Spin Off: Would you WANT to stay after cheating?

Cheating is defined differently by different people...

but to ME... cheating is definately anything sexual... or with sexual intentions. It can also be intimacy....men shouldn't have close female relationships with other females, spend long periods of time talking to other females privately or share private information about themselves or their families.

So what you're saying is if he started doing things that you feel should be done or said only between you two then that would be considered cheating. I know there is another thread about this but I just wanted to see who would leave based off of the level of infidelity. Like what is the breaking point. Thanks for responding!
Would I WANT to? No

Would I? Yes, if he was my husband, because vows are about doing things even when we don't WANT to. This is of course, as long as he is sorry and not going to do it again.
One can only hope and pray, to keep your man interested, I think if you make your man happy, he will stay faithful. I mean Keep that body tight, hair hooked up, and a fierce style, complete with a loving supporting personality. Touch him alot, stroke his body and ego. Cook ladies cook, if you don't know how to learn, and clean the house. Oh, a have confidence no matter how pretty the next girl is be comfortable in your skin. Men love confidence in women. Women hate it.:lachen:

He will look at you on such a high level, even if he cheated, other women would never be his love interest you will alway keep your man heart. And if you do it correctly I truely believe you can keep his body too.

I am glad I don't have to do all that stuff. :look: My husband loves me for me even when I don't look fierce. I definately think we don't have to do all that to keep a man, if I did then I wouldn't be married. We are human, not some trophies or barbie dolls. Don't get me wrong, I pamper myself and take care of myself, but I was doing all this stuff before him and only do it for myself now. When I don't he still loves and appreciates me.
One can only hope and pray, to keep your man interested, I think if you make your man happy, he will stay faithful. I mean Keep that body tight, hair hooked up, and a fierce style, complete with a loving supporting personality. Touch him alot, stroke his body and ego. Cook ladies cook, if you don't know how to learn, and clean the house. Oh, a have confidence no matter how pretty the next girl is be comfortable in your skin. Men love confidence in women. Women hate it.:lachen:

He will look at you on such a high level, even if he cheated, other women would never be his love interest you will alway keep your man heart. And if you do it correctly I truely believe you can keep his body too.
That seems to be putting a lot of responsibility on the woman for a man's deceptive ways. I agree folks should stay attractive for EACH other. But if a man is a cheater he is going to be a cheater despite all of that.
So what you're saying is if he started doing things that you feel should be done or said only between you two then that would be considered cheating. I know there is another thread about this but I just wanted to see who would leave based off of the level of infidelity. Like what is the breaking point. Thanks for responding!

My breaking point would be a continued relationship with the women or if I felt the marriage was over and he definately did it as a sign to move on.

Bottom line, like my husband said because we were talking about this thread, no man or women should put themselves in a compromising position to even make it that far. If a married person knows that another person is chasing them for relationship other than business or work (and men know) then he needs to avoid her like the plague. No phone conversations, no lunch, no walking to the car, no nothing. Same for women.
That's fine...you don't have to say anything else.

But automatically viewing the definition of a whore to be every woman who tempts your husband w/o even knowing he is married...isn't just semantics... it might be more of a Freudian thing. Sometimes the first word that comes to mind is our actual BELIEF...and *then* we try to rationalize them as "I didn't mean it like that and you know I didn't so I'm not even gonna go there". When many times...people mean it JUST like they said it and in the context that they said it. And it kinda comes off as sounding like you have a problem with other females or are 'the jealous type' in relationships.

Love...respect...whatever... they DO NOT go hand in hand.

There are people that I respect but do not love, let alone like. There are people whom I like but do not love, love but do not like and/or respect.

It's a bit naiive to think that magically when you love someone... automatically all the other feelings just stay 100% firm all the time.

Love is what makes you WORK at keeping all those other feelings firm. But it doesn't make it just happen.

There are a lot of couples who TRULY LOVE eachother...but just can not be together for whatever reasons.

I still stick by the fact that *IF* I ever get married and unfortunately get cheated on (I'm a real open 'put it all on the table no matter what' kind of communicator...so I'd hope my hubby would come talk to me before anything happened)... I'd forgive a 20 minute long indescretion of the flesh before I'd forgive an ongoing emotional, spiritual, and sexual relationship that went on for months.

Any other opinions...I'm interested in hearing them!

Suerte !!!!! Just wanted to chime in, express my utmost appreciation for your resounding verve, tact, smarts and honesty all over this board.... Its hellla refreshing ...!!!!!!!

Well done !
Suerte !!!!! Just wanted to chime in, express my utmost appreciation for your resounding verve, tact, smarts and honesty all over this board.... Its hellla refreshing ...!!!!!!!

Well done !

Awwwe thank you.

I wish you came in pocket size! I need you, lol.