Your SO and his female neighbor have a food exchange.

Would this be a big deal to you?

  • Yes she betta back away from my man!

    Votes: 106 87.6%
  • No I dont see the big deal.

    Votes: 15 12.4%

  • Total voters
There is soooooooo many things wrong with this situation baby girl check him asap i will be out of my mind to let some other woman cook food for my man hell to the nah. its a lot of love in food and people dont realize that the only other woman that should cook for him is his mother
Okay, now my record will show that I am not against maintaining platonic friendships with the opposite sex when you're in a relationship. Especially if they were friends before you two got together, and your guy is trustworthy and of good character.

The key is though, the dude has to be of good character. You have got to trust him, but he's got to be trustWORTHY.

I'm sorry, but I'm judging SO. Why was this his suggestion? One time is one thing, but he wants to make this a weekly thing? Is he that oblivious as to how this may make you feel or does he just not care?

You have 2 options:

Option A
You should cook for a male friend. Don't complain to him, don't say nothing (yet). Whip up a lil something and then fix a plate. Wrap that bad boy up in some foil where SO can see it. After you're done cooking say, "My friend xyz isn't feeling too hot, and I wanted to take him some food to see if it would make him feel better." Bounce before he asks any questions. You don't really have to take it to a guy, drop it off at a girlfriend's house or a shelter whatever, SO will never know.

Then stroll back in later like nothing happened. He's not gonna be too comfy with it more than likely and when he starts to complain about how *sick friend should get his own woman to cook for him* - bam- he's made your argument for your right there. Just innocently and without one hint of sarcasm (this is important) say "Oh, well I didn't think It'd be a big deal seeing how you and X have your weekly arrangement..."

The key is no sarcasm, or snarkiness in the voice- if he detects that, he'll know your mad and he'll figure out that you were doing all of this to make him jealous.

Option B
Otherwise, just tell him straight up that it's not acceptable for him to have this arrangement with X. Again, don't be sarcastic, mean, or have an attitude, cause men LOVE it when we get mad/jealous b/c of them- and he will eat that sh*t up!

Just tell him you have a few of your own male friends you could be cooking for, but out of respect for him and your relationship- you don't go there, and he needs to appreciate that and follow suit.

I missed this thread! He would not like it one bit. I was at a family dinner with hubby and I was getting dessert. His nephew asked me to cut him some cake. I did and thought nothing of it. My husband had a fit, and said, "His girl was there, why he didn't have her get his cake!" I was already in the process of cutting mine!
I will say this..females can be some competitive creatures. They LOVE to think they are giving YOUR man something, you aren't. Something as little as a plate of food, will have another female on a pedestal. It does something to their ego. My hubbyhad a co-worker that cooked a sunday dinner and brought him a plate to work the next day. He had the nerve to brign it home and she even had slices of homemade cake. He wanted me to try it and I made it clear, you need not get in the habit of this. He was so spooked he didn't even want to eat the food! LOL!! No one is going to go out of their way to cook you ANYTHING! When I cook my dinners, I'm not at home thinking of which co-worker to bring a plate. No sirr!! That is too close for comfort!
Nope! And tell your SO to quit asking. Why is he begging single neighbors for home cooking? De Heck?? Thats like if my son kept asking the neighbor for food and then she obliged . Id prolly actually whoop my son for that.
I say heck naw.

I was friends with a married couple and the husband was always asking me to cook for him.
His wife didn't/couldn't cook. He would call me to find out what we were having for dinner and want to "swing by" for a plate. My ex hated it.

Eventually this man came onto me and when he was listing the things he found attractive about me, my cooking was in the top 3.

Yikes!! See now, I must do you ladies deal with friends who have an SO or hubby like this?

I tend to be a bit guarded around my friends' SO mainly out of respect but more of less....fear of certain situations like what deltagyrl mentioned above.
I was gonna ask what ever happened but the thread is from 2008.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
It depends on what te neighbour looks like .One of my neighbours bakes cookies and cakes for us ,she s an elderly woman. Needless to say I don't see any harm in it .
However, if the woman in question is somewhat attractive or see any signs of "chemistry" between her and my husband i would stop the exchange right away .
If I cooked for a male neighbour it would be to impress him . But that's me,maybe she s just a nice person . I'd nip in the bud now though. Neighbours are too close for comfort and they don't go away .Hubby is pissing on his doorstep.
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Hmmm, did I miss something? SO initiated the food convo and food exchange. SO is DRIVING the interaction. X is being the neighbor you both have known for years. X is not an insider into your relationship, so no matter how odd, SO's behavior must be OKAY with his Partner.

STOP BLAMING OTHER WOMEN FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIP FAILS! You have the relationship with SO. Obviously YOU are uncomfortable with SO and X's interaction. Rightly so, you're being replaced as a player on "the cooking stage." You are intimidated, what next, your replacement in the relationship? Talk to your SO. Get it out there and stop being a wall flower in your own relationship.
Only female family members.

A few years ago my daughter had a friend, and it was just her and her mom. My husband would take them skating, picking the girl up and dropping her off at night. Well, I didn't know it but come to find out this lady had shown my husband pics of her in swimsuits when she was a body builder, then she cooked some food and had her daughter bring it over. It was one serving of food and there are 4 people in my family. I was like "Oh Heck No!!!", my husband didn't think anything wrong with it, but I was upset that #1 the daughter said the food was for my husband, #2 it was only one serving, and #3 she had been showing my husband pics of her in a swimsuit.

I told her that same day not to send anymore food over, that we had enough here at home. She got a little offensive, but I tried to be nice about it because our daughters were good friends.

She was a single mom, my husband is a dedicated, hard-working family man, and I'm sorry, he's not the best-looking man in the world, but he's got a job with benefits, and to a lot of women that's a good catch.

So to make a long story short, no woman is going to give my husband food. I already told him about the "spaghetti thread", and hopefully that'll make him think twice about eating other females food.

lololololol @ the bolded.

I personally don't see the big deal. I like food, cook food a lot... I don't cook because I'm trying to show my love for someone...I just like to entertain period... So yeah, I would be thrilled to exchange food with a male neighbor...

I asked my DH too, and he doesnt see a problem with it..
Only female family members.

A few years ago my daughter had a friend, and it was just her and her mom. My husband would take them skating, picking the girl up and dropping her off at night. Well, I didn't know it but come to find out this lady had shown my husband pics of her in swimsuits when she was a body builder, then she cooked some food and had her daughter bring it over. It was one serving of food and there are 4 people in my family. I was like "Oh Heck No!!!", my husband didn't think anything wrong with it, but I was upset that #1 the daughter said the food was for my husband, #2 it was only one serving, and #3 she had been showing my husband pics of her in a swimsuit.

I told her that same day not to send anymore food over, that we had enough here at home. She got a little offensive, but I tried to be nice about it because our daughters were good friends.

She was a single mom, my husband is a dedicated, hard-working family man, and I'm sorry, he's not the best-looking man in the world, but he's got a job with benefits, and to a lot of women that's a good catch.

So to make a long story short, no woman is going to give my husband food. I already told him about the "spaghetti thread", and hopefully that'll make him think twice about eating other females food.

lololololol @ the bolded.

I personally don't see the big deal. I like food, cook food a lot... I don't cook because I'm trying to show my love for someone...I just like to entertain period... So yeah, I would be thrilled to exchange food with a male neighbor...

I asked my DH too, and he doesnt see a problem with it..
Whether my man wants to try a new food or eat an old favorite he knows to come to me. I got this cooking thing doooowwwnnn! They call me Mettycrocker cuz I cook my *** off. There will be no exchanging of food with females. Absolutely not :nono: