He never, ever compliments me. What does this mean? *vent*

I'm trying to understand a few things:

1. Am I being too sensitive?
2. Do I understand that he's a guy and guys don't typically share their feelings? They are generally non-expressive.
3. Is he gay?
4. Does he lack empathy?
5. Does he know how to love?

He says that he's never lived with his SO. And never talks about his previous relationships.

I also find it especially odd that he never talks about his friends and doesn't really hang out with people other than members of his family.

He's introverted. Closed off. A homebody. Seems not to have many interests outside of cars and working out.

I'm really sorry that you were hurt by all this. I pray that it gets better :yep:

I just wanted to comment....I am introverted. I also dated a guy in the past that was introverted. Neither of us were emotionally unavailable. I also dated one dude who was a "life of the party" type. I dated him for 9 months and NEVER felt like I knew him. He was such a mystery. I often scratched my head because he was so.... so.... I don't know...absent. It was like he wasn't present in the relationship; almost like he was going through the motions. He was non-expressive too. Upon breaking up I began to wonder if he was gay also (there were other signs).

I can understand why you broke things off with him. He sounds particularly peculiar.
I'm trying to understand a few things:

1. Am I being too sensitive?
2. Do I understand that he's a guy and guys don't typically share their feelings? They are generally non-expressive.
3. Is he gay?
4. Does he lack empathy?
5. Does he know how to love?

He says that he's never lived with his SO. And never talks about his previous relationships.

I also find it especially odd that he never talks about his friends and doesn't really hang out with people other than members of his family.

He's introverted. Closed off. A homebody. Seems not to have many interests outside of cars and working out.

My answers...

1. I said this in another thread, but I am always puzzled when women post/discuss a litany of issues about a dude and then say, "Am I overreacting/being too sensitive?" Uh, wha??? If what women are posting is 100% true, then I'd say they're underreacting and not being sensitive enough? Why do women question themselves about their gut instincts and the BIG HONKING RED FLAGS telling us that something ain't right?

2. I've been with plenty of men who share their feelings. Men don't share their feelings with other men, and that's why they like being with women... they can reveal their more vulnerable side with a woman. Shoot, sometimes dudes reveal too much to me too early and I'm like, "Get a grip!" :lol: If a man can't reveal his feelings to a woman whom he supposedly cares about, then he's got some unaddressed issues with himself.

3. Gay? He could be. Who knows.

4. He could lack empathy. It's hard to say. But something is wrong with him, we know that.

5. See No. 4.

I do know men like this guy, and they are deeply troubled. I understand the need to figure out what makes him tick (I've been like that before), but I finally recognized that it's not my battle to fight. There are folks who get paid to do these things, and since no one is paying me to figure out their issues, I just need to leave well enough alone and not even try to worry about it. I've got enough of my own stuff to deal with, let alone someone else's. :)

I know I might be coming off as lacking feeling, but seriously, I just don't care about those types anymore. If they have problems, I wish them well and hope they solve them, but I have to pass on them because I can't be bothered wondering why they are the way they are.
Wait, now that you're over him, he's out there trying to get your attention?

I HATE when people wait until it's (almost) too late to deal with things they should have handled in the first place.
Wait, now that you're over him, he's out there trying to get your attention?

I HATE when people wait until it's (almost) too late to deal with things they should have handled in the first place.

He just misses the attention.

If she goes back, it will just go back to how it was.

I don't think they really want to deal with it at all, but they just want the person back in their lives.
I asked my man friend about this situationand he said he either is just an a**hole or he's trying to bring your self esteem down and doesn't want to you thinking your too good. He said only an immature man would do that because he does have an opinion on how you look.
My responses in RED behind yours... :)

My answers...

1. I said this in another thread, but I am always puzzled when women post/discuss a litany of issues about a dude and then say, "Am I overreacting/being too sensitive?" Uh, wha??? If what women are posting is 100% true, then I'd say they're underreacting and not being sensitive enough? Why do women question themselves about their gut instincts and the BIG HONKING RED FLAGS telling us that something ain't right?

You're right. I think it's natural that women question themselves because society tends to blame WOMEN when relationships fail. I'm always amazed at all of the magazine articles on what you're doing wrong; why you're alone, etc. With all the negativity directed at women, it's no wonder why we tend to look at ourselves first rather than the other person. I know that he has issues, but I always make sure that I check myself. For the record, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with me. It's HIM!! ;)

2. I've been with plenty of men who share their feelings. Men don't share their feelings with other men, and that's why they like being with women... they can reveal their more vulnerable side with a woman. Shoot, sometimes dudes reveal too much to me too early and I'm like, "Get a grip!" :lol: If a man can't reveal his feelings to a woman whom he supposedly cares about, then he's got some unaddressed issues with himself.

Yeah, I have, too. What's really puzzling is that earlier on in the relationship, he was telling me personal things about himself: (1) that he got into a bad business deal but that he won a law settlement; (2) during our conversation about the economic downturn, he tells me that he's "upside down" on his own house; and (3) expressed the desire for me to move in with him. That's when he told me that he's never lived with his SO. (Of course, I new better but maybe he wanted me to move in so that someone could help me with is 'upside down' mortgage.) But, you're right: if he tells me that he cares for me but cannot open up, it says more about him than me. I do feel that I have retained my power in this situation.

3. Gay? He could be. Who knows.

I just find his behavior rather odd. Maybe he's not gay. I know enough gays/lesbians, and there are no real differences between them and straight people. I just find his behavior a bit odd for a man who likes women. He cannot tell a woman how he feels, let alone, express himself emotionally or physically. It's weird.

4. He could lack empathy. It's hard to say. But something is wrong with him, we know that.

Something's wrong with him. Definitely. It's a moot point. But he does continue to call me. As Earth, Wind and Fire sang, "after the love is gone..." ;)

5. See No. 4.

I do know men like this guy, and they are deeply troubled. I understand the need to figure out what makes him tick (I've been like that before), but I finally recognized that it's not my battle to fight. There are folks who get paid to do these things, and since no one is paying me to figure out their issues, I just need to leave well enough alone and not even try to worry about it. I've got enough of my own stuff to deal with, let alone someone else's. :)

Sure. I have enough problems on my own to deal with. I have surprised myself, though. I don't think about him much. I'm handling the break-up surprisingly well. It is he who is pursuing me. And the more than I don't return his calls or texts, the more he pursues me. Again, it's weird. This must be more about his ego.

I know I might be coming off as lacking feeling, but seriously, I just don't care about those types anymore. If they have problems, I wish them well and hope they solve them, but I have to pass on them because I can't be bothered wondering why they are the way they are.

Not at all. You've been great!! And you've been right at every stop. He has the problems and I don't have time--and am too old--to be dealing with them. It's too much energy. I'd much rather move on. I'm serious about that.
Wait, now that you're over him, he's out there trying to get your attention?

I HATE when people wait until it's (almost) too late to deal with things they should have handled in the first place.

Yeah, I know. Why do men do that? They take you for granted while in the relationship. Then when you don't want them anymore, here they come. I can't stand that. You didn't appreciate me before, don't bother me NOW! I think it's more about ego than anything else. They want the relationship but not the responsbility that goes along with a relationship. I think some men simply are in love with the idea of a relationship but want to do as little as they can to make it work.
I asked my man friend about this situationand he said he either is just an a**hole or he's trying to bring your self esteem down and doesn't want to you thinking your too good. He said only an immature man would do that because he does have an opinion on how you look.

Tell him 'thank you' for me. It's always refreshing to get a male perspective. I've heard that explanation before: that he's the one with the low self-esteem. And he really is threatened by successful women.
I've only heard him say that Beyonce is "all that." I never hear him talking about Halle Berry or anything. I also observe him while we're out and never notice that he's looking at women. I try to be as sly as I can. He never talks about other women or compliments them. He only brought up Beyonce when I did.

I often thought that he could be gay. I'm not sure, though.

Ironically, he still calls, texts and emails me. I have not responded. :nono:

Yeah, he might be gay....
Something is really wrong.

Never marry a man who doesn't think you are HOTT! <<< best advice ever.

I can roll out of bed, my hair looking like the "only in america" dude, with wrinkly clothes, morning breath, morning gunk in my eyes, and DH will still be like "man your body's awesome!" lol

Women need affirmation, and so do men. I would hate to be with a man who has to be coerced and nagged into it.

This is very good advice.
My answers...

1. I said this in another thread, but I am always puzzled when women post/discuss a litany of issues about a dude and then say, "Am I overreacting/being too sensitive?" Uh, wha??? If what women are posting is 100% true, then I'd say they're underreacting and not being sensitive enough? Why do women question themselves about their gut instincts and the BIG HONKING RED FLAGS telling us that something ain't right?

2. I've been with plenty of men who share their feelings. Men don't share their feelings with other men, and that's why they like being with women... they can reveal their more vulnerable side with a woman. Shoot, sometimes dudes reveal too much to me too early and I'm like, "Get a grip!" :lol: If a man can't reveal his feelings to a woman whom he supposedly cares about, then he's got some unaddressed issues with himself.

3. Gay? He could be. Who knows.

4. He could lack empathy. It's hard to say. But something is wrong with him, we know that.

5. See No. 4.

I do know men like this guy, and they are deeply troubled. I understand the need to figure out what makes him tick (I've been like that before), but I finally recognized that it's not my battle to fight. There are folks who get paid to do these things, and since no one is paying me to figure out their issues, I just need to leave well enough alone and not even try to worry about it. I've got enough of my own stuff to deal with, let alone someone else's. :)

I know I might be coming off as lacking feeling, but seriously, I just don't care about those types anymore. If they have problems, I wish them well and hope they solve them, but I have to pass on them because I can't be bothered wondering why they are the way they are.

This is a wonderful post!
Whew, I am so happy you left him! I can't wait for you to experience again what it's like to be called "beautiful" at least 8 times a day.
O.K., I know that I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world, but all my life I've had men [and women] tell me that they think I am. Please don't mistake this for being shallow. I am far from it. But no woman can tell me that she doesn't care if her man never compliments her on how well she is put together.

We are on a hair care forum and put a lot of hard work into our outer appearance: our hair; our make-up; fashion sense; exercise and overall health.

Many of us are successful women who have hearts of gold. Our personalities draw people in. Our positive energy makes them want to be around us always.

I know that I have all these things going for me. We all do. But it's important that when I put effort into doing my hair, making sure my make-up is on point, dressing nice, etc. that my man appreciates that.

This guy that I'm seeing NEVER, EVER tells me that he thinks I'm attractive. He never compliments me when I dress up for our dates. I know that I look good for myself, but he has never said that he appreciates the work that I put in. When we go out, I'd be working a nice skirt and blouse while he's in a shirt and jeans. And while he looks good, he's so casual.

Is there something wrong with this guy? I've never heard of a man who doesn't compliment a his woman for how she looks.

You say that I know that I am not the most beautiful women in the world, but the way I see it there is nothing wrong with a woman feeling that way about herself. Alot of people might not see me as a 10 because I'm dark skinned, because I dont have a video figure, or because they just plain don't find me attractive but me feeling great about myself elimates me worrying too much about other peoples personal opinion of me. If hes dating you, then I would assume hes attracted to you. My take on it would be to concetrate on things that go passed the physical now.
sounds like he has bad manners to me and he is purposefully not complimenting you even though he knows you are looking good. Guys have all sort of dumb reasoning like not wanting you to know how pretty you are because they don't want you to feel to confident, meaning he's insecure and don't have the chops for a chick like you. I would not be surprise if this dude don't have a mean streak, or a non monogamous past, or mommy issues. If your not to serious about this fellow than to the left to the left for him..my gut's telling me this dude rudeness is a big flag for a women hater or just a insecure man. Careful sister.
I dated a man like this. Never complimented me, only had critical things to say about nitpicky stuff. He became abusive verbally and on one occasion physically abusive. It end very badly with me having him arrested that day. He looked good on paper initially but dude had major issues, was insecure and a woman hater. Be careful, men like this know exactly what they are doing.