He Doesn't Believe in Celebrating Valentines Day

LOL I remember this thread!!!!

Damn gold digger, expecting a gift on valentines day. Shame on you OP!

What's next? birthday presents?

To make excuses why a man is not celebrating V-Day is nonsense meaning he's not that into you. Unless he is your DH he should be doing something. Most people have been celebrating V-Day since they were little kids. Men are just as romantic as we are. It's the thought that counts and it's all the way around us. Older people, young people get it. We all should stop making it seem like it's not a nice gesture of caring for someone. Trust me those in secure relationships receive something unless you state you don't celebrate it. If he cannot step up to dinner, a card or sweet flowers then fade them. It's simple . How many times should we talk to a man who truly adores and wants to get to know you, I say rarely. He is expecting good good then We should all expect appreciation. Don't get it twisted and let any Man make you feel guilty. Go to any restaurant, Hospital, or office and you'll see it's saying I value you and I want it know in public. FWB is just D|€k talking meaning he has lost his potential. If and whenever I am in a situationship, relationship I can attest that since I was 5 that I never have had to ask about V-Day it's already taken care of. Men who don't consider you just a placeholder will do Valentines Day and any other Days you consider special. They'll treat you just like they treat their Mom. Trust me I have 4 grown children and they do V-Day as an automatic wherever they may be and is not because I expect it's because they want me to know how much they care. Men know and should know or if they act funky. Then take that as a sign and don't question where you are at and where he may not be. They are not fools but they may be fooling you. Don't ever put up with this mess. When you go or went to church this or last Sunday I can bet they mentioned V-Day. Wise up and be that woman with expectations. Men have been showering women on Valentines Day for a long long time. Nothing's changed and for all the work and love and support we provide it never should! It's not a lot. If you just get a text, it's a sign that he does know and is being what you tolerate. It's said what we tolerate will go on. If you don't receive from your Valentine then get another one. We should not have to carry or raise a grown man ever. Happy Valentines day Early.
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Anytime a female says they don't celebrate Valentine's or their SO doesn't as well, I think they either had their heart broken before on that day , they just don't want to spend any money that day or they are no romantic boring creatures. You can cook at home and have dinner and whatever you drink. My friend just told me it's another day and I do agree with that but the extra mile you go for one another is very meaningful. When he first met her they use to go places, now he takes her nowhere. He doesn't buy her anything for her birthday or any holiday. She told me he was suppose to be off on Valentine's Day but volunteered to go in, what kind of bs is that?!
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Slicebread said:
To make excuses why a man is not celebrating V-Day is nonsense meaning he's not that into you. Unless he is your DH he should be doing something. Most people have been celebrating V-Day since they were little kids. Men are just as romantic as we are. It's the thought that counts and it's all the way around us. Older people, young people get it. We all should stop making it seem like it's not a nice gesture of caring for someone. Trust me those in secure relationships receive something unless you state you don't celebrate it. If he cannot step up to dinner, a card or sweet flowers then fade them. It's simple . How many times should we talk to a man who truly adores and wants to get to know you, I say rarely. He is expecting good good then We should all expect appreciation. Don't get it twisted and let any Man make you feel guilty. Go to any restaurant, Hospital, or office and you'll see it's saying I value you and I want it know in public. FWB is just D|€k talking meaning he has lost his potential. If and whenever I am in a situationship, relationship I can attest that since I was 5 that I never have had to ask about V-Day it's already taken care of. Men who don't consider you just a placeholder will do Valentines Day and any other Days you consider special. They'll treat you just like they treat their Mom. Trust me I have 4 grown children and they do V-Day as an automatic wherever they may be and is not because I expect it's because they want me to know how much they care. Men know and should know or if they act funky. Then take that as a sign and don't question where you are at and where he may not be. They are not fools but they may be fooling you. Don't ever put up with this mess. When you go or went to church this or last Sunday I can bet they mentioned V-Day. Wise up and be that woman with expectations. Men have been showering women on Valentines Day for a long long time. Nothing's changed and for all the work and love and support we provide it never should! It's not a lot. If you just get a text, it's a sign that he does know and is being what you tolerate. It's said what we tolerate will go on. If you don't receive from your Valentine then get another one. We should not have to carry or raise a grown man ever. Happy Valentines day Early.

What do you mean unless he is your DH he should be doing something? DH should be doing more and not less for their wives on Valentine's Day than a single guy should for his date.


I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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Does he have reasons for not celebrating it?

I don't celebrate Valentine's day because of my faith. I dislike the origins of V Day as they based on pagan religious observances, which I won't be a part of. My fiance questioned me about this at first (along with a few other holidays) but he's used to it by now. Thankfully in his culture (European) it isn't a huge big deal anyway.

There are so many days on the calendar to show love, sans pressure and expectations. If he treats you as he should on the other days...what's the problem?
What if people make an effort to go the extra mile all year around.:look:

I actually find many of the most romantic couples I know that do lovey things regularly tend not to be into Valentines day. I'm also from Europe Amarilles, didn't realise that would be a factor lol.

I'm usually not fussed about Valentines day although I like our spontaneous romantic activities. However, I'm celebrating it this year because me and SO have had an extremely busy January/Feb. I actually feel a need to throw ourselves into something and take a day off etc.. Still I'm not actually into it and doubt it will be an every year thing. Anniversaries/birthdays are my favourite because it feels personal to us :)

I tend to make the anniversary a 4, or 5 day love fest and ask him to take time off work for it:lol:. I'm sure the first year he found it a bit silly, but he still did it. Now he looks forward to it:lol: Valentines is optional because it's not personalised IMO. As long as we are doing romantic things througout the year that is. Anniversaries and birthdays are on a completely different level to me and if a guy wasn't into it that would be MUCH more of an issue.
What if people make an effort to go the extra mile all year around.:look:

I actually find many of the most romantic couples I know that do lovey things regularly tend not to be into Valentines day. I'm also from Europe Amarilles, didn't realise that would be a factor lol.

I'm usually not fussed about Valentines day although I like our spontaneous romantic activities. However, I'm celebrating it this year because me and SO have had an extremely busy January/Feb. I actually feel a need to throw ourselves into something and take a day off etc.. Still I'm not actually into it and doubt it will be an every year thing. Anniversaries/birthdays are my favourite because it feels personal to us :)

I tend to make the anniversary a 4, or 5 day love fest and ask him to take time off work for it:lol:. I'm sure the first year he found it a bit silly, but he still did it. Now he looks forward to it:lol: Valentines is optional because it's not personalised IMO. As long as we are doing romantic things througout the year that is. Anniversaries and birthdays are on a completely different level to me and if a guy wasn't into it that would be MUCH more of an issue.

I think the key is the couple deciding on what is important to them and then celebrating in their own way. What you state makes a lot of since. You expressed your expectations and the two of you worked it out.

Different days are important to different people. The key should be to communicate that clearly versus having an unknown expectation.

I too enjoy the gifts throughout the year and the mini celebrations.
I admit I am a boring, unromantic soul. I don't celebrate V Day, nor do I want to. I am looking forward to enjoying my evening alone taking care of some much needed task. I do not need cards or flowers. I would not mind someone delivery a meal to my door but I don't want any company tonight :lol: I want to lounge around in my sweats and my chunky twists.

I will rejoin the world tomorrow. We can celebrate VDay in the spring when it is time for him to take me somewhere :yep:
I am one of the few women on the planet that does not celebrate ANY of the Hallmark Holidays (including my birthday), so I don't expect anything for Valentine's day. And in fact, since I make this clear up front, I just might be insulted (I see it as too commercial) if SO does turn up with the flowers and candy. I prefer to do those things throughout the year, on not so special days. But this is how I feel.

If it's that important to you, just tell him what your expectations are. If you don't tell him and he does nothing, it's a set up for failure. If you tell him and he does nothing, then you know he does not take your feelings into account.
Lawwwwddd! I answered this all serious before I realized this was 0live0il. How you doing mama? I thought you were on sabbatical getting married and doing life stuff? You're just addicted to LHCF ain't you? LOL! I do miss your silliness!
Lawwwwddd! I answered this all serious before I realized this was 0live0il. How you doing mama? I thought you were on sabbatical getting married and doing life stuff? You're just addicted to LHCF ain't you? LOL! I do miss your silliness!

And this was from last year. :lol: *smh*

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