Exactly. I'm tempted on a daily basis.
married, not
blind. Men are gorgeous, and lord, lord, there are so many lovely nuggets of fineness wandering around the world.
Esp. since my preference is dark chocolate and I'm married to a eggnog latte?
There's been many a man I've idly wondered about, and if I wasn't married, may have tried to sample.
But, I am. And I would never do anything that would even begin to risk the love, trust, dedication, devotion, etc, etc, etc, I have waiting for me at home.
And despite
knowing that I'm good enough to not get caught -
it's just not worth it. At all. If it ever comes to a point where I actually have to even CONSIDER if it's worth it, it better be somebody on my list, or DH and I need to sit down and seriously re-evaluate our relationship.