New Member
So I guess we will be charging and taking away every mother of 5yo chipped headed relaxed kids too?erplexed Putting all those chemicals in their heads, I would assume it'd burn. I think this may have been taken TOTALLY out of proportion. Childrens Aid and Foster care is intended (IMO) for EXTREME cases (i.e. the childs life/well being is endangered), bad hair combing is trivial.. Yes unfortunate, but to take the kids out of their home and into foster care?! Ugh, that's horrible (this is coming from someone who knows plenty of people in a "GOOD" foster care system, and the stories are heartbreak)... Foster care is no joke, it is in my opinion more severe than bad hair combing. I understand that viewers want to punish the mother, but come on, you want to punish the child as well???
Did you see the video?
I'm going to say this again. The outrage at this video has almost nothing to do with the bad hair combing and everything to do with the physical and emotional abuse that was displayed.
Having been in foster care and working in the system, please believe I don't report bad hair combing or other trivial nonsense. As a mandated reporter the moment I saw that video I was required by law to report it because it was CLEARLY child abuse, no if, ands, or buts about it.
You know what, I hope none of your children or relative's children ever goes through anything like that. If they did, maybe then it would be easy for y'all to recognize it for what it is, ABUSE.
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