Do you and your SO look alike?

Do you and your SO look alike?

  • yep we could've been separated at birth

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • nope, not even close.

    Votes: 61 68.5%
  • well, maybe a little. but's its a stretch...

    Votes: 19 21.3%

  • Total voters
Everyone says we do, but I don't see it...


I don't think you two look alike.....

BTW, you an your hair are beautiful!:grin:
DH and I don't look anything alike. He's darker than me and his features are different from mine. Yet, we get the occasional, "you two look like brother and sister.":ohwell: I think sometimes people just have nothing else to say.
I don't nessarily think DH and I look alike, but everyone else does. We have gotten several times that we could be brother and sister. :look:

I get that all the time too but i don't see it apart from the fact that we both have big eyes!:lachen:

I don't nessarily think DH and I look alike, but everyone else does. We have gotten several times that we could be brother and sister. :look:

I get that all the time too but i don't see it apart from the fact that we both have big eyes!:lachen:

Me and my ex looked alike. We are the same height :grin:, same color, same hair color and eye colors. There's a picture of us in my fotki.

My brother and his wife look alike as well...they could be siblings.
You and your ex do look alike.

Lauren you and your hubby look alike also.
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Yeah, we look alike. My stepdaughter and I look alike too. My brother and his girlfriend look alike. In fact, they look more alike than he and I do.
Do you and your man look alike?:kissing4: i've always heard that people tend to be attracted to others who share similar physical characteristics to them. This is true for me with some guys, but certainly not true in every case. i've also heard the theory that couples tend to look more and more alike the longer they are together.

i was thinking about this after reading a thread on Terrance Howard
in the entertainment forum where he says he prefers women who look like him, "because the most beautiful thing in the world is his own reflection...":ohwell: he actually said a lotta stuff that made him sound like a weirdo. but anyway, it got me to thinking about this popular theory.

I don't think me and my SO don't look the least bit alike. And its not just the obvious difference in skin color. We don't have similar facial characteristics, or body type either. I'm laughing my arse off at the thought we could possibly look more alike after we've been together 30 years.:lachen:

What about you ladies? Are you usually more attracted to men who look a lot like you? Do you and your man look alike? Did you start to look more like him after you'd been together for a while? Let's make this fun. Post Pics. :spinning:
I think you guys do. both your faces are oval/ Oblong, chuncky cheeks, smiliar shape mouths, your eyes are about the same almond shape and distance apart from oneanother. I thinks their are smiliarities that just aren't that obvious. but then again I had to study this so I may see it more easily.
I think you guys do. both your faces are oval/ Oblong, chuncky cheeks, smiliar shape mouths, your eyes are about the same almond shape and distance apart from oneanother. I thinks their are smiliarities that just aren't that obvious. but then again I had to study this so I may see it more easily.


ok, i had to look at the picture again, and again, again :grin:and now i can see what you're talking about. but yeah it dang sure ain't an obvious resemblance.:lachen::lachen:
btw, his eyes are slightly almond shaped because he's half chinese and half white, even though it's not obvious at first glance-- that's genetics for ya. :rolleyes:
wow! lol. i just figured out how to add a poll to an already open thread! I wanted to add one when i first posted this thread but couldn't figure out how to do it. what can i say, i'm a little

So feel free to vote, even though its a little after the fact:blush:


:grin: not really


ok, i had to look at the picture again, and again, again :grin:and now i can see what you're talking about. but yeah it dang sure ain't an obvious resemblance.:lachen::lachen:
btw, his eyes are slightly almond shaped because he's half chinese and half white, even though it's not obvious at first glance-- that's genetics for ya. :rolleyes:

funny my husband is part asian (generations waaay back..further back than some of my family's mixture) on his mom's side. You have to stare pretty hard, it shows much more in his brother.
Everyone says we do, but I don't see it...

I've always thought that you and your dh look alike. Everytime I see your children, I try to figure out which one of you they look the most like and I'm always stumped because you guys look very similar.
Don't have a SO right now.

But I have always thought that couples look alike. Whenever I'm in the airport I see so many h/w who look exactly alike. Normally they are of the same race though. But yeah I always wonder if there is something to it.... maybe that's what it takes who knows.

No. Both our eyes get squinty when we smile though....if that counts for something but

Me: big eyes, average nose & mouth, average weight & height
Him:small eyes, big nose & mouth, overweight & kinda tall

He has sexy dark skin too and I'm

No. Both our eyes get squinty when we smile though....if that counts for something but

Me: big eyes, average nose & mouth, average weight & height
Him:small eyes, big nose & mouth, overweight & kinda tall

He has sexy dark skin too and I'm

You guys are a beautiful couple, you both look so happy/sweet.

No. Both our eyes get squinty when we smile though....if that counts for something but

Me: big eyes, average nose & mouth, average weight & height
Him:small eyes, big nose & mouth, overweight & kinda tall

He has sexy dark skin too and I'm

You guys are ADORABLE:drunk:
I don't think me and my DH look alike, but people have told us we look like brother and sister. I definitely don't see it, and neither does he. There's a pic in my fotki and pics on my myspace page.
Everyone says we do, but I don't see it...


You do!!!! I was thinking this three weeks ago. Especially that other picture that you had on before with you and your family. I was like, "Dang, they look like brother and sister." You two were the first that I thought of when I read the topic of this post.
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Actually people have told us that we do favor each other and our daughter looks like us both...normally a child will look like one or the yeah we kind of look alike.
Aww man, all these pictures with all these twin couples are so cute.
If SO and I marry and have kids I wonder what our kids would look like, no one could mistake us twins.

Truth be told if I found a guy that looked like me I'd get a blood test done, just in case daddy forgot to tell mom something. I'm kidding :lol:
Cute pics ladies. Me and dh look nothing alike but depending on who she's with, our oldest dd gets called either my twin or his-go figure.

Side bar: I wonder if Terrance Howard was meaning he wanted a reflection of him-i.e. a black woman, not a "twin" per se :look:
My last ex and I looked so much alike people thought we were brother and sister. My SO now looks nothing like me.
My BF and I look nothing alike but we do both have some serious slanty eyes. If we ever have kids, their eyes will be waaaay slanty!
I've had 2 or 3 people before ask if we are brother and sister and I'm always like "Whaaaa...???" For some reason, whether a man is Bradd Pitt sexy or Flavor Flav ugly, I find it an insult to have someone say my SO and I look alike (I always translate that to mean, I look like a man :perplexed)

ITA or that he looks like a woman. Either way I find it insulting. When he took me to FL. For my B-day we were asked that constantly it almost ruined our trip. At first we would play along and then start making out to freak who evers asking out. I'll post a pic soon not at my personal comp.