Your man and his female friends

What if those female friends were exes would you except that? This is what broke me and my ex up I couldn't take it. I have male friends but that was crossing the line.
There isn't anything wrong with him having female friends that were there before me. Now..when you go and start making new friends and numbers are exchanged and I don't know her, that's a hell-to-the no!

You can have co-workers and aquantancies but that should not leave the work door. I have male friends and I make sure I am no secret to their SO or wives. If he has hidden female friends on the side, its bullcrap in the game! I would never dream of befriending a man and not his woman!
syze6;3255541[/B said:
]There isn't anything wrong with him having female friends that were there before me. Now..when you go and start making new friends and numbers are exchanged and I don't know her, that's a hell-to-the no! quote]

I agree with this.
I happen to be a female friend of a guy who always has a girlfriend. We've known eachother for 16 yearsl And its only been a friendship. All of his girlfriends always want to meet me. I think they want to make sure that there is nothing going on there, and that is fine. Their o.k. after that. He says that a man and a women can't just be friends....but he says we're
Rest angel...Yes rest.

God promises us much in marriage especially when we dedicate our marriages to Him to keep as His own.

THEREFORE, these women not only HAVE to go, they SHALL go.

How do I know this...It's God's order.

"When a man and woman come together, they are 'One', and whom God hath joined together, let no man put assunder (let no man (or woman) separate)."

In the marriage vows, it says, "Forsaking all others" That a man is to cleve unto his wife forsaking ALL others."

Hence, they have no other choice than to go. How? By allowing God to follow through on HIS promises to sustain and to protect marriages.

So go to God and talk to HIM about this. "Father these chicks have got to go, for they are interfering with my marriage. I thank you for putting our hearts in proper order and our marriage I place into your hands and into your plans. In Jesus's name, Amen."

Now....Rest. Let God give you His very best in a happy marriage. Okay?

:bighug: "Happy, Blessed Marriage"
Rest angel...Yes rest.

God promises us much in marriage especially when we dedicate our marriages to Him to keep as His own.

THEREFORE, these women not only HAVE to go, they SHALL go.

How do I know this...It's God's order.

"When a man and woman come together, they are 'One', and whom God hath joined together, let no man put assunder (let no man (or woman) separate)."

In the marriage vows, it says, "Forsaking all others" That a man is to cleve unto his wife forsaking ALL others."

Hence, they have no other choice than to go. How? By allowing God to follow through on HIS promises to sustain and to protect marriages.

So go to God and talk to HIM about this. "Father these chicks have got to go, for they are interfering with my marriage. I thank you for putting our hearts in proper order and our marriage I place into your hands and into your plans. In Jesus's name, Amen."

Now....Rest. Let God give you His very best in a happy marriage. Okay?

:bighug: "Happy, Blessed Marriage"

I use to think, "Sure, it's okay." But naa, it's not okay. You are his friend and he is yours.
Am I being ridiculous? How do you ladies feel about your man having female friends? I’m sorry but lately I feel like those chicks gotta go. We are starting to have marriage talk and once were married I fully expect him to kick those chicks to the curb. My BFF thinks I’m being a little immature. I just don’t like another chick having access to my guy. Period. Here is how I break it down. These chicks don’t have a man so they call him ask for advice or help with something. But as soon as these chicks get a dude they get low and he doesn’t here from them. I believe they use him to fill a void and once they get someone else to fill it they don’t need him until their single again. He says it’s not like that but those chicks gotta go. Am I acting like a crazy women or is this valid.

Now I do feel that men and women can be just friends. However, I also feel like two of these chicks secretly want to be with my boyfriend.
I am so feeling you. My current boyfriend told me about his best friends from the beginning, and when I heard that one of them was female, I was like this :perplexed mentally. It doesn't help that she's an ex-girlfriend and they last had sex last July (many months before I met him). :wallbash: I'm so happy that I know how to hide my feelings because every time he talks about her, I want to hunt her down and beat her ***. If my boyfriend and I are going to go anywhere meaningful relationship-wise, some distance will have to develop between him and that heifer. However, I will not say anything outright for now. I have my third eye on her and I will see the end of her yet! :evil:

Rest angel...Yes rest.

God promises us much in marriage especially when we dedicate our marriages to Him to keep as His own.

THEREFORE, these women not only HAVE to go, they SHALL go.

How do I know this...It's God's order.

"When a man and woman come together, they are 'One', and whom God hath joined together, let no man put assunder (let no man (or woman) separate)."

In the marriage vows, it says, "Forsaking all others" That a man is to cleve unto his wife forsaking ALL others."

Hence, they have no other choice than to go. How? By allowing God to follow through on HIS promises to sustain and to protect marriages.

So go to God and talk to HIM about this. "Father these chicks have got to go, for they are interfering with my marriage. I thank you for putting our hearts in proper order and our marriage I place into your hands and into your plans. In Jesus's name, Amen."

Now....Rest. Let God give you His very best in a happy marriage. Okay?

:bighug: "Happy, Blessed Marriage"
Shimmie, you are the woman! This is so powerful! OP, here's your answer right there. You pray those heifers into dismissal!
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I am so feeling you. My current boyfriend told me about his best friends from the beginning, and when I heard that one of them was female, I was like this :perplexed mentally. It doesn't help that she's an ex-girlfriend and they last had sex last July (many months before I met him). :wallbash: I'm so happy that I know how to hide my feelings because every time he talks about her, I want to hunt her down and beat her ***. If my boyfriend and I are going to go anywhere meaningful relationship-wise, some distance will have to develop between him and that heifer. However, I will not say anything outright for now. I have my third eye on her and I will see the end of her yet! :evil:

Work on him but not in a way that shows jealousy.
I am so feeling you. My current boyfriend told me about his best friends from the beginning, and when I heard that one of them was female, I was like this :perplexed mentally. It doesn't help that she's an ex-girlfriend and they last had sex last July (many months before I met him). :wallbash: I'm so happy that I know how to hide my feelings because every time he talks about her, I want to hunt her down and beat her ***. If my boyfriend and I are going to go anywhere meaningful relationship-wise, some distance will have to develop between him and that heifer. However, I will not say anything outright for now. I have my third eye on her and I will see the end of her yet! :evil:

Shimmie, you are the woman! This is so powerful! OP, here's your answer right there. You pray those heifers into dismissal!
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I have to admit that this works. I've done it far to many times in the lives of my friends (and myself), and other women that I've prayed with.

Here's the thing. God is PRO-Marriage! Period! And what God approves, He protects! All we have to do is just 'let' Him and not get in His way of how He does it. Each situation is different, but these women (and men) will disappear. (Some are family members in the way).

Some husbands (and wives) have 'buddies' who are just in the way. Best friends and family members can be jealous of losing 'us' to a husband or wife, so they do things to sabbotage the marriage harmony of a 'lost' buddy.

God's word in Galations 4:29-30 takes care of this perfectly. "Cast the bond woman out!" So you know that I'm not making this up. God's word backs up everything I'm sharing here. And God does not play!

Okay...I'm almost preaching. :rolleyes:

I can continue this over in the Christianity forum if anyone wants to hear more. There's a lot that God will do to protect our marriages. A lot! Marriage is serious business with Him. What we dedicate to God, He keeps as the 'apple of His eye' where no harm will ever come near it.
You ladies are for real!!!
I didn't even realize that i would find advice for myself when i came in here!
I love this thread:yep:
Dh doesn't have any,men that have bff female friends are usually off-limits for me.

Shimmie I agree with you 100% not only female friends but also buddies and even family members can stand in the way of a happy marriage.:perplexed
I think that people should be able to have opposite sex friends. I have an opposite sex bff

Ok I just read the thread and I didnt realize it was that serious to some people. :lachen: Crazy
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Dh doesn't have any,men that have bff female friends are usually off-limits for me.

Shimmie I agree with you 100% not only female friends but also buddies and even family members can stand in the way of a happy marriage.:perplexed
Some of those Mother in law stories we 'hear' are no joke. :nono: And sisters that are jealous of another sister or the sister in law. Whoooo!

That's why God says to 'leave and cleave' -- to 'cut them off'...cut the ties and cleave unto one another in marriage.

"Not everybody loves "Raymond"....' :nono:
I think that people should be able to have opposite sex friends. I have an opposite sex bff

Ok I just read the thread and I didnt realize it was that serious to some people. :lachen: Crazy

Girl you KNOW there are some trifling females out there!!! Better to avoid it altogether than to hope your SO's "girlfriend" ain't trying to get with him. :perplexed
Some of those Mother in law stories we 'hear' are no joke. :nono: And sisters that are jealous of another sister or the sister in law. Whoooo!

That's why God says to 'leave and cleave' -- to 'cut them off'...cut the ties and cleave unto one another in marriage.

"Not everybody loves "Raymond"....' :nono:

I know, tell me about it.:yep:
Honestly I trust my husband, but I would be the fool to allow anything to try to slither in and cause destruction of my household. I am always on guard for my fam. So no, I don't beleive in that nonsense. She would have to be friends with me as well, so I would be able to "read" her, or see what type of vibe I am getting from her, if it is not good, then she has got to go!:grin: But in actuality I try to stayed prayed up and meditate (at the very least) to ward off evil people like this.
I am friends with a couple of people that I dated.This one guy I met in college and he had a girl,I wanted him ,but I respected her so I did not
proceed.We became friends,they broke up(not because of me) and we dated for a year,I moved out of State,we broke up ....Now 10 years later we are still friends.When I go to L.A. he drops whatever and we hang out.He ALWAYS introduces me to who ever he is dating.We had sex 10 years ago,but not since we broke up so that's not a factor.

He does NOT tell his Girlfriends that we slept together.I told him not to because they would assume that we are more than just friends.

Men and women can be friends,but please don't believe everything that a man tells you.If your gut tells you that something is fishy,then it probably is.
When SO and I first got together, he had two female friends. At the time, I didn't care because I myself have two male friends who I'm very close with.

One of them would call him every other day or so, but he made sure I was around when they had conversations. The other one, I would see whenever we went out to parties together. What irked me about her was that as many times as she saw me, she would NEVER say hi or introduce herself. She knew I was his girlfriend, and actually made a snide remark about me once. Once that happened, I said oh no and put the brakes on it.

As far as the other girl, SO let that go too once she told him something one time that he found particularly disturbing. So now he has none, and I have my two friends but I try to include SO as often as possible so as to not have him feel as though anything is going on.

If the friends aren't mutual friends, I can't hang with that.
Am I being ridiculous? How do you ladies feel about your man having female friends? I’m sorry but lately I feel like those chicks gotta go. We are starting to have marriage talk and once were married I fully expect him to kick those chicks to the curb. My BFF thinks I’m being a little immature. I just don’t like another chick having access to my guy. Period. Here is how I break it down. These chicks don’t have a man so they call him ask for advice or help with something. But as soon as these chicks get a dude they get low and he doesn’t here from them. I believe they use him to fill a void and once they get someone else to fill it they don’t need him until their single again. He says it’s not like that but those chicks gotta go. Am I acting like a crazy women or is this valid.

Now I do feel that men and women can be just friends. However, I also feel like two of these chicks secretly want to be with my boyfriend.

Kick those chicks to the curb! :lol: Me and my SO have been friends for 11 years (and have been dating for one ) ...all long distance. He has had girlfriends over the years and I never took anyone of them seriously :giggle:. I knew he and I would eventually get together -when we were both ready. He also made sure that he affirmed our friendship to the women he dated. Now that we are dating, there are no female friends and...I was allowed to have male friends but that's now out the door too.

If I never had this experience i would say the friends are no problem, but I know that at the root of every friendship is a heart and that heart can develop strong feelings.