Valentines Day Challenge!

current length - bottom of the neck but not at the shoulder
growth aids - peppermint and rosemary essential oils mixed in oils for nightly hair massage
vitamins - multi, msm, c complex, b complex, biotin, flaxseed, spirulina
protective styles - tiny bun with claw clip or flexi8
exercise - me dance 2xs/week
fluids - 1 litre water daily, lemonade (cocacola withdrawals)
regime - wash & deep condition with heat 2xs/week; co alternate days;leave-in, seal, hair up

Sooooo... that's where I was when we started and I'm sticking with it.

I have increased my fluids to one liter on water, lemonade, cranberry, blueberry, or pomegrante juice - no coke. That was really rough for a bit.
Totally cool on the vitamins and my regine remans the same. I am now dancing three days per week which is a good thing. I'm seriously thinking of doing the Jenny Craig six week deal starting at new years - it will finish right at the reveal time.

I purchased a digital camera and have started my fotki which I will post on the reveal date.

On a super positive ntoe - it was time to relax and the back my hair is just a smidge below the shoulders with bangs to the tip of my nose. This is very exciting.

Keep up the good work everyone!
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I don't think this challenge is for me. Although the idea behind it is great, I don't believe in growth aids, I never exercise, I already don't use heat, and I change my hairstyles too often to wear anything consistently or be considered a protective style.

I think I'm going to drop out of this one...and the whole idea of challenges in general. I'm better off keeping it simple!

Good luck to you ladies and I can't wait to see your reveals :yep:!
I am so in! I don't believe in using growth aids either, but my growth aid will be my extra TLC for my hair. :yep:

*But i will start seriously protecting my hair after the holidays!

current length - will fill this in Saturday 12/21 when i straighten
growth aids - TLC
vitamins - none besides the ones that can be found in my high fiber diet
exercise -30 mins cardio at least twice a week (hey im a busy woman! lol)
fluids - a lot
regime - low manipulation and extra care for ends
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OH NO:nono: We'd hate to see you go Lovelymissyoli!! You don't have to use a growth aid you know...

And for Brock, whatever works for you at this point is great.

I'm just ready to see what my hair has been up to.
I'm going to change my protective style to a honeycomb (that's what i call the design that stylists usually braid your hair in when it's under a weave) im just not goin to put a weave in it. It was in mostly this style that my hair grew the most. If I leave it in until the reveal date my hair will be hidden, lo maintenece, it will be easier to apply my growth aids, and I will have some mega new growth!

update: so i changed my protective style but the braider had her own plans and put cornrows in, doesnt matter really. I've cut all my growth aides out (or ran out) and only apply an MN mix every other night (changing to every other morning because i think the oils are getting on my pillows and then on my face and causing breakouts ( not good). Unfortunately haven't been exercising (college finals time) but plan on getting back on the wagon this semester after the holidays. Also planning on getting a water filter to make it easier and cheaper to get more water (because tap water is nasty). Finally I have also been slacking on my vits but going back on those too. That's my truthful update:yawn: Oh yeah alsoplannign on trying the abs diet when i get home from break!!
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:update:: Well, I've been wearing my hair in wash-n-go's for the last few weeks, because I can't find a presentable, stylish, protective style that doesn't cause stress on my already-weak hair. I'm also cutting off over-processed ends; so my hair is getting shorter and shorter, instead of longer...which is like :wallbash: UUGHH! But it's healthier, so I'm cool wit it. Also, I've been on the vitamins (I started my own challenge about it, the 30-day challenge) and I've really kicked up my water intake...a little too much, perhaps. As far as exercise...I can't seem to fit into my daily life, but I'm going to tak another crack at it when the new semester, wish me luck!
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i'm definitly joining this challange, it'll be my first one yet. it's in line with everything i was already planning to do with my hair and body just for me, no man. can't wait for the end result!!!
Update: I still have cornrows as my protective styling. I upped my water intake to two litres a day, from none... (due to fear of vitamin break-outs :look:) and thank God I haven't experienced any break-outs yet *touching wood*. I added sea kelp and a hair skin and nails vit to my supplements. I'll also be start taking silica come January 2008 :look:. Oh and I am now taking the 'vermont' cocktail too. Still using BT and MN as my growth aids.
I havent cut out 100% on fast foods but it sure is less than half the junk I ate before. I plan to join the gym in January:hide:
Overall I have been trying to 'love' myself more and more each day, and it sure is working :bdance:
I think I'm going to join. I planned to give up fried foods and sweets for 08 anyway, so this works out perfectly.

I'm going for full BSL in Feb. I am grazing BSL right now, but I want to get that extra inch and really claim it.
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I've been unofficially on this since Thanksgiving, but I just paid my $5 today so I'm officially adding myself now. :look:

I have upped my exercise and am drinking more water. I have also found that with wearing my hair up, my makeup, earrings and clothes have to be on point to avoid looking plain. I have decreased, but not eliminated, junk food.

I did cheat about a week into the challenge, because I had already scheduled a high lighter TU. My hair dresser was moving so this was my last time to get her gorgeous wrap/flat iron style that never fails to garner compliments. Since then, I have been keeping my hair up and off my clothes. Now I don't even want to feel it on my neck!

I am excited about stretching my relaxer until Feb 8. That will be almost 4 months, the longest I've gone in a while. I hope to be a little past APL for my reveal. :rolleyes: My avatar has my starting pic (end of October).
I'm getting on board! I've already given up candy for 2weeks now and I'm going to cut out fast food completely-if its not made at home it's not being eaten. I'm taking 1000mg of biotin and a lifefitness for women multi and fish oils plus 1 and half litres of water daily. Hope my hair and skin thank me! Will post pix soon.
I am going to extend my V-day challenge till the first week of March. This is when I plan on measuring my growth rate so I may as well wait it out.

And I vow for the new year not to join another challenge until I get my regimen more down pack. Goo Luck girls!!:grin:
Ok, I think I must be crazy but hopefully having others see how out of shape I am will encourge me to stick with this!
I'm also on the MN 6 week challenge which will be ending about the 8th or 9th of Feb so I'm praying I'll have some great reveal pictures!
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Can I join? this is exactly what i need. body and hair challenge.

  • Hair type : 4a/b relaxed
  • current length : Shoulder back , front chin
  • Protective style: phony pony (with baggie)
  • Growth aids: Biotin (5000 mcg) silica and hair/nails/skin vitamin
  • No heat except deep conditition
  • Will increase my water intake...excercise i will start with a brisk walk & increase to a jog in 2-3 weeks
  • No more fried foods or soda
Great challenge. thanks for posting and sharing!:spinning:
I'm in but just know that staying away from the fried food may be the death of me because my mama's fried chicken is the bomb. And my grandmother has a fish fry once a month and that darn catfish is my best friend. But I guess it's for the greater good:perplexed.


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We have to try stay motivated ladies!!

I got lazy, so I bought some Sulfur 8 grease to use on the days when MTG is not for me. I have been doing Billy Blanks Bootcamp, and will go on the lemonade diet (Master Cleanse) on the first of February.
One more month...we're almost there!
Valentines Day Challenge

I love challenges, and I love it even more when the reward at the end makes it worthwhile…So I'm starting a VALENTINES DAY CHALLENGE!:bouncy:

  • You MUST wear your hair in a protective style until the reveal date.
  • You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to consistently use a growth aid during the challenge (eg. Vitamins, MTG, BT, LR, MN etc…)
    [*]You MUST NOT REVEAL your ‘crowning glory’ until the second week of February, 2008.

    [*]You must refrain from heat until the reveal date (With the exception of heat used to condition/treat).

    [*]You MUST drink sufficient amounts of fluids.

    [*]You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to stay away from fried foods, and sweets.

    [*]You are to look in the mirror EVERY DAY and pick one good quality about yourself and focus on the GOOD, NOT THE BAD :gorgeous:

    [*]Remembering that your stomach is your shape, you are encouraged to do crunches or any alternate stomach exercises daily, do facials, mani/pedi’s etc. (No, this is not related to your hair growth, but we need to look good ALL OVER!)

    [*]February 9-14 is the reveal period, for you to reveal your hair and your overall self to your SO :dinner:
The goal is to PAMPER your hair (and yourself) until February. Even if you don’t have a SO, Valentines day can be a good day to work towards as its close enough to not be a lengthy challenge, yet far enough to make a difference.

Anybody wanna join me?

Post a reply, indicating your current length, and the desired outcome of this challenge. Post progress pictures (if you have any):needpics: , and even if you don’t have any current pics, be sure to post some of you on Valentines Day!

Happy new year everyone:cheers:

Add me to the list!

I was planning to do this anyways as I got my hair braided a few days ago, and won't be taking them down until the first or second week of Febuary.

Here are the stats:

Current Length: about an inch or two above BSL :clap:
Growth Aids: Vitamins, and BT or my personal sulphur mix every other day
Water intake- 1- 1.5 litres per day
No heat (I'm in braids anyways lol)
Scalp massages twice per day
Gym workout twice per week

Good luck to all the participants and God Bless :Rose:
Happy New Year to all of my VDChallenge sisters.

I totally fell off the wagon over the weekend. DH and I went to Las Vegas for 5 days - tons of fun, great shopping, super dry air sucked the moisture out of my skin and hair. When we came home, I felt like bathing in moisturizers. Deep conditioning fixed that. I'm back on my game working for the next six weeks.
Less than one month to go!!!

I'm trying, I really am!!

My SO and I were doing bad things two nights ago, and when we were done, he was like "When did you start using Sulfur 8?" I looked EXTRA mad and said "How the _____ do you know what Sulfur 8 smells like?" and he said, "my mother used to use it" (she passed away a few years back) so I'm thinking he's feeling sad coz I'm reminding him of her, but he says "that S--T STINKS!" I usually MTG, and he doesn't complain, but he hates Sulfur 8!!

My plans? I bought some ORS replenishing packs, and was going to get Aphogee, but my friend in Canada uses Alberto V05 hot creme protein, and she sent me the rest of hers so I'll use that and ORS, and Castor Oil, and whatever other moiturising thing I can find for my hair, prior to going in to the Dominicans to get my hair FRIED, for V-day. We're thinking about the dinner cruise, but I can't find a dress...

Oh, and the SO was looking at my stomach an said, wow, it's really improved (like I looked like a WHALE before) and your skin has too...YAY!!
I'm going to have to drop this challenge, it's sooner than I thought and I am so unfocused.

Still trying to decide whether I should trim my hair or not, yadda this yadda that. I am just going to stick to the end of summer WL challenge. Good luck ladies!!