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I was never really into her vids but I just came by to say congrats to her....hard work and dedication always pays off in the end!
Because people would just think it was weave it's been said on this board before that the girls on the relaxer boxes have weave. And how is that a known fact? lol (not directed towards u)

Yea true. But if they chose someone with healthy relaxed hair instead of Ateya and they were in her spot doing that tutorial, they would have parted the hair etc, to disprove the whole weave thing.

Ok Ateya has money Why do ya'll keep mentioning...NM
Yea true. But if they chose someone with healthy relaxed hair instead of Ateya and they were in her spot doing that tutorial, they would have parted the hair etc, to disprove the whole weave thing.

Ok Ateya has money Why do ya'll keep mentioning...NM

You seem really bothered....SHE was chosen--- end of story. Just let it go.:perplexed
I just don't see why they don't choose people with beautiful relaxed hair. They are out there. We(African American and other black races) can have thick relaxed healthy hair with bubbly personalities.

I see your point, but how many of these ladies are youtubers? With your beautiful relaxed hair and bubbly personality, are you a youtuber? If so, can you honestly say you have a following like Ateyaa does?

It's more than just setting up a video on the internet. There needs to be that "it" factor- those unique combination of elements that draws people to you. That makes people either want to love or hate you, but they have to choose one. It makes people want to talk about you. Sorry, but not everyone with beautiful relaxed hair and a bubbly personality has that "it" factor.

Look, it's clear that Atesya doesn't have the most impressive head of hair- at least by LHCF standards. And yes, we can argue about her hair care practices, her cooking, the condition of her home until day's end, but the fact remains, that girl has a serious Youtube hustle and it paid off for her, BIG TIME, simple as that. :yep:
Bravo Ateya. I subscribe to Ateya but I'm usually looking for her to try on the newest, latest and greatest wigs. I am happy for anyone that can hustle and achieve anything great in this life. Off the Topic somewhat, I must add that April (Muffin is my lover) is my favorite Youtuber. I would love to see her get a Wig contract or even an online advise column. Ladies, I wish you all well.
i'm confused. wasn't the thread "hey look ateya got sponsored, what do you think about HER BEING SPONSORED"

where did this "this is what i think of her hair..." tangent come from? we already KNOW what you think. it wasn't the topic of discussion. i'm sure you have already stated in a previous thread somewhere about her crimes against the african american hair strand.

for once, a thread that has NOTHING to do with hair practices or hair quality and still it goes to that.

i'll just say what i tell all my gay friends: YOU ARE ALL PRETTY LADIES, THERE IS NO NEED TO FIGHT.
Good for her. She has gone to the big leagues for sure.... seriously! :yep:


CONGRATS TO HER!! Motions is the only relaxer my daughter and I use and we love it.
so now we have about 251 responses that say congrats to ateeya, yay!.... does she even lurk here to read those? teehee :lol:
Because people would just think it was weave it's been said on this board before that the girls on the relaxer boxes have weave. And how is that a known fact? lol (not directed towards u)

i've always questioned whether those were type 2 and 3 girls with a press. they ain't foolin nobody. ♥
When Ateyaa was applying the relaxer it did not look like she had enough new growth to relax, great that she's with Motions but it's misleading on healthy hair practices.
Ok so yeah...Yes there are plenty of beautiful heads of hair on this board, and there are techniques that of course work for many people, yet...None of us are the end all, be all authorities on haircare! Period!

There is more than one way to do things, and just because one may disagree with how she does things does not make her any less of a guru.

Contrary to popular belief, there are women out there that don't know anything about LHCF, nor practice tactics taught here, that have BEAUTIFUL heads of hair.

I personally can't knock her hustle. She's making money, and looking good while doing so. She appears happy with her life, and has nowhere to go but up.
i'm confused. wasn't the thread "hey look ateya got sponsored, what do you think about HER BEING SPONSORED"

where did this "this is what i think of her hair..." tangent come from? we already KNOW what you think. it wasn't the topic of discussion. i'm sure you have already stated in a previous thread somewhere about her crimes against the african american hair strand.

for once, a thread that has NOTHING to do with hair practices or hair quality and still it goes to that.

i'll just say what i tell all my gay friends: YOU ARE ALL PRETTY LADIES, THERE IS NO NEED TO FIGHT.

Goodness, she's a spokesperson for HAIR products, is it so crazy that people would question her qualifications, ie talk about the quality of her HAIR? They took her, presumably, because she has a youtube following of people who like her personality and guess what, HAIR because she does hair tutorials :look:. If that didn't matter they could have snatched some Beyonce-lookalike with a Naomi Campbell hairline and thrown a weave on her.

Now you can disagree with people who don't like her hair, or her hair practices, but let's not pretend to be so stunned/shocked when people bring it up. She may do cooking tutorials and whatever else but hair is her schtick and people will certainly analyze it when she gets $$$ to rep hair products.
Look Ladie's... why try to tear a sister down, belittle her for not living in a mansion and having the best of the best? ( prayerfully she does after this) All this sister was doing... was sharing what works for her and what products she uses. It's not like she's holding a gun up to the computer screen, saying if you don't use this that and the other, imma wetcha. Come on ladie's give the sister some credit!

How can we sit here and judge her for what she does to her hair? Some of us are doing far more worse things than that to our hair. I've even seen some members hair that's not progressing after several years, homes that are filthy as all get out! So... I'm saying this to say, that we need to get our hair and homes in order before we look at and judge other's.

Just my two cents!
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I like Ateya, Im natural and I still watch her vids including her cooking ones heck even when i was relaxed I rarely ever flat ironed and didnt even own a curling iron OR own a wig and STILL watch her. I am really glad this has happened for her
the issue of her being paid keeps being brought up, because she is on her way to becoming a successful black woman more and more everyday, and we love to see that. ♥
Congrats to Ateya!! She works hard and this is well deserved. Her YT videos were the first ones I watched that started my HHJ 6 months ago and the use of Aphogee. Since then I have found other resources (ie. LHCF, other YT videos), my hair care techniques have changed/improved. I still check out her videos just to see what she is up to :) I don't use her techniques anymore (except Aphogee products) but without her opening the door to hair care who know's where my hair would be today?? I am loving my hair now!
Ateya was chosen because she has a large number of followers who are interested in hair. Just like professional athletes that get endorsements....

Person in spotlight+
Product to be sold=

A big come up for business.

They know we are more likely to buy something if someone we know and/or trust is endorsing them. How many of us have even heard of most women on the labels of hair care products besides those who are celebrities? We probably don't know their hair care routine at all matter of fact.

Again, I congratulate her.
This should encourage those who have healthy hair practices, with the result of healthy long hair (whether natural or relaxed) to do some big things on Youtube...if one company sees one person, wouldn't they look for others as well?

Chop, chop...get to it ladies!!! This could be a new, groundbreaking opportunity for many women of color to do bigger and better things!!!

Ateyeea has her moment to shine...:clap: that is wonderful for her. I believe there is a door open NOW for even greater things!

Let's do it!!!
When I asked about her money being mentioned I was talking in terms of people saying she's laughing to the bank etc. How do you even know that?
I like Ateya, Im natural and I still watch her vids including her cooking ones heck even when i was relaxed I rarely ever flat ironed and didnt even own a curling iron OR own a wig and STILL watch her. I am really glad this has happened for her

Yeah, not to mention she is one of the very few Youtubers I've come across who actually has watchable videos. :look: Quite a few of these other folks have piss-poor lighting, camera off-center, "background" music blaring, sit there like a bump on a log, and speak in a monotone for 10 minutes. :perplexed Ain't nobody sponsoring that ish! :lachen:
O BTW- some of you might want to figure out how to change your settings. I only have 7 pages. I couldn't imagine doing all that extra clicking I used to do in threads.
Re: thin and limp hair, her texture is obviously not a coarse 4a. She relaxes a much finer texture bone straight. Thickness is relative. Some people have densely populated strands and some do not. She's still banking. Seriously, someone makes it to the top and another says she doesn't like her shoe choice or something else just that silly. Whatever happened to straight congrats?

Forgot to add that Ateyaaa's been a professional model for years and is branching out into actings. She's been successful for years.
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