Ladies who haven't cheated - are you ever tempted?

Are you ever tempted to cheat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 142 57.5%
  • No, never.

    Votes: 105 42.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I've been tempted before and I have been cheated on before...the feeling of being cheated on is enough to make me not want to put anyone else through it. Like Dlewis said, "you need to remove yourself from that environment" and that's what I did.
I've been tempted before and I have been cheated on before...the feeling of being cheated on is enough to make me not want to put anyone else through it. Like Dlewis said, "you need to remove yourself from that environment" and that's what I did.

This is how I feel. I would not want to put someone through that pain. Sometimes it can get lonely especially since I am in a LDR...but that is only temporary, I put too much into this relationship to step out. There is always going to be temptation, but you just have to know how to handle it.
I tend to stay away from those that I have an attraction for. I dont want that person to know that I am attracted, because if I were to interact, my eyes would tell on me. I dont want the person thinking I would go there and cheat cuz I wouldn't. So the guys I am attracted to, I STAY AWAY FROM. I love my baby to death and I don't want cheating to an issue on my half. Been there, done that, not cool.
Oh I get tempted alright. Ooooh Lawd! But I haven't done it. I feel that if I want to cheat, then it's time for me to re-evaluate my relationship & decide if I want to stay or not. I'm an all-or-nothing type of dater. Either I'm with you, or I'm not. Simple as that.
Dont know if I already commented on this thread but I just wanted to say I have NEVER ever, ever, ever been tempted when I was in a relationship to cheat. When Im with someone Im totally focused on them and I get lost trying to focus on more than one person at a time anyway.
Never cheated on a boyfriend or my DH and never have been tempted to. I believe if you become tempted or find yourself attracted to someone else, you need to remove yourself from the situation. I believe what goes around comes around, cheat and pay for it for the rest of your life.
Then - yes.
Now - no.

Yes, I've been tempted in the past, but after maturing a lot, I haven't been. My paradigm shifted, and I stopped even seeing "possibilities" or allowing my mind to wander so there was no fuel for the temptation fire. So, these days, no.
Yeah, I have been tempted. I even came very close to cheating once, not on DH, but on some other guy I was dating years ago. I wasn't planning on having sex, I just wanted to go out on a date and have fun with another guy.

I am not good at lying and making up elaborate stories, cheating is too much effort, so I don't bother. DH knows I'll leave him before I cheat. :lol:

But like President Carter, yeah, I have cheated in my heart plenty of time. No big deal to me. I don't think I was born with the emotionally "faithful" gene. :lol:
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I'm not. It's not even about who I'm with. It's about who I am. If I wanted to be with someone eles I would just leave who I'm with. Why cheat?
I always thought that not cheating wasn't exactly the absense of temptation, but instead just not giving into the temptation. However, the other day my friend's boyfriend broke up with her because he was having thoughts about other women. (One of the reasons, anyway.)

This made me wonder if it's abnormal to think about cheating every once in awhile. So for those who haven't cheated - have you ever thought of it?

I have, would never act on it though.

I voted no on temepted, but yes I have thought about it...and all the pain and anguish it would cause and how no amount of explaining could ever wipe it way. But yes I have had thoughts and like D said, removing yourself is the best advice.:ohwell:
No, never. I love my FH so much. To me, he is the finest, most intelligent, and wonderful man on this planet. I would never cheat on him.

Plus, I just don't believe in cheating. I think it is one of the worst things that you can do to your SO.
OT (but relevant): Do you think that the "added appeal" for some of these guys is that you are married/in relationships? I mean, some of my married friends say there are guys that seem to relentlessly pursue married/attached women the same way some women pursue married/attached men!:yep:
No Ive never put myself in a situation where Id have the opportunity. My thing is how can you cheat unless you meet someone and then agree on what youre doing and actually make it to the place where the deed will be done and then do it. way too much time and opportunity it stop and act like a grown up adult in a monogamous relationship. :yep: I mean I have my fleeting thoughts about Allen Iverson and Will Demps but to actually get to doing the act with someone... Nah
OK, so I guess I have to be the bad guy (girl) in this thread.....I have cheated. :saythat: The relationship was over (romantically and physically), but neither one wanted to deal with the logistics of ending things (selling the house, splitting up dough & property....etc)

When a relationship is working for me, I am blinded - I see attractive men everywhere, but they don't register.

I would not recommend cheating to anyone under any circumstances, but I did it and I own it.
Since I know first hand what it feels like to be cheated on, I would never do that to DH. Now on occasion I may see a man that looks good, but I dont have that feeling to want to sleep with him. Maybe just look, but not cheat.:lachen:I've been with DH 10yrs.

Now my best friend on the other hand was having a relationship with a married guy. It was kind of weird to know what was going on, and watch him act as though he was doing nothing wrong. Everytime I seen him I wanted to go run and tell his wife, whom I didn't know, what was going on. Eventually I was able to talk some sense into my friend and she let the relationship go.
With my ex I was VERY tempted to cheat, but not cheating for sex. But I was also very tempted to kill him in his sleep....hell I was tempted to kill him while he was awake. I figure, if I didn't cheat on HIM, I just don't have it in me to cheat period. LOL

The thought alone of ever cheating on my baby has never even crossed my mind ever. I don't think I could ever have reason to even THINK it, consider it or entertain it.

ETA: Unless Prince came along and decided that he would be mine...then again, i already told DH, Prince is the one man I would be gone in 60 seconds for. So that wouldn't be cheating right? Shooooooooot! I'd still wanna keep DH "on the side" though, I couldn't completely let him go.
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With my ex I was VERY tempted to cheat, but not cheating for sex. But I was also very tempted to kill him in his sleep....hell I was tempted to kill him while he was awake. I figure, if I didn't cheat on HIM, I just don't have it in me to cheat period. LOL

The thought alone of ever cheating on my baby has never even crossed my mind ever. I don't think I could ever have reason to.

ETA: Unless Prince came along and decided that he would be mine...then again, i already told DH, Prince is the one man I would be gone in 60 seconds for. So that wouldn't be cheating right? Shooooooooot! I'd still wanna keep DH "on the side" though, I couldn't completely let him go.

ITA, I don't think I could cheat on anyone, but the thoughts have definitely been there.
I think if you don't put yourself in positions where you will slip up you won't follow through on your temptations. I have been tempted and I had to not be around that person because I didn't want to loose the relationship I had over some fine brotha that wouldn't want to be in a relationship with me if we did things because he would have know I was a cheat.
I've never cheated and it will stay as is but sometimes you just gotta handcuff the ropes you use to tie your legs close with.:evilbanana:
but then I think these feelings are just hormones... They'll pass right after you reach the "o".

Although I love looking at male masterpieces, that's as far as my interest goes. At the end of the day, no one's fine enough to rub my stinky feet after a long day except my teddy bear.

However, I do have a Keanu Reeves clause....:rolleyes: