Should I be worried about his ex asking questions about our relationship??? HELP!

I use to be somewhat in a relationship like this. The only difference was that he didn't seem to really care to even put a stop to ppl questioning it. He does love attention and even admitted he loved attention himself. It also didn't help that at the time, I had very low self-esteem. My advice is to get out while you can. Trust me, I always want to see the good in people myself - and I still have this tendency, but I've learned from so much from that relationship though it was so short and though he dumped me (for someone else - but that's another story in itself). All in all, the moral was that he didn't really respect me nor the relationship. I think you can find better, someone who'll not only not have any communication with their ex, but someone who'll also respect you and your feelings. There's not much you can do with the job thing of them two working together; however, he should be adult enough (no matter what age) to know not to discuss things about your current relationship with the ex - even if you two (you and his ex) were the best of friends.

Ladies again thanks for all the advice. I did want to come back and give an update. Like I said we talked and things have been going fine but as of yesterday, I'm feeling like something is wrong. I don't know if it's just the nervous jitters, womens intuition or what. I just keep thinking this ex of his is being messy and he's too blind to see it. I hate that I'm feeling like this and unfortunately I really don't know how to shake it. Am I being overly sensitive? Am I just jealous? Or is something really wrong?? I hate that they are still friends and still talk and the fact that she pries. My thing is I know she probably won't stop asking but can I trust him to put her in her place...................................

Trust your instinct. Your boyfriend is leaving a door open between him and his ex for a reason. He is entertaining her and her commentary for a reason. I know it's not what you want to hear, but for your own peace of mind you need to evaluate if the reason he is doing these things is worth your sanity.