Common Games Men Play

Ohhhh ladies, love the way you are moving, the previous page was a great read, Lol... The sheer F'ery... Not internalizing ish but KIM!!!

So ya girl jumped back into pond, for some summer fun! I am already on some no date talk after first week, bye... No calls after like day 3 bye... Rotation Rotation Rotation... Its not hard, I tell self, just cant be stuck on one person... Nope no potential thoughts, cause that will have you lingering...

Had to come to terms with self, like Gurl yes you do want love and affection, so get out there and stop playing...
It’s better when they show themselves early :laugh:

If you’re going to try, at least try to get that Grade A instead of that Grade D and repeating that course next semester.
:lol: gurl he really tried it! That fool also had the nerve to tell me: “You’re not a child anymore. You’re an adult. It’s time for you to take up your role as an adult.” He’s basically saying that me avoiding marriage is childish. Apparently I’m not a full fledged adult until I get married (preferably to him).
:lol: gurl he really tried it! That fool also had the nerve to tell me: “You’re not a child anymore. You’re an adult. It’s time for you to take up your role as an adult.” He’s basically saying that me avoiding marriage is childish. Apparently I’m not a full fledged adult until I get married (preferably to him).
He sounds like he is looking for a slave.. he tired of adulting by himself and needs somebody to take the pressure off of him.
Ladies, this is a good listen... Value yourself... The art of moving on...

Should that font be purple? I mean it's good to not go back once you leave a bad situation but they had her discussing a list of men she had sex with, how she puts it down in the bedroom and being dogged out for months before actually leaving. They didn't have to pull it out or anything because that is some of the stuff she raps about but I couldn't find the motivation in that clip. More like I am glad you survived. Keep hope alive.
Should that font be purple? I mean it's good to not go back once you leave a bad situation but they had her discussing a list of men she had sex with, how she puts it down in the bedroom and being dogged out for months before actually leaving. They didn't have to pull it out or anything because that is some of the stuff she raps about but I couldn't find the motivation in that clip. More like I am glad you survived. Keep hope alive.
My sincere apologies, I do not have energy to re-watch. There was a specific section where she talks about being true to self and moving on from guys sooner than later...
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I hollered when he said, "you have to have a house and a job to have a relationship?" Umm, yes sir you do. To me, a roof over your head and a place of employment is the basics. If you don't have those two things then why try to date?

Right?! And then he proceeded to say "I thought you liked me for me and not for what I could provide" yet, the only reason he wanted to cook her dinner was so that he could have access to what SHE could provide to him...a place to stay for the night. :rolleyes:
I swear to G-d this was on my timeline on this day that the lord made.
"After 35 years of dating, 3 kids, 4 grandchildren my friend xxxxx got married today to xxxx.. CONGRATULATIONS." Yes they are black and it was posted by a bm who has probably been married that long.
They’ve been “dating” as long as I’ve been alive cuz I’m 35 years old! She secured the bag in the end so that makes it all ok. Yay!! #Blacklove
Some comments from the Peanut Gallery (all bm) to the 35 years to marriage follks

  • Long overdue congrats

  • He should be ashamed of himself. He should've been married that Beautiful Black Sister I should've married her!!! Congratulations AMEN

  • He didn't realize that he was already married but he had to show others
    (I had to read this one twice cuz I thought some tea was spilled)
The newest bull that I see is that if I say I prefer phone calls versus texting back and forth, they will call me but then hang up ont he first ring to see if I'm going to call back. :rolleyes: Then they will text me and say I called you and you didn't pick up. You must be a really busy lady.

Boy bye. If you wanted to talk to me you would. Periodt. lol
I didn't know where to put this, so I'm putting it here.
I read this essay and these parts stood out to me:

In the year leading up to calling off my wedding, I often cried or yelled or reasoned or pleaded with my fiancé to tell me that he loved me. To be nice to me. To notice things about how I was living.

One particular time, I had put on a favorite red dress for a wedding. I exploded from the bathroom to show him. He stared at his phone. I wanted him to tell me I looked nice, so I shimmied and squeezed his shoulders and said, “You look nice! Tell me I look nice!” He said, “I told you that you looked nice when you wore that dress last summer. It’s reasonable to assume I still think you look nice in it now.”

When I found out that he’d slept with our mutual friend a few weeks after we’d first started seeing each other, he told me we hadn’t officially been dating yet so I shouldn’t mind. I decided he was right. When I found out that he’d kissed another girl on New Year’s Eve months after that, he said that we hadn’t officially discussed monogamy yet, and so I shouldn’t mind. I decided he was right.

At what should have been the breaking point but wasn’t, I learned that he had cheated on me. The woman he’d been sleeping with was a friend of his I’d initially wanted to be friends with, too, but who did not seem to like me, and who he’d gaslit me into being jealous of, and then gaslit me into feeling crazy for being jealous of.

The full course of the gaslighting took a year, so by the time I truly found out what had happened, the infidelity was already a year in the past.

It was new news to me but old news to my fiancé.

Logically, he said, it doesn’t matter anymore.

It had happened a year ago. Why was I getting worked up over ancient history?

She's not a sista but I thought it was an interesting read. She doesn't say how long they were together, but it looks like some red flags came up early. :sad:
I didn't know where to put this, so I'm putting it here.
I read this essay and these parts stood out to me:

She's not a sista but I thought it was an interesting read. She doesn't say how long they were together, but it looks like some red flags came up early. :sad:
She has no boundaries and doesn’t question clear things. So he’s just doing what she lets him do. Sad.