2018 Relationship And Dating Thread

So my feelings are mellowing out a bit and his are growing. Is this normal? Early on I did feel like I was ahead of him in my feelings but I kept my investment low. Now it seems like the tables have turned and he's ahead of me. In the past I was always in short, hot and heavy courtships that fizzled quickly. This is a little different and takes some adjusting.

This was me. This is still me sometimes, I think.
So my SO likes to tease me because Im "thrifty" with buying certain items. I was so happy when I found some knock off Uggs in the thrift store for less than $10.
When I say he has been teasing me for the past 3 months behind these shoes! Calling them Luggs and Duds :lol:
My birthday was earlier this week and we decided to celebrate this weekend instead. Tell me why he showed up with a pair of genuine black Uggs. I died laughing. I thought it was such a thoughtful and sweet gesture.
Sorry for being so long winded, you guys but I wanted to share.
That's so sweet. I loved that he teased you about them then produced an authentic pair as your b'day gift.
So my SO likes to tease me because Im "thrifty" with buying certain items. I was so happy when I found some knock off Uggs in the thrift store for less than $10.
When I say he has been teasing me for the past 3 months behind these shoes! Calling them Luggs and Duds :lol:
My birthday was earlier this week and we decided to celebrate this weekend instead. Tell me why he showed up with a pair of genuine black Uggs. I died laughing. I thought it was such a thoughtful and sweet gesture.
Sorry for being so long winded, you guys but I wanted to share.

Happy Birthday !!
Can I share an embarrassing moment? Judge me if you want (please don’t)....

But I’ve NEVER had a yeast infection and thought it only happened to dehydrated women in their early 20’s....

Well after my doctor laughed at me for going off on betabeau, I found out you can (I did) get them when you’re going through peri-, pre-, and menopause.

So now I gotta apologize and kiss butt because I cussed him out (before going to the doctor) thinking he slept with some dehydrated 20 year old and gave me something foreign.

I go to my doctor (who has met him) saying “Dr B” can you believe this ninja done broke code and gave me something?!!!!! Doc B was like well let me check....

Well I hope you know you’re gonna have to apologize because you got a yeast infection! It’s common for women your age experiencing perimenopause. :wallbash:

And betabeau is pissed....I haven’t told him sorry yet. All I can come up with is I’m perimenopause and that kinda makes me crazy too. :lol:
How about that sweet feeling of surrender when you both admit to being wrong and apologize?!!!

Let’s be real: an apology from your man can be the difference between a good meal and a bad meal (same steak on the plate).

Also...it makes the “soon to be love making” really good and we haven’t even seen each other yet.
I am in this restaurant sitting at the bar (betabeau isn’t here this weekend — we hated each other 15 minutes ago) and this white man comes over to compliment me on my outfit. I’m running errands today so it’s not like I’m all dolled up.

Compliment: you look really nice today. I like the Army green jacket and the white converse.

Me: thank you. My boyfriend bought this for me for my birthday and I finally pulled it out the closer.

Compliment: well you look good.

Compliment comes back: here’s my card, I’d like to talk some time.

Me: thank you but I’m not available.

Compliment: okay my loss, his gain.

Me: chuckle.

Compliment comes back again: here’s my Facebook page, let’s just be FB friends.

Me: gosh I’m not on Facebook. But thanks.

Compliment: okay I get it. But if you look me up you’ll see I own a local filming company. (Proceeds to walk away)

Me to bartender: okay I want dessert...anything chocolate and an espresso.

Bartender: yeah whatever you want. Truman is taking care of your bill. He likes to get what he wants.

Me: :perplexed:
I dropped my son off after his doctor's appointment Friday and me and SO have been riding around doing whatever since. That paired with eating out just about 3 days straight. A part of me loves times like that and then the adult part of me doesn't. I haven't worked out, washed my hair, washed clothes, cleaned up, etc

But atleast I had a good weekend. I feel like tonight's going to be a long night while I try to get all of this done.
I dropped my son off after his doctor's appointment Friday and me and SO have been riding around doing whatever since. That paired with eating out just about 3 days straight. A part of me loves times like that and then the adult part of me doesn't. I haven't worked out, washed my hair, washed clothes, cleaned up, etc

But atleast I had a good weekend. I feel like tonight's going to be a long night while I try to get all of this done.

You deserve times like that. Take it easy tonight. Just do what you must and give yourself a few days to catch up with everything.
All moved in and unpacked. It's so nice to have food in the house that I don't have to cook :look: This week's dinner is some kind of spaghetti with chicken and broccoli. It's not spaghetti...I forget what he called it lol.

One of my friends invited us to the Bahamas with her and her husband and another couple. We're going. The price is fantastic and the resort looks nice and it's all inclusive.
All moved in and unpacked. It's so nice to have food in the house that I don't have to cook :look: This week's dinner is some kind of spaghetti with chicken and broccoli. It's not spaghetti...I forget what he called it lol.

One of my friends invited us to the Bahamas with her and her husband and another couple. We're going. The price is fantastic and the resort looks nice and it's all inclusive.

Have an awesome time!
All moved in and unpacked. It's so nice to have food in the house that I don't have to cook :look: This week's dinner is some kind of spaghetti with chicken and broccoli. It's not spaghetti...I forget what he called it lol.

One of my friends invited us to the Bahamas with her and her husband and another couple. We're going. The price is fantastic and the resort looks nice and it's all inclusive.

That sounds like so much fun! When is the trip?
Hi ladies...so I’m on a few dating websites... & I’ve taken some convos off the site to the phone.
One LOng Distance guy txt me this AM talking ‘bout I wanna hear your voice ... call Me. Not gonna happen.. you want me .. you call. Smh
Trying to think of a clever way to respond.. via text. I actually just wasn’t going to respond at all!
Hi ladies...so I’m on a few dating websites... & I’ve taken some convos off the site to the phone.
One LOng Distance guy txt me this AM talking ‘bout I wanna hear your voice ... call Me. Not gonna happen.. you want me .. you call. Smh
Trying to think of a clever way to respond.. via text. I actually just wasn’t going to respond at all!

I would just say something like i'm available in about 10-20 mins you can call me then.
I've been away from SO for the past three days since my mom had to take an last min trip out of town. I probably won't be home until Friday. I've been making sure I get my hours in for homework that way either Friday or Saturday night we can go on a date. I'm not going to lie I do miss sleeping next to him at night and those silly dogs.
Last night while I was on the phone with SO my son told him he loved him before he went to bed. He responded with I love you too and it was such a sweet moment. When I think back to when I left him around august of last year to now it's like night and day as if I'm talking about two different people.

We also finalized plans for our Disney trip my mom and niece will be joining us so now we're staying on property together at a Disney hotel in a suite. This should be interesting to see how everyone gets along in that hot Florida sun for 4-5 days lol.
I've been dating a new guy since I broke things off with controlling Prince Charming. New guy is foreign American (Eastern European), tall, a bit older than me. Kind of nerdy European swag he got going on. Slight, sexy vampiric accent. Owns his own place, drives a nice car, and is on his way to being an exec at a local company. I can dig it.

It's only been a month with him and it's been great. Flowers, chocolates, long walks and conversations. Always picks me up even though it's an extra hour of his time. He is always trying to reserve my weekends for dates and schedules impromptu weeknight dates just to see me smile. He has been a welcome distraction from my divorce (date set in May!) and hectic work life.

But, I feel things are moving too fast again like with Prince Charming. He's started making lightweight, but serious marriage references this week. Saying things like why he thinks I'd be a good wife or why he'd be a good husband. *Le sigh*

Maybe these Fascinating Womanhood principles I'm practicing are too powerful for guys who are open to settling down. It's either that or dating carefree in Milwaukee is hard. Guys have been either gross and date #2 won't happen or guys want you all to themselves.
I've been dating a new guy since I broke things off with controlling Prince Charming. New guy is foreign American (Eastern European), tall, a bit older than me. Kind of nerdy European swag he got going on. Slight, sexy vampiric accent. Owns his own place, drives a nice car, and is on his way to being an exec at a local company. I can dig it.

It's only been a month with him and it's been great. Flowers, chocolates, long walks and conversations. Always picks me up even though it's an extra hour of his time. He is always trying to reserve my weekends for dates and schedules impromptu weeknight dates just to see me smile. He has been a welcome distraction from my divorce (date set in May!) and hectic work life.

But, I feel things are moving too fast again like with Prince Charming. He's started making lightweight, but serious marriage references this week. Saying things like why he thinks I'd be a good wife or why he'd be a good husband. *Le sigh*

Maybe these Fascinating Womanhood principles I'm practicing are too powerful for guys who are open to settling down. It's either that or dating carefree in Milwaukee is hard. Guys have been either gross and date #2 won't happen or guys want you all to themselves.

I think it’s you being almost too open. These guys need to hit a wall with you sooner. Hear you say no. See that you have clear boundaries, etc. It’s good for people to know where you stand. It’s good for you and for them. It’s not what you say so much but how you behave and the energy you put out.

You are used to having a romantic partner and it takes a little time for you to adjust to being on your own. That’s why it’s so easy for these guys to get in your head and heart. My daughter always says to not be so easily flattered. It’s not that you aren’t beautiful and a lovely lady, but just be a little less easily flattered.

It sounds like you are almost too cooperative. You decide ahead of time what you want and hold your ground. And understand that early on men will say ANYTHING to get what they want and to sweep you off your feet. I wouldn’t fully trust anything someone said to me within the first month because they are essentially still a stranger. Now he may be sincere but really only time will tell. Because honestly they don’t really know you either.

An example would be if you met a lady and you two clicked. You both might think this might end up being a good friend. But you wouldn’t immediately spend hours and hours talking on the phone and start calling each other your best friend ever, etc. You would be happy about the connection but still pace yourself. You would still enjoy time with other friends and just yourself. I know with romance it’s somewhat different but people are people and relationships are relationships. It takes time to get to know people and for relationships to develop in a healthy manner.
I've been setting boundaries and very clear on what I'm looking for (fun and nothing serious) and what I don't want (another marriage) upfront. I've even denied Foreign dude all of my time that he wants and I instead let him know when I'm available or up to going out. I told him upfront I'm not going to see him every weekend, but he'll still ask or make it known he wouldn't mind my company.

He knows I'm not exclusive, but I don't think he knows I'm not currently dating someone else. But I give myself plenty of time away from him reserved for myself or for someone else.

Okay. Sounds good. From your post it sounded like he was over occupying your time. Thanks for your reply. Good luck with everything and yay re the May date for your divorce. I wish you the best and much happiness.
Okay. Sounds good. From your post it sounded like he was over occupying your time. Thanks for your reply. Good luck with everything and yay re the May date for your divorce. I wish you the best and much happiness.
Thank you. I feel so much better about not worrying about my husband and focusing on me instead. I'm giving myself lots of alone time and redecorating my house for new positive energy at home.
This online dating thing is too much but I'm sticking to it...Dude #2 asked me out..I said I need to check my calendar so I'll text you my availability.
I text him...stating day that works let me know time and place.
This..&*^ says: I'll see how my days turns out and let you know"

Say what now????! Arghhhhh! He will be advised with an LOL that it;s canceled. SMH

Edited to add:
He called as soon as he got my text to ask why I’m canceling & to explain his text & why he said that..so we’re meeting not cancelled.. I like how he jumped into action .. we shall see
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