Everything was cool until he____(fill in the blank)

- Til he stuck his tongue up my nose and grabbed a booger... licked my armpits... and called me his prince charming with rabbit teeth.

- Til I saw his crusty feet which he justified with "I never take my socks off"

- Til we took a shower twice and I still smelled his butt...
- Til he stuck his tongue up my nose and grabbed a booger... licked my armpits... and called me his prince charming with rabbit teeth.

- Til I saw his crusty feet which he justified with "I never take my socks off"

- Til we took a shower twice and I still smelled his butt...

*Throws up in my mouth a little*
* told me he was a former underwear model and that they called him a large animal...and asked why I thought they did that?

* Asked what was my favortie feature about myself....I said something like my eyes...and he said no...something more physical. (first phone call)

* When he asked me out for lunch, was 15 minutes late and then ordered water because he had already eaten.... So when I told him that was stupid since lunch was HIS idea...he was stressing over the menu so I said I was paying for my own...he THEN ordered...quickly.

* Same guy as above THOUGHT he was going to reach his hand on my plate and eat one of my chicken strips.

* A guy tried to lick my cheek.

* A guy made me spaghetti after I insisted that I didn't eat spaghetti. Told me I should be grateful.

* He bought me 2 turtlenecks for Christmas after I told him what I wanted. Left the receipt in the bag...2 for 15. NO deals.

* Told me that he usually doesn't date women with kids but he would make an exception for me.

* We went to Denny's for ice cream...and he wanted me to run so he could skip out on the bill.

* He was a poor tipper so I put extra money on the table.... I busted him behind me picking up my money.

* We were dating for a couple of months and I spent the night at his house...He pitched a fit because I was on his pillow. He went and got me a toss pillow off his sofa to sleep on.

* Told me that there is a shortage of blk educated men and I need to prove to him that he needed to talk to me and not one of the other chicks out there.

* Pulled down his pants...and has s____ with someone....because I felt nothing.

* wanted me to meet his mother after knowing me all of 24 hours.

* wanted to go purchase furniture for "our" home after 72 hours of dating.

* Asked to borrow money.

* Went to get a check advance before going to the casino.

All of these are different men...well most of them. Will be back with more I am sure.

Dang man, Imma need names or SS#'s. That's a whole lot of garbage you had to deal with. I'da been like this the whole time with any of them:blush::blush::nono::nono::wallbash::wallbash::perplexed:perplexed
Everything was cool until he____:
(all separate dates)

....said "peace out!" on the phone and stop talking to me after not giving up my v-status.

...pulled his jeans down randomly, had on tighty whities AND had a peepee the size of my pinky finger (erect) NO LIE.

...told me he could see my a__ from the front.

...brought me to his house (he lived with his mother) didn't introduce me and took me into his bedroom expecting sex on the 1st date with his mom in the house!

...turned up his stereo and was singing the words to a song about killing people and busting b****s raw.

...Called me FROM JAIL asking if I would write him. My dad's an ex-police officer and found out what he didn't want to tell me. He was in jail for having sex with a person under 13..

I'm happy you dropped him! Some poor woman/en somewhere prob think they scored a good catch!:nono:

... I walked into his place and had to pause and regulate my breathing otherwise I would've thrown up because it smelled, literally, like hot garbage and body funk on top of it being really humid that day. Roaches were everywhere and when I left I felt like I had a sticky film all over me. I rushed home for a shower never to return again.


Sad but true story...

Daggone shame.:wallbash:

Yup, I've experienced this one.

This thread proves what i've been telling my friends: Mens is crazy nowdays:rolleyes:

Sure are.:yep:

BTW: These weren't all the same guy

Everything was cool until he....

...unwrapped his package and I realized that he had the "fun-size" not the full-size bar, if you know what I mean :cry:
...I found out he has a record, if he had told me from jump maybe it would have been different
...I found out he was crazy, he started banging his head against the car window and steering wheel :look:
...I found out his ex-girl was stalking me and prank calling my phone
...I found a text message in his phone that read "I'm in Orlando, line me up some hos" :nono:
...I found out that he lied to me about someone he slept with. He made me feel like crap for asking him about it
...he asked me if I loved him after the 1st date (I don't even know if I LIKE you fool!)
...he hit on my sister, right in front of me

SMH.....I think I'll stay single. This is depressing!

Straight triffling!:wallbash:
Everything was cool until he: told me 'I love you' on the first date and then asked (practically begged) me to say it back to him.

It's the FIRST DATE. :crazy:
i can see i have been blessed not to have had endure what some of y'all been through. THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!! :yep:

The worse for me was a man cursing like a sailor every other word. I'd be like :blush: in public all the time.
---until he broke into my email and called himself confronting me about another man...we aren't exclusive fool:rolleyes:

---asked if he could call me his fiance...without a ring:mad:

-- climbed his funky arse into my bed after playing basketball....HELL NAW!!!

--- was 'blacking out' from binge drinking:nono:

WOW, THIS THREAD IS FUNNY.....in a sick wtf :blush: kind of way!

My addition:

Took me to Atlantic City (as a surprise date thinking that he would impress me and get some) and lost ALL of his money and then asked me to buy him gas (to get back home) and food at McDonalds!:nono:

Talked about him making me scream awaking a my roommate with his TWO inches! (It really was smaller than my :nono: pinky)

Talked about him wanting me to have his BABY but he never mentioned marriage! :nono:

Told me during the first date how he loves to get HIGH, and had to do it right before our date to relax! :nono:

Gave me a men's seude coat that other chick chick had given for a christmas gift......then later took it back when I refused to wear it!:nono:

Asked me to co-sign a loan for his student loans when both his (wealthy) parents refused to! :nono:

Sprayed his d**k with some "Special Chinese Herbs" that someone at his barber shop recommended to stay hard (had a limp problem but refused to see a doctor) without telling me until I started burning! :nono:

Talked about how he could "picture" himself living in my house during the first visit, inculding how he would redecorate with his stuff!:nono:

How he was really just "seperated" (and still paying the wife's bills, so he was constantly broke) after tellling me he was DIVORCED when we first met!:nono:
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I forgot the BIGGIE - allof the following was one dude:

Told me he was abused (physcial and sexually) as a child during our first date, but never sought counseling becasue he does not trust da "white man"! :nono:

Told me that he wanted to live in the woods with his wife and kids and lots of GUNS!:nono:

Started cursing (screaming at) me out over the phone about how his DEAD mother killed his dog when he was little, and how I was (like all balck women) taking HER side!:nono:

Can't understand why I would not date him after all this drama, and why I did not at least want to sleep with him bacause he is famous!
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i forgot some. two different guys... everything was cool until....

---found out thru facebook that he was still with his fiancee (he told me they broke up). then proceeded to tell me that she is celibate and would like to keep me around as his side piece :perplexed

---showed up at a very public event w/ his out of town girlfriend whom i knew nothing about. turns out they had dating for a while and were unofficially engaged. and he is like "well, i assumed you knew. everyone else did" :nono: i went into hiding and avoided social events for a looong time bc as it turns out everyone else in our circle did know but me. :sad:
i forgot some. two different guys... everything was cool until....

---found out thru facebook that he was still with his fiancee (he told me they broke up). then proceeded to tell me that she is celibate and would like to keep me around as his side piece :perplexed

---showed up at a very public event w/ his out of town girlfriend whom i knew nothing about. turns out they had dating for a while and were unofficially engaged. and he is like "well, i assumed you knew. everyone else did" :nono: i went into hiding and avoided social events for a looong time bc as it turns out everyone else in our circle did know but me. :sad:

That's foul that nobody even pulled you to the side to ask you if you knew.
That's foul that nobody even pulled you to the side to ask you if you knew.

well all these people were more or less just acquaintances (mostly HIS circle of people). we all went to college together. mostly same major. and other organizations. My best friend was actually the one who told me. she was at this event and called me asap. i was quite embarassed bc it seems like everyone thought i knew about it and was a willing participant, which was definitely not the case. :nono:
well all these people were more or less just acquaintances (mostly HIS circle of people). we all went to college together. mostly same major. and other organizations. My best friend was actually the one who told me. she was at this event and called me asap. i was quite embarassed bc it seems like everyone thought i knew about it and was a willing participant, which was definitely not the case. :nono:


Told me he had just beat up his baby momma's boyfriend for some nonsense. Dude you're 28 it isn't high school.

Couldn't afford my chai tea at Starbucks so I had to chip in. I could have just paid the 3.95 myself.

Finally told me he indeed did not have a job, but somehow was looking for a wife. Umm... seems like a personal problem

Told me he doesn't 'go down' on women but insists they do it for him.

Wouldn't stop stalking me.

Another dude...
Tried to molest me on the first date

And another...
Told me he had HPV but yet thought I wanted to be his gf. For some reason he kept telling me he wasn't looking for a gf like a gave a f*** and when I finally broke it down for him he wanted to have hurt feelings. All this time I thought we were friends. What's this bf/gf crap?

Another...Wanted me to be in his 'video' where I was suppose to bend over for the camera. Dude I direct videos, not hoe in them.

Another... Finished before he even touched my body. I was sitting there waiting and waiting. I finally asked,"Um you gonna do something." He said you'll have to give me another 45 minutes to go again. Go again? Did I black out on the first one?:lachen:
We went grocery shopping together (separate carts) and he laid his food up there with mine for me purchase....didnt bring money or ATM the first.

Called me his "Special Friend", but wanted to play house.

...starting showing up at my house without calling first. Even my MOTHER calls first.

-he was engaged...but wanted ME to be his side piece after he married her

Actually told me he was considering getting back with his ex (who dumped him) for "a couple of weeks" so that he could dump her and hurt her like he was hurt.

- Til we took a shower twice and I still smelled his butt...

All of these take the cake for me.
These aren't mine,but a friends:
Told me he was 23 but he was 29.
Lived in college housing(same guy).
Lied about where he was from
Had a daughter that was too old for me to be her momma.
-his make up rubbed off on my shirt

-he confessed his love for me by '' freestyling ''

-he asked me for gas money to come see me

-we '' sealed the deal '' and he was too '' nervous and intimidated by me '' to get it up.. the first (and only) 5 times.

- he took me to his house and everything was all white and meticulously decorated obviously by a woman
he told me how when he got married he would be beating up his kids for any nonsense and he would beat upthe wife too if she ever stuck up for the kids

his 'member' was as big as a tootsie roll

how he likes being intimate with a girl if things go the right way on the first date i then asked by intimate does he mean sex...he responds by saying u r so fixated on sex (lol) i was like that is not going to happen then he goes u think u r above everyone else dont u, u r such a snob... i was speechless