New Member
Telling her anonymously would do no good whatsoever, unless you want to drive her crazy. Tell the truth or don't tell her. But, don't half-*** it.
Thanks for all the advice ladies..I am going to pray on this but I am starting to lean towards sending her an email. I am very sad about this because he really had me fooled and caught up in him but hopefully time will heal me soon.
*warning *
tough love here
and btw,i've been there. it didn't progress as far because I broke it off very very early after finding out..and yes he did come back and tried to pursue and I said
"I wish you and your wife the best of luck"
and do not EVER contact me again...
h emailed "thanks for your good wishes"...then
"am I so poisonous?"
I didn't answer back But I was screaming YES YES YES and so is this guy
Move on and do NOT become buddy-buddy with his wife...stay OUT of that
It is not your business to fix their marriage or "enlighten her" or help her
that's highly suspect anyway.... since you are the other involvement
..what are you doing? retaliating? You are targeting the wrong party..
...why deliberately hurt another human being who NEVER hurt you're not doing any one a favor but making it more messy
or progessing/escalating this triangle to an ugly level ....
you cant control him..that's what telling her is about're trying to grasp some control of an insane situation..
you think you're going to feel better
..but you will pay for that.... even if in the moment you gratify your ego
with revenge in causing him trouble..{which it may not}..
there is always a karmic bill for an action like that
you don't know what their relationship is apart that he's cheating with you don't know if there are other women...there probably are
..he's certainly no trustworthy authority...for all you know she may even know about his affair{s}
SHE PROBABLY DOES...and is coping as best she can....or maybe she allows it ...who knows? why would she want to hear from you? and children are involved???
leave her alone and you leave with integrity
keep the focus on getting out...and yes get angry ..but don't waste it on him ...
get angry at your choices..and thank God it's two and not twenty-two years ....
schedule a real sit down with your soul
not judgement.... but asking the hard questions ...what is missing that you
felt you were only entitled this...
and alternately envison what you DO want
healthy relationship with a trustworthy,honest available man
and GET IT...
That shld be your focus ...dear one
get out... pray about it..... get counseling...don't do it again
and leave their marriage issues ..affairs lies divorce reonciliations..other girlfriends
recriminations all to themselves
yes it will....
Telling her anonymously would do no good whatsoever, unless you want to drive her crazy. Tell the truth or don't tell her. But, don't half-*** it.
Ok Kayte- I appreciate the tough love- even though I was lied to I guess I always felt something in my gut but I just didnt want to be the nosy snoopy jealous *****..but now I see giving some people the benefit of the doubt is a mistake. ...but yes i see what u are saying- i really guess i would be telling her because i want HIM to suffer. Like I said I dont think she will leave him but I think she will make his life hell for a while and make it much harder for him to cheat in the future..but even that is petty I guess now that I wrote it out.
Ladies thank you for all of the advice- I really truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I have prayed on it and I think the best thing for me to do is just leave the whole situation alone and stay far away from it. If the Lord wants her to know her husband is stepping out he will show her- in fact He probably already has on numerous occasions. I can only wish them well and keep it moving. I know alot of you married ladies said you would want to know but wouldnt you want to know on your own terms- not by some stranger blind siding you one day? I guess in reading some of these posts it made me realize the healthiest thing is for me to take care of me and remove myself far away from the situation. He did email me again this morning and I just hit delete. As far as GA men - really what is the deal??? And he was trying to convince me to move up there!! And is a great idea- all married women can go "register" their husband then us single ladies can just look him up in the database LOL
I hope his dick falls off.
That doesn't surprise me. And she is probably not the only girlfriend he has either. OP, does he take business trips?
Ladies thank you for all of the advice- I really truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I have prayed on it and I think the best thing for me to do is just leave the whole situation alone and stay far away from it. If the Lord wants her to know her husband is stepping out he will show her- in fact He probably already has on numerous occasions. I can only wish them well and keep it moving. I know alot of you married ladies said you would want to know but wouldnt you want to know on your own terms- not by some stranger blind siding you one day? I guess in reading some of these posts it made me realize the healthiest thing is for me to take care of me and remove myself far away from the situation. He did email me again this morning and I just hit delete. As far as GA men - really what is the deal??? And he was trying to convince me to move up there!! And is a great idea- all married women can go "register" their husband then us single ladies can just look him up in the database LOL
healthiest thing is for me to take care of me and remove myself far away from the situation
*warning *
tough love here
and btw,i've been there. it didn't progress as far because I broke it off very very early after finding out..and yes he did come back and tried to pursue and I said
"I wish you and your wife the best of luck"
and do not EVER contact me again...
h emailed "thanks for your good wishes"...then
"am I so poisonous?"
I didn't answer back But I was screaming YES YES YES and so is this guy
Move on and do NOT become buddy-buddy with his wife...stay OUT of that
It is not your business to fix their marriage or "enlighten her" or help her
that's highly suspect anyway.... since you are the other involvement
..what are you doing? retaliating? You are targeting the wrong party..
...why deliberately hurt another human being who NEVER hurt you're not doing any one a favor but making it more messy
or progessing/escalating this triangle to an ugly level ....
you cant control him..that's what telling her is about're trying to grasp some control of an insane situation..
you think you're going to feel better
..but you will pay for that.... even if in the moment you gratify your ego
with revenge in causing him trouble..{which it may not}..
there is always a karmic bill for an action like that
you don't know what their relationship is apart that he's cheating with you don't know if there are other women...there probably are
..he's certainly no trustworthy authority...for all you know she may even know about his affair{s}
SHE PROBABLY DOES...and is coping as best she can....or maybe she allows it ...who knows? why would she want to hear from you? and children are involved???
leave her alone and you leave with integrity
keep the focus on getting out...and yes get angry ..but don't waste it on him ...
get angry at your choices..and thank God it's two and not twenty-two years ....
schedule a real sit down with your soul
not judgement.... but asking the hard questions ...what is missing that you
felt you were only entitled this...
and alternately envison what you DO want
healthy relationship with a trustworthy,honest available man
and GET IT...
That shld be your focus ...dear one
get out... pray about it..... get counseling...don't do it again
and leave their marriage issues ..affairs lies divorce reonciliations..other girlfriends
recriminations all to themselves
yes it will....
No disrespect Kayte, but I think that that entire line of thinking is problematic and why cheating is allowed to go on unchecked. Sonya, God may have chosen you to be the one. You don't owe the woman anything and I don't think that your only reasons for telling her are selfish. This is about her health. She needs to know and she can decide what to do with the information.
Where is the cheater's responsbilty in all of this..and the wife's their nmarriage ..their decisionsNo disrespect Kayte, but I think that that entire line of thinking is problematic and why cheating is allowed to go on unchecked.
No disrespect Kayte, but I think that that entire line of thinking is problematic and why cheating is allowed to go on unchecked. Sonya, God may have chosen you to be the one. You don't owe the woman anything and I don't think that your only reasons for telling her are selfish. This is about her health. She needs to know and she can decide what to do with the information.
I was in those shoes...
both of them...
OP will make the best decision because she is praying about it
whatever that finally is ...
Ladies thank you for all of the advice- I really truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I have prayed on it and I think the best thing for me to do is just leave the whole situation alone and stay far away from it. If the Lord wants her to know her husband is stepping out he will show her- in fact He probably already has on numerous occasions. I can only wish them well and keep it moving. I know alot of you married ladies said you would want to know but wouldnt you want to know on your own terms- not by some stranger blind siding you one day? I guess in reading some of these posts it made me realize the healthiest thing is for me to take care of me and remove myself far away from the situation. He did email me again this morning and I just hit delete. As far as GA men - really what is the deal??? And he was trying to convince me to move up there!! And is a great idea- all married women can go "register" their husband then us single ladies can just look him up in the database LOL
Oh don't think he is getting away with this Scott free and unscathed. He is going to luck up on the WRONG woman one day and she is going to give him a Payback that even James Brown would jump out the ground and sing about
See you can BS people but G-d sees everything
Karma is a ******