I ended my engagement and relationship today.

Well here's the thing, in NYC the houses are all multi-family, meaning that it can be a 3-story house or whatever but there's different apartments on each floor. When he and I first found an apartment in August, it was SO expensive for such a small space. The basement apartment in my mother's house freed up around October, and since it's bigger, cheaper, and I'd be closer to my mother, we decided to move there. My apartment is in the basement of my mother's house, so even if I left that apartment, everything is inside ONE house. I don't see how it'd be possible for all of us to pack up and move because where would we go? The housing market is horrible so no one would buy it for the price its worth and what would we be able to afford since everything is inflated?

I feel horrible because I feel like I'm the reason there's so many problems, but at this point, I don't know what else to do. :ohwell:

How about renting it out? i hear you though its not easy or evident but my question is how did your ex mother in law manage to put a bird in your house? Did she has access to it while away? and if i understood you well in fact the whole house belongs to your mom? and the EX-MIL wanted to come live with you guys even though she has her own place? that sounds utterly scary, i'm glad you have a praying Mother. Thank God for that. You can always look into tenants to rent the basement and rent a small apt. Yeah ny prices are really crazy i hear that. Does your ex-family lives far from you? The reason i ask that is because your ex MIL knowing that your son still has feelings even though she's working on him, wont stop till you no longer a threat at all.

I can't believe she had the audacity to show up at the hospital, what did she say to u? But usually we have a say when we say " no weapon against us shall prosper , we always add " Retour a lenvoyeur" at the end meaning. Whatever has been done is sent back to the sender. :rolleyes: oh well you dont have to live in fear but Awareness is key. and once you see the light, and you know what to expect, let God fight your battles. Poor son, but anyone that do evil work, is called to make sacrifices or end up paying anyway. JUST STAY FIRM IN GOD'S GRACE and dont forget the psalms.
I could rent it but I'll be honest, I can't afford any other apartment because I know they'll be crappy as hell and expensive as ever.

My apartment has a storage closet in my apartment which houses the boiler, whenever she would spend the night at our place (for a weekend), he and I would close our bedroom door because we would watch TV and not want to wake her up. This technically, gives her free access to search through whatever she wants to look through without anyone really knowing. Plus every time she's been over, she's up at the crack of dawn long before us, which I assume is her plotting out things in my apartment.

MIL comes from Morocco and was born in a time where girls weren't allowed to get an education, so she doesn't know how to read or write. After her husband passed from being sick, she was living by herself in a room and then lived with her daughter for a period of time. Throughout this whole time though, she would cry for my ex-DF and complain of how lonely she is. I believe that this is also a motive for her killing her husband, because my ex-DF's father was adamant about my ex moving to NY (they all lived in NJ) to break away and focus on his own life. She probably considered him a problem.

They live in NJ, but I know she won't know how to get to my house on her own or even with someone else, she has a bad memory so she doesn't remember anything in terms of address or even the town I live in.

When she showed up at the hospital, she started crying and hugged me and acting like she was concerned. As a matter of fact, she had told her daughter's husband that he needed to drive her to the hospital to see me and that it was important. I BELIEVE in all of my heart that the rest of the family was genuinely concerned, but she used this as a mask to find out if I was going to die and get confirmation. My mom told me that she was telling her in Arabic though to sit down and relax and stop taking so much care of me (They came right as I was going in and out of consciousness). She was telling her (my mom) that she needs to get some rest and not stand on her feet so much and to let nature take its course. My mother put her in her place, and told me about this just recently.

How about renting it out? i hear you though its not easy or evident but my question is how did your ex mother in law manage to put a bird in your house? Did she has access to it while away? and if i understood you well in fact the whole house belongs to your mom? and the EX-MIL wanted to come live with you guys even though she has her own place? that sounds utterly scary, i'm glad you have a praying Mother. Thank God for that. You can always look into tenants to rent the basement and rent a small apt. Yeah ny prices are really crazy i hear that. Does your ex-family lives far from you? The reason i ask that is because your ex MIL knowing that your son still has feelings even though she's working on him, wont stop till you no longer a threat at all.

I can't believe she had the audacity to show up at the hospital, what did she say to u?
But usually we have a say when we say " no weapon against us shall prosper , we always add " Retour a lenvoyeur" at the end meaning. Whatever has been done is sent back to the sender. :rolleyes: oh well you dont have to live in fear but Awareness is key. and once you see the light, and you know what to expect, let God fight your battles. Poor son, but anyone that do evil work, is called to make sacrifices or end up paying anyway. JUST STAY FIRM IN GOD'S GRACE and dont forget the psalms.
Well here's the thing, in NYC the houses are all multi-family, meaning that it can be a 3-story house or whatever but there's different apartments on each floor. When he and I first found an apartment in August, it was SO expensive for such a small space. The basement apartment in my mother's house freed up around October, and since it's bigger, cheaper, and I'd be closer to my mother, we decided to move there. My apartment is in the basement of my mother's house, so even if I left that apartment, everything is inside ONE house. I don't see how it'd be possible for all of us to pack up and move because where would we go? The housing market is horrible so no one would buy it for the price its worth and what would we be able to afford since everything is inflated?

I feel horrible because I feel like I'm the reason there's so many problems, but at this point, I don't know what else to do. :ohwell:

Yeah I know how the family houses in NY are....(I'm from NY). I have lived in them all my life. I didn't realize that you lived in your MOM's family home though. I can understand now why you would not leave. I would probably feel the same way you do.
Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Vivez, you are FINE. All you have to do is SAGE that space completely. You don't have to move. You have been through enough.
Vivez, you are FINE. All you have to do is SAGE that space completely. You don't have to move. You have been through enough.

Another person who knows about sage. :yep: I was starting to think maybe alot of people on the forum didn't really know about it or use it because I didn't see anyone else post about it or recommend it.
Viv, your story makes me want to slap SOMEBODY upside the head :nono: she is a dangerous woman and you dont have to die over all this dang!! Im glad you are a strong enough person to leave like you did, may the good Lord continue to bless you.
Wow that is crazy! I think you should tell your ex just give him the facts and let him connect the dots. Keep us updated this is very interesting. Glad you are ok and I hope that she will not do anything else to you.

Also who did the psychic say your soulmate is? Did she mean your ex or someone different?

Another person who knows about sage. :yep: I was starting to think maybe alot of people on the forum didn't really know about it or use it because I didn't see anyone else post about it or recommend it.

Native Americans also use sage for purification.
Wow that is crazy! I think you should tell your ex just give him the facts and let him connect the dots. Keep us updated this is very interesting. Glad you are ok and I hope that she will not do anything else to you.

Also who did the psychic say your soulmate is? Did she mean your ex or someone different?

Native Americans also use sage for purification.
I read it as the fiance was her soulmate.
VIV, do you think your MIL just don't like you for her son, or does she not want him to get married period? I'm assuming your ex-FH is still denying that his mom has anything to do with everything you stated?
VIV, do you think your MIL just don't like you for her son, or does she not want him to get married period? I'm assuming your ex-FH is still denying that his mom has anything to do with everything you stated?

I think she wants him for herself, period. I'm in a better position financially and everything else than my ex-FH is, so it can't be that she thinks I'm "low class" or not good enough.

He doesn't know what she's doing.
Honey, stay away from the psychics, that only makes matters worse. God can't stop the devil from harming you if you willing although unknowingly invite him into your life. Psychic counseling/readings is just as much withcraft as is voodoo.

Eventhough it's over and you have no proof that she poisoned you, if you wish him well in another relationship, I think you need to tell him so he'll be forewarned in case his mother tries to pull something and endangers the life of the next girl he's with. Are you sure she was trying to actually kill you in April? Do you think maybe she went too far in her potion to try to break y'all up and put in too much? Not that that is excusable at all but it may not have been her intent to murder you but for the relationship to end.

And as far as the bird thing. How long had it been since she had been there before you discovered the bird? Could it have survived that amount of time without food and water?

Last question. Is the bird used to do things other than end a relationship? For example, could a man use it to control a mate and make her submit or make her stay with him? Is it possible that HE could have put the bird there because you confronted him on the beard thing and his life changes?
I think there is good magic and bad magic. White and Black. Of course fundie folks won't believe this.
Honey, stay away from the psychics, that only makes matters worse. God can't stop the devil from harming you if you willing although unknowingly invite him into your life. Psychic counseling/readings is just as much withcraft as is voodoo.

Eventhough it's over and you have no proof that she poisoned you, if you wish him well in another relationship, I think you need to tell him so he'll be forewarned in case his mother tries to pull something and endangers the life of the next girl he's with. Are you sure she was trying to actually kill you in April? Do you think maybe she went too far in her potion to try to break y'all up and put in too much? Not that that is excusable at all but it may not have been her intent to murder you but for the relationship to end.

And as far as the bird thing. How long had it been since she had been there before you discovered the bird? Could it have survived that amount of time without food and water?

Last question. Is the bird used to do things other than end a relationship? For example, could a man use it to control a mate and make her submit or make her stay with him? Is it possible that HE could have put the bird there because you confronted him on the beard thing and his life changes?

It's true Vivez, the only true power to stop this completely is God. A psychic may be able to see things but his/her power is not of God, which means anything they do is only temporary. Only through the blood of Jesus can we fully and permanently be redeemed. Just keep praying and reading the bible with your mother
She's been trying to kill me, I don't doubt that for a minute. I was reading up on things that are used in voodoo/witchcraft, and the birds are used because they represent the taking of souls. Do I think it entailed just a bird being there? No. It likely had some sort of oils or something placed on it and it HAD to be in my home.

I KNOW that he didn't put it there, because as devout as he is, it wouldn't be in his nature. Plus, he loves all things living, so for him to purposely want to kill a bird would be completely out of character. It was her. She was the only one who has access to those rooms, and the droppings show that it's been there for AWHILE.

The bird isn't used to end relationships, it's used to kill someone.

Honey, stay away from the psychics, that only makes matters worse. God can't stop the devil from harming you if you willing although unknowingly invite him into your life. Psychic counseling/readings is just as much withcraft as is voodoo.

Eventhough it's over and you have no proof that she poisoned you, if you wish him well in another relationship, I think you need to tell him so he'll be forewarned in case his mother tries to pull something and endangers the life of the next girl he's with. Are you sure she was trying to actually kill you in April? Do you think maybe she went too far in her potion to try to break y'all up and put in too much? Not that that is excusable at all but it may not have been her intent to murder you but for the relationship to end.

And as far as the bird thing. How long had it been since she had been there before you discovered the bird? Could it have survived that amount of time without food and water?

Last question. Is the bird used to do things other than end a relationship? For example, could a man use it to control a mate and make her submit or make her stay with him? Is it possible that HE could have put the bird there because you confronted him on the beard thing and his life changes?
How was your second visit with the psychic? Did she tell you anything else?

Basically confirmations of things, MIL was working in the beginning and then stopped, and then after we got engaged she started working extreme and has been doing things for the last 4.5 months (which marks February, when she gave us the nightgowns).

This woman is a spiritualist and she advised me to read my Bible and trust in God and to meditate and do prayers to rid myself of the negative energy, so that coupled with what my mother knows should help me.
I think there is good magic and bad magic. White and Black. Of course fundie folks won't believe this.

I agree. Maybe because of my exposure to the Carribean cultures, especially Haitian and Jamaican, I see this to be true. I've also been blessed with some great Wiccan acquaintances so my exposure to ALL religions is greater than most.

Basically confirmations of things, MIL was working in the beginning and then stopped, and then after we got engaged she started working extreme and has been doing things for the last 4.5 months (which marks February, when she gave us the nightgowns).

This woman is a spiritualist and she advised me to read my Bible and trust in God and to meditate and do prayers to rid myself of the negative energy, so that coupled with what my mother knows should help me.

My grandmother knew about my pregnancy before I told her. I have always said she has a gift, because she has told me of things that others have tried to do to me. She keeps prayed up so hard nothing the devil send her way prospers.

My prayers to you. My MIL, whom I dislike but don't wish that kind of ill will, traveled to Haiti for her sister's funeral. My MIL is a devout Catholic but know the power of voodoo because her mom was a priestess. Her experience was similar to yours. She came back in a almost coma-like state and the priest was brought in because she wasn't getting any better but no medical professional could physically find anything wrong with her. She believes it was also done through the food she ate.
I think there is good magic and bad magic. White and Black. Of course fundie folks won't believe this.
I do think this to and I am not overly religious but I really dont fool with white or black magic. I think it is consequences from both I didnt say before but my grandfathers mother took him to a women who did white (good) magic on him and that is what saved his life. I wish they would have did like vivez's mom and prayed on himbut that is all his mom knew to do. So I am glad my paw paw was saved and didnt share the same faith as his BIL. But white magic still opens your soul up and I dont wanna really go futher than that. Luckly he found his way and got saved before he passed though. I didnt wanna say anything but I agree with you about the psychics Ms Honey. I really do hope everything workout Vivez your situation touched me cause it is a close to home type of subject.
Let me begin by saying I am so sorry. I can't imagine having to say "I can't marry you" to the man I love and thought was for me. I think it is very important for your husband-to-be to put you as a priority. It took a lot of courage for you to tell him you can't live a life like that. It is better you made that decision now then 10 years after marriage. But his mammy........ is off the chains Voodoo?? Little dolls with needles type of ish? What in the hell? That lady needs JESUS!
I do think this to and I am not overly religious but I really dont fool with white or black magic. I think it is consequences from both I didnt say before but my grandfathers mother took him to a women who did white (good) magic on him and that is what saved his life. I wish they would have did like vivez's mom and prayed on himbut that is all his mom knew to do. So I am glad my paw paw was saved and didnt share the same faith as his BIL. But white magic still opens your soul up and I dont wanna really go futher than that. Luckly he found his way and got saved before he passed though. I didnt wanna say anything but I agree with you about the psychics Ms Honey. I really do hope everything workout Vivez your situation touched me cause it is a close to home type of subject.

Yeah girl, been there done that. Without going into too much detail I've practiced and participated in both. People think because they're performing "good" magic that it's ok:nono:. Once you open the door it's open to every and all types of witchcraft. You've then endangered your life and your loved ones lives too.

The devil doesn't play fair or abides by any rules. He is not loyal nor does he repay loyalty. He is a liar and a deceiver. I wish people could understand that psychics, white/black magic etc. are simply doorways for him and he will use anyone who let's him and will destroy you when he's finished with you:perplexed

The devil gives gifts too. He's a counterfitter copying God because he wants to take His place and power. People don't seem to believe that unless you're trying to harm folks he's still involved but he is.
Yeah girl, been there done that. Without going into too much detail I've practiced and participated in both. People think because they're performing "good" magic that it's ok:nono:. Once you open the door it's open to every and all types of witchcraft. You've then endangered your life and your loved ones lives too.

The devil doesn't play fair or abides by any rules. He is not loyal nor does he repay loyalty. He is a liar and a deceiver. I wish people could understand that psychics, white/black magic etc. are simply doorways for him and he will use anyone who let's him and will destroy you when he's finished with you:perplexed

The devil gives gifts too. He's a counterfitter copying God because he wants to take His place and power. People don't seem to believe that unless you're trying to harm folks he's still involved but he is.
Ms Honey we are >< I tell you. You just dont know.
Yeah girl, been there done that. Without going into too much detail I've practiced and participated in both. People think because they're performing "good" magic that it's ok:nono:. Once you open the door it's open to every and all types of witchcraft. You've then endangered your life and your loved ones lives too.

The devil doesn't play fair or abides by any rules. He is not loyal nor does he repay loyalty. He is a liar and a deceiver. I wish people could understand that psychics, white/black magic etc. are simply doorways for him and he will use anyone who let's him and will destroy you when he's finished with you:perplexed

The devil gives gifts too. He's a counterfitter copying God because he wants to take His place and power. People don't seem to believe that unless you're trying to harm folks he's still involved but he is.

I was waiting for someone else to say this.
I am so sorry to hear your story, but as others have said, it's better that you know now than later.

Sending prayers up for you for protection. Sage the house and annoint the entrances with oil to reclaim your home and bind any evil spirits that may try to come back.

God Bless You!!
Yeah girl, been there done that. Without going into too much detail I've practiced and participated in both. People think because they're performing "good" magic that it's ok:nono:. Once you open the door it's open to every and all types of witchcraft. You've then endangered your life and your loved ones lives too.

The devil doesn't play fair or abides by any rules. He is not loyal nor does he repay loyalty. He is a liar and a deceiver. I wish people could understand that psychics, white/black magic etc. are simply doorways for him and he will use anyone who let's him and will destroy you when he's finished with you:perplexed

The devil gives gifts too. He's a counterfitter copying God because he wants to take His place and power. People don't seem to believe that unless you're trying to harm folks he's still involved but he is.
PLEASE BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I'm gonna talk to him today and finish up the last few important things we need to speak about.

Well last semester I was taking 6 classes and doing an internship that was 4 days a week so my schedule was overpacked and I was always overworking myself. But randomly in April, I fell ill with the weirdest illness ever. My lymph nodes in my neck swelled up to the size of golf balls and the next thing you know, I had a fever of 105 that wouldn't go away and I couldn't walk. I was admitted to NYU Medical Center (which is one of the best hospitals in the country) and no one knew what was wrong with me. I started going in and out of consciousness, and the antibiotics they gave me because they thought it might've been a bacterial infection wasn't working. My brain was frying for 13 days straight, my temperature was so high that the thermometers weren't reading it anymore because they only hit 105, and eventually the doctors took off the antibiotics and told my mother there was nothing more they could do for me and that they were sorry. Mind you, my doctors were the directors of their fields.

One morning, this is what my mother told me, I was complaining of how cold I was and numb, my mom (who is also Moroccan but a Christian) believes that death starts in the feet and moves its way upwards, and when she touched me that's exactly how I felt to her. She took off her cross and laid it on my chest and opened her Bible and kept asking me to hold on but all I kept saying was that I was so tired and wanted to go to sleep. She spent that whole morning praying, and that evening, my fever broke.

Prior to this I was going to his family's house and eating his mother's cooking. The ironic thing was that I never wanted to eat but I didn't want to be rude so I did. She also came to the hospital to see me which to me now means that she probably came to see the progress of her work.

Just WOW- and I thought I had problems with my MIL:blush:

That's terrible. Yes, get someone to come over and annoint your house and rid it.

I definitely believe that voodoo is real, I think there are good and bad spirits though. My gf is panamanian and she has some stories about what their family has done:nono: