Ya’ll I had to cut him.
So The Gem and I were facetiming and talking last night. My gut moved me to ask him a random question.
Question: Gem tell me something...anything you want me to know about you that I wouldn’t even know to ask.
This ninja says: Anything, huh...Well I used to be an international fugitive.
Wait what?!
BABY!!!! I didn’t even give time to process this end to end.
But my first response was “that paints a completely different picture of who you said you were professionally and personally...I just don’t have time to figure out if you’re joking or lying. This isn’t going any further.”
Blocked. He’s called several times since (I can see on my block app)....
My time is like a $2 bank account balance, I have to spend it wisely because once it’s gone...it’s gone.
Ya’ll think he was joking?