I ended my engagement and relationship today.

I was very upset about it earlier this afternoon, but I'm actually okay right now. In a nutshell, it wasn't HIM, it was his mother and the fact that he put her first ahead of me ALL the time to the point where my needs and feelings were being neglected. I'm not willing to get married under such conditions. (That and the fact that I found out today that she's been doing voodoo to break us up).

We live together so right now I'm at my mother's and will stay here until he moves out so I can move back in.

*sigh* Back to the single cess pool I go..

I feel for you and hope you find someone worthy of your time. The bolded is too true.
I'm sorry this is happening to you. It's not much that may be comforting right now but we're here and praying for you.
Steph, I had so much to say. I had so much post 'quoted' to comment on. But all I want to say is I am sorry you are going through this. I love ya like a sister and I didn't know you were dealing with all this mess. I remember you were really sick. I would have never guessed all this.

You know you are in my prayers lady. :hug3:
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Yeah girl, been there done that. Without going into too much detail I've practiced and participated in both. People think because they're performing "good" magic that it's ok:nono:. Once you open the door it's open to every and all types of witchcraft. You've then endangered your life and your loved ones lives too.

The devil doesn't play fair or abides by any rules. He is not loyal nor does he repay loyalty. He is a liar and a deceiver. I wish people could understand that psychics, white/black magic etc. are simply doorways for him and he will use anyone who let's him and will destroy you when he's finished with you:perplexed

The devil gives gifts too. He's a counterfitter copying God because he wants to take His place and power. People don't seem to believe that unless you're trying to harm folks he's still involved but he is.

I totally agree with you and know its truth!
Thank you God for all of His mercy first and foremost.

I went back to this woman today but this morning I woke up with questions in my mind of why people would think that all psychics are gateways to Hell and the devil. My mother and my grandmother have psychic abilities that involve getting strong feelings/premonitions about things and I in turn received it from my mother that I sometimes get strong intuitions but it since died down ever since HS.

Today, the psychic told us that the work this man's mother did was so strong that she wanted me dead within the next 15 months from cancer. She would be able to undo all of this for a "small" fee of $9,200. I politely got up and walked out. Whether it was true or not, I am just as capable of praying to God as anyone else. God brought me back from death in April, through HIM I will get through ANYTHING. Its Him now that carries me through this crisis.

Do I still think the voodoo was done? OF COURSE. But I believe that God led us to find that bird so that we would know that work is being done, and I didn't need to depend on no psychic to find out anything else. I shouldn't have to pay someone to connect with God when I can on my own.

I realized today why people say that its just as bad as voodoo. You start to believe in the power of things so simple as hair, nails, pieces of clothing, etc. You start to depend on a mortal, living being to be so powerful that she can know and undo something that was already willed for you. You depend on someone who's NOT God to play God!

I plan on cleansing my self spiritually, by renewing my faith. I'm getting through this day by day and I thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers, and your support.

Yeah girl, been there done that. Without going into too much detail I've practiced and participated in both. People think because they're performing "good" magic that it's ok:nono:. Once you open the door it's open to every and all types of witchcraft. You've then endangered your life and your loved ones lives too.

The devil doesn't play fair or abides by any rules. He is not loyal nor does he repay loyalty. He is a liar and a deceiver. I wish people could understand that psychics, white/black magic etc. are simply doorways for him and he will use anyone who let's him and will destroy you when he's finished with you:perplexed

The devil gives gifts too. He's a counterfitter copying God because he wants to take His place and power. People don't seem to believe that unless you're trying to harm folks he's still involved but he is.
This is so totally awesome to hear!!!!

yay!!!! He is all powerful and totally able to break all power of the enemy. I'm glad this situation brought you to this place of faith and trust!


Thank you God for all of His mercy first and foremost.

I went back to this woman today but this morning I woke up with questions in my mind of why people would think that all psychics are gateways to Hell and the devil. My mother and my grandmother have psychic abilities that involve getting strong feelings/premonitions about things and I in turn received it from my mother that I sometimes get strong intuitions but it since died down ever since HS.

Today, the psychic told us that the work this man's mother did was so strong that she wanted me dead within the next 15 months from cancer. She would be able to undo all of this for a "small" fee of $9,200. I politely got up and walked out. Whether it was true or not, I am just as capable of praying to God as anyone else. God brought me back from death in April, through HIM I will get through ANYTHING. Its Him now that carries me through this crisis.

Do I still think the voodoo was done? OF COURSE. But I believe that God led us to find that bird so that we would know that work is being done, and I didn't need to depend on no psychic to find out anything else. I shouldn't have to pay someone to connect with God when I can on my own.

I realized today why people say that its just as bad as voodoo. You start to believe in the power of things so simple as hair, nails, pieces of clothing, etc. You start to depend on a mortal, living being to be so powerful that she can know and undo something that was already willed for you. You depend on someone who's NOT God to play God!

I plan on cleansing my self spiritually, by renewing my faith. I'm getting through this day by day and I thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers, and your support.
Thank you God for all of His mercy first and foremost.

I went back to this woman today but this morning I woke up with questions in my mind of why people would think that all psychics are gateways to Hell and the devil. My mother and my grandmother have psychic abilities that involve getting strong feelings/premonitions about things and I in turn received it from my mother that I sometimes get strong intuitions but it since died down ever since HS.

Today, the psychic told us that the work this man's mother did was so strong that she wanted me dead within the next 15 months from cancer. She would be able to undo all of this for a "small" fee of $9,200. I politely got up and walked out. Whether it was true or not, I am just as capable of praying to God as anyone else. God brought me back from death in April, through HIM I will get through ANYTHING. Its Him now that carries me through this crisis.

Do I still think the voodoo was done? OF COURSE. But I believe that God led us to find that bird so that we would know that work is being done, and I didn't need to depend on no psychic to find out anything else. I shouldn't have to pay someone to connect with God when I can on my own.

I realized today why people say that its just as bad as voodoo. You start to believe in the power of things so simple as hair, nails, pieces of clothing, etc. You start to depend on a mortal, living being to be so powerful that she can know and undo something that was already willed for you. You depend on someone who's NOT God to play God!

I plan on cleansing my self spiritually, by renewing my faith. I'm getting through this day by day and I thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers, and your support.

Without being labeled a 'fundie', I know we don't know each other and without getting into a theological discussion I have to tell you that I think you are very smart. I can understand what you say about your psychic abilities being passed down and people saying it's from a malevolent source. My very humble opinion is that your relatives opened the door to the supernatural and the "gifts" manifested in you. I think it's up to you to decide if the gifts are being used for His glory or not. Anyway it sounds like you are grounded enough to know what's going on so I'll fall back. Go on girl
Thank you God for all of His mercy first and foremost.

I went back to this woman today but this morning I woke up with questions in my mind of why people would think that all psychics are gateways to Hell and the devil. My mother and my grandmother have psychic abilities that involve getting strong feelings/premonitions about things and I in turn received it from my mother that I sometimes get strong intuitions but it since died down ever since HS.

Today, the psychic told us that the work this man's mother did was so strong that she wanted me dead within the next 15 months from cancer. She would be able to undo all of this for a "small" fee of $9,200. I politely got up and walked out. Whether it was true or not, I am just as capable of praying to God as anyone else. God brought me back from death in April, through HIM I will get through ANYTHING. Its Him now that carries me through this crisis.

Do I still think the voodoo was done? OF COURSE. But I believe that God led us to find that bird so that we would know that work is being done, and I didn't need to depend on no psychic to find out anything else. I shouldn't have to pay someone to connect with God when I can on my own.

I realized today why people say that its just as bad as voodoo. You start to believe in the power of things so simple as hair, nails, pieces of clothing, etc. You start to depend on a mortal, living being to be so powerful that she can know and undo something that was already willed for you. You depend on someone who's NOT God to play God!

I plan on cleansing my self spiritually, by renewing my faith. I'm getting through this day by day and I thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers, and your support.

Remember the devil is a counterfitter. He copies what God does. Their are genuine gifts and you all may truly have them but like Lenee said beware with others. They must glorify God to be genuine and not for profit even if it's in a church setting. When folks say you need to give money for God to help you, whether psychic, saved or heathen avoid them like the plague. It's not of HIM.
Thanks ladies. I was hopeful that we could try to work things out but the shoe hit the fan yesterday when he told his mother she could come stay with us without even asking me about it or getting my opinion. From there it's been a rollercoaster of a ride today, which eventually ended with me finding out about the voodoo.

I don't really see us getting back together because his mother will always be his mother no matter what and that's never gonna change. My best bet is to pick myself and leave while I still can.

As for the voodoo, whenever we went to her house, I would eat what she cooked. Didn't realize that she was dishing the food out and had it set and would hand me my bowl before I ate, so I'm pretty sure she's the reason I was almost near death back in April.

Then this afternoon, my mother went to check the boiler in my apartment and a BIG grey bird flew up towards the ceiling and then crashed down. Come to find out the bird was placed there, (if you saw how this room looked, you'd know it's not possible for a bird to just fly there, aside from the fact that my doors are never just left wide open) and in the Berber tradition, you place a grey bird in the house of a couple that you want to break up. They say when the bird dies, the love dies as well. :nono:

I was very hurt, and partially still am, but I'm more so concerned for my life and the lives of my family at this point.
If voodoo were so effective, all its practitioners and followers would be millionaires. Don't worry about that, instead focus on yourself and getting over the end of your relationship. Wishing you all the best.
It sounds like you made a good decision. I'm sorry your fh didn't see the importance of putting you first, that's what hurts me most from reading your post. I'm also sorry his mom couldn't see you as being a gift, very sad. I pray your next boo and his mom will adore you.
Thank you God for all of His mercy first and foremost.

I went back to this woman today but this morning I woke up with questions in my mind of why people would think that all psychics are gateways to Hell and the devil. My mother and my grandmother have psychic abilities that involve getting strong feelings/premonitions about things and I in turn received it from my mother that I sometimes get strong intuitions but it since died down ever since HS.

Today, the psychic told us that the work this man's mother did was so strong that she wanted me dead within the next 15 months from cancer. She would be able to undo all of this for a "small" fee of $9,200. I politely got up and walked out. Whether it was true or not, I am just as capable of praying to God as anyone else. God brought me back from death in April, through HIM I will get through ANYTHING. Its Him now that carries me through this crisis.

Do I still think the voodoo was done? OF COURSE. But I believe that God led us to find that bird so that we would know that work is being done, and I didn't need to depend on no psychic to find out anything else. I shouldn't have to pay someone to connect with God when I can on my own.

I realized today why people say that its just as bad as voodoo. You start to believe in the power of things so simple as hair, nails, pieces of clothing, etc. You start to depend on a mortal, living being to be so powerful that she can know and undo something that was already willed for you. You depend on someone who's NOT God to play God!

I plan on cleansing my self spiritually, by renewing my faith. I'm getting through this day by day and I thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers, and your support.
Im not gonna lie Viv your situation troubled me. I dont like to see anything bad happen to really anyone and I prayed that everything would works its way out. I am glad you feel the way you do. IMHO I think psychic's power dont come from God. Its like psychics, white (good) magic's power comes from satan. Its like what Ms Honey was saying I believe that the devil is good at disguising himself and playng like God and having you thinking it is God because it may seem good but it isnt. I dont put what you were talking about with your mom and grandma and you in the same group in which I personally know very well. I call that god's special gifts of foresight or god has opened your eyes to something. To me people with god special gifts you either dont know it or they come to you , you dont come to them. But this is just my humble opinion. Like I said I am so happy that you seem to be finding peace out of this situation. :bighug:
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Thank you God for all of His mercy first and foremost.

I went back to this woman today but this morning I woke up with questions in my mind of why people would think that all psychics are gateways to Hell and the devil. My mother and my grandmother have psychic abilities that involve getting strong feelings/premonitions about things and I in turn received it from my mother that I sometimes get strong intuitions but it since died down ever since HS.

Today, the psychic told us that the work this man's mother did was so strong that she wanted me dead within the next 15 months from cancer. She would be able to undo all of this for a "small" fee of $9,200. I politely got up and walked out. Whether it was true or not, I am just as capable of praying to God as anyone else. God brought me back from death in April, through HIM I will get through ANYTHING. Its Him now that carries me through this crisis.

Do I still think the voodoo was done? OF COURSE. But I believe that God led us to find that bird so that we would know that work is being done, and I didn't need to depend on no psychic to find out anything else. I shouldn't have to pay someone to connect with God when I can on my own.

I realized today why people say that its just as bad as voodoo. You start to believe in the power of things so simple as hair, nails, pieces of clothing, etc. You start to depend on a mortal, living being to be so powerful that she can know and undo something that was already willed for you. You depend on someone who's NOT God to play God!

I plan on cleansing my self spiritually, by renewing my faith. I'm getting through this day by day and I thank ALL OF YOU for your prayers, and your support.
Amen! I don't care WHO wants to label me a "fundie" because I'm Christian and don't compromise the word, I'm glad you realized this. A lot of these people DO have power,

Acts 16:16-18 (King James Version)
16And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
17The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
18And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.
but I assure you it is not of God. People play with their own souls buying into the "lighter" side of the devil's power. She probably has a divining spirit and used it for getting money out of so many others who cannot get by living day to day and fear the source of the same power that woman is using to give them false hope.

I'm glad you're taking charge of your spiritual and personal life.

My family and friends that are West Indian commonly use this...especially if they are moving into a new place. Sage is used for clearing negativity inside and outside ourselves, and from our dwellings.

I'm not saying every West Indian uses it or knows what it is...but all the ones I know have knowledge of it.

Is this the same as smudging?
Wow! Wow! Wow!
This was like a movie.

I'm in shock and speechless.

I'm so glad you have this all documented. It's all to the glory of God - each and every aspect of it. Yes! God blocked it! She may have had a victory (the break up...sis, I pray that every day the pain from the loss continues to get better) but we've won the war. Let that soulless murderess slither off with her temporary prize.

Get some olive oil and annoint your apartment (every door, window and any thing God leads you to) and pray. That has brought IMMEDIATE results for me.

May your mom continue to be a blessing in your life. Thank God for praying moms.

....I still can't believe this mess :blush:
VOODOO!!!!!!!! what a freak!!!...i'm thinking you did yourself a favor...why would you want to get mixed up with a nutjob like that for a MIL...oh NO!!
No, I'm gonna talk to him today and finish up the last few important things we need to speak about.

Well last semester I was taking 6 classes and doing an internship that was 4 days a week so my schedule was overpacked and I was always overworking myself. But randomly in April, I fell ill with the weirdest illness ever. My lymph nodes in my neck swelled up to the size of golf balls and the next thing you know, I had a fever of 105 that wouldn't go away and I couldn't walk. I was admitted to NYU Medical Center (which is one of the best hospitals in the country) and no one knew what was wrong with me. I started going in and out of consciousness, and the antibiotics they gave me because they thought it might've been a bacterial infection wasn't working. My brain was frying for 13 days straight, my temperature was so high that the thermometers weren't reading it anymore because they only hit 105, and eventually the doctors took off the antibiotics and told my mother there was nothing more they could do for me and that they were sorry. Mind you, my doctors were the directors of their fields.

One morning, this is what my mother told me, I was complaining of how cold I was and numb, my mom (who is also Moroccan but a Christian) believes that death starts in the feet and moves its way upwards, and when she touched me that's exactly how I felt to her. She took off her cross and laid it on my chest and opened her Bible and kept asking me to hold on but all I kept saying was that I was so tired and wanted to go to sleep. She spent that whole morning praying, and that evening, my fever broke.

Prior to this I was going to his family's house and eating his mother's cooking. The ironic thing was that I never wanted to eat but I didn't want to be rude so I did. She also came to the hospital to see me which to me now means that she probably came to see the progress of her work.

GIRL!! I almost started crying here at MY internship!!! PLEASE distance yourself from that woman...she's a freak and needs the LORD!!!
Thanks so much, I appreciate the support. I just spoke with him again and we kind of had it out and I gave him back the ring to which he asked me if this was really my decision. He thinks we can move forward from this and doesn't want this to be over, but I can't live with a MIL who does voodoo to get rid of me. I can't tell him either, because he won't believe me.

I plan to smoke my apartment once he leaves.

I................would snitch her right out. I..............would sing like that big grey bird she put in your house. AND................I would tell her to her face what I thought she was doing (hey she just might confess).
Your situation saddens me. I'm sorry that you went through this, but be thankful that you got out before one of her hexes worked. Also, if I were you, I would stop going to any psychics whatsoever. I'm not super religious (non-practicing Catholic here), but I've always been taught and believed that when you dabble in the supernatural that's when they start to affect you, as it senses that you have some belief in it. Meaning I would say no to psychics, as well as Ouija boards, tarot cards, etc...any divination. Even though you two broke up, the MIL could still be hateful and try to practice her ish on you. Anoint your home, go to church, hang some crosses in your home, get some holy water and wear a crucifix, but I don't think it's a good idea to speak to those connected to the supernatural (good or bad) any more about your particular situation.

Moreover, I do think you should inform her son, your ex. She seems very vengeful and would turn against her son if he ever 'crossed' her, so it would be in his best interest to know that his mom practices that mess. Perhaps you could bring up the grey bird and your other thoughts on the matter. Also, please go talk to your pastor about this situation so he/she can pray for you. I wish you the best of luck.
I'm so sorry you are going through all this. WOW just wow. Do you really have to move back to that apartment? Can you find someplace else? WOW that's creepy. :nono:
Hey everyone, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, I've literally drowned myself in my job so by the time I get home after working 11 hour days I'm exhausted.

I wound up telling him EVERYTHING, but I'll get into more details about that later.
Hey everyone, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, I've literally drowned myself in my job so by the time I get home after working 11 hour days I'm exhausted.

I wound up telling him EVERYTHING, but I'll get into more details about that later.

Dont work yourself too hard! I will be looking out for your post!
You can't tell me that we go to a restaurant to eat, and he sits NEXT to her while I'm sitting across from them, and she says something to him in Arabic and then he proceeds to feed her her food as if she's incapacitated, and that's not her subtle way of trying to tell me that she comes first. That wasn't the last time that happened either.

she has obviously done vodoo on her son to keep him on her tittie!!

he cannot stop sucking them obviously if he cannot stand up to the woman with the chains on his :wallbash:!

good riddance!!!

i'm so happy you moved on!!!!

so many people get caught up in relationships and beg men to make them happy.

there is nothing natural about what you described and to be quite frank, did you really want a mama's boy?
he was not even man enough to stand up for the soon to be first lady in his life.

i'm not trying to be harsh, but what son feeds his very capable mom and does not get creeped out??
why is she sitting next to him in restaurants?
i hope there was no incest going on...you JUST NEVER KNOW!

bravo to you for knowing your worth!!

god has much more in store for you!
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Hey everyone, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, I've literally drowned myself in my job so by the time I get home after working 11 hour days I'm exhausted.

I wound up telling him EVERYTHING, but I'll get into more details about that later.

Oh my :ohwell: ...I hope things went well. I'll keep an eye out for your update.
I was very upset about it earlier this afternoon, but I'm actually okay right now. In a nutshell, it wasn't HIM, it was his mother and the fact that he put her first ahead of me ALL the time to the point where my needs and feelings were being neglected. I'm not willing to get married under such conditions. (That and the fact that I found out today that she's been doing voodoo to break us up).

We live together so right now I'm at my mother's and will stay here until he moves out so I can move back in.

*sigh* Back to the single cess pool I go..

In a funny way, your fiance's mother doing voodoo. God has saved you. You do not need to marry into that family. You are deserve so much more, there are such wonderful men out there, with wonderful families. I know that you are grieving now, just bless them and let them go. Give God thanks, because he has a wonderful man lined up for you. God bless you.
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