Cut Buddy


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it belonged in the Relationship forum....but this AINT about relationships :lol:

After reading this...I tip my hat to you women who do this very well. It could never be me. Heart and emotions are attached to my genitals. This means I know myself and act accordingly. But sometimes...just sometimes I wonder if life would have been a bit more adventurous if I lived this way.....maybe...maybe not. Before marriage...there were no cut buddies for me. Ida definitely got my feelings hurt :sad:

Cut buddy – noun
A person who is not your boyfriend or girlfriend with whom you have sexual relations, on the mutual understanding that you want sex and nothing more. 2. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with.

Now, you could also call him your “jumpoff” or your “f*&k buddy.” Same thing right? Whatever you call it, there are benefits to having such a person in your life. Whether it’s not wanting to be alone that night, feeling unwanted or unloved, or simply feeling horny, as long as you are two consenting adults then roll with it. As a woman, there are times when our body wants what we know our mind doesn’t. He’s the fine Mandingo with the brain the size of a peanut. He’s hot as hell, a nice guy perhaps and you like him JUST enough to give him some. You think he’s adorable, but maybe intellectually or emotionally lacking. He may be great, but he may be too young…you know, like the intern. You don’t want to date him or bring him around your friends or family…ever. But the chemistry between you is electric. You want the lovin’, but no strings attached. Do you deny yourself? What do you do? That’s up to you, but if you decide to make him your cut buddy…then here are the rules:

Rule #1: Be honest about what you want upfront – with yourself and each other. Negotiating a long-term, friends-with-benefits type situation can be tricky for some ladies. Men are seemingly born knowing how to detach emotions from sex – I think it’s in their DNA. Some can spend a whole night with you, then trip over you the next day and not even recognize you. But women can have a harder time of it. Some women wind up feeling used or like they’re promiscuous. I realize it’s a double standard, but if you’re uncomfortable with it, don’t do it. Man or woman, make sure you BOTH know upfront that it’s all about sex and nothing else. That way neither will feel like they’re being used by the other.

Rule #2: It ain’t about “We.” Avoid using pronouns like “us” or “we,” and all talk of plans further into the future than the hour it takes him to get to your place is not allowed.

Rule #3: No meals together. Acceptable dining situations include maybe a bowl of cereal in the morning before he bounces…or maybe a late-night grilled cheese or some Hot Pockets (3 minutesin the microwave) after the deed is done. Meals to be avoided are breakfast, brunch, dinner, or any other setting where you actually have to talk to each other at length. Speaking of talking…

Rule #4: Limit conversation. In this past week’s episode, MJ’s cut buddy asked her if she was okay and even followed up by saying, “you know I can actually talk.” MJ simply responded with “I’m good.” Good girl. She knows that any questions any more probing than “do you have condoms?” and “how fast can you get here?” can get a little sticky. Your jumpoff shouldn’t want to hear about your day, who pissed you off at work, or how cute your nephew is. Keep it light and keep it moving.

Rule #5: This probably goes without saying, but no socializing outside of the bedroom. He doesn’t meet your friends, you don’t meet his. That goes double for family members. The best thing about having a jumpoff is that he’s your dirty little secret.

Sex with no strings can get tricky if you’re not honest about what you want. It’s easy for one of you to catch feelings, so keeping those rules in mind should help you avoid that. Even if you’re in love with someone else, as in the case of Mary Jane, don’t think that your cut buddy can confuse your emotions even more. While having a jumpoff may help ease the pain of a broken heart, it’s no substitute for true healing, so tread lightly…and be safe.
How is this different from Friend With Benefits?

IMO friends with benefits are 2 people who started off as friends and then took it to the next level. Having a friend with benefits is one of the biggest mistakes you can make since there are already emotional ties to this friend & feelings.
IMO friends with benefits are 2 people who started off as friends and then took it to the next level. Having a friend with benefits is one of the biggest mistakes you can make since there are already emotional ties to this friend & feelings.

I agree. When I think cutty buddy, it's typically a person you find attractive and lays it down, but you only speak when it's hook up time. Honestly, the relationship is pretty much strictly sexual. You're not friends, shoot you're barely acquaintances. A cutty buddy is actually a better arrangement because there is usually no emotional attachments at all, they are just someone you sleep with from time to time.
Never had a FWB.

Cut buddy yes. It was years ago after I had gotten out of a 2 year long relationship with a white boy who had the smallest peen ever. I was outta control after that relationship lol.
Never had a FWB.

Cut buddy yes. It was years ago after I had gotten out of a 2 year long relationship with a white boy who had the smallest peen ever. I was outta control after that relationship lol.

I laughed out loud at being "out of control"....small peen will put you on the craziest snake chases :lol:
So about this cut buddy. A person can take it all off and start bumping and grinding with someone you have absolutely NO connection with whatsoever. Every time you meet it's strictly sex. How exactly is the sex with no feelings?

Boy do I feel out of touch.
So about this cut buddy. A person can take it all off and start bumping and grinding with someone you have absolutely NO connection with whatsoever. Every time you meet it's strictly sex. How exactly is the sex with no feelings?

Boy do I feel out of touch.

:look: I never did understand that concept.

If there's no feelings on either part, you might as well get 'paid' for the privilege. IJS.

What part of the game is giving away good a$$ for free?

Again, IJS. :look:

:look: I never did understand that concept.

If there's no feelings on either part, you might as well get 'paid' for the privilege. IJS.

What part of the game is giving away good a$$ for free?

Again, IJS. :look:


I mean, it FELT good. Does that count for anything? lol

I'm talking too much. Let me log off again.
I think a cut buddy should always be short term. As soon as some feelings start stirring, break it off.

Everybody isn't equipped for casual/no strings attached sex. And some are fine with just getting their physical needs met and going on about life.
I mean, it FELT good. Does that count for anything? lol

I'm talking too much. Let me log off again.

It "feels good" to have bills paid, hair did, nails did, etc. too!

I'm married, so a 'cut buddy' doesn't apply for me, nor did I have one prior to marriage. I'm not the morality po-po per se, but I do have a 20 year old daughter, and if she indulged with a so-called 'cut buddy' giving away her prized possession and had nothing more to show for it than a wet a$$, I'd feel I'd failed her as a mother. :yep:

What i want to know is how people go about finding these types of "relationships." I have like 5 co-workers who have FWB, f**k buddies or cut buddies and they're younger than me.
Like do you just go up to someone and be like, "So. Wanna f**k?" What about STDs? The condom talk? Do you schedule these things? Or is it just a "hmmm. I'm horny. Let's call/text so and so and see if he's horny too." Can you ask them not to sleep with other people (to reduce your chances of catching an STD)?
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:look: I never did understand that concept.

If there's no feelings on either part, you might as well get 'paid' for the privilege. IJS.

What part of the game is giving away good a$$ for free?

Again, IJS. :look:


Something my aunt would say after a few sips of wine. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I agree though. :look:
It sucks that somebody actually had to write this down but I've known so many women in cut buddy/FWB relationships who believe in the fantasy that they are in actual relationships.
Ain't a thang wrong with cut buddy arrangements when they are done right. I had a steady one for a couple years when I was in my Radiology program, younger than me too. We only contacted each other on a "When are you free?" basis. I don't wanna hear about your goals and aspirations ***** :lol:
Could the "cut buddy" and FWB culture be the reason so many of us are unable to find suitable mates?

Know this -- most men will travel the road of least resistance.

Though many of us will never admit it, we are shaping the way men treat women as a whole in the future by what we freely giveaway now.
Could the "cut buddy" and FWB culture be the reason so many of us are unable to find suitable mates? Know this -- most men will travel the road of least resistance. Though many of us will never admit it, we are shaping the way men treat women as a whole in the future by what we freely giveaway now.

Dead on.

There is too much free range kitty out there and men only work as hard as they have to. It's all good until the guy you want to be with doesn't act right because at the end of the day his cut buddy is fulfilling his needs without being wined and dined.
I mean, it FELT good. Does that count for anything? lol

I'm talking too much. Let me log off again.

Yup. Now in my late teens when I thought I was grown, I had a cut buddy. His body was like holy cow, but his attitude and everything about him was yuck. Even his face :lol: so it's easy to go into an agreement like that when you don't even like the person. Now that I'm old, I wouldn't enter into something like that. Knowing that the only way I did it was because I didn't like him puts me on alert for men who feel the same!
Could the "cut buddy" and FWB culture be the reason so many of us are unable to find suitable mates? Know this -- most men will travel the road of least resistance. Though many of us will never admit it, we are shaping the way men treat women as a whole in the future by what we freely giveaway now.

Lol it true, you should see how much Patti from Millionaire Matchmaker has to yell no sex before monogamy to her clients.
Me and my ex tried to do this but he locked it down instead, we dated for a year and a half. I wouldn't get another fwb though.
I think a cut buddy should always be short term. As soon as some feelings start stirring, break it off.

Everybody isn't equipped for casual/no strings attached sex. And some are fine with just getting their physical needs met and going on about life.

Yeah, I read a relationship book that said the same thing. Many are playing a dangerous game thinking they could be doing this for more than one night.

I've never done this, but if I would I would be all in for ONE NIGHT ONLY.
ive never had feelings for a non-exclusive sexual partner that weren't there to begin with. having sex with someone consistently doesnt make me like them more than i would if we weren't having sex.

the last guy i dated (Guy A) was a "casual" relationship because he was not someone i was interested in being monogamous with. we went out for maybe seven or eight months, and by the end of it he was wanting to put a title on it. i never developed those feelings, and when he started pushing for it, i had to straight up be like NO.

on the other hand, i had also been seeing this other guy (Guy B) right before we met. B had asked me out right at the end of this casual relationship, which was why it was the end :lol: B asked me to go to a street fest with him. A and i had plans and i canceled them to hang out with B, and after that he got all territorial. anyway, the feelings for B were there right from the start even though we didnt hang out anywhere near as frequently. i wanted B from day one, and the sexual relationship only exacerbated that.

the kind of thing being talked about in the op is a little black and white for me, my relationships tend to be somewhat more complex or unorthodox - probably BECAUSE i'm not the kind of girl whose feelings for men come about in the way that's being described.

edit - interestingly enough, after B i lost a lot of interest in sexual relationships. the type of sex i had with him was amazing, and i stopped wanting anything that wasn't that. now i would be less inclined to be in noncommitted relationships just because they seem like a waste of time compared to the type of feelings i know i am capable of with someone like B.
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