there's no surprises( if you haven't guessed, I don't like surprises either :lol:)

I think that you HAVE to talk about these types of things and not just hope and find out after the fact that the man you're with will guess that you enjoy certain holidays.

Girl, from date #1 you gotta plant the "be generous with me" seed. Starting with a casual "what? no flowers for me?" on the first date! LOL. The reaction that gets will weed out the stingies. I'm all for letting a new guy know how your ex would take you shopping, etc... just so they know what you're expecting and can decide if they want to go that route with you or not. ya know? ;)
Anyhow. I'm bad with wording things, so I can't help you not sound golddiggerish lol... Maybe get him a card and something small and when you see him on Vday tell him you're excited to exchange gifts and see how that goes.

Im liking this side of you Whimsy :rofl:

anyway sooo glad I wasnt raised in a society that believes the idiotic gold digging myth.

My favorite Val's day..started dating my ex early Jan..got an engraving of my name and a sweet note on my fav perfume..at the time it was RL's True Romance with tickets to my fav band, Forrero Roches(love these) and leather gloves. It was a gift based on your 5 senses. :yep: Still have the perfume bottle and the gloves.

anyway OO, make different plans for V-day.

ETA: saw your update. good luck!
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This chick has no life because she stays making up stories.

OP head on over to that boo-less Valentine's thread where you belong. :lol:
ambergirl Don't send her over with us. We are ladies who are making it happen without a boo. Nah, she needs her own thread of "jilted near Valentine's" or thrown on the pillows for being nosey. Something to that effect.
UPDATE (Please don't quote):

Well, thanks to you ladies I got PARANOID! Some of you mentioned he probably has plans on the 14th, and I was his valentines side piece.. and others went on to say he's a cheapskate. I guess I'm still young and impressionable because I ran with that...

I met up with him today (at his house) and started to go through his things everytime he left the room. While going through his personal possessions, I was caught! He got mad at me and flung me across the room. Thankfully I landed on some cushions but that's not the point. How dare he even touch me. I started shouting, "I know you're hiding a b!tch from me. That's why you're not spending valentines day with me!!" At this moment, he paused, and said, "This is what this is all about? Why didn't you just tell me what was on your mind." By now I'm sobbing and still cursing him out. That's when he revealed a diamond tiffany bracelet. My tears quickly turned my frown into a smile because now I was crying out of happiness. I hugged him to say thank you & he said "No, that's what I got you before I found out you're crazy! Now get the fcuk outta my house." I'm crying as I type this... I don't know what to do...

I was done once I got past "luckily I landed on some cushions" LMFAO, I cannot deal :lachen:
Is this real?:look:

I don't care if men say they "don't do holidays, birthdays, etc" If I'm important to them, and it's important to me. They should do something. Even I was dating someone for two months, I would expect a gift:yep:
@ambergirl Don't send her over with us. We are ladies who are making it happen without a boo. Nah, she needs her own thread of "jilted near Valentine's" or thrown on the pillows for being nosey. Something to that effect.


Yes, girl let this child have her own ratchet thread...I'm thinking "Breakfast without Tiffany's" or "She's Gotta Have It...but He won't Give It" :lol:
This is starting to sound like Chocolatelove2010... Y'all remember her?:lol:

A therapist? I don't need no damn therapist. What I need is that Tiffany bracelet around my naked arm. I'm on my way to his house again ..

Wish me luck!
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What shall I say? Please only those who truly want to help me out, respond.

that's because it is her (at least I think it is:lachen:)

Exactly. You can't tell me this isn't chocolatelove2010. Hell I can tell certain posters posting style. It's her reincarnated. You can't fool LHCF. They will out someone real quick and keep it moving.
Lmao I just can't. How y'all datin for 2 months, he don't believe in valentines day BUT he "surprised" u with a diamond bracelet??? Is there a school somewhere on a break or something? Sounds like a bored teenager lol!
thank you! i never seen so many women caught up over Vday! so what happens the rest of the year? people are willing to break up over a dang commercialized holiday? do folks not get treated special on a regular day? what am i missing here?

my man does something special for me all of the time. i am not going to be butt hurt of a holiday. i get cards, gifts, special little treats, money, massages, foot rubs, hugs & kisses, compliments, sweet text messages, gas, bills paid, stuff for my children, he cooks for me, buys little snacks, etc... my point is, he doesn't need a holiday to prove to me that i am special to him.

9 times out if 10 the guy who has to be convinced to do a little something nice on Valentines day is not doing all of that the rest of the year either. And what woman is really gonna complain about one single day if she's getting treated nice 364 days a year?

ETA: NEVERMIND!!! There was a post just like this I responded to not to long ago. I mean, almosnt same exact scenario, I think it was the posters B-day and her guy didn't fling her across the room in that one :spinning:. OliveOil I want credit, because I'm the one who responded "tell him you listened to some friends " in the other thread. You threw in "crazy *****" but this is plagiarism :nono:
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Is this real?:look:

I don't care if men say they "don't do holidays, birthdays, etc" If I'm important to them, and it's important to me. They should do something. Even I was dating someone for two months, I would expect a gift:yep:

Yeah I dont see what's wrong with celebrating v day. Even the "we should be in love all year long" argument doesnt work. V day is a sweet holiday and love in general can be exciting. I expect warm fuzzy feelings and lots of passion, not necessarily gifts. V day just feels good. My so doesn't believe in it, even though i told him it is my favorite holiday. realistically it.cannot be v day every day with work, commitments, life in general. I guess what i expect out of this holiday is infatuation.