found out he lied


Well-Known Member
well, i just found out the guy i've been dating is a liar. the fall out happened on friday the 13th of all days. lolol. during a conversation with a mutual friend, all of his ish was exposed. the sad part is i don't know why he felt the need to lie about the things he lied about. and really made me think, if he lied about that stuff, what else did he lie about? i was sad, hurt, and confused, like, wtf. :perplexed i haven't really spoken to him about it, b/c he's on a family vacation for the weekend. :ohwell: i spoke with him briefly friday, and inquired if he had anything to tell me, and of course he went off. and for whatever reason, his phone has been off all day yesterday. at moments i'm :lachen::wallbash: and :nono: about the whole situation.

i'm glad i found out sooner than later of course, b/c even though it hurts now, i would've been devestated to find this out later on. and we just had an argument about him feeling that i don't trust him. how ironic. :look: lolol part of me wants to confront him about this face to face, b/c none of the info has been confirmed, but i know that there is really nothing he can say that will make any of this better. but, either way, someone is lying and it's either her or him, and i'm more inclined to believe her since she has no reason to lie. but my frustration is now that she vouched for him and said he was a good guy, and always had positive things to say. but now all of a sudden, she wants to spill the dirt, after he pissed her off. i'm like, u knew this ish the whole time, and was steady telling me how much of a good guy he was, how much he really liked me, ect ect. i appreciate the info now, but why didn't u say anything before. all i can say is damn. i know i'll get over it, and he'll be a distant memory, and something to laugh at over drinks, but right now, i'm just :sad:. probably b/c this is v-day weekend. /vent
i'm more inclined to believe her since she has no reason to lie. but my frustration is now that she vouched for him and said he was a good guy, and always had positive things to say. but now all of a sudden, she wants to spill the dirt, after he pissed her off. i'm like, u knew this ish the whole time, and was steady telling me how much of a good guy he was, how much he really liked me, ect ect. i appreciate the info now, but why didn't u say anything before. all i can say is damn. i know i'll get over it, and he'll be a distant memory, and something to laugh at over drinks, but right now, i'm just :sad:. probably b/c this is v-day weekend. /vent

Are you sure that this "mutual friend" friend isn't trying to sabotage your relationship because she has a thing for the guy or to be vindictive?

Maybe she is the one who is lying or atleast blowing things out of proportion.

And what kind of lies did this mutual friend expose for you?
well, i just found out the guy i've been dating is a liar. the fall out happened on friday the 13th of all days. lolol. during a conversation with a mutual friend, all of his ish was exposed. the sad part is i don't know why he felt the need to lie about the things he lied about. and really made me think, if he lied about that stuff, what else did he lie about? i was sad, hurt, and confused, like, wtf. i haven't really spoken to him about it, b/c he's on a family vacation for the weekend. i spoke with him briefly friday, and inquired if he had anything to tell me, and of course he went off. and for whatever reason, his phone has been off all day yesterday. at moments i'm and about the whole situation.

My uncle told me that when someone brings you information, always question their motive.

On another note @ the bolded.....this it a tell-tell sign that he may be spending his Valentine's day with someone else. You two have a fight on Friday which now allows him (in his mind) to turn off his phone all day Saturday which just happens to be Valentine's day. He may be with family but sound to me as if he may have a guest.

I try not to never tell folks to walk away but you may just need to cut your losses now. Cut loose that mutual friend also, or treat her with a long handled spoon. She vouched for him knowing his lies so now she wants to spill the beans only because she is pissed.
that crossed my mind, but the things she said really makes since. but again, i really don't know what to believe right now. he lied about his degree, the fact his grandmother died, his car being stolen, he said he's biracial, and other random stuff.
or to be vindictive?

Maybe she is the one who is lying or atleast blowing things out of proportion.

This is what I am wondering... It is nothing for a woman to get mad and air someone's dirty laundry. The only thing that tips the scale for me his phone being off.

I'm sorry you are going through this. :( It hurts no matter what the excuse.
Girl hugggs to you.....

Go with what you feel. I found out on Friday also that one of the guys that had been trying to talk to me was married. But i already had my mind made up about his lame behind. Im glad i wasnt really feeling him anyway. And plus he was stupid for even trying to talk to me bcuz i guess he thought that his Lb/Frat Brother wouldnt let me know what was the deal(when i knew his LB/Frat brother for awhile from Miami)---and he approached me with the info like he didnt really want to see me wasting my time(and both of them married)---so i rather believe my friend his LB/Frat brother over some liar. Cuz he lied to me about being married. No motive behind it...

So just go with how you feel, look at all the info and add it all up if it doesnt look right then go with what you feel. I dont like anyone lying about NOTHING. And lying about being married is the deal breaker for me.
well, i just found out the guy i've been dating is a liar.​

i haven't really spoken to him about it, b/c he's on a family vacation for the weekend.​

and for whatever reason, his phone has been off all day yesterday.
this is v-day weekend. /vent

I'm sorry you're going through this, but looking at your words, it sounds like he was with someone else for V Day. My mom used to always tell me that if you're not with him on the holidays, you're not his lady.
every dog that brings a bone carries a bone.....

if i were you, i would cut the both of them lose. it makes no sense trying to figure him or her out. if you have to spend YOUR time figuring someone out, then you need to leave them alone. it is not worth the trouble to have people living rent free in your mind and it's not fair to you, cuz when you look for shyt, you find it. simple as that. there is more than what she is telling you, and he is showing guilt by cutting off his phone. why question it when he is going to lie about it anyways.... do yourself a favor and drop'em ....

another thing, keep ur business to yourself, because just like she is telling you things about him, she has discussed your business with him n believe...she playin both of yall like puppets...
she really has nothing to tell him about me, b/c i don't discuss certain things except with a few select people. but, the whole situation is just very very strange. this whole situation is just really crazy. but, she was very adamant about me never talking to him again and not answering his phone calls. and was pretty ticked off i even answered his call on friday. :-? i can't really just cut her off, b/c we hang around the same circle of friends.
she really has nothing to tell him about me, b/c i don't discuss certain things except with a few select people. but, the whole situation is just very very strange. this whole situation is just really crazy. but, she was very adamant about me never talking to him again and not answering his phone calls. and was pretty ticked off i even answered his call on friday. :-? i can't really just cut her off, b/c we hang around the same circle of friends.

the only thing I have to say about that is...KEEP YOUR ENEMIES CLOSE. she was adamant for a reason....don't worry about trying to figure it out. it'll show itself... if she asks you have you spoke to him, don't even divulge in i said before every dog that brings a bone carries a bone.
she really has nothing to tell him about me, b/c i don't discuss certain things except with a few select people. but, the whole situation is just very very strange. this whole situation is just really crazy. but, she was very adamant about me never talking to him again and not answering his phone calls. and was pretty ticked off i even answered his call on friday. :-? i can't really just cut her off, b/c we hang around the same circle of friends.

Do you think she has feelings for him or something?
I'd watch her a lil closer and talk to him....if he decides to answer

Something just isnt sitting right, and if he really lied about all those things:nono:
just leave it and KIM. If he can tell so many lies NOW, imagine later on.
Encore - at this point, i really don't know. previouslly i would've said no, but with everything that is going on right now, anything is possible.
Calm down, you are all twisted up about what may or may not be true; wait until you are face to face and ask all the questions you want of him. Watch body language and his attitude about the questions-don't like what you see or hear then permanently walk away.
Calm down, you are all twisted up about what may or may not be true; wait until you are face to face and ask all the questions you want of him. Watch body language and his attitude about the questions-don't like what you see or hear then permanently walk away.

that is actually what i want to do, b/c i really don't like going by second hand information, but at this point, he's making it realllyyy hard to not through his actions. 1)the fact that he didn't call or anything on valentine's day. :nono: 2) the fact that his phone was off all weekend, and today. i spoke with him friday night. and poof, saturday, sunday, monday. nothing. i spoke with a friend about the situation, and they really had nothing good to say out the girl who gave me the info. i really don't like having to assume and guess, and go by gossip or 3rd parties, without atleast confronting the other party but i'm seeing that i'm just gonna have to walk away. i'm really upset at myself still feeling hurt about this whole situation especially since i really had no clue. i hate this feeling.
Encore - at this point, i really don't know. previouslly i would've said no, but with everything that is going on right now, anything is possible.

I learned this lesson from watchin' folks and my own experiences.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me