You've Never Been To His Place - What Does That Signal?

I would never be in a couple situation without having seen where you live. The way you live tells a lot about your character.
That still isnt any better. :nono: Why did she purchase a home with someone she wasnt married to?

Even if your senario is whats going on with OP's friend, I would still question his judgement. Buying a home with someone you're not married to isnt very wise. That said, she still should drop him. Too much baggage.

Off Topic: What happened with you and your evasive Professor?

They were engaged to be married. Bought the house prior to the wedding and things fell thur.
Even if he did not invite her over due to a filthy place, she should not want to be with someone so lazy and nasty anyway.
He gave a fake address!? LMAO
The things men will do to lie and cheat.
The things women will do to play dumb.
You know my aunt dated a dude who didnt want to bring her to his place due to filth.. But she went over there and helped him clean up so i don't buy that filth...

balls to bones dude is extra married...
Right. It doesn't take 3 years to clean a house :look:

Forget the fact that she hasn't even been to his place. She's "engaged" to someone who gave her a fake address. The better question is what's going on with her, not him?
Right. It doesn't take 3 years to clean a house :look:

Forget the fact that she hasn't even been to his place. She's "engaged" to someone who gave her a fake address. The better question is what's going on with her, not him?

Her mom passed a few months ago and this is her first Christmas without her. And she lives in a part of the country away from the rest of the family. I think some of what's happening on her part may be loneliness and being vulnerable. For some people having something familiar is better than not having a man or going through the hoops of trying to break in another one. Another relative mentioned the situation and said that when we all got together next month we would have a gentle talk with her about it.
His place could be super messy. :lachen: That's what happened to me when I was first going out with my bf. He would not let me see his place for a couple of months. Then finally he let me see it and boy I wished I hadn't. I never went back. His place was so dirty and messy.

That hapepned to someone I know. She was dating a guy for 2 years and he'd never let her in his house. He finally confessed that he was really messy and was embarassed.... he finally invited her over (and she saw for herself). Now, he's always inviting her over.....

I hadn't read the fake address part of this story.. that sounds really suspect. At least my friend's boyfriend gave her his address. She brought some soup by when he was sick and he at least came to the door.. he just wouldn't let her in. . .
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Right. It doesn't take 3 years to clean a house :look:

Forget the fact that she hasn't even been to his place. She's "engaged" to someone who gave her a fake address. The better question is what's going on with her, not him?

I know somebody and it took their man 14 years before he invited her over to his place. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:There will always be somebody that knows somebody that comes in with a reason for why a woman should believe a man's bullish. :yep:

ETA: This crap is unacceptable and who would even want a man like this??? Why are we sooo desperate? Forgot to mention, they got married and lived happily ever after.
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If you APPEAR desperate and put out those desperation vibes, then you will definitely attract those that seek to exploit you. That goes for most of the women discussed in this thread. The man shortage ain't THAT bad.
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Right. It doesn't take 3 years to clean a house :look:

Forget the fact that she hasn't even been to his place. She's "engaged" to someone who gave her a fake address. The better question is what's going on with her, not him?


I missed that little nugget of information....

OP please tell your friend he is married beyond belief
3 years and have never been to his place, he is married or double dipping!!! He's into her because he spends money to go see her but something isn't right at home. Even if he lived with this mama, he would sneak her into his room. :lachen:
A guy that I met this weekend has a live-in GF (9 years) and he cheats. He told me & my sister that the women never come to his home and that they don't even ask to come over. I guess they know but don't want to confront the reality of the situation - he's married or living with a woman.
Haven't been to his place after being together for 3 years?

Signals BAD news to me..

He has something to hide..he would be out like last night's trash for me..something ain't quite right there.
Someone I care about has been seeing someone for 3 years and has never been to his place. They've even broken up over it at different points, but I guess in moments of weakness she takes him back.

So she tells me that he's flying out to meet her at her daughter's house for Christmas. I ask her is she crazy. Why is he flying all over the country to your family events (he's traveled to our events on other holidays) and you can't go down the street to see where he lives? After this, she makes "Save the Date" for our wedding calls to my relatives and I'm through. I think she gave him an ultimatum after talking to me and he upped it - baby I love you and want you to be my wife.

Is he married? How could he be if he spends the holidays with her. My thought is that even JJ Evans & Project Billy want you to come to their home or their momma's basement so it can't be the living quarters.

What is going on?

Plain and simple, he's not into her and he's got some chicks on the side or he is married.
I feel sorry for her because she doesn't value herself enough to realize that she deserves more and can indeed have better. It's one thing if they just "messin' around" but to marry someone like this...oh no! She have given him the freedom to lead a double she sure that his name is his "real name"?

As the saying goes..fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. She left and went back so it's on HER.
Right. It doesn't take 3 years to clean a house :look:

Forget the fact that she hasn't even been to his place. She's "engaged" to someone who gave her a fake address. The better question is what's going on with her, not him?

Right! He lied and gave her a fake address. That right there would be the deal breaker for me. :nono: