2013 Single & Ready to Mingle Challenge!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member

Same rules as last time! *copy* *paste*

What is involved in this challenge? Actually going outside of your house and attending social events/functions at which you will have the opportunity to interact with eligible men who you are likely to want to date a minimum of twice per month.

What counts as an "outing"? Okay, it does not have to be a speed-dating event or hitting the club with your girls. On the contrary, it can be any event (book club meeting, meetup.com group outing, organizational happy hour, wine tasting, fundraiser, community service activity) that is outside of your normal routine and involve some sort of interaction with others.

What doesn't count as an "outing"? Outings must be outside of our normal routine AND must be events/places at which you have a reasonable expectation of meeting eligible men that you actually would/could date. (So no "Oh I went to choir rehearsal" when you know good and well that all the men in the choir are married.)

Dates achieved as a result of these outings do NOT count. (So, even if you land a date or two, that doesn't excuse you from still going out to two outings that month.)

Women-only events do not count as an "outing." (So, nope, your girls' book club meeting doesn't count - even if y'all meet at Starbucks.)

What is the goal of this challenge? While certainly, I hope that this challenge does lead many of us to meet our future spouses, that is not the only nor even the primary purpose of this challenge. I am incredibly shy around men and have virtually no male friends. Therefore, for me, a large part of this challenge is just learning how to interact with men -- learning how to read their signals, to flirt, and to learn to not start mentally planning my honeymoon anytime a guy looks at me funny :lick:

Report back here about our outings and any lessons we learn.

Please check in if you are participating!​
Hi I already do this, and am joining because I think women need to be proactive and enjoy life at the same time.

Met a guy I have been dating for a week while out enjoying Django. Ladies, go see that movie if you like brothas, cause they there.
I am looking forward to getting out and mingling in the new year! I will be going to a sports bar on Sunday to watch the NFC Championship game!
I'm not good at this. Where exactly do I go? Someone please help me-- I really want to know. (live in Phx).
Hi there! I am a new member to the forum and just came across this. I have been struggling with this for years. I am also shy and have a hard time meeting guys. Is it too late for me to join this challenge?
I would love to join this challenge. I just joined an organization two weeks ago, that will provide me with more than enough opportunity to meet men. There's a huge black & white ball that is coming up in June, there's a national convention that will be held in PA in July, and various other social events/outings. I'm really excited to get out there and meet new people, especially men. I will definitely keep you all posted, wish me luck!
I would love to join this challenge. I just joined an organization two weeks ago, that will provide me with more than enough opportunity to meet men. There's a huge black & white ball that is coming up in June, there's a national convention that will be held in PA in July, and various other social events/outings. I'm really excited to get out there and meet new people, especially men. I will definitely keep you all posted, wish me luck!

Proudnapps Sounds great I can't wait to hear about your outings and social events! Sounds like you have a great Spring and Summer ahead!

I will be attending another wine tasting event this week!