He is in Prison....

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The baby might deserve to live, but so does the OP.

There's only two sides to this argument, and the latter is really selfish IMO.

Pro Quality of Life could mean OP choosing NOT to have this baby.
What quality of future does this baby have with no father and a broke mother?
There's only two sides to this argument, and the latter is really selfish IMO.


I could really care less. If she was to have the baby some of the same folk would be in here judging her, harping on single mothers. So, don't care. Its all about the woman and what she wants for her life.
Even if she chooses to give birth to the child, she can give him/her away to a family that can rear it. I have to repeat my earlier advice to give the child to European parents, people who adopt black children here do not always have the best intentions :nono:

I'm pro-life, personally. But I recognize that the law permits abortion, and this is a really good scenario for it (if the OP is pro-choice).

In any case, 19 is too young to be a good mom.
Pro Quality of Life could mean OP choosing NOT to have this baby.
What quality of future does this baby have with no father and a broke mother?

Pro-Quality of life is exactly what it means. The mother in question would rather have an easier life/quality life than take responsibility of the life she's carrying.

The baby is already there! And I know people who grew up with a father, and a broke mother, and they're doing FINE. You guys make poverty sound like the end of the world :lol:

You do know that suicide is more common in affluent societies, right? You'll never go Africa, and see a starving child trying to hang itself or a mother popping some pills because she can't pay the rent on her mud house. The point is poverty/or fear of poverty is not a reason to kill an innocent baby.
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And what is bringing a child into the world that you're in no mental/emotional or financial position to raise?

What the OP did was very foolish, but it happened. Raising a child is very hard, so that would be a self-less act on her behalf. We all know life is priceless, so even if the child isn't given all the worldly/glitter things of this world, it will have the gift of life just by breathing and hopefully with that will come its mothers un-conditional love.
Wow, OP. You have a lot going on. You're in a tough situation. But, I hope you don't abort. You'll get through this. Like some ladies said above, there are plenty women who made it through school with a child. My heart goes out to you.
I originally thought perhaps the OP should have an abortion and move on. But I am not pro-choice, nor am I really pro-life either. I hate abortion. But I also hate to see a young woman lose her future. I am torn: the baby has a right to live and the mother could possibly live with guilt and depression for years because of her choice. The mother made a terribe mistake and from what I've read is not emotionally mature enough to be a good mother. Adoption seems to be the best of all options but again there's the guilt again, the possibility of the child ending up in a terrible home, etc. There is no easy solution. No matter what, it seems someone may suffer.
He sounds despicable. I'm Pro-Life so I can't say (in good conscience) to get an abortion, but you may need to consider adoption. If you choose to keep your child, (unpopular opinion) I'm not sure I would tell him. It'll be one more thing he can hold over your head and use to manipulate you. You don't need to be tied to him. Take care of yourself and your child and move on with your life.
Okay....How far along are you? is it too late to terminate?

I know I will be crucified for this...but I will go ahead anyway.... If you go on with this and have the baby, not only will you be a single mom but your child will grow up with a dad behind bars until he/she is an adult. You will have no support from child's father, no physical, probably not emotional and, very little financial.

I am not saying that having an infant and getting through college is impossible, but most people don't make it....that's just a fact.

I just saw your post, you are broke as is... Oy Vey.

I wish you good luck and I hope all ends well for you.

I never thought I would say this to anyone but OP I would be in the clinic first thing come Monday morning :nono:
I'm just going to restate this

DO WHATS BEST FOR YOU OP BECAUSE IN THE END YOUR THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS TO DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES AND THAST ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE. While people are in here telling you to keep your child they wont be the ones suffering with you as you struggle to get your life together and while people are telling you to have an abortion they wont be the ones that have to lay on that table with you or help you cope with the possible mental and sometimes physical complications that come along with this decision.

Please feel free to PM me if you want support either way, I would love to be a friend to you in this situation. I was a very young mom, I'm 29 and my oldest is 10, my youngest is 5 so you do the math on that. I'm also a military veteran, a licensed beautican, just got my undergrad and am starting my own business (so i should be able to add entrepenuer to that list soon woohoo). Like I said, pm me, let me help a younger sister out. I would love to be part of your support system, no matter what your decision is.
Umm what's wrong with being Pro Quality of Life? Isn't that what we're all going to school, working, etc for anyway?
I originally thought perhaps the OP should have an abortion and move on. But I am not pro-choice, nor am I really pro-life either. I hate abortion. But I also hate to see a young woman lose her future. I am torn: the baby has a right to live and the mother could possibly live with guilt and depression for years because of her choice. The mother made a terribe mistake and from what I've read is not emotionally mature enough to be a good mother. Adoption seems to be the best of all options but again there's the guilt again, the possibility of the child ending up in a terrible home, etc. There is no easy solution. No matter what, it seems someone may suffer.


Although I am pro-choice, not having the baby isn't a suggestion I would ever just throw out all willy nilly. But I honestly believe that OP has too much working against her in this scenario to give that child the life it deserves.
I'm going to speak on behalf of your baby.

If the baby could speak it would say ''Mamma, I'm not a mistake. Please don't kill me before I've had a chance to live. I know you want to be selfish and live your life stress-free but we all have shortcomings. We'll get through it somehow.''

That was a bit mushy, but real talk it's always easy for people who are already alive to be pro-abortion.

Listen sweetie, we all make mistakes. I'm sure you're already beating yourself up about it so I won't throw anymore punches. I agree that you should get rid off that man, but your baby deserves a chance to live. Even if you can't support the baby yourself, give him to relatives or put him/her up for adoption. Your baby is innocent, and the baby itself isn't a mistake. You can't erase life because you've acted foolishly. I honestly pray you keep the baby. Not because I think you'll win the noble prize for being the best mummy, but because I believe every soul/every baby deserves a chance to live.

Good luck, and pray to God.

ETA: You'll always have to live with the fact you killed your baby. I only believe in abortion if the mother is sick or the woman has been raped. You CHOSE to lay with this man. You reap what you sow.


OP, the odds are against you. You're poor, black, young, unwed with a baby daddy in jail. Either road you take is going to be hard decide what's best for you.

I wish more women were "selfish", if that is what we're calling abortion now, so that we wouldn't have so many incidence of abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual) in our community.
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What the OP did was very foolish, but it happened. Raising a child is very hard, so that would be a self-less act on her behalf. We all know life is priceless, so even if the child isn't given all the worldly/glitter things of this world, it will have the gift of life just by breathing and hopefully with that will come its mothers un-conditional love.

I'm sure that's what the mothers of some of the convicts her boyfriend is going to prison with thought. That everything was going to be fine. Guess what? It wasn't.

Not saying its going to happen to the OP, but its more likely than not looking at the stats of Black men who go to prison.
Kind of OT, but where are these random European people that are looking to adopt poor black American children at?!? I have never heard of such things. Seriously, thousands of black children are in the foster care system for their entire lives because simply put, no one wants to adopt them. I hate when people that are anti-choice act like adoption is a real fix for black children. It sucks, but there are more black kids put up for adoption than there are people willing to adopt them.
Pro-Quality of life is exactly what it means. The mother in question would rather have an easier life/quality life than take responsibility of the life she's carrying.

The baby is already there! And I know people who grew up with a father, and a broke mother, and they're doing FINE. You guys make poverty sound like the end of the world :lol:

You do know that suicide is more common in affluent societies, right? You'll never go Africa, and see a starving child trying to hang itself or a mother popping some pills because she can't pay the rent on her mud house. The point is poverty/or fear of poverty is not a reason to kill an innocent baby.
I was raised in poverty by a single mother. It was not the business.:nono: She is just now getting her bachelor's and starting to enjoy life. This is such a shame because she's bright, have always love school, and loves traveling. And I was one of the lucky ones because I've always had access to my father (I think I will call him today:yep:). I love and respect my mother but I really wish she had made better decisions about the men she dated and who she decided to have children with.
It would be sad if this turned into a for- or against abortion thread, since the issue here is so much bigger than the pregnancy.

This girl is in distress, she's been used and abused by a criminal. The most important thing is to support her, not tell the world what your personal beliefs are. The number one opinion is her own, that trumps all of us who don't even know her.

All we can do is say what we would do in this situation. Which one of us would want to be born in that baby's situation? Which one of us would hand our own baby into that kind of situation? If it's not good enough for us or for our children, then why is it good enough for her child? Is it perhaps worth less than us or one of ours? No... She and her future children are worth much more than that.

Whatever the outcome of this situation is, it won't be 100% happy. That's just the way these situations go. At this point in time there is no simple solution that will make both OP and fetus happy. :nono:

Sometimes we put ourselves in a situation that doesn't have an easy way out. This is one of those.
Pro-Quality of life is exactly what it means. The mother in question would rather have an easier life/quality life than take responsibility of the life she's carrying.

The baby is already there! And I know people who grew up with a father, and a broke mother, and they're doing FINE. You guys make poverty sound like the end of the world :lol:

You do know that suicide is more common in affluent societies, right? You'll never go Africa, and see a starving child trying to hang itself or a mother popping some pills because she can't pay the rent on her mud house. The point is poverty/or fear of poverty is not a reason to kill an innocent baby.

You're talking like suicide is the worst thing that can happen to a person. Poverty is the least of this girl's problems.
It would be sad if this turned into a for- or against abortion thread, since the issue here is so much bigger than the pregnancy.

This girl is in distress, she's been used and abused by a criminal. The most important thing is to support her, not tell the world what your personal beliefs are. The number one opinion is her own, that trumps all of us who don't even know her.

All we can do is say what we would do in this situation. Which one of us would want to be born in that baby's situation? Which one of us would hand our own baby into that kind of situation? If it's not good enough for us or for our children, then why is it good enough for her child? Is it perhaps worth less than us or one of ours? No... She and her future children are worth much more than that.

Whatever the outcome of this situation is, it won't be 100% happy. That's just the way these situations go. At this point in time there is no simple solution that will make both OP and fetus happy. :nono:

Sometimes we put ourselves in a situation that doesn't have an easy way out. This is one of those.

Well, it was going fine until a certain post. :look:

OP, the odds are against you. You're poor, black, young, unwed with a baby daddy in jail. Either road you take is going to be hard decide what's best for you.

I wish more women were "selfish", if that is what we're calling abortion now, so that we wouldn't have so many incidence of abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual) in our community.

I wish more women were more cautious about their reproductive health and more discriminate about who they choose to have sexual relationships with. That would decrease the incidence of all the crap that's seen in the Western black diaspora.

Just like I told a teenage relative when she was pregnant: "Abortion is not birth control"
I wish more women were more cautious about their reproductive health and more discriminate about who they choose to have sexual relationships with. That would decrease the incidence of all the crap that's seen in the Western black diaspora.

Just like I told a teenage relative when she was pregnant: "Abortion is not birth control"
I agree but in the OP's case it's too late
You're talking like suicide is the worst thing that can happen to a person. Poverty is the least of this girl's problems.

You missed my point.

My point was - the worse thing that could happen to somebody is not giving them the chance to live.

Ultimately, this is the OPs choice ofcourse but I had to just chime in after I saw so many posts pushing her in the direction of an abortion. Gosh, I really wish a foetus could talk because people speak of it as if its sub-human.

Between week 1 - 4 the heart and primitive circulatory system rapidly forms.

By week 6 the brain is growing, the lenses of the eyes appeared, and the nostrils have formed.

And it goes on.

All I'm doing is making the OP aware of what she's killing. It's easy to make it sound like she's killing nothing because it's not out yet but that's an illusion. Anyway whatever she chooses to do is up to her ofcourse, but I wanted her to see BOTH sides, because in my eyes people are stuck on the situation more than anything forgetting there's a life involved.
You missed my point.

My point was - the worse thing that could happen to somebody is not giving them the chance to live.

Ultimately, this is the OPs choice ofcourse but I had to just chime in after I saw so many posts pushing her in the direction of an abortion. Gosh, I really wish a foetus could talk because people speak of it as if its sub-human.

Between week 1 - 4 the heart and primitive circulatory system rapidly forms.

By week 6 the brain is growing, the lenses of the eyes appeared, and the nostrils have formed.

And it goes on.

All I'm doing is making the OP aware of what she's killing. It's easy to make it sound like she's killing nothing because it's not out yet but that's an illusion. Anyway whatever she chooses to do is up to her ofcourse, but I wanted her to see BOTH sides, because in my eyes people are stuck on the situation more than anything forgetting there's a life involved.

I think we got your point now. :yep:
Thank you.
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