Do you make your SO/DH's plate?

Do you make the plate for your SO/DH?

  • Yes

    Votes: 91 82.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 9.1%
  • Other, I will explain below

    Votes: 9 8.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Do you make a plate of food for your DH/SO on the regular?
Do you do it because you feel as a woman its your duty?
Absolutely, my SO still opens & unlock doorsfor me; pulls the chair out and waits till I'm seated 1st; It's one of the small things I do to show my admir-appreciation. (made that word up! :grin:)​
Do you do it simply because its a nice gesture?
Again, It's one of the small things I do to show my admir-appreciation. :sweet:​
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I make my fathers plate. My mom usually does it unless she isn't here... I think it is very traditional, and i do it because i think it shows respect to him as the man of the house. My father did go work all day so i can at least do that... I will do it for my hubby as well.
I fix my husband's plate sometimes...I don't mind at all. I do it because I enjoy doing nice things for him. And he does the same for me.
Do you make a plate of food for your DH/SO on the regular? - from time to time

Do you do it because you feel as a woman its your duty? no

Do you do it simply because its a nice gesture? Yes

It depends on where we are, if we are at home, I will make his plate if I cook. If we are out like my parents or something and there are a ton of food choices, he will make his own, if there are limited food choice, I might make it.
I voted no because when I cook, my DH is in the kitchen about half way through the food being done. My son sets the table and as finish with the foods my DH is fixing the plates and brings them to the table while I am moving on to do a quick clean up.

On holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, DH fixes my plate as gratitude for the food I cooked.

Now if it's football season, then I fix his plate on game day and hurry up and fix mine, so I won't miss anything either.

If we are out a someones house, my husband always fixes my plate, he likes to. Now, if we're at my moms then she fixes everyones plate.

When we first were married I was fixing my DH plates but after the 3rd year, he quickly realized that he should at least put together my plate since I cook. :)
I voted yes. It's not because I feel it's my duty but because it's just another way I show my love for him...He knows better to "expect" it though, lol and often will mention that I don't have to fix his plate for him even though he knows I will or he'll divy up his own before I can. It's when I don't fix it that he sweats! One of the ways I show I'm peeved at him is to purposely not fix his plate with no word that dinner's even ready to eat. He knows he's in the dog house when that happens but wisely, does not get mad about the fact that he has to do his own plate. He'll address the issue that has me ticked off instead.

He does to my plate on occasion but usually I tell him to help do one of the kids instead.
I did it for my dad, and I'll do it for my husband. Not out of duty but because it's a nice thing to do for someone you care about.
I always fix my husband's plate. I do it because I think it's a nice gesture. He always tells me thank you, and he also thanks me for cooking.

If I'm feeling especially sweet, I will fix his lunch to take to work, making sure to cut his sandwich in half for him. Again, I just think it's a sweet thing to do.

If we are over someone else's home for Thanksgiving, we usually will fix our own plates.

I'm not sure why I enjoy making his plate for him. I guess it's because I don't HAVE to and I know that it makes him feel special and that he really appreciates it.
Yes I make my SO's plate. I do it out of love, not because I feel obligated because of my gender. When he cooks for me, he makes my plate, so it goes both ways.
Yes. If I've cooked then I don't mind, it seems only natural, otherwise it does not warm my heart in the least to do it, but I do it anyway :lol:

I want to sit down and eat my grub, but he'd probably starve to death otherwise or sit with a sad kitten face even if it's Chinese delivery.

My mother lectures me on it because I don't add enough gravy to his plate, I'm liable not to provide a drink (I don't eat & drink). She's always reminding me that presentation is everything. Make the plate neat, bring a napkin, bring a drink, basically what you'd expect if you were serving yourself. I can do it, but I'm dinner lazy.

I swear I'm not that bad, in other areas I'm very ladyely (made up word, I know) *sigh*
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I always fix my husband's plate. I do it because I think it's a nice gesture. He always tells me thank you, and he also thanks me for cooking.

If I'm feeling especially sweet, I will fix his lunch to take to work, making sure to cut his sandwich in half for him. Again, I just think it's a sweet thing to do.

If we are over someone else's home for Thanksgiving, we usually will fix our own plates.

I'm not sure why I enjoy making his plate for him. I guess it's because I don't HAVE to and I know that it makes him feel special and that he really appreciates it.

ITA!:yep: It's just a lil gesture of love and honor for all he does!
Yes I would.

I also did it for my dad. I do it for my uncles or any of my elders as well when they visit, and on holidays I do for my older brothers, too if their SO aren't there.
Yes, I often make his plate. It's just something I am used to seeing in my household that I in turn, do in my relationship.
I once dated an older guy and he expected it everywhere we went.
Once old dude got me in the habit, & I fell in love w/ some1 else who would have never expected me to do it, I would offer, but a lot of times he would fix his own.
My husband doesn't like for me to make his plate. He says it makes him feel like a kid. But when I make a special meal I will do it for him anyway. I know someone who does it all the time and her husband is spoiled. One day she made him lunch and put it in the microwave to warm up. She and I went upstairs. He called her back downstairs just so she could bring his plate and put it in front of him at the table. Now he walked passed the microwave and knew the food was in there. She also brings his drink and refills it. She says "yes I have him spoiled" but he is great to her too so it goes both ways. Q
I do all of the cooking so I always fix my DH's plate and I don't mind doing it one bit:)

My DH has tried to come in and fix my plate for me after I've cooked, but he's so awkward in the kitchen and doesn't know where anything is. He usually winds up spilling everything and knocking stuff over. He's like a bull in a china shop.

Poor thing...he'd starve without me! The food would never make it to his plate....let alone his mouth!
Yes, "fixing" someone's plate is putting their food onto the plate for them and bringing it to them.:yep:

Thanks MizAvalon :)

Well I usually don't put the food on the table, I just leave it in the kitchen. Sometimes I'll bring in both plates, sometimes just my own and tell him to go get his plate (my ex) because dinner is ready :grin:

On special occasions I'll put all the food on the table and ask him to serve me. Actually, when I think about it, he used to fix my plate more often than the other way around. :yep:
no...only when we are out at someone else's house or function, but not at home.

i'm prepping him to start bringing in enough bucks to get us a maid/butler.
I love making plates and I loves having my plate made for me (and it better be a generous portion too!). I need a balance of give and take, although it doesn't have to be tit for tat. I also know that for me if I don't feel that there is a balance, I will start feeling resentment and that is a dangerous emotion that wouldn't be fair to me or my partner.

I just need to know that my efforts are not being abused or taken for granted. As a woman I need to be appreciated. I cater to my man's needs and I expect to be catered to also and I'm not a materialistic person so actions speak louder to me than moolah and the shiny stuff.
I do the cooking and plating, he washes the dishes. I never have to ask him to wash dishes, which is nice. I'm virtually an iron chef and his ramen noodles come out crunchy:nono:, so this is not a problem for me

I also like to wash his clothes, even though we don't live together. I just do it better. I feel like men are great and all, but certain things they are just incompetent at.