Does the guy first name start with H?
I kid. Lol
Friend of mine broke up with an obese (nearly 400 at 6'2) hoarder about 6 months ago.
She said the floor was covered with bottles, generic trash, clothes, mail, electrical equipment/unfinished projects piled in the corner the first time she went to his townhouse.
He literally sat her down and told her he thinks she should contribute more (including gas to go to free stuff if she wasn't going to drive them) to their dates if she insists on going out as often as they do. It was 1-2 times a week whereas he figured an outing 1-2 times a month was more acceptable. She ended it, reluctantly.
She could do much better. She looks like a young Big Lez plus about 25 lbs or so, very sweet (almost too sweet
as he's not the first to take advantage) and is a Physicians Assistant.
It's tough out here for some women.
Edited: Too many words.
Edited again: Still too many words