youtube girl hair abuse update

It is so not just about how she is combing her hair, oh my gosh! You don't see she is doing that as a punishment to the little girl? Look at the mother's face! I know we can be hair snobs on this forum, but this is not about an improper detangling technique. She is trying extra hard to be vicious to a little girl by combing her hair as painfully as she can. Can you imagine what else she does to them? Not to mention she was recognized by an employee of CPS? She is already known to them as abusive.

she was recognized by a cousin who is training there.
^^^Hey silvergirl :hiya2: I think maybe you should edit the OP to specify WHICH hair abuse video you're referencing to avoid any further confusion because I really think a large portion of the people that reponded as conflicted are thinking of a completely different video.
I watched the video and I literally cried. The brushing wasn't even my biggest issue with this video. It is apparent that verbal/emotional abuse is rampant in this household. If you listen to the things that are being said, this is normal for this household. Why were the other children allowed to videotape and taunt the little girl as she cried out in obvious pain? Why was the mother cursing and threatening her child like that? At one point in time the mother says "Stop or I swear I'm going to chop you in your f'ing throat. The little girl's natural reaction was to grab her head because her hair was being pulled out of her scalp! you could CLEARLY see that in this video. The tone of the video is just heartbreaking. There was no real reason to post that video other than for people to LAUGH at the little girl. It's not like her hair was styled in the end and all the tears were dried up. The precious baby was being HUMILIATED on top of being in PAIN.

I'm sure they collected MORE than enough information about this mother in order to take BOTH her children away. This kind of abuse happens even when she's not brushing her hair. It was clear that the oldest daughter was AMUSED by this and COSIGNING so it's NORMAL for this kind of behavior to happen in that household. So sad. I pray those babies get help too, not just the mother. Verbal abuse can scar a child for life. :cry:
i forgot about that part...
i dont want her to get her kids back but hopefully she will learn cuz I really don't think anyone deserves to lose their child...
but that really makes me sad... my selfishness wants her to not get them back but anyone deserves redemption
^^^Hey silvergirl :hiya2: I think maybe you should edit the OP to specify WHICH hair abuse video you're referencing to avoid any further confusion because I really think a large portion of the people that reponded as conflicted are thinking of a completely different video.


but some truly don't see the video as abuse. Amazing.
If everyone is truly concerned about this little girl, why not pray that God protects her in the foster care and she have good experiences. She will be fine. I think the child even expressed she hated the mom--it is a terrible situation period. I remember a relative that was overboard--now, that I am older, I realize that she was a damn moron.
If everyone is truly concerned about this little girl, why not pray that God protects her in the foster care and she have good experiences. She will be fine. I think the child even expressed she hated the mom--it is a terrible situation period. I remember a relative that was overboard--now, that I am older, I realize that she was a damn moron.

Yes the mother said something crazy to her and the little girl screamed "I hate you, I want my Daddy" I don't blame her one bit. :nono:
Thank you for posting the pics, Lynnie! I never watched
the video. Child abuse is too much for me to bear. After reading the rest of the threads and the accounts of what folks saw, I can understand now that more than just bad hair practices happened. That the little girl was not only physically but also psychologically abused as well. I pray for her & her brothers future.

Wow, her mom had the 1st one when she was 15. Maybe she never grew up & this is the type of environment she grew up in.

I hope the 17 year old doesn't learns from this as well & grows up & breaks the cycle.

This entire mess is just so sad.




Any one and I do mean ANYONE who does not think what this mother did was torture than may I suggest that you find a comb and a brush and begin pulling out your own hair, from your own scalp with that comb or brush.

DO IT. Do it now! See how it feels to be tortured and powerless to do anything about it by scream and cry.

You may not hold your own hair so it doesn't hurt.
You may not use conditioner or wet the hair.
You may not take small sections of hair to work on.
You may not h gently.

You WILL leave your hair dry and tangled and use that damn brush.
You WILL use long, brutally forceful, ripping motions from root to tip.
You WILL also take the comb and brush and back tease the hair to make it even more matted at the roots and after ALL of that, you will proceed to rip and tear the matts right out of your scalp.

You will do this for 5-10 minutes NONSTOP.

When you are finished, your head MUST look like this little girls scalp (hopefully it'll feel like it's on fire). And, while looking in the mirror you don't notice any bald patches, then DO IT AGAIN and AGAIN UNTIL YOU DO.

Better yet, have an enemy of yours do it to you and you will feel just a tiny bit of what this little girl must have felt, her pain and agony will be your pain and agony. I'm reasonably sure that any of you would pray to God that some kind soul would intervene on your behalf.

I sincerely hope that this child and her brother can feel what it's like to live in a home of true love. I hope and pray that their souls can begin to heal.

I hope the mother receives whatever treatments she needs and if or when she ever gets these children back, she will know how to properly care for AND treat them with love.
Excuse me but I'm about to step on some toes...

Okay I understand that some feel that Mom was harsh in handling her own child, but surely you can't think that removing them from their home, because you don't agree with the way the mother combed her child's hair, is justifiable. The little girl was apparently throwing a tantrum. Both children appeared healthy otherwise.
These children have been ripped from their home and all you self righteous people have the nerve to applaud! :nono: Are they better off now? They are in the custody of the state! OMG! Anything could be happening! If you don't know, how about googling how children are physically and sexually abused while in those state homes! But atleast her Mom is not brushing her hair so roughly! Right? Get real!! Who's combing her hair now, (if it is getting combed)? Whose tucking her in at night? Do you think she's happier now? Safer? In a better place? Please! Has she been separated from her brother? These children's world has been turned upside down! I'm sure they are crying for their Mom every night. This has gone way too far!

And you wonder why the media dismissed it.

Bottom line...this is some BS! Sometimes it's necessary to step in for the safety of the children, but this is plainly a case of people needing to mind their own business.

I pray that those children are safe and returned to their mother unscaved!

It is not just combing the hair--How do you know if that mother was providing a safe and great home--you don't know if men were coming in or out--which could subject this girl to abuse that everyone is so concerned about.

If the video was considered an exaggeration, they will go back home. I know of a case in which a single mom got someone filing a false claim out of jealousy and the kids were never removed because they saw the children were adequately clothed and well-provided for. It was dropped.
I do too! I feel that what that mother did wasn't right but if people were really thinking about those kids in the way that they claimed, they would have sat down and thought long and hard about how those children would feel after being taken away from their mother and thrown into a cold system with people they know nothing about! I can just imagine those children being afraid being away from their family. I mean, the fear they must be feeling right now keeps weighing heavy on my heart. I'm starting to question the people who claimed they wanted to "help" these kids. Did they really think about how the kids would have felt being snatched away from the only home they ever knew? Did these people really think this situation of putting them into CPS custody away from their family would really make these kids feel better? Or were people just trying to play Superman in order to make themselves feel better? you know, just to pat themselves on the back and say "I have done the right thing! That mother deserves this!"
In a way, that is cruel to me, because you're not only punishing the mother by having her children taken away, those kids are being punished as well. Now, who is really thinking of their mental well being after having to endure such an ordeal of being taken away from home? I didn't want the mother to hurt that child, either, but I was hoping that she would realize her actions and get some parenting classes or something like that. Mind you, this lady was combing her child's hair on video not beating her to a bloody pulp. I know abuse is abuse, but between having her mother comb her child's hair improperly as oppose to her being thrown into a system where no one really cares about her, is only seen as a "case" or "number in a file", abused by strangers and afraid....well then.....I would have rather she had stayed with her mother and her mother just learning her lesson and just learn to do right by her child. I really want to stay with this case now....because I NEED to know that these children are better off now that they have been thrown into an even more confusing system. I really do hope there will be updates on the children's well being. I don't feel better at all about this because I know this isn't about me....but about those kids....and I'm starting to think people have detoured away from that and not seeing the overall big picture here. And that is these kid's lives have been changed in a major way, and who is to know for sure if that change was for the better or far much worse than their previous situation?

The children being taken away from the mom is not a punishment. It's for THEIR SAFETY. :wallbash:

I can't take this child in, but I don't think that leaving her in the care of someone who was hurting her and shows such malice towards her is safe.

AT LEAST in custody, she has a chance at a better life. It's not like every single child who goes through foster care has a completely negative experience. I don't see how leaving a child with an abusive parent is better than trying to help her.

So what would you do? Not say anything while the girl is running around with bald spots (and God knows what else that woman was doing to her - she was removed for a REASON) getting tortured all the time?

How do you know that this girl isn't terrified of her mother? She PROBABLY is! She was crying out for her father in the video, wasn't she? The child wanted help!

Yes, it's better to take a child out of a known dangerous household - even if only temporarily - and find someone who can help her/her family.
I think it was abuse. I only worry about whether or not foster care is the best place for them. Can they stay with responsible family?

"****UPDATED 9/5/09: In an effort to have people read this posting too, this update that everyone seems to be reading was done in August: Karma is always at work– Part 3: “The Rescue” (update)!! So many comments are going to that aforementioned post, that I don’t think everyone is reading this one as well. I believe this will lay the many concerns to rest. So below is the latest (in as much detail as I’m currently allowed to share).****

Some weeks back, this video surfaced of a little girl getting her hair pulled from her scalp by her “mother”. In recent days the word seems to have gotten around the net that Why O’ Why tried to intervene. We were very successful in getting this little girl (and her brother) the assistance they needed. Please rest assured, I continue to monitor this situation very closely and so far so good, I am happy to say. Some comments on different blogs and hair care forums have made very positive comments, but some were negative. Everyone does indeed have a right to their opinion. From where I sit, that seems to be what blogging is all about.

I just wanted to address a few things though… there were actually 3 videos total that showed this same girl being abused. 2 of the videos were taken down by the daughter (the person that taped the video and posted it to the internet). I managed to see the other two videos before they were removed. One in particular was very hard to watch because not only was the “mother” pulling this little girls hair out, she was also beating her on the top of her head with a brush! Yes, folks… a brush. In addition, the little girl had a black eye in that video! People have to understand that there was certainly more to this indeed. I also saw on one of the blogs that commented that; ”I was on a high horse and should stop whinning about how long it took”. Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But there are several states that have policies that don’t hesitate to look into a complaint when child abuse is occurring. Red tape and bureaucracy does exist— we blog about how terribly slow these processes are all the time within the government, and other entitites. But some states take the matter very seriously thanks to what happened to Hedda Nussbaum back in the 80’s in New York. You really can make a call one day and the very next day the parents are visited by CPS. It should never take three weeks for that service to follow up on a call. Additionally, there was another blogsite who’s reader commented on how true this matter is, “no TV coverage” etc. Well, as I stated in the “Rescue”, the local stations there, actually did not consider the matter important. That is exactly why each station was named and put on blast. They failed horribly at doing their job which is to serve their community. A reader here at our blog actually wrote to tell us exactly how the mother was identified… it was the mother’s relative who recognized her. In an ironic twist, that person actually was being trained to work for the local FBI– they were in the Sheriff’s department at the time. That is exactly why the call from their office came 30 minutes later to confirm that the children were being cared for.

And I do agree that this could be very traumatic for the children, that is the very reason that I asked people to pray for these children. I really do want the best outcome for them. As I’ve said a few times with each update, this was absolutely NOT about me or our little blog. I was thoroughly amazed at how many women out there were very disturbed by what they’d seen on that video. One forum in particular had over 6,000 comments with some expressing that tears flowed from them for this little girl’s suffering. I was actually shocked at how long this was occuring too. One person who posted this did so last year! So you see, there really is a whole lot more to this than some people know about.

And finally, I’d really like to say to some people who seem to accept that this is what it’s like when you are black/bi-racial and have “kinky hair”. I beg to differ. My mother was a ****ty person to her core, but she never did this to me as a child growing up. We should never think this is okay either. Our beautiful hair should never be abused in that way. We really should stand up on this issue too. Today, there are so many products (healthy products) to help us manager our natural hair. The alternatives are endless. So again, opinions are fair– everyone is entitled to theirs too, but I do think there should be a change in our conscienceness about it. One thing I personally felt really good about, is there were scores of women who were coming together on this subject because it seemed to remind them of their own harsh (or uninformed) treatment of their hair. Some even vocalized how they remember that painful part of their lives with great detail! It was like this quiet wave of support of one another. There were women of all races too who shared this experience! If you become familiar with the things we blog about here, you’ll know that we are about exposing “the ills of our society and conscienceness”. Again, this was not a self-rightous effort on my part– this was and still is about that little girl. To quote India Arie’s beautiful song “I Am Not My Air”: “I am a soul that lives within”— that little girl is a soul that lives within. The last thing I’d hate to happen to her is that she grows up hating her beautiful hair or thinking love is pain. Peace to you all!"
I didn't read the whole article but if there was not any evidence of physical child abuse and no history of that in the past i think that maybe the mother should have been ordered to take parenting classes, and counseling or have her children taken away ( if she didn't agree to the classes). I think that is pretty harsh to take away her children for being ignorant. I think that the judge wanted to make an example out of her so that it will not become a "trend" for people to put up video's like that and not have to suffer extreme consequences.
I didn't read the whole article but if there was not any evidence of physical child abuse and no history of that in the past i think that maybe the mother should have been ordered to take parenting classes, and counseling or have her children taken away ( if she didn't agree to the classes). I think that is pretty harsh to take away her children for being ignorant. I think that the judge wanted to make an example out of her so that it will not become a "trend" for people to put up video's like that and not have to suffer extreme consequences.

Did you watch the videos? Why are people assuming the investigation turned up nothing?

If people are handling you roughly while talking to you in an abusive manner, what is it called?
Excuse me but I'm about to step on some toes...

Okay I understand that some feel that Mom was harsh in handling her own child, but surely you can't think that removing them from their home, because you don't agree with the way the mother combed her child's hair, is justifiable. The little girl was apparently throwing a tantrum. Both children appeared healthy otherwise.
These children have been ripped from their home and all you self righteous people have the nerve to applaud! :nono: Are they better off now? They are in the custody of the state! OMG! Anything could be happening! If you don't know, how about googling how children are physically and sexually abused while in those state homes! But atleast her Mom is not brushing her hair so roughly! Right? Get real!! Who's combing her hair now, (if it is getting combed)? Whose tucking her in at night? Do you think she's happier now? Safer? In a better place? Please! Has she been separated from her brother? These children's world has been turned upside down! I'm sure they are crying for their Mom every night. This has gone way too far!

And you wonder why the media dismissed it.

Bottom line...this is some BS! Sometimes it's necessary to step in for the safety of the children, but this is plainly a case of people needing to mind their own business.

I pray that those children are safe and returned to their mother unscaved!

Come on, you ppl are just looking at this video like the lady is having a bad day:wallbash: She was ABUSIVE to that little girl, its a shame that most ppl do not recognize EMOTIONAL Abuse, Emotional abuse can cause just as much damage as physical abuse!
Being ripped away from their home?' Her "mother" almost ripped her neck off from combing so hard! And then alot of you are thinking that the state took her children just because of this video YEAH RIGHT:nono:! It takes WAYYYY more then that to take a child away from their mother, if it was that easy then most kids would be in foster care:nono: Come on ladies open up your eyes!

Yes being in foster care is no joke, but those kids were being mistreated in their own damn house! What??.. did the mom have to take a hammer to that little girls head to get a point across:ohwell: How bout you guys stop being so negative and think positively about what will happen to those kids! How about you hope and pray that nothing like this will ever happen to them again!?!!

Reading some of the crap in this thread is making my head hurt. And you know what really works my last nerve? Not a single person making light of this video would tolerate their hair being handled in such a manner. What's really sad is, if that video was of a dog being groomed with the same brute force, the world would be outraged, and talking about how animal cruelty is a precursor to committing violent crimes against people. Too bad she's just a child, and not an animal. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: GTFOOHWTBS!!!

You know i love animals and i do think abusing them is wrong, BUT so is abusing kids or anyone! I've seen more anger around here about ladies getting heat damage in a salon! All these ladies are quick to talk about suing a salon but are slow about when a poor little girl is being abuse by HER OWN MOTHER!
I guess people are crazy if a relative identified, it must have been true that they found that she was hurting that little girl. I think that people are making excuses for the woman because they are a mother and they don't want that to happen to them. But some of our moms posting, they need to recognize that they are not treating their children badly and are good moms. The police seemed not to take it seriously--we don't even know what that relative told the sheriff in that office.

People need to recognize that just because your mother did it to you doesn't make it right. My mom personally never acted that way with me--I just hated how it was styled. Not everything that moms or grandmoms were right--our moms/gradmoms didn't have hairboards growing up--then, maybe we need not use hairboards for our hair because it didn't exist for them. I hate when people use that someone did this, so it is okay--no it is not.
I just showed this video to DH and he said he has seen this MANY times by mom's in Brooklyn who sit in the park and curse their kids out while styling their hair with the kids crying.

DH said that he has NEVER seen anyone torture their child like in this video. It is clear to DH that this woman was intentionally trying to hurt her little if she was just angry at the idea of having to even do their child's hair.
It's good to hear Autumn and her brother are away from that abusive environment.

I can only imagine what's going through the older daughter's head for posting those videos...
While I'm not conflicted and completely agree with the kids being taken away for their safety, I do understand (to extent) how some people are conflicted. The foster care system at times isn't kind to the children. Conditions are deplorable, many parents are unfit and all kinds of sexual assault occurs (I speak for NY only). With this said, it's important to recognize that many foster care systems still need to be monitored and/or revised, etc. I don't think we should shy away or decry those who are admitted into the system b/c alongside the foster care madness, there are success stories. Sadly, it's a luck of the draw because you can end up in a negative situation or you can end up in a positive situation. We can demand of our system to eliminate this "gamble" to ensure that whenever children are admitted, they will turn out to be a success story.
Reading some of the crap in this thread is making my head hurt. And you know what really works my last nerve? Not a single person making light of this video would tolerate their hair being handled in such a manner. What's really sad is, if that video was of a dog being groomed with the same brute force, the world would be outraged, and talking about how animal cruelty is a precursor to committing violent crimes against people. Too bad she's just a child, and not an animal. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: GTFOOHWTBS!!!


Should her kids have been taken into custody by the state? Maybe, debatable. Should that mother receive counseling for her devilish behavior? ABSOLUTELY. Should she have her childcare MONITORED by the state as an alternative to putting her children in the system? ABSOLUTELY! She was terrorizing that little girl! Earlier someone mentioned that the mother was doing her child that way because she had more "manageable" hair... That's one of the things I thought about! She' a jealous mother with issues about her child that need to be FIXED. There were many things that could have been done, NOTHING was not an acceptable one.

Let that had have been a puppy, or some guinea pig...PETA WOULD HAVE been ALL UP IN THAT PIECE!!!
And let me add my little story:ohwell::

I watched the video, flagged it, and decided to show the link to my Husband. Now, my Husband is...shall we say....EXTREMELY LIGHT-SKINNED:look:, Alright...he's white/caucasian/creole(lol). He knows next to nothing about black hair care (just what he picked up through osmosis from me), and so when he looked at the video, he giggled a little bit, and said, "Man...That was kinda harsh."

After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked him, "So you don't think this is child abuse?"

"Nah...That little girl was yelling at her mom too. She needed to get her hair done.."

Let me tell you, my lower lip started tremblin', and I was about to BAWL:cry:.

Then the light bulb went off:think:
...He OBVIOUSLY has no idea what that feels like.

What did I do? I sauntered my happy tail into my bathroom and snatched MY pre-BC hair brush off of the sink. And then I waited a good bit...let him think I forgot about the question....just waited...chillin...then I crept up....


Right across the back of his neck.

Then I bobbed and weaved, periodically brushing his arm hair (just like the mother was doing as that frightened little girl tried to cover her hair).

That continued for about 30 seconds before I was going to have to call WPS ( ya know...Wife Protective Services?)

Needless to say, when he felt those welts coming up on his scalp, he knew that there are DIFFERENT TYPES OF ABUSE, and haircare CAN HURT, especially when you're doing it WRONG (read spitefully)...I told him to just think if he were a small child, and I kept doing that to him for 3-4 minutes. He relented, and I apologized PROFUSELY.

Yeah...I'm still PAYING for making that point to...:perplexed
LadyFayard I'm sorry but that was hilarious lmao.

That's probably the one instance where the woman sleeps on the couch. He's probably put a baseball bat where you're supposed to be.


Ima pray for you.
And let me add my little story:ohwell::

I watched the video, flagged it, and decided to show the link to my Husband. Now, my Husband is...shall we say....EXTREMELY LIGHT-SKINNED:look:, Alright...he's white/caucasian/creole(lol). He knows next to nothing about black hair care (just what he picked up through osmosis from me), and so when he looked at the video, he giggled a little bit, and said, "Man...That was kinda harsh."

After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked him, "So you don't think this is child abuse?"

"Nah...That little girl was yelling at her mom too. She needed to get her hair done.."

Let me tell you, my lower lip started tremblin', and I was about to BAWL:cry:.

Then the light bulb went off:think:
...He OBVIOUSLY has no idea what that feels like.

What did I do? I sauntered my happy tail into my bathroom and snatched MY pre-BC hair brush off of the sink. And then I waited a good bit...let him think I forgot about the question....just waited...chillin...then I crept up....


Right across the back of his neck.

Then I bobbed and weaved, periodically brushing his arm hair (just like the mother was doing as that frightened little girl tried to cover her hair).

That continued for about 30 seconds before I was going to have to call WPS ( ya know...Wife Protective Services?)

Needless to say, when he felt those welts coming up on his scalp, he knew that there are DIFFERENT TYPES OF ABUSE, and haircare CAN HURT, especially when you're doing it WRONG (read spitefully)...I told him to just think if he were a small child, and I kept doing that to him for 3-4 minutes. He relented, and I apologized PROFUSELY.

Yeah...I'm still PAYING for making that point to...:perplexed

You made my point!

There is no way on earth that ANY body with a working nervous system would tolerate that type of torture and just think, your hubby only had a taste of what that little girl went through. Can he now imagine how it would feel if you treated him like that mother treated her daughter with so much physical, emotional and spiritual pain?

I bet you any amount of $$ that none of the "this isn't abuse" crowd has done what I suggested in my previous post. Not one.

It kills me to be on so many hairboards where so many women whine because they're soooooooo tender-headed. Some so tender-headed that they can't even tolerate braids in their hair or whine because just the simple act of combing or brushing causes them soooooooooo much pain. To see so many blow off what this ignorant fool is doing to her own flesh and blood is not torture, not abuse just blows my mind.

Your momma did it to you? So what? Are you going to continue the mistreatment simply because your momma did it to you? You can't tell me somewhere deep inside, there's a very bad memory hiding there.

Someone else brought up the point that there's no way that a mother would tolerate another person doing that to their daughter, they're right, no mother would tolerate it not even for one second. They'd be all up in that person's behind wanting to strangle that person for hurting their sweet little precious.

Another good point made was about how so many are up in arms about the mistreatment of dogs. DOGS???!!! Surely an innocent humanbeing with a soul is worthy of at least some of the protections and half the outrage that we would give to a dang dog!!??

Where's the Christianity?! Where's the belief in a higher power of goodness? Where's the empathy?


Anyway, I'm glad you did it. I'd say you really gave him something to think about and that's good.
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Wow this is my first time seeing this video and the mom needs serious help. I have never seen anyone brush hair like that. It seemed like she was trying to hurt the little girl.
LadyFayard I'm sorry but that was hilarious lmao.

That's probably the one instance where the woman sleeps on the couch. He's probably put a baseball bat where you're supposed to be.


Ima pray for you.

*tambourine in the backround* I need your prayers.

He even confiscated all my rat-tail combs

not that I need them anymore:ohwell:.

But I'm RIGHT and now, HE KNOWS IT...whether I spend my nights on the futon or not...that ain't the point:lachen: