joonbug320 said:I agree with Phoenix - every situation is different. I think the relationship has to be examined and what was going on during the "cheating". I don't believe you can just say "leave him" without knowing the issues surrounding it. Good people make mistakes. As for myself...I've been cheated on and stayed...I've also stayed in relationships where I wasn't cheated on but should have left sooner than I did for other reasons.
I am a little confused with this comment that several ladies here have agreed with. Why would it be forgivable for your husband to cheat, a person who has made a vow in front of family and friends in the true spirit of what marriage is "supposed" to be but not for your boyfriend who, I believe, has less to be accountable for. What I am saying is.....the level of commitment in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is lower than that of husband/wife so why would the bar be lower for your husband than for your boyfriend? Just wondering...
Of course no one is planning on cheating to happen and I hope it never does, but if so, depending on the circumstances, I myself, would forgive my husband and try to move on from it. Thats my decision and my business. I don't have to explain why. Its too much stuff involved for that. Of course I am very confidant in my hubby's love and know he is not cheating. He don't have
As far as a boyfriend, we don't share accounts, last names, houses,property etc etc etc or lives together so its easier to let this boyfriend go.