Common Games Men Play

This goes for women in long-term yet not committed relationships.

It can still happen to women in so called committed relationships: former vice-president Al Gore divorced after 40 years of marriage. It happens all the time and it is the worse.

At least if the man lets you know you're not the one from the get go, you're free to go get with 'the one'. But if he strings you along for all of this time, to then let you know after decades was all a lie...:/
Men Reveal: 6 Signs That He's Too Broke to Date You

Maybe that sexy brother isn’t curbing you after all—he may be focused on getting his finances in order.

Several single men have expressed how financial strife is taking an unexpected toll on their love lives, and they reveal the 6 telltales signs that a man is too broke for love.

“I wanted her for awhile,” Jason,* an Uber driver, says as he strokes his well-manicured goatee. “We connected on IG [Instagram], and made plans for coffee. Everything went off the rails after that.”

Jason’s date had to work late, so coffee turned into a more expensive lunch date. “I only ordered a salad or whatever, but she had food and two drinks. She’s sexy, funny, but I can’t vibe with her because the only thing I'm thinking is, ‘I hope my credit card can handle this transaction.’”

Jason’s credit card does cover the $48 lunch date, but it overdrew his account. “I had about $200 in overdraft fees and it made me sick.”

That happened around Christmas, and Jason hasn’t responded to the young woman’s texts since. “I just left her alone,” Jason says. “It’s not her fault, but the thought of her just makes me feel all those bank fees again."

For some men, the gig economy has put a big dent into their social lives. “I’m working two, sometimes three different gigs a week,” Aaron says.

Aaron, 22, drives for Lyft, works part-time at a fast food restaurant and is working on a mix tape. “I’d like to go out, and dress up and ****. But how? When? I rarely have a day off and I rarely have money to spend on someone else. I don’t feel right asking her to pay, or go half, so I just keep to myself.”

“The familiar [woman] is good thing when you have money problems,” Chris, a 42-year-old freelance editor, jokes. “I don’t have to impress her ass. I just text her, sweet talk about reconnecting or whatever, and she gives me what I need; then I’m out. If you’re trying to connect with somebody new, you’re gonna spend, or at least spend a little on yourself to attract her. I'm not at that point right now. ****, I haven't been at that point in years.”

“This hurts,” Jerry, a 26-year-old substitute teacher, quips. “I really liked TaKeisha, but I met her right after Thanksgiving. We’re vibing and ****, but in the back of my mind, I know Christmas is coming.”

Jerry recalls, “And her birthday was in January--and I didn’t have money for ****. So, I just stopped responding to her around December 15th or so.”

TaKeisha thought Jerry was dating other women, and she moved on, Jerry says. “But I wasn’t dating anybody, I just didn’t have the money for gifts. I thought we’d get back together after the holidays, but that didn’t happen.”:confused:

Charles’ world was turned upside down when his grandmother, who raised him, died suddenly last year. To make matters worse, the 31-year-old graphic designer, lost his contract with a temp agency. Charles was facing funeral costs and the prospect of losing his childhood home all at once.

Fortunately, an army of female friends appeared—and they were bearing gifts.

“Strangest thing, when someone dies in your family, sisters just want to take care of you,” Charles says. “After my grandma passed, every woman in the church started taking care of me. I lost my job and I haven’t had to work since. They collect donations for me, cook for me, one woman even paid my property taxes. And, yes, some of us do what we do, but that stays between us. I know at least two of them are interested in me for a relationship, but why would I date someone, and lose access to all of this collective generosity? I can't make it on my own, not the way I'm living now. I’m good.”

“I’ve been a hobosexual, I’m not gonna lie,” Derek, an unemployed mechanic, laughs. Derek says that right after the presidential election, several people of color lost their jobs at a small family-owned auto repair shop. "I knew my days were numbered, I looked up one day and I was the only Puerto Rican in the building! I took my tools and left."

Derek wanted a change of scenery and he connected with a woman via Facebook to make his move.

“Slid in her DMs, wrote what she needed to read, and she sent me a one-way ticket to stay with her for a while. I had nothing but my Nikes and my ID, and she took me in.”

Derek, who hails from Chicago, didn’t find life in Atlanta too appealing. “Her house looked nice on Facebook, but she must’ve had some filters on it cuz when I got there, the walls were crumbling,” he says. “Big country rats would just stroll across the floor at high noon; they didn’t care.”

After about a month of living with his Facebook love, Derek bounced. “I was tired of pretending that I liked her, just to have a place to stay. If I’m honest, I wanted to like her, but not like that. Not on her turf--and in her house.”

Derek continues. “What I did was selfish, really. Cuz at the end of the day, if a man really wants to be with you, he will make a way to be with you. Job or no job, money or no money, house or no house. If he wants you, he will make a way to be with you.”

Enough said, Derek. Enough said.
“Derek, who hails from Chicago, didn’t find life in Atlanta too appealing. “Her house looked nice on Facebook, but she must’ve had some filters on it cuz when I got there, the walls were crumbling,” he says. “Big country rats would just stroll across the floor at high noon; they didn’t care.”

“Derek, who hails from Chicago, didn’t find life in Atlanta too appealing. “Her house looked nice on Facebook, but she must’ve had some filters on it cuz when I got there, the walls were crumbling,” he says. “Big country rats would just stroll across the floor at high noon; they didn’t care.”

He got more than he deserved. Rats and all lol!
The only positive I gained from this article:

"Derek continues. “What I did was selfish, really. Cuz at the end of the day, if a man really wants to be with you, he will make a way to be with you. Job or no job, money or no money, house or no house. If he wants you, he will make a way to be with you.”"

If he wants you, he will move heaven and earth to get you.

The rest of the article....:nono: Men can be such trash. We need to stop feeding the trolls.
They make up fake scenarios (THEY LIE) to subliminally tell you something about yourself.

Example 1: Guy told me at work his boss and a girl customer were arguing. (This probably never happened). He told me they argued for 4 hours. He said when women are in a heated discussion then they always try to find the right words to win. Then he switched it to me. You know you desire to win and be right is strong. (What does this have to do for me?) He wanted to push me to argue which would make ME look argumentative.

Example 2: My ex used to always make up fake scenarios. Yeah I was talking to my homeboy (he doesn't have any friends) and they were talking about how selfish women are. They want to stay at home just so they can SPEND YOUR MONEY and then save ALLLLLLLLL their money. How do you feel about this? (He knows I am a SAHM. I was a SAHM when I met him!). My response: Oh I don't know honey. What do you think? (No convincing, arguing, pleading, or etc. Accept his antics or reject and on to the next.)
I think the bottom line is WOMEN MUST BE WILLING TO WALK AWAY, early in the game. One strategy I use... is to give the guys I’m dating the impression that I am more into them than I really am. I never say... “I love you”. However, I look at them lovingly, I am kind (not foolish though), patient (until they cross the line), accepting ( tell me all your deepest darkest secrets, because I won’t judge you :)). This allows them to be their true selves early on, and drop their guard ...they get that feeling... “oh, she’ll never leave me”. This strategy cuts down on wasted time. I actually have a time limit, which I do not share with them (3 mos. reduced from 6) . If they are not talking commitment, not introducing me to family members, not investing quality time and money.. then... deuces. No explanation needed, from either side. I don’t try to justify his behavior, he’s friend zoned. Then, on to the next.

Girl I love all of this!!.. I started doing this, this year and the guy that I am seeing is constantly giving his all, he cooks takes me out on dates, shares me with his friends and makes plans for us almost every weekend. I know he is smitten with me, which makes it so much fun. I know I won't be the one investing all of me until I see a ring.
Women do this too so...:drunk:
I think— and this is an unpopular opinion— the people with the most patience for games are (or at some point in time were) game players themselves.
What serious minded woman in her right mind is being strung along by anyone? I don’t get it.
If you don’t allow cheap dates, you won’t get them. You might have fewer dates, but they would be quality.

I think the truly confusing and insidious stringing along happens when people play house and do everything that’s “textbook right,” but still have ill intentions. There’s more people in that category than the “cheap date” category.

The reality is: if a woman (or man) wants marriage and a traditional setup, waiting on ONE person for 2+ years past the age of 25 is a game imho.
Heck, I wouldn’t wait 6 months. But that’s just me.
Men will immediately determine that you are not the one.....and... they will also decide that although you may not be the one, you are good enough for sexing on the regular. So, he’ll keep you around in the meantime. Take you out occasionally on a few cheap dates and string you along, just to have regular sex. Ladies have to recognize when they are placed in this category.
Women do this too so...:drunk:
I think— and this is an unpopular opinion— the people with the most patience for games are (or at some point in time were) game players themselves.
What serious minded woman in her right mind is being strung along by anyone? I don’t get it.
If you don’t allow cheap dates, you won’t get them. You might have fewer dates, but they would be quality.

I think the truly confusing and insidious stringing along happens when people play house and do everything that’s “textbook right,” but still have ill intentions. There’s more people in that category than the “cheap date” category.

The reality is: if a woman (or man) wants marriage and a traditional setup, waiting on ONE person for 2+ years past the age of 25 is a game imho.
Heck, I wouldn’t wait 6 months. But that’s just me.
I think part of it is because people expect if they do everything right they will be rewarded. And you will in heaven but not necessarily on Earth.

Like one of my friends waited to have a Child when she was married. But she’s still struggling. She gets mad because her coworkers didn’t gush about her pregnancy or have a baby shower waited for marriage for YOU. Your boundaries were to protect YOU not for others to be happy for the boundaries you made.

A have a friend that is waiting til marriage. She rubbed me the wrong way because she said something like God will send her a great husband better than all her other friends’ husbands because she was faithful to him and stayed pure. She believes she’s cut from a different cloth and “better” per se because she’s faithful to God. She will get a better husband because she’s doing everything right. (Bible study, faithful at church, celibate, doesn’t curse or drink, doesn’t go out.) like you said It’s truly a gamble to do these things without WORK in the relationship arena but her idea and my idea of work are different. Because of that she sticks to the plan to do everything right and HOPEFULLY be rewarded for it
Men will immediately determine that you are not the one.....and... they will also decide that although you may not be the one, you are good enough for sexing on the regular. So, he’ll keep you around in the meantime. Take you out occasionally on a few cheap dates and string you along, just to have regular sex. Ladies have to recognize when they are placed in this category.

And we can't take it personally, as if it is a true reflection of our worth. That leads to women trying to "prove" their worth to men . . .I've been there. Now I think of it like this: not everyone has the refinement and discernment to recognize a masterpiece. :)
It can still happen to women in so called committed relationships: former vice-president Al Gore divorced after 40 years of marriage. It happens all the time and it is the worse.

At least if the man lets you know you're not the one from the get go, you're free to go get with 'the one'. But if he strings you along for all of this time, to then let you know after decades was all a lie...:/

Maybe it wasn't a lie . . .maybe he just fell out of love and was no longer willing to sacrifice his happiness for "committment's" sake. Sure, it hurts, but people have the right to walk out of our lives when they choose. Our self worth is demonstrated by what we do when they choose to leave.
That is a really interesting perspective!
I’ve never thought of ultra religious people as gamblers or game players. I mean, when you truly put your faith in G-d, you’re really putting your faith in 1) His ultimate plan for you is final and ideal &/or 2) His ultimate plan for you fulfills your wishes and dreams...
Cause if sis is banking on a “good heaven-sent husband” because that’s what she wants, G-d might have another plan for her, and then what?
So... I’m not sure what that is, but the much more common thing I’ve encountered is women with that attitude of “What G-d has for me is for me,” and kinda do their thing faithfully and
hope that it will happen or are complacent if it won’t, not the slot machine style prayer-crank-pulling of sis.
Sis has a terrible attitude to have about her friends’ spouses. Yikes!
But “better” is subjective. With that attitude, if he’s a hater, they’ll be equally yoked.

I think part of it is because people expect if they do everything right they will be rewarded. And you will in heaven but not necessarily on Earth...

A friend...said something like God will send her a great husband better than all her other friends’ husbands ...She will get a better husband because she’s doing everything right.
I don't know where else to put this. Apparently, fake proposals were a big thing yesterday. I'd have to kill somebody. #NBWH

The nerve of that fat, disgusting, yellow teeth having :censored:hole, wow!!!!
Men Reveal: 6 Signs That He's Too Broke to Date You

Maybe that sexy brother isn’t curbing you after all—he may be focused on getting his finances in order.

Several single men have expressed how financial strife is taking an unexpected toll on their love lives, and they reveal the 6 telltales signs that a man is too broke for love.

“I wanted her for awhile,” Jason,* an Uber driver, says as he strokes his well-manicured goatee. “We connected on IG [Instagram], and made plans for coffee. Everything went off the rails after that.”

Jason’s date had to work late, so coffee turned into a more expensive lunch date. “I only ordered a salad or whatever, but she had food and two drinks. She’s sexy, funny, but I can’t vibe with her because the only thing I'm thinking is, ‘I hope my credit card can handle this transaction.’”

Jason’s credit card does cover the $48 lunch date, but it overdrew his account. “I had about $200 in overdraft fees and it made me sick.”

That happened around Christmas, and Jason hasn’t responded to the young woman’s texts since. “I just left her alone,” Jason says. “It’s not her fault, but the thought of her just makes me feel all those bank fees again."

For some men, the gig economy has put a big dent into their social lives. “I’m working two, sometimes three different gigs a week,” Aaron says.

Aaron, 22, drives for Lyft, works part-time at a fast food restaurant and is working on a mix tape. “I’d like to go out, and dress up and ****. But how? When? I rarely have a day off and I rarely have money to spend on someone else. I don’t feel right asking her to pay, or go half, so I just keep to myself.”

“The familiar [woman] is good thing when you have money problems,” Chris, a 42-year-old freelance editor, jokes. “I don’t have to impress her ass. I just text her, sweet talk about reconnecting or whatever, and she gives me what I need; then I’m out. If you’re trying to connect with somebody new, you’re gonna spend, or at least spend a little on yourself to attract her. I'm not at that point right now. ****, I haven't been at that point in years.”

“This hurts,” Jerry, a 26-year-old substitute teacher, quips. “I really liked TaKeisha, but I met her right after Thanksgiving. We’re vibing and ****, but in the back of my mind, I know Christmas is coming.”

Jerry recalls, “And her birthday was in January--and I didn’t have money for ****. So, I just stopped responding to her around December 15th or so.”

TaKeisha thought Jerry was dating other women, and she moved on, Jerry says. “But I wasn’t dating anybody, I just didn’t have the money for gifts. I thought we’d get back together after the holidays, but that didn’t happen.”:confused:

Charles’ world was turned upside down when his grandmother, who raised him, died suddenly last year. To make matters worse, the 31-year-old graphic designer, lost his contract with a temp agency. Charles was facing funeral costs and the prospect of losing his childhood home all at once.

Fortunately, an army of female friends appeared—and they were bearing gifts.

“Strangest thing, when someone dies in your family, sisters just want to take care of you,” Charles says. “After my grandma passed, every woman in the church started taking care of me. I lost my job and I haven’t had to work since. They collect donations for me, cook for me, one woman even paid my property taxes. And, yes, some of us do what we do, but that stays between us. I know at least two of them are interested in me for a relationship, but why would I date someone, and lose access to all of this collective generosity? I can't make it on my own, not the way I'm living now. I’m good.”

“I’ve been a hobosexual, I’m not gonna lie,” Derek, an unemployed mechanic, laughs. Derek says that right after the presidential election, several people of color lost their jobs at a small family-owned auto repair shop. "I knew my days were numbered, I looked up one day and I was the only Puerto Rican in the building! I took my tools and left."

Derek wanted a change of scenery and he connected with a woman via Facebook to make his move.

“Slid in her DMs, wrote what she needed to read, and she sent me a one-way ticket to stay with her for a while. I had nothing but my Nikes and my ID, and she took me in.”

Derek, who hails from Chicago, didn’t find life in Atlanta too appealing. “Her house looked nice on Facebook, but she must’ve had some filters on it cuz when I got there, the walls were crumbling,” he says. “Big country rats would just stroll across the floor at high noon; they didn’t care.”

After about a month of living with his Facebook love, Derek bounced. “I was tired of pretending that I liked her, just to have a place to stay. If I’m honest, I wanted to like her, but not like that. Not on her turf--and in her house.”

Derek continues. “What I did was selfish, really. Cuz at the end of the day, if a man really wants to be with you, he will make a way to be with you. Job or no job, money or no money, house or no house. If he wants you, he will make a way to be with you.”

Enough said, Derek. Enough said.
Those are the ones that call themselves kings (while afraid their credit card can't handle a $48 dollar charge) :rose:
Another game is how they will claim they met sooooo many of this perfect girl (often that doesn't require much) and now they want one of those versus the chick that has her own money AND wants the man to invest dates and favors to them.

This dude tried to convince me that it's plenty of women out here that don't need ANYTHING from a man. I asked why he wasn't with him. He told me he met PLENTY of them and he was being young and dumb he skipped over them because he wanted to remain single. I told him we could never be because I believe a man that really likes a girl doesn't mind dating her. He spent 15 minutes trying to convince me that some girls don't need anything from a girl and he loves girls like that and he met soooooo many of them that were BAD and didn't want anything. Boy. If they were so bad....I don't care if you were single, you would have gotten with them out of fear of losing them.
A guy friend once told me this and it made life easier for me. A good man is simple and not complicated. He also said a complicated man is gay.
I ignored that last part. If it is a battle and struggle then the timing and maturity level ain't right.
If it is not a flow and right fit then...keep it moving.
Men know what they want.
Trying to convince them you're the one can take a lifetime.
Love should not be hard. People put in work for people they value. Period.

Games I have seen is pretending not to be ready for marriage.
I just got through dealing with #5. Never chased a man in my life and decided to give it a try after this guy suggested it and since I decided to be open to dating again after two years of being broken up with a long term boyfriend...never again will I put myself through this game. Good thing it didn't last long, just a couple of months.

He approached me back in December and set up a date immediately, the following day after meeting me before I went out of town for Christmas break. This made me think he was spontaneous...boy was I wrong. I thought we hit it off great that first date which lasted about 3 hours. He texted me the next day, but after that when I was out of town for Christmas, he went ghost pretty much. I texted him on Christmas and he did text back Merry Christmas. But nothing initially from him after that. This whole time I was thinking he just was not that into me. So a few friends and family suggested I reached out to him on New Year's Day. We said Happy New Year to each other, and I suggested we meet at a restaurant one evening since I'll be back in town, and he said let's do it.

But when that time came, he mentioned the rainy weather as an excuse. Get this... the first date we had, it was a rainy night! So I decided to call him for the first time that evening to ask him if he just wasn't interested anymore, and he said with excitement that he was definitely still interested in me and that we can start where we left off from that first date. Maybe about a week or two later, we talked about the subject of dating and he said I need to get out of the old way of thinking (where the man initiates dates and calls) or I'll end up being alone. He said something along the lines of the woman needs to pursue the man. So I would attempt to make a few suggestions about dates to meetup, see each other, go out to eat, etc. through text message, and he would either have an excuse why he can't do it or no response at all!

However, I was able to see him during lunch a few times that were unplanned since we worked in the same area. Also, we only been to each others' places once surprisingly. He also would randomly text, "Good morning!" and when I would respond with "good morning" back and maybe a "how are you" or "how's your day", most of the time, he would not respond back!

But anyway, when he ignored my texts, I had to pretend like it didn't bother me. I would even try to follow-up with a phone call, and he surprisingly would actually answer most of the phone calls, but would talk about everything else other than seeing me. So last week, I texted him basically saying this is not working for me and I cannot do this anymore. and that if he was really interested in me, he would need to put in effort. His response, which was not surprising, Lol!

This is the first time I ever dated someone from Atlanta, even though he said he's not originally from here. This has discouraged me even more from dating period.

He's a clown. Don't ever be bothered with this type of behavior again.
A guy friend once told me this and it made life easier for me. A good man is simple and not complicated. He also said a complicated man is gay.
I ignored that last part. If it is a battle and struggle then the timing and maturity level ain't right.
If it is not a flow and right fit then...keep it moving.
Men know what they want.
Trying to convince them you're the one can take a lifetime.
Love should not be hard. People put in work for people they value. Period.

Games I have seen is pretending not to be ready for marriage.

Life has been so much easier since I've adopted this mentality. Everything has become so...technical nowadays.

In 2015 I was interested in a Ghanaian man I was working with. We started exchanging emails but then I noticed he fell off. So I went by his place and we talked some, it was obvious that I was interested. He wasn't. I let it go. Felt so liberating.

As someone here once said: we have put a man on the moon and a Black man in The White House. Surely your man can find a phone to call, mail or text you. If he doesn't, it's simply because he is not interested :).
Minimal investment: when they don't bring much to the table (energy, time, conversation, investment, commitment, friendship, support, value, etc) but they claim to really like you

Right. Mixed signals. Things need to line up: words, actions, and energy.

I am paying more and more attention to energy. I was out last night and this woman was literally hanging all over this man at a bar. I observed how much energy she was investing and how little he was. He allowed her to hang on him and gave so little back. I could see that from across the room. I couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other. But I bet he said a few sweet things. But his actions and energy were saying he wasn’t that interested or invested. It was sad to watch her try so hard to get his attention.
Minimal investment: when they don't bring much to the table (energy, time, conversation, investment, commitment, friendship, support, value, etc) but they claim to really like you
Because they can do the least and get the most. In and out of a relationship. I agree with @hopeful energy is important. Probably the most important as people have different ways of showing affection.

Another game I have been hearing is that men very early on say that physical chemistry is very important to them, and they need to know that’s there before they can go further. And some women actually fall for this :nono:. It’s like they are dangling a carrot in front of the woman. Like if he can have good physical chemistry with you (have sex with you) then he will really show up for you, date you, take you out, etc. etc. In other words he wants his needs to be met FIRST before investing in a relationship. Kind of like getting the woman to audition or prove herself worthy of his time.[/QUOTE]

Your post reminds me (def. not the same) of what I'm feeling in my relationship. Connection, intimacy is all very important to my SO and his love language is def. physical touch and affection. I highly doubt this relationship will ever progress if he doesn't FEEL loved. He often asks me if I love him? Meanwhile I'm good, I'm chilling but our physical connection is def. off. I'm going to get off BC and try something different than the Nuvaring but what if it's not hormonal. What if I'm just not as touchy feely and emotional as he is?