Ended My 8 mos Relationship Friday night


Well-Known Member
Sorry, it's so long. I was debating on whether or not to post. Feel free to skim through it.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it. I know that it needed to be done. I'm a little sad, and it's a little hard to stop thinking about some of the rare 'good' times, but I also feel content with my decision. I know that doesn't make any sense.:ohwell: It's kinda hard to gather my thoughts.:sad:

My SO and I dated for 8 mos., and I was POSITIVE that he was the one. It was so crazy how we met. It was on my bday last year, I was driving on my way to pick up a To Go order, and he saw me from the freeway and kept trying to get my attention. I kept my head straight, and totally ignored him. lol It's kinda funny that we ended up going to the same restaurant. I thought it was faith. :ohwell: It didn't hurt either when he said at that moment he felt that God sent him his wife. Anyway, I kept accepting a lot of crap because I WANTED him to be the one. I feel like I really sacrificed who I was, and lost myself for a while while I was with him. If you guys ever met me, you'd know that I always have a smile on my face or just always laughing. I noticed that while I was in this relationship I was crying more than smiling. He wasn't a cheater, physically abusive or any of that kind of stuff. We just had a lot of differing opinions on a lot of things, and instead of realizing that and agreeing to respect the other's opinion..our 'discussions' would always end in major arguments. It was emotionally draining. He also had this mentality that everything was all about him...very arrogant and selfish person. He played in the NFL, and was use to women falling all over him and giving him whatever. That was a constant battle. It was very hard dealing with that.

Anyway, I really tried my hardest to make things work. I think this relationship made me change significantly. I've learned a WHOLE lot about myself. It's funny because I'm usually the one that's ready to move on if I see things getting too difficult. I decided with him that I would stick it out, and stop running. I became the one in the relationship always trying to compromise. I dont' know how many times I've said, "Okay babe..I understand why you feel this way about that. I'll try my best to improve on xyz". When he critiqued me, he expected me to change. When the critique was reverse, he said that I was always negative, nagging, and complaining. :rolleyes: lol ok

I had decided to write him a letter ending things on Thursday just so I could collect my thoughts, and let him know that I was truly done. I've said it before, but we always got back together. On Friday, he asked for us to go to dinner. So, I decided that according to how things went I would A. give him the letter and let that be it or B. wait things out. I only decided to make B. an option because he told me a couple days prior that no matter what, he didn't want to lose me.

This was the last straw though! When I got to the restaurant, he was at the bar chatting it up with this white chick. I walked up and sat next to him, and then we started talking and stuff. Everytime there was a lull in conversation, he would start back talking to this girl. Both bartenders were looking at them talking and looking at me with a perplexed look on their face, so I know I wasn't tripping. I looked at him, and said..."what are you doing"? He said, "what do you mean"? I'm looking at him kinda crazy at this point, and asked him if he didn't think what he was doing was disrespectful. I explained if the situation was reverse how would he feel. He said he understood then. At this point, I'm irritated and I hear Chrisette Michele's "Ephipany" playing in my head (read a post about it last week and have been listening to it ever since). I asked the waitress to split the check (y'all I've never paid for a meal EVER w/this guy, so he knew something was up). After I did that, he got upset and started talking to the chick again to spite me. :grin: I paid for my half, got up and told him, "I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm DONE". I said all of that with a big smile ya'll. I walked out the restaurant with a pep in my step, and that old smile on my face. I'm content.
Well DAMN!!!! Split the check and said I ain't doing this ish no mo'!

I'm sorry Ediese to see another woman lost the battle in this crazy world of love and romance but i'm happy to hear that you knew that something wasn't right and decided that you deserve better AND it didn't take you 15 years to figure it out.

Who knows, down the line things may change and he may end up being your hubby. But for now you can't worry about that. I wish you much luck in the dating world :)
I'm sorry you had to go through a break up but I'm happy that you've learned a lot about yourself and decided not to let yourself be disrespected any longer.

Please take care of yourself!
You go girl, but I'm a little confused... Was this normal behavior for him? I mean, did you have fidelity issues with him? Because that's kind of strange for your man to be giving another woman attention when you're sitting right there. What were they talking about? And were they clearly flirting with each other? If so, that's freakin insane!!! :nono::nono: He's lucky you didn't dump a drink on him!! :laugh: You deserve better... and don't even THINK about giving him any more chances... :nono:
After I did that, he got upset and started talking to the chick again to spite me. :grin: I paid for my half, got up and told him, "I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm DONE". I said all of that with a big smile ya'll. I walked out the restaurant with a pep in my step, and that old smile on my face. I'm content.

I LOVE that you did this with a big smile on your face! I LOVE IT! Congratulations to YOU! You do realize that NO woman has ever done this to him before right? :yep: I am willing to bet big money that you were the first woman ever to walk out of his life voluntarily AND with a big smile. AND you split the check? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this gives him pause to sit down and look at himself and how he contributed to you guys' problem. It may be just the jolt he needed to see himself. Good for YOU! :yay:
Yes! Break free! I am so happy for you! You have learned to step up to him. And soon, someone will step up to the plate and be a real man to you. Love you.
If this is regular behavior for him with girlfriends, I seriously doubt that... :look: But if she actually sticks by what she said, that might be a new one for him!! :yep:

He's a former NFL player. She may very well be the FIRST woman with the balls to do it. I've dated them and trust me....there are NO SHORTAGE of spineless, doormat women begging them for attention. Many do not experience women with standards.
Thanks ladies! I couldn't really go into ALL the specific crap that's been happening because it would really be too long. It's funny that he didn't even think there was a problem with what he was doing. lol However, he had a problem with this guy following me out of a restaurant when I was clearly trying to get away from him.

Lindy, I've never had fidelity issues with him. He's a really social person, so it's not uncommon for him to speak to people whenever we go out. However, it's usually a real short comment on a game or something like that. He was actually having a long convo. I couldn't really hear everything, but she said that she was out celebrating her birthday and so forth. I even heard her mention something about age just being a number, and that her father is so much older than her mom. The girl just turned 24 and he my ex is 33. It looked like flirting to me. When he saw that I was there, the first thing he said was "it's funny that she started to talk to me when she saw you showed up". lol Yeah right. He's always had a problem seeing his inappropriate behavior throughout this whole relationship. I'm happy I dont have to deal with it anymore.
If this is regular behavior for him with girlfriends, I seriously doubt that... :look: But if she actually sticks by what she said, that might be a new one for him!! :yep:

I LOVE that you did this with a big smile on your face! I LOVE IT! Congratulations to YOU! You do realize that NO woman has ever done this to him before right? :yep: I am willing to bet big money that you were the first woman ever to walk out of his life voluntarily AND with a big smile. AND you split the check? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this gives him pause to sit down and look at himself and how he contributed to you guys' problem. It may be just the jolt he needed to see himself. Good for YOU! :yay:

:lachen: It is new for him. lol He hasn't been in a 'relationship' prior to me in about 10 years. He's dated and done whatever, but it's never been serious. He's said that and I've also heard it from his family and friends. They were surprised when he first brought me home to the country. They were even more surprise that 7+ mos later when we went back to his home town that I was still in tow.

Smuckie, you're absolutely correct. He is NOT use to that. lol He had a little surprised look on his face.
I'm glad that you
knew that you wanted more
in relationship and ended if of
with this jerk.
I'm glad you left him elegantly
and didn't get into a shouting
match with him. *Very classy*

But some how
I think he deserves a


Yes! Break free! I am so happy for you! You have learned to step up to him. And soon, someone will step up to the plate and be a real man to you. Love you.

Thank you! That was so sweet of you. I hope I'll be emotionally ready when God brings him in my life. I'm taking it easy now. Love ya too!
I'm glad that you
knew that you wanted more
in relationship and ended if of
with this jerk.
I'm glad you left him elegantly
and didn't get into a shouting
match with him. *Very classy*

But some how
I think he deserves a


:grin: Yea, I'm not a confrontational person, so I couldn't even imagine making a scene. I do agree though that he probably did deserve what you posted in the clip. lol
Good job!!!! The nerve of him to flirt in front of you and to keep it going out of spite. That is just childish. His mamma should have taught him better than that. He needed to be put in check and I'm glad that you did it with a smile.

I'm sure that he will come calling (if he has not already) but should you decide to see him again, make sure it's on YOUR TERMS.
Umm, you DO know that he's going to contact you, right?? Especially because you stood up to him, that is going to intrigue him... Trust me, he will give you a few days to cool off and then he will be back, on his hands and knees, begging for forgiveness and another chance! Are you sure you're really done with him? Ending a relationship is a lot easier said than done, especially if there were strong feelings there.
Ediese, you deserve to be treated better than that. The situation you described sounded so disrespectful! And as you said, it was the last straw. If that was the last straw, my guess is that he was not treating you that well all along. That is not the behavior of a man who really values you. I think in the thread about being self-conscious about dating a GQ type man, you said you wouldn't be because you know how wonderful you are, something to the effect of you being the prize. That is a great attitude to have, so just live your life and your relationships like you really mean it. Do not stand for that kind of treatment anymore.

You did good dropping him. :bighug:
Girl he might run after you with a ring now... lol... talking about "you are just what I needed!"

LOL On the real, congrats on being strong! This isn't a sad time, this is victory!
Good job!!!! The nerve of him to flirt in front of you and to keep it going out of spite. That is just childish. His mamma should have taught him better than that. He needed to be put in check and I'm glad that you did it with a smile.

I'm sure that he will come calling (if he has not already) but should you decide to see him again, make sure it's on YOUR TERMS.

Umm, you DO know that he's going to contact you, right?? Especially because you stood up to him, that is going to intrigue him... Trust me, he will give you a few days to cool off and then he will be back, on his hands and knees, begging for forgiveness and another chance! Are you sure you're really done with him? Ending a relationship is a lot easier said than done, especially if there were strong feelings there.

Unfortunately, he was raised by his grandmother. According to him, his mom was too busy chasing after his dad so she dropped him off. That's actually a pattern in his family with the women. He still has issues because of that, and it's clearly evident with the way he treats women. His grandmother tried her best, but she worked long hours, and was hardly home.

Ladies, I think you're definitely right. I think that he will call/text sometime soon. I've broken it off before, and he couldn't stop calling. I was too weak then, and gave in. Right now, I think I'm at a point where I've really had enough. I feel like I deserve so much better. I'll be honest with you guys. I still love him. Uggh! I wish I didn't. I've been kicking myself for making the mistake to look at my phone to see if he's called/text yet, and I've been trying to push some of the 'good memories' out of my mind. I've been praying for strength to truly get past this...enough strength to not answer the phone when he calls or reply back to him.
Congratulations on getting you back! :yep:

Now, keep the door of opportunity open for the RIGHT man by not going back to this DUD. :)
Ediese, you deserve to be treated better than that. The situation you described sounded so disrespectful! And as you said, it was the last straw. If that was the last straw, my guess is that he was not treating you that well all along. That is not the behavior of a man who really values you. I think in the thread about being self-conscious about dating a GQ type man, you said you wouldn't be because you know how wonderful you are, something to the effect of you being the prize. That is a great attitude to have, so just live your life and your relationships like you really mean it. Do not stand for that kind of treatment anymore.

You did good dropping him. :bighug:
Thank you! You're absolutely correct. One good thing is that I haven't allowed myself to feel any less than. I've seen my friend suffer terribly from such low self esteem because of the way her husband treated her, so I've made it a point to not allow that to happen. Thank you!:yep:
Girl he might run after you with a ring now... lol... talking about "you are just what I needed!"

LOL On the real, congrats on being strong! This isn't a sad time, this is victory!

Lol..honestly, I hope he stays wherever the heck he's at. You're right though. Shootz..I've been dancing around my house like a crazy lady to "I'm Fine" by Mary J., and that's exactly how I'm feeling. :yep: I just hate that I wasted 8 mos.
Please don't go back to him. I know women who's ended up going back over and over again, to men that clearly didn't deserve them. The men were openly disrespectful, and it continued throughout the 10+ years. Wasted a lot of time.

You're a wonderful woman. You deserve more. You deserve better.
Good for you for for making this move.
It should not take you long to get over him if you are sure you did the right thing. I went through something similar and when I left, I experienced no "mourning" period at all. I had made up my mind and my conscience was clear. ((hugs))
Anyway, I kept accepting a lot of crap because I WANTED him to be the one. I feel like I really sacrificed who I was, and lost myself for a while while I was with him.

I can relate to this.

It happens a whole lot more quickly than you think... then when it's over, you're like, "Where did I go?

Thanks for sharing... I'll add more later. :)
Unfortunately, he was raised by his grandmother. According to him, his mom was too busy chasing after his dad so she dropped him off. That's actually a pattern in his family with the women. He still has issues because of that, and it's clearly evident with the way he treats women. His grandmother tried her best, but she worked long hours, and was hardly home.

Ladies, I think you're definitely right. I think that he will call/text sometime soon. I've broken it off before, and he couldn't stop calling. I was too weak then, and gave in. Right now, I think I'm at a point where I've really had enough. I feel like I deserve so much better. I'll be honest with you guys. I still love him. Uggh! I wish I didn't. I've been kicking myself for making the mistake to look at my phone to see if he's called/text yet, and I've been trying to push some of the 'good memories' out of my mind. I've been praying for strength to truly get past this...enough strength to not answer the phone when he calls or reply back to him.

Ediese, I am soooo proud of you!!!! Such a classy lady. He doesn't deserve a beautiful women like you. I wish I there after that, because I would have brought him my dirty plate and napkins and said to him "oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the trashcan. "TRASH!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Please don't accept his call:callme::nono:. As a matter of fact, block his number from your cell and home phone.
I told DH about this story and asked how he would have reacted on date night if I showed up while he was chatting with a patron.

First off, DH said that he would not be chatty with a White woman. lol lol DH agreed that dude was clearly tripping by talking to this obvious stranger once his date arrived and continuing to talk to her when there was a lull in your conversation.

I am still a bit shocked that dude did not think he was doing anything wrong until you told him. The nerve!!! A cold drink in his face might have snapped him into reality.

He will call though...they always do.